... Remembering January 6th: The long memory of the law is aided by.......selfies.......

And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.
No this is about Dems having ZERO credibility to even speak on this topic after they did Jan 6th 100 fold over the summer and their faux rage over Jan 6th comparing it to the attack on Pearl Harbor. There I corrected you.
Well, no. You obviously don't understand how it works. The OP determines the subject for each thread, and that is all there is to it. Perhaps you think you can bully your way to changing the subject, but you are wrong. I understand your confusion, though. Anyone who model's that orange pig's ideals would think bullying is a valid way to get what you want.
I'll do your thinking for you since you suck at it.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say?
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.

What poster Bulldog said. Look, BluesLegend, it's like this.....we post up a topic for discussion. We discuss THAT topic. For those 'blonde-brained' who cannot stay on topic or flutter and fluff all over the place....well, quit doing it. If you think last summers disturbances--riots, vandalism, protests ----are worth discussing, well, do what Bulldog advises you to do. Start a thread on it. If you do, my avatar promises not to come into it and speak about he riots and invasion of the Capitol on January 6th.
"You mean the Bezos Post and they seldom get anything right."
Actually, Gipper, I am a fan of WaPo. As I am of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Wall Street Journal. Web based 'Axios' is good too.

The Post has a lot of good stuff in it. And....no surprise.....because they are the 'hometown newspaper' for Washington DC, their reporters do a lot of political coverage. And tell me, how does one cover 'politics' without alienating one side or the other? Hyper-ventilators are always gonna get pissed because some reporter & editor decided to report on a political faction/party/person who did something stupid. The opponents to that faction will cheer. The reported-on miscreants will bitch. And say 'propaganda', 'yellow-journalism', yadda, yadda, yadda. It has been ever thus.

I'd recommend you do this. Go to Amazon, as they occasionally run good 'taster' deals on WaPo where you can get a short term digital subscription for dirt cheap. I use my veteran's discount for their all year round subscription.....it's a helluva deal to get such quality journalism delivered to my laptop daily.

Try it. If you don't like it.....drop it.
Don't be the guy who hates onions ....... but has never tried one.

Just sayin'.

"If our congresspersons can shoot down unarmed female protestors for breaking windows........"

Ummmm, wh-a-a-a-t?
You're gonna have to flesh than one out a bit Damaged Eagle.
I, for one, have never ever heard of that happening.....recently, or historically.
Just what sources to you utilize ......and willing to recommend .....to get your information?
Please don't confirm the common perception of Rightwingers as uninformed or misinformed.
I'm precisely on topic mocking your blatant hypocrisy and double standards and Jan 6th faux rage by pointing out YOU PEOPLE cheered 6 months of this crap across America.
You can call it that, but everybody else sees you as just another batshit crazy trump supporter running his head.
"everybody" you say, did you see the likes and loves on my post? Who's "everybody" you and who else?
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.
No this is about Dems having ZERO credibility to even speak on this topic after they did Jan 6th 100 fold over the summer and their faux rage over Jan 6th comparing it to the attack on Pearl Harbor. There I corrected you.
Well, no. You obviously don't understand how it works. The OP determines the subject for each thread, and that is all there is to it. Perhaps you think you can bully your way to changing the subject, but you are wrong. I understand your confusion, though. Anyone who model's that orange pig's ideals would think bullying is a valid way to get what you want.
I'll do your thinking for you since you suck at it.
Thanks anyway, but I've seen your comments about what you think. You suck at it.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say?
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.

What poster Bulldog said. Look, BluesLegend, it's like this.....we post up a topic for discussion. We discuss THAT topic. For those 'blonde-brained' who cannot stay on topic or flutter and fluff all over the place....well, quit doing it. If you think last summers disturbances--riots, vandalism, protests ----are worth discussing, well, do what Bulldog advises you to do. Start a thread on it. If you do, my avatar promises not to come into it and speak about he riots and invasion of the Capitol on January 6th.
"You mean the Bezos Post and they seldom get anything right."
Actually, Gipper, I am a fan of WaPo. As I am of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Wall Street Journal. Web based 'Axios' is good too.

The Post has a lot of good stuff in it. And....no surprise.....because they are the 'hometown newspaper' for Washington DC, their reporters do a lot of political coverage. And tell me, how does one cover 'politics' without alienating one side or the other? Hyper-ventilators are always gonna get pissed because some reporter & editor decided to report on a political faction/party/person who did something stupid. The opponents to that faction will cheer. The reported-on miscreants will bitch. And say 'propaganda', 'yellow-journalism', yadda, yadda, yadda. It has been ever thus.

I'd recommend you do this. Go to Amazon, as they occasionally run good 'taster' deals on WaPo where you can get a short term digital subscription for dirt cheap. I use my veteran's discount for their all year round subscription.....it's a helluva deal to get such quality journalism delivered to my laptop daily.

Try it. If you don't like it.....drop it.
Don't be the guy who hates onions ....... but has never tried one.

Just sayin'.

"If our congresspersons can shoot down unarmed female protestors for breaking windows........"

Ummmm, wh-a-a-a-t?
You're gonna have to flesh than one out a bit Damaged Eagle.
I, for one, have never ever heard of that happening.....recently, or historically.
Just what sources to you utilize ......and willing to recommend .....to get your information?
Please don't confirm the common perception of Rightwingers as uninformed or misinformed.
I'm precisely on topic mocking your blatant hypocrisy and double standards and Jan 6th faux rage by pointing out YOU PEOPLE cheered 6 months of this crap across America.
You can call it that, but everybody else sees you as just another batshit crazy trump supporter running his head.
"everybody" you say, did you see the likes and loves on my post? Who's "everybody" you and who else?
Of course batshit crazy right wingers agree with you. Trump tells you all what to think, and that fat pig is too lazy to come up with more than one set of beliefs.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say?
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.

What poster Bulldog said. Look, BluesLegend, it's like this.....we post up a topic for discussion. We discuss THAT topic. For those 'blonde-brained' who cannot stay on topic or flutter and fluff all over the place....well, quit doing it. If you think last summers disturbances--riots, vandalism, protests ----are worth discussing, well, do what Bulldog advises you to do. Start a thread on it. If you do, my avatar promises not to come into it and speak about he riots and invasion of the Capitol on January 6th.
"You mean the Bezos Post and they seldom get anything right."
Actually, Gipper, I am a fan of WaPo. As I am of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Wall Street Journal. Web based 'Axios' is good too.

The Post has a lot of good stuff in it. And....no surprise.....because they are the 'hometown newspaper' for Washington DC, their reporters do a lot of political coverage. And tell me, how does one cover 'politics' without alienating one side or the other? Hyper-ventilators are always gonna get pissed because some reporter & editor decided to report on a political faction/party/person who did something stupid. The opponents to that faction will cheer. The reported-on miscreants will bitch. And say 'propaganda', 'yellow-journalism', yadda, yadda, yadda. It has been ever thus.

I'd recommend you do this. Go to Amazon, as they occasionally run good 'taster' deals on WaPo where you can get a short term digital subscription for dirt cheap. I use my veteran's discount for their all year round subscription.....it's a helluva deal to get such quality journalism delivered to my laptop daily.

Try it. If you don't like it.....drop it.
Don't be the guy who hates onions ....... but has never tried one.

Just sayin'.

"If our congresspersons can shoot down unarmed female protestors for breaking windows........"

Ummmm, wh-a-a-a-t?
You're gonna have to flesh than one out a bit Damaged Eagle.
I, for one, have never ever heard of that happening.....recently, or historically.
Just what sources to you utilize ......and willing to recommend .....to get your information?
Please don't confirm the common perception of Rightwingers as uninformed or misinformed.
I'm precisely on topic mocking your blatant hypocrisy and double standards and Jan 6th faux rage by pointing out YOU PEOPLE cheered 6 months of this crap across America.
You can call it that, but everybody else sees you as just another batshit crazy trump supporter running his head.
"everybody" you say, did you see the likes and loves on my post? Who's "everybody" you and who else?
Of course batshit crazy right wingers agree with you. Trump tells you all what to think, and that fat pig is too lazy to come up with more than one set of beliefs.
Your TDS is noted, anything else?
"I do my best not to consume any msm reporting."

OK, poster gipper, I get it. And have long realized there is strident skepticism of "main stream media" (tho frankly, 'media' is so wide, deep, and diverse, it's hard to determine what is 'main stream'. IMHO
Nonetheless, your assertion quoted above does beg the questions:

  • WHAT do you consume in order to be informed?
  • What do you recommend to forum members who want to be as informed as you?

I'm thinking that a Congressional committee, the Church report in your post, was 46 years ago. And likely not as current as my life and family need.

As far as 'Operation Mockingbird', I ad never heard of it.
So I googled it.
An that was revelatory.
My first hit on google offered:

"QAnon supporters, who believe a CIA program to manipulate the media still exists and that the mainstream media are responsible for spreading fake news, claim press reports they dislike are part of Operation Mockingbird.[10][11]
I don't recall those riots attempting to overturn the pure fabric of democracy under instructions from the president.
Nor do I recall democrats rejoicing in unison like you guts.
Think about that.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
Lots to say....rioting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Looting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Burning (arson) is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Attacks on law enforcement and government buildings are illegal and people have been arrested for it (even tho trump fluffers don't like that).
Let me correct that for you, Dem rioters arrested, released, then forgiven with no trials or punishment. :itsok:
Get a brain lib they have released them by the 100's in Portland and Seattle and you damn well know it.
And yet you can't provide a link to this happening "by the hundreds"?

Just because embarrassing assholes like you is fun here we go:

You can STFU now.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.
No this is about Dems having ZERO credibility to even speak on this topic after they did Jan 6th 100 fold over the summer and their faux rage over Jan 6th comparing it to the attack on Pearl Harbor. There I corrected you.
Well, no. You obviously don't understand how it works. The OP determines the subject for each thread, and that is all there is to it. Perhaps you think you can bully your way to changing the subject, but you are wrong. I understand your confusion, though. Anyone who model's that orange pig's ideals would think bullying is a valid way to get what you want.
Then perhaps asshole should like you should STFU instead of barging into every thread and attempting to derail it with your “but, but, TRUMP!!!” bullshit. The irony here is off the charts.....
I offer two quotes pulled from this thread.
I thought the juxtaposition was revealing.

Quote #1, poster lantern complaining that Trump is mentioned in this thread

“but, but, TRUMP!!!”

Quote #2, by one of the arrested perps (see the OP):

"After he was taken into custody Monday in Texas, Jurlina posted a video online..... Jurlina said: Donald Trump, please pay for my legal fees because this all happened because of you . . . and I did nothing wrong.”
I offer two quotes pulled from this thread.
I thought the juxtaposition was revealing.

Quote #1, poster lantern complaining that Trump is mentioned in this thread

“but, but, TRUMP!!!”

Quote #2, by one of the arrested perps (see the OP):

"After he was taken into custody Monday in Texas, Jurlina posted a video online..... Jurlina said: Donald Trump, please pay for my legal fees because this all happened because of you . . . and I did nothing wrong.”
You stupid fuck. Try actually reading the post that was a response to retard. Complaining about deflecting and YOUR side’s was pointed out, triggering you. After much research it has been determined that poster Chillicothe is an idiot as well as an asshole. Just saying.
I don't recall those riots attempting to overturn the pure fabric of democracy under instructions from the president.
Nor do I recall democrats rejoicing in unison like you guts.
Think about that.
LMAO okay so a handful of unarmed people on Jan 6th tried to "overturn the pure fabric of democracy"? Exaggerate much? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Meanwhile millions of Democrats demanded that the police be defunded. :cuckoo:

Come here you poor misguided lib cadet :itsok:
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say? :45:
Lots to say....rioting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Looting is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Burning (arson) is illegal and people have been arrested for it. Attacks on law enforcement and government buildings are illegal and people have been arrested for it (even tho trump fluffers don't like that).
Let me correct that for you, Dem rioters arrested, released, then forgiven with no trials or punishment. :itsok:
Get a brain lib they have released them by the 100's in Portland and Seattle and you damn well know it.
And yet you can't provide a link to this happening "by the hundreds"?

Just because embarrassing assholes like you is fun here we go:

You can STFU now.
You should always make Dem trolls look this stuff up. This poster will ignore your links and go right on trolling the liberal narrative.
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say?
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.

What poster Bulldog said. Look, BluesLegend, it's like this.....we post up a topic for discussion. We discuss THAT topic. For those 'blonde-brained' who cannot stay on topic or flutter and fluff all over the place....well, quit doing it. If you think last summers disturbances--riots, vandalism, protests ----are worth discussing, well, do what Bulldog advises you to do. Start a thread on it. If you do, my avatar promises not to come into it and speak about he riots and invasion of the Capitol on January 6th.
"You mean the Bezos Post and they seldom get anything right."
Actually, Gipper, I am a fan of WaPo. As I am of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Wall Street Journal. Web based 'Axios' is good too.

The Post has a lot of good stuff in it. And....no surprise.....because they are the 'hometown newspaper' for Washington DC, their reporters do a lot of political coverage. And tell me, how does one cover 'politics' without alienating one side or the other? Hyper-ventilators are always gonna get pissed because some reporter & editor decided to report on a political faction/party/person who did something stupid. The opponents to that faction will cheer. The reported-on miscreants will bitch. And say 'propaganda', 'yellow-journalism', yadda, yadda, yadda. It has been ever thus.

I'd recommend you do this. Go to Amazon, as they occasionally run good 'taster' deals on WaPo where you can get a short term digital subscription for dirt cheap. I use my veteran's discount for their all year round subscription.....it's a helluva deal to get such quality journalism delivered to my laptop daily.

Try it. If you don't like it.....drop it.
Don't be the guy who hates onions ....... but has never tried one.

Just sayin'.

"If our congresspersons can shoot down unarmed female protestors for breaking windows........"

Ummmm, wh-a-a-a-t?
You're gonna have to flesh than one out a bit Damaged Eagle.
I, for one, have never ever heard of that happening.....recently, or historically.
Just what sources to you utilize ......and willing to recommend .....to get your information?
Please don't confirm the common perception of Rightwingers as uninformed or misinformed.
Youre a fan of the Compost?
God damn son I see your indoctrinated as hell
And the 6 months of rioting, looting, burning, and attacks on law enforcement and government buildings in Dem cities?? Nothing to say?
If you want to start a thread on that, then do it. This thread is about the insurrectionists filming their own crimes.

What poster Bulldog said. Look, BluesLegend, it's like this.....we post up a topic for discussion. We discuss THAT topic. For those 'blonde-brained' who cannot stay on topic or flutter and fluff all over the place....well, quit doing it. If you think last summers disturbances--riots, vandalism, protests ----are worth discussing, well, do what Bulldog advises you to do. Start a thread on it. If you do, my avatar promises not to come into it and speak about he riots and invasion of the Capitol on January 6th.
"You mean the Bezos Post and they seldom get anything right."
Actually, Gipper, I am a fan of WaPo. As I am of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Wall Street Journal. Web based 'Axios' is good too.

The Post has a lot of good stuff in it. And....no surprise.....because they are the 'hometown newspaper' for Washington DC, their reporters do a lot of political coverage. And tell me, how does one cover 'politics' without alienating one side or the other? Hyper-ventilators are always gonna get pissed because some reporter & editor decided to report on a political faction/party/person who did something stupid. The opponents to that faction will cheer. The reported-on miscreants will bitch. And say 'propaganda', 'yellow-journalism', yadda, yadda, yadda. It has been ever thus.

I'd recommend you do this. Go to Amazon, as they occasionally run good 'taster' deals on WaPo where you can get a short term digital subscription for dirt cheap. I use my veteran's discount for their all year round subscription.....it's a helluva deal to get such quality journalism delivered to my laptop daily.

Try it. If you don't like it.....drop it.
Don't be the guy who hates onions ....... but has never tried one.

Just sayin'.

"If our congresspersons can shoot down unarmed female protestors for breaking windows........"

Ummmm, wh-a-a-a-t?
You're gonna have to flesh than one out a bit Damaged Eagle.
I, for one, have never ever heard of that happening.....recently, or historically.
Just what sources to you utilize ......and willing to recommend .....to get your information?
Please don't confirm the common perception of Rightwingers as uninformed or misinformed.
Youre a fan of the Compost?
God damn son I see your indoctrinated as hell
Weaponized indoctrination courtesy of CNN.
"I do my best not to consume any msm reporting."

OK, poster gipper, I get it. And have long realized there is strident skepticism of "main stream media" (tho frankly, 'media' is so wide, deep, and diverse, it's hard to determine what is 'main stream'. IMHO
Nonetheless, your assertion quoted above does beg the questions:

  • WHAT do you consume in order to be informed?
  • What do you recommend to forum members who want to be as informed as you?

I'm thinking that a Congressional committee, the Church report in your post, was 46 years ago. And likely not as current as my life and family need.

As far as 'Operation Mockingbird', I ad never heard of it.
So I googled it.
An that was revelatory.
My first hit on google offered:

"QAnon supporters, who believe a CIA program to manipulate the media still exists and that the mainstream media are responsible for spreading fake news, claim press reports they dislike are part of Operation Mockingbird.[10][11]
Have you noticed the the msm networks have on staff former CIA and FBI agents reporting and commenting on events? Nothing but statist propaganda. Americans are the most uninformed people on the planet, thanks to our government controlled media.

So after two people died and threats of killing their very own Republican VP, hundreds of people charged and possibly going to jail, but it was a peaceful protest.
That puts the BLM riots into a completely different light doesn't it. Dickhead.

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