Remember when Obama warned us that our bridges and roads are crumbling?


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
12 years later I don’t see any evidence of that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?
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As a whole, our infrastructure sucks

Not only roads, bridges and tunnels

Electric Grid
12 years later I don’t see and evidence that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?
You don't see that Trump's a crook either, so are you sure the problem's with Obama?
As a whole, our infrastructure sucks

Not only roads, bridges and tunnels

Electric Grid

maybe, maybe not......however infrastructure wasn’t the national emergency Obama said it was. Would you say that’s a fair statement based on what has transpired?
Now is no time not to fix and update infrastructure. It needs constant updating. Not a crisis but needs updates.
12 years later I don’t see and evidence that. Was he lying to get a huge spending bill passed?
You don't see that Trump's a crook either, so are you sure the problem's with Obama?

I’m not a Trump enthusiast. I’ll vote for him because he’s a better option than a democrat, but I wouldn’t call Trump a crook.
Yeah, an' he didn't do anything about it...

... `cause he knew more white folks would die!
As a whole, our infrastructure sucks

Not only roads, bridges and tunnels

Electric Grid

maybe, maybe not......however infrastructure wasn’t the national emergency Obama said it was. Would you say that’s a fair statement based on what has transpired?
Absolutely not

Our infrastructure has been ignored for decades
Yea, an occasional big budget project gets approved now and then and all the politicians get to take a bow
But maintenance does not get front page attention and gets ignored

We are headed for third world in many communities
I thought the Obamunist spent trillions on shovel ready jobs to boost the economy and repair the crumbling infrastructure? We know the shovel ready jobs never materialized so he must have lied to get elected.
I thought the Obamunist spent trillions on shovel ready jobs to boost the economy and repair the crumbling infrastructure? We know the shovel ready jobs never materialized so he must have lied to get elected.

He shoveled the trillion into the gaping maw of California public employees....
As a whole, our infrastructure sucks

Not only roads, bridges and tunnels

Electric Grid

maybe, maybe not......however infrastructure wasn’t the national emergency Obama said it was. Would you say that’s a fair statement based on what has transpired?
Absolutely not

Our infrastructure has been ignored for decades
Yea, an occasional big budget project gets approved now and then and all the politicians get to take a bow
But maintenance does not get front page attention and gets ignored

We are headed for third world in many communities

I don’t know. The guy was literally telling us our bridges would be falling if he didn’t get his way. Seems to me no such catastrophe has occurred
I don't remember the "crumbling" bit but I do remember the day after the stimulus bill passed they started widening our highway from two lanes to four. It's a big boy now.

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