Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero

Hmmm . . wrong. You're a moron.
Could be true, but I'm less of a moron than you. You didn't even know that little tidbit of history. Try to educate yourself next time you want to whine about the epic failure of the southern states.

Wow, that's a neat trick, making something up and then chiding people for not knowing it too. I see what you did there.

Acts and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South ... - South Carolina - Google Books
You idiot. That's just a long block of unintelligible crap.
It's a link to the law South Carolina passed to cede Ft. Sumter to the USA.
No, it was a link to a long block of unintelligible crap. If that's the best you got, we can conclude you made it up.
Could be true, but I'm less of a moron than you. You didn't even know that little tidbit of history. Try to educate yourself next time you want to whine about the epic failure of the southern states.


You're the one who doesn't know the facts about that "tidbit" of history. I've already submitted several posts on the subject including cites of historical documents.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.

It only sold the property to the federal government. It did not cede legal jurisdiction on the property to the federal government. It retained the right to enforce its laws.

The fact that you and the other Lincoln worshippers continue to ignore that facts shows that you're just a gang of dumb asses who don't give a damn about the facts.
It didn't sell the land. It ceded the land to the Federal government.

All that means is that it didn't charge the federal government any money. What it didn't do is give up legal jurisdiction over the land. You and your fellow imbeciles keep ignoring that fact.
No. You are wrong. As always.

South Carolina ceded all rights and claim to Sumter in 1836.

Committee on Federal Relations
In the House of Representatives, December 31st, 1836

"The Committee on Federal relations, to which was referred the Governor's message, relating to the site of Fort Sumter, in the harbour of Charleston, and the report of the Committee on Federal Relations from the Senate on the same subject, beg leave to Report by Resolution:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

"Also resolved: That the State shall extinguish the claim, if any valid claim there be, of any individuals under the authority of this State, to the land hereby ceded.

"Also resolved, That the Attorney-General be instructed to investigate the claims of Wm. Laval and others to the site of Fort Sumter, and adjacent land contiguous thereto; and if he shall be of the opinion that these parties have a legal title to the said land, that Generals Hamilton and Hayne and James L. Pringle, Thomas Bennett and Ker. Boyce, Esquires, be appointed Commissioners on behalf of the State, to appraise the value thereof. If the Attorney-General should be of the opinion that the said title is not legal and valid, that he proceed by seire facius of other proper legal proceedings to have the same avoided; and that the Attorney-General and the said Commissioners report to the Legislature at its next session.

"Resolved, That this House to agree. Ordered that it be sent to the Senate for concurrence. By order of the House:

"T. W. Glover, C. H. R."
"In Senate, December 21st, 1836

"Resolved, that the Senate do concur. Ordered that it be returned to the House of Representatives, By order:

Jacob Warly, C. S.


Poor lil white supremacists who can't get over, still -- they lost the war.
You're the one who doesn't know the facts about that "tidbit" of history. I've already submitted several posts on the subject including cites of historical documents.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.

It only sold the property to the federal government. It did not cede legal jurisdiction on the property to the federal government. It retained the right to enforce its laws.

The fact that you and the other Lincoln worshippers continue to ignore that facts shows that you're just a gang of dumb asses who don't give a damn about the facts.
It didn't sell the land. It ceded the land to the Federal government.

All that means is that it didn't charge the federal government any money. What it didn't do is give up legal jurisdiction over the land. You and your fellow imbeciles keep ignoring that fact.
No. You are wrong. As always.

South Carolina ceded all rights and claim to Sumter in 1836.

Committee on Federal Relations
In the House of Representatives, December 31st, 1836

"The Committee on Federal relations, to which was referred the Governor's message, relating to the site of Fort Sumter, in the harbour of Charleston, and the report of the Committee on Federal Relations from the Senate on the same subject, beg leave to Report by Resolution:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

"Also resolved: That the State shall extinguish the claim, if any valid claim there be, of any individuals under the authority of this State, to the land hereby ceded.

"Also resolved, That the Attorney-General be instructed to investigate the claims of Wm. Laval and others to the site of Fort Sumter, and adjacent land contiguous thereto; and if he shall be of the opinion that these parties have a legal title to the said land, that Generals Hamilton and Hayne and James L. Pringle, Thomas Bennett and Ker. Boyce, Esquires, be appointed Commissioners on behalf of the State, to appraise the value thereof. If the Attorney-General should be of the opinion that the said title is not legal and valid, that he proceed by seire facius of other proper legal proceedings to have the same avoided; and that the Attorney-General and the said Commissioners report to the Legislature at its next session.

"Resolved, That this House to agree. Ordered that it be sent to the Senate for concurrence. By order of the House:

"T. W. Glover, C. H. R."
"In Senate, December 21st, 1836

"Resolved, that the Senate do concur. Ordered that it be returned to the House of Representatives, By order:

Jacob Warly, C. S.


Poor lil white supremacists who can't get over, still -- they lost the war.
Do you actually think his primitive brain will be able to comprehend this???


US Senator brags about killing to spread slavery. Then kills to spread slavery. His speech should be in every US text book.


He also made it a crime to speak against slavery.

He also made it a crime -- really, we show you -- to not sign a card promising you are pro slavery. Men were arrested and tortured for not signing that card.


Lincoln shut down any newspaper the criticized his administration or his policies - over 300 hundred of them. He also threw people into concentration camps merely for not showing enough enthusiasm for his policies. Lincoln worshippers are hardly in a position to be attacking the South on free speech issues.
As usual you ignorance can't refute fact so the attempt at deflection begins.
It can't deflect from the fact that these inbred cousin fuckers fought to maintain slavery...they admit it from their own mouths.
And there it is. The demonic Left HATES country folk because we represent the goodness of America. Their socialist agena proceeds from big cities, but the resistance comes from everywhere else. No wonder they hate us.

They hate you because you do not think they are right and better than you. So you either must be 1) (their first choice)killed 2)assimilated (by any means necessary) 3)(as a last resort when #1 seems to be undesirable) killed.
You're the one who doesn't know the facts about that "tidbit" of history. I've already submitted several posts on the subject including cites of historical documents.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.

It only sold the property to the federal government. It did not cede legal jurisdiction on the property to the federal government. It retained the right to enforce its laws.

The fact that you and the other Lincoln worshippers continue to ignore that facts shows that you're just a gang of dumb asses who don't give a damn about the facts.
It didn't sell the land. It ceded the land to the Federal government.

All that means is that it didn't charge the federal government any money. What it didn't do is give up legal jurisdiction over the land. You and your fellow imbeciles keep ignoring that fact.
Absolutely it means they gave up legal jurisdiction. They wanted the federal government to protect their little asses and they wanted the federal government to foot the bill to protect their little asses.

Wrong. From your document:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

The state explicitly retained legal jurisdiction over the property.
You're the one who doesn't know the facts about that "tidbit" of history. I've already submitted several posts on the subject including cites of historical documents.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.

It only sold the property to the federal government. It did not cede legal jurisdiction on the property to the federal government. It retained the right to enforce its laws.

The fact that you and the other Lincoln worshippers continue to ignore that facts shows that you're just a gang of dumb asses who don't give a damn about the facts.
It didn't sell the land. It ceded the land to the Federal government.

All that means is that it didn't charge the federal government any money. What it didn't do is give up legal jurisdiction over the land. You and your fellow imbeciles keep ignoring that fact.
No. You are wrong. As always.

South Carolina ceded all rights and claim to Sumter in 1836.

Committee on Federal Relations
In the House of Representatives, December 31st, 1836

"The Committee on Federal relations, to which was referred the Governor's message, relating to the site of Fort Sumter, in the harbour of Charleston, and the report of the Committee on Federal Relations from the Senate on the same subject, beg leave to Report by Resolution:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

"Also resolved: That the State shall extinguish the claim, if any valid claim there be, of any individuals under the authority of this State, to the land hereby ceded.

"Also resolved, That the Attorney-General be instructed to investigate the claims of Wm. Laval and others to the site of Fort Sumter, and adjacent land contiguous thereto; and if he shall be of the opinion that these parties have a legal title to the said land, that Generals Hamilton and Hayne and James L. Pringle, Thomas Bennett and Ker. Boyce, Esquires, be appointed Commissioners on behalf of the State, to appraise the value thereof. If the Attorney-General should be of the opinion that the said title is not legal and valid, that he proceed by seire facius of other proper legal proceedings to have the same avoided; and that the Attorney-General and the said Commissioners report to the Legislature at its next session.

"Resolved, That this House to agree. Ordered that it be sent to the Senate for concurrence. By order of the House:

"T. W. Glover, C. H. R."
"In Senate, December 21st, 1836

"Resolved, that the Senate do concur. Ordered that it be returned to the House of Representatives, By order:

Jacob Warly, C. S.


Poor lil white supremacists who can't get over, still -- they lost the war.

Wrong. Note the following from your document:

Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law;
In other words, SC retained legal jurisdiction over the property.


US Senator brags about killing to spread slavery. Then kills to spread slavery. His speech should be in every US text book.


He also made it a crime to speak against slavery.

He also made it a crime -- really, we show you -- to not sign a card promising you are pro slavery. Men were arrested and tortured for not signing that card.


Lincoln shut down any newspaper the criticized his administration or his policies - over 300 hundred of them. He also threw people into concentration camps merely for not showing enough enthusiasm for his policies. Lincoln worshippers are hardly in a position to be attacking the South on free speech issues.
As usual you ignorance can't refute fact so the attempt at deflection begins.
It can't deflect from the fact that these inbred cousin fuckers fought to maintain slavery...they admit it from their own mouths.
And there it is. The demonic Left HATES country folk because we represent the goodness of America. Their socialist agena proceeds from big cities, but the resistance comes from everywhere else. No wonder they hate us.

They hate you because you do not think they are right and better than you. So you either must be 1) (their first choice)killed 2)assimilated (by any means necessary) 3)(as a last resort when #1 seems to be undesirable) killed.

So why was it a crime to speak AGAINST slavery??? tell.
Could be true, but I'm less of a moron than you. You didn't even know that little tidbit of history. Try to educate yourself next time you want to whine about the epic failure of the southern states.


You're the one who doesn't know the facts about that "tidbit" of history. I've already submitted several posts on the subject including cites of historical documents.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.
South Carolina wasn't a sovereign nation at the time.
It never was a sovereign nation but it gave up land to the Federal government in 1836.
You idiot again. If it wasn't a sovereign nation and then it had no authority to cede or not cede land to Congress. You can't have it both ways.
Hey dumb butt. It was a state. It had the ability to give up state land, or what they perceived to be state land, to the federal government.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.

It only sold the property to the federal government. It did not cede legal jurisdiction on the property to the federal government. It retained the right to enforce its laws.

The fact that you and the other Lincoln worshippers continue to ignore that facts shows that you're just a gang of dumb asses who don't give a damn about the facts.
It didn't sell the land. It ceded the land to the Federal government.

All that means is that it didn't charge the federal government any money. What it didn't do is give up legal jurisdiction over the land. You and your fellow imbeciles keep ignoring that fact.
Absolutely it means they gave up legal jurisdiction. They wanted the federal government to protect their little asses and they wanted the federal government to foot the bill to protect their little asses.

Wrong. From your document:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

The state explicitly retained legal jurisdiction over the property.
Oh that's embarrassing (for ravi). And me too. How did you find that? I need me some reading glasses!
You're the one who doesn't know the facts about that "tidbit" of history. I've already submitted several posts on the subject including cites of historical documents.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.
South Carolina wasn't a sovereign nation at the time.
It never was a sovereign nation but it gave up land to the Federal government in 1836.
You idiot again. If it wasn't a sovereign nation and then it had no authority to cede or not cede land to Congress. You can't have it both ways.
Hey dumb butt. It was a state. It had the ability to give up state land, or what they perceived to be state land, to the federal government.
No, moron. If it was a state then no permission was required. If permission was required then that would make SC a sovereign nation. You got yourself twisted into a rhetorical pretzel.
Union Army Major General Joshua Chamberlain ( the former Union colonel who defended Little Round Top at Gettysburg and won the Congressional Medal of Honor for doing so, who would later become President of Bowdoin College, and Governor of Maine ) - who was grievously wounded several times by the Confederate enemy - understood the concept of healing the Nation...
yeah, well we've healed. Time to stop patronizing Southern bullshit.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.

It only sold the property to the federal government. It did not cede legal jurisdiction on the property to the federal government. It retained the right to enforce its laws.

The fact that you and the other Lincoln worshippers continue to ignore that facts shows that you're just a gang of dumb asses who don't give a damn about the facts.
It didn't sell the land. It ceded the land to the Federal government.

All that means is that it didn't charge the federal government any money. What it didn't do is give up legal jurisdiction over the land. You and your fellow imbeciles keep ignoring that fact.
No. You are wrong. As always.

South Carolina ceded all rights and claim to Sumter in 1836.

Committee on Federal Relations
In the House of Representatives, December 31st, 1836

"The Committee on Federal relations, to which was referred the Governor's message, relating to the site of Fort Sumter, in the harbour of Charleston, and the report of the Committee on Federal Relations from the Senate on the same subject, beg leave to Report by Resolution:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

"Also resolved: That the State shall extinguish the claim, if any valid claim there be, of any individuals under the authority of this State, to the land hereby ceded.

"Also resolved, That the Attorney-General be instructed to investigate the claims of Wm. Laval and others to the site of Fort Sumter, and adjacent land contiguous thereto; and if he shall be of the opinion that these parties have a legal title to the said land, that Generals Hamilton and Hayne and James L. Pringle, Thomas Bennett and Ker. Boyce, Esquires, be appointed Commissioners on behalf of the State, to appraise the value thereof. If the Attorney-General should be of the opinion that the said title is not legal and valid, that he proceed by seire facius of other proper legal proceedings to have the same avoided; and that the Attorney-General and the said Commissioners report to the Legislature at its next session.

"Resolved, That this House to agree. Ordered that it be sent to the Senate for concurrence. By order of the House:

"T. W. Glover, C. H. R."
"In Senate, December 21st, 1836

"Resolved, that the Senate do concur. Ordered that it be returned to the House of Representatives, By order:

Jacob Warly, C. S.


Poor lil white supremacists who can't get over, still -- they lost the war.

Wrong. Note the following from:coffee::coffee: your document:

Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law;
In other words, SC retained legal jurisdiction over the property.
Now thank the nice lady for working so hard to prove you right.
Nothing you've posted disproves the fact that in 1836 South Carolina enacted legislation that ceded Ft. Sumter to the Federal government.
South Carolina wasn't a sovereign nation at the time.
It never was a sovereign nation but it gave up land to the Federal government in 1836.
You idiot again. If it wasn't a sovereign nation and then it had no authority to cede or not cede land to Congress. You can't have it both ways.
Hey dumb butt. It was a state. It had the ability to give up state land, or what they perceived to be state land, to the federal government.
No, moron. If it was a state then no permission was required. If permission was required then that would make SC a sovereign nation. You got yourself twisted into a rhetorical pretzel.
This is true, and I'm glad you admit it. No permission was needed, South Carolina was just trying to get itself out from under having to pay to protect themselves. And not pay taxes on the land. The federal government had every authority to possess the land and turn it into a federal fort...hahahahah! You lose, again.
South Carolina wasn't a sovereign nation at the time.
It never was a sovereign nation but it gave up land to the Federal government in 1836.
You idiot again. If it wasn't a sovereign nation and then it had no authority to cede or not cede land to Congress. You can't have it both ways.
Hey dumb butt. It was a state. It had the ability to give up state land, or what they perceived to be state land, to the federal government.
No, moron. If it was a state then no permission was required. If permission was required then that would make SC a sovereign nation. You got yourself twisted into a rhetorical pretzel.
This is true, and I'm glad you admit it. No permission was needed, South Carolina was just trying to get itself out from under having to pay to protect themselves. And not pay taxes on the land. The federal government had every authority to possess the land and turn it into a federal fort...hahahahah! You lose, again.
So you admit you were wrong and I lose? I don't think so.
South Carolina wasn't a sovereign nation at the time.
It never was a sovereign nation but it gave up land to the Federal government in 1836.
You idiot again. If it wasn't a sovereign nation and then it had no authority to cede or not cede land to Congress. You can't have it both ways.
Hey dumb butt. It was a state. It had the ability to give up state land, or what they perceived to be state land, to the federal government.
No, moron. If it was a state then no permission was required. If permission was required then that would make SC a sovereign nation. You got yourself twisted into a rhetorical pretzel.
This is true, and I'm glad you admit it. No permission was needed, South Carolina was just trying to get itself out from under having to pay to protect themselves. And not pay taxes on the land. The federal government had every authority to possess the land and turn it into a federal fort...hahahahah! You lose, again.

It's difficult to describe how full of shit you are.
It only sold the property to the federal government. It did not cede legal jurisdiction on the property to the federal government. It retained the right to enforce its laws.

The fact that you and the other Lincoln worshippers continue to ignore that facts shows that you're just a gang of dumb asses who don't give a damn about the facts.
It didn't sell the land. It ceded the land to the Federal government.

All that means is that it didn't charge the federal government any money. What it didn't do is give up legal jurisdiction over the land. You and your fellow imbeciles keep ignoring that fact.
Absolutely it means they gave up legal jurisdiction. They wanted the federal government to protect their little asses and they wanted the federal government to foot the bill to protect their little asses.

Wrong. From your document:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

The state explicitly retained legal jurisdiction over the property.
Oh that's embarrassing (for ravi). And me too. How did you find that? I need me some reading glasses!

Actually, one of the Lincoln cult members posted it to this thread. They didn't read it very carefully,
y'all still fighting the civil war? whose winning?
Union Army Major General Joshua Chamberlain ( the former Union colonel who defended Little Round Top at Gettysburg and won the Congressional Medal of Honor for doing so, who would later become President of Bowdoin College, and Governor of Maine ) - who was grievously wounded several times by the Confederate enemy - understood the concept of healing the Nation...
yeah, well we've healed. Time to stop patronizing Southern bullshit.

"Healed" must be a euphemism meaning we've all come to accept the dogma of the Lincoln cult.

No we haven't

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