Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero

Robert E. Lee wouldn't even waste his piss on today's NaziCons.

You'd be perfectly happy to drink Lincoln's piss.

Lincoln kicked Lee's racist ass!

You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.
Abe did end up by freeing the slaves. His signature rested not only on the Emancipation Proclamation (which freed thousands immediately), but on the 13th Amendment Resolution.

He fought hard for its passage.

He was not even required to place his signature there, yet he did.

It's a rarity for a president to sign Amendments.

It was passed by Congress in January of 1865.

See that signature to the right? :::::::::::: > Abraham Lincoln.

I can't make out any signature by Lincoln.
You're so much in denial, you can even see a plain signature apparently.

Look to the right, under the words 'United States" midway.

Lincoln signed the 13th Amendendent. Surprised you didn't know that (well, not really).

He not only pushed for its passage, he did what few presidents have ever done - He signed a House Passed Constitutional Amendment.!

The claim that he pushed for it's passage is Lincoln cult propaganda. He didn't lift a finger to get it passed. Lincoln was the author of an Amendment in 1860 that would have enshrined slavery into the Constitution forever.
Idiocracy strikes again. Lincoln most certainly worked to get the 13 th Amendment passed, AND HE SIGNED IT!

and you're doubly stupid to call Lincoln the author of the *last gasp* proposed Amendment called the CORWIN Amendment. (Know why it's called that?) Lincoln wasn't even in office you fucking racist nutcake.

"Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves. He was a white supremacist."

This from the joker who defends those who enslaved, raped and brutalized nearly four million slaves and the ones who fought a war to protect and extend it.
Robert E. Lee wouldn't even waste his piss on today's NaziCons.

You'd be perfectly happy to drink Lincoln's piss.

Lincoln kicked Lee's racist ass!

You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.

The union had about twice the population, three times the railroad mileage and three times the industrial output of the South. The union kept all the navel vessels of the American navy. Hardly a fair contest.
Grant was a whole lot better. His casually rate was for his worst battles was 28%. He also didn't through live away like Lee did. His battles were logical. Viksburg was fight the same day. The campain was fought at the same time.... mid may to July. That alone should put paid to the discussion of who was a better general

Grant was not a whole lot better than Lee. Grant won by overwhelming numbers and excessive force. He wasted thousands of lives on senseless frontal assaults, e.g., Vicksburg (before he decided to lay siege), Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. At Vicksburg, his "siege" succeeded partly because he bombarded civilian sectors of the city.

Grant also took credit for winning battles that others won, such as the battles around Chattanooga, where Grant either claimed credit for others' success (General Thomas's) or sought to minimize the achievements of others (General Hooker's).

Furthermore, at Cold Harbor, Grant caused hundreds of his wounded to die because he stubbornly refused to follow military protocol and call, as the losing commander, for a ceasefire to treat the wounded. Only after Lee prodded him, and only after his staff officers complained loudly, did Grant finally call for the ceasefire, but by that time most of his wounded had died. He should have been court-martialed for such disgraceful conduct.

Grant did have a noble side. He also, finally, learned not to make frontal assaults--but this was after he had squandered thousands of lives by trying them on several occasions.

Lee learned after Malvern Hill and Gettysburg that frontal assaults were usually foolish. Grant took longer to learn this lesson.
this is so much bullshit. Grant had the correspondence between him and lee regarding the wounded at cold harbor in his memoirs. Lee insisted Grant go where he couldn't in terms that only Lincoln could grant. Lee held the wounded hostage in the 90* sun until they were all dead to get an advantage Grant just plain could give him. Lee knew this. This wasn't Lee working for negotiated advantage, this was Lee being the sadist.

Chattanogah was a disaster before Grant got there. After he got there, it became tenable, then a prelude for victory.

If someone not Grant is to be given credit for the Unionist victory at Chattanoogah, then Bragg deserves a lions share. But Grant was the man.

And Vicksburg was a signal victory for Grant. First for confusing Pemberton with Grerreson's raid, the victories at Big Black, Jackson, Champion Hill, even Shermans feint.

One could argue the assault was McClernand's insisting, not Grant.

Grant, Before the Overland campaign just diddnt do frontal assaults. Most flank attacks. Note that in the overland campain he kept his men moving. Cold Harbor was the exception. He was able to see Richmond from there.

But after cold harbor, what does he do? simply the greatest overwater maneuver ever. He was let down by his subordinates, who had been terrified by Clod Harbor.
Robert E. Lee wouldn't even waste his piss on today's NaziCons.

You'd be perfectly happy to drink Lincoln's piss.

Lincoln kicked Lee's racist ass!

You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.

The union had about twice the population, three times the railroad mileage and three times the industrial output of the South. The union kept all the navel vessels of the American navy. Hardly a fair contest.
all that northern victory was due to the North didn't have slaves. Slavary enervated the south moraly and economically. The North had fewer natual resources, but the had the moral and intellectual resources. And that ultimately told.
You'd be perfectly happy to drink Lincoln's piss.

Lincoln kicked Lee's racist ass!

You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.

The union had about twice the population, three times the railroad mileage and three times the industrial output of the South. The union kept all the navel vessels of the American navy. Hardly a fair contest.
all that northern victory was due to the North didn't have slaves. Slavary enervated the south moraly and economically. The North had fewer natual resources, but the had the moral and intellectual resources. And that ultimately told.

THe North actually had more natural resources. It had coal and iron ore.
Robert E. Lee wouldn't even waste his piss on today's NaziCons.

You'd be perfectly happy to drink Lincoln's piss.

Lincoln kicked Lee's racist ass!

You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.

The union had about twice the population, three times the railroad mileage and three times the industrial output of the South. The union kept all the navel vessels of the American navy. Hardly a fair contest.

War never is a fair contest, you fucking moron.
You'd be perfectly happy to drink Lincoln's piss.

Lincoln kicked Lee's racist ass!

You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.

The union had about twice the population, three times the railroad mileage and three times the industrial output of the South. The union kept all the navel vessels of the American navy. Hardly a fair contest.

War never is a fair contest, you fucking moron.

Who said it was, shit for brains? Those who gloat about Lincoln "kicking Lee's ass" are almost as stupid as you, however.
Lincoln kicked Lee's racist ass!

You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.

The union had about twice the population, three times the railroad mileage and three times the industrial output of the South. The union kept all the navel vessels of the American navy. Hardly a fair contest.
all that northern victory was due to the North didn't have slaves. Slavary enervated the south moraly and economically. The North had fewer natual resources, but the had the moral and intellectual resources. And that ultimately told.

THe North actually had more natural resources. It had coal and iron ore.
South had Birmingham AL, a lot more resource wise than Pittsburg. Its all right there. In the same place. Pittsburgh gas the Iron on the great lakes, the coal in the mountains. The reason the south couldn'y get it to use was slavery.
Lincoln kicked Lee's racist ass!

You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.

The union had about twice the population, three times the railroad mileage and three times the industrial output of the South. The union kept all the navel vessels of the American navy. Hardly a fair contest.

War never is a fair contest, you fucking moron.

Who said it was, shit for brains? Those who gloat about Lincoln "kicking Lee's ass" are almost as stupid as you, however.

Apparently you believe it should be. Otherwise, why complain that it wasn't fair?

As for Lincoln v Lee, I ask one question. Who lost the war? The South? Case closed.
Oh please I'm sure he was a gifted general but so the fuck what? He threatened to split the union and caused massive amount of life. It was pointless. He was far from a patriot. Fuck him and the Confederacy.
Robert E. Lee wouldn't even waste his piss on today's NaziCons.

You'd be perfectly happy to drink Lincoln's piss.
Direct from the tap. No doubt they would keep up, swallow fast, and not spill.

And then rim him.

It's amazing how they continue to worship the creep despite massive evidence that he was a monster.
They're just as evil. Hitler too was adored by millions.
Robert E. Lee was a great American. He deserves a holiday

CIVIL WAR OP-ED Remembering Robert E. Lee American Patriot and Southern Hero Huntington News

Sir Winston Churchill called General Robert E. Lee, “one of the noblest Americans who ever lived.”

Please let me call to your attention that Monday, January 19, 2015, is the 208th birthday of Robert E. Lee, whose memory is still dear in the hearts of many Southerners. Why is this man so honored in the South and respected in the North? Lee was even respected by the soldiers of Union blue who fought against him during the War Between the States.

What is your community doing to commemorate the birthday of this great American?

General Lee’s portrait adorns the State Capitol in Atlanta where the Georgia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans hosted their 1st Lee birthday in 1988. The SCV will host their annual Robert E. Lee birthday celebration on Saturday January 17, 2015 at Georgia’s Old Secession Capitol on Greene Street in Milledgeville. Read more at: 2015 Annual Robert E Lee Birthday Celebration

During Robert E. Lee's 100th birthday in 1907, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., a former Union Commander and grandson of US President John Quincy Adams, spoke in tribute to Robert E. Lee at Washington and Lee College's Lee Chapel in Lexington, Virginia. His speech was printed in both Northern and Southern newspapers and is said to had lifted Lee to a renewed respect among the American people.

And In Lexington, Virginia events are scheduled for the birthday of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson on January 16th and 17th. Read more at: Home - Lee-Jackson Day Lexington VA

Dr. Edward C. Smith, respected African-American Professor of History at American University in Washington, D.C. , told the audience in Atlanta, Ga. during a 1995 Robert E. Lee birthday event, quote 'Dr. Martin Luther King and Robert E. Lee were individuals worthy of emulation because they understood history.' Unquote

He was a traitor who led the south to near total destruction. Go ahead, celebrate stupidity. It's what you are good at.
How is one a traitor when he fights to defend his own country? Do you even know what the word means?
Abe did end up by freeing the slaves. His signature rested not only on the Emancipation Proclamation (which freed thousands immediately), but on the 13th Amendment Resolution.

He fought hard for its passage.

He was not even required to place his signature there, yet he did.

It's a rarity for a president to sign Amendments.

It was passed by Congress in January of 1865.

See that signature to the right? :::::::::::: > Abraham Lincoln.

I can't make out any signature by Lincoln.
You're so much in denial, you can even see a plain signature apparently.

Look to the right, under the words 'United States" midway.

Lincoln signed the 13th Amendendent. Surprised you didn't know that (well, not really).

He not only pushed for its passage, he did what few presidents have ever done - He signed a House Passed Constitutional Amendment.!

The claim that he pushed for it's passage is Lincoln cult propaganda. He didn't lift a finger to get it passed. Lincoln was the author of an Amendment in 1860 that would have enshrined slavery into the Constitution forever.
Idiocracy strikes again. Lincoln most certainly worked to get the 13 th Amendment passed, AND HE SIGNED IT!

Bullshit. The source of the claim that he did anything to get the Amendment passed is a confessed plagiarist, Doris Kearns-Goodwin:

Steven Spielberg's new movie, Lincoln, is said to be based on several chapters of the book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns-Goodwin, who was a consultant to Spielberg. The main theme of the movie is how clever, manipulative, conniving, scheming, lying, and underhanded Lincoln supposedly was in using his "political skills" to get the Thirteenth Amendment that legally ended slavery through the U.S. House of Representatives in the last months of his life. This entire story is what Lerone Bennett, Jr. the longtime executive editor of Ebony magazine and author of Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream, calls a "pleasant fiction." It never happened.

It never happened according to the foremost authority on Lincoln among mainstream Lincoln scholars, Harvard University Professor David H. Donald, the recipient of several Pulitzer prizes for his historical writings, including a biography of Lincoln. David Donald is the preeminent Lincoln scholar of our time who began writing award-winning books on the subject in the early 1960s. On page 545 of his magnus opus, Lincoln, Donald notes that Lincoln did discuss the Thirteenth Amendment with two members of Congress – James M. Ashley of Ohio and James S. Rollins of Missouri. But if he used "means of persuading congressmen to vote for the Thirteeth Amendment," the theme of the Spielberg movie, "his actions are not recorded. Conclusions about the President's role rested on gossip . . ."

Moreover, there is not a shred of evidence that even one Democratic member of Congress changed his vote on the Thirteenth Amendment (which had previously been defeated) because of Lincoln's actions. Donald documents that Lincoln was told that some New Jersey Democrats could possibly be persuaded to vote for the amendment "if he could persuade [Senator] Charles Sumner to drop a bill to regulate the Camden & Amboy [New Jersey] Railroad, but he declined to intervene" (emphasis added). "One New Jersey Democrat," writes David Donald, "well known as a lobbyist for the Camden & Amboy, who had voted against the amendment in July, did abstain in the final vote, but it cannot be proved that Lincoln influenced his change" (emphasis added). Thus, according to the foremost authority on Lincoln, there is no evidence at all that Lincoln influenced even a single vote in the U.S. House of Representatives, in complete contradiction of the writings of the confessed plagiarist Doris Kearns-Goodwin and Steven Spielberg's movie (See my review of Goodwin's book, entitled "A Plagiarist's Contribution to Lincoln Idolatry").

and you're doubly stupid to call Lincoln the author of the *last gasp* proposed Amendment called the CORWIN Amendment. (Know why it's called that?) Lincoln wasn't even in office you fucking racist nutcake.

He didn't need to be in office to author the Amendment, moron. Corwin was the sponsor, but Lincoln was the author:

There is no evidence that Lincoln provided any significant assistance in the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in the House of Representatives in 1865, but there is evidence of his effectiveness in getting an earlier Thirteenth Amendment through the House and the Senate in 1861. This proposed amendment was known as the "Corwin Amendment," named after Ohio Republican Congressman Thomas Corwin. It had passed both the Republican-controlled House and the Republican-dominated U.S. Senate on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln's inauguration, and was sent to the states for ratification by Lincoln himself.

The Corwin Amendment would have prohibited the federal government from ever interfering with Southern slavery. It read as follows:

"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State,, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State."

"Person held to service" is how the Constitutional Convention referred to slaves, and "domestic institutions" referred to slavery. Lincoln announced to the world that he endorsed the Corwin Amendment in his first inaugural address:

"I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution — which amendment, however, I have not seen — has passed Congress to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service . . . . [H]olding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable" (emphasis added).

Believing that slavery was already constitutional, Lincoln had "no objection" to enshrining it explicitly in the text of the U.S. Constitution on the day that he took office. He then sent a letter to the governor of each state transmitting the approved amendment for what he hoped would be ratification and noting that his predecessor, President James Buchanan, had also endorsed it.

Lincoln played a much larger role in getting this first Thirteenth Amendment through Congress than merely endorsing it in his first inaugural address and in his letter to the governors. Even Doris Kearns-Goodwin knows this! On page 296 of Team of Rivals she explained how it was Lincoln who, after being elected but before the inauguration, instructed New York Senator William Seward, who would become his secretary of state, to get the amendment through the U.S. Senate. He also instructed Seward to get a federal law passed that would repeal the personal liberty laws in some of the Northern states that were used by those states to nullify the federal Fugitive Slave Act, which Lincoln strongly supported. (The Fugitive Slave Act forced Northerners to hunt down runaway slaves and return them to their owners).

As Goodwin writes: "He [Lincoln] instructed Seward to introduce these proposals in the Senate Committee of Thirteen without indicating they issued from Springfield [Illinois]. The first resolved that the Constitution should never be altered so as to authorize Congress to abolish or interfere with slavery in the states.'" The second proposal was that "All state personal liberty laws in opposition to the Fugitive Slave Law be repealed."

"Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves. He was a white supremacist."

This from the joker who defends those who enslaved, raped and brutalized nearly four million slaves and the ones who fought a war to protect and extend it.

Once again, you insist on proving that you're nothing but a sleazy poltroon.
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You mean Lincoln, 5 million men, and the entire industrial might of the union kicked Lee's ass.

Big achievement.

last time I checked the history books, and I have a few specifically on the Civil War, Lee wasn't the only southerner up against Lincoln's army and the North's industrial might.

The union had about twice the population, three times the railroad mileage and three times the industrial output of the South. The union kept all the navel vessels of the American navy. Hardly a fair contest.
all that northern victory was due to the North didn't have slaves. Slavary enervated the south moraly and economically. The North had fewer natual resources, but the had the moral and intellectual resources. And that ultimately told.

THe North actually had more natural resources. It had coal and iron ore.
South had Birmingham AL, a lot more resource wise than Pittsburg. Its all right there. In the same place. Pittsburgh gas the Iron on the great lakes, the coal in the mountains. The reason the south couldn'y get it to use was slavery.

Apparently not. Birmingham was founded on June 1, 1871
Oh please I'm sure he was a gifted general but so the fuck what? He threatened to split the union and caused massive amount of life. It was pointless. He was far from a patriot. Fuck him and the Confederacy.

Says the one that supports Grant as he burned down entire cities..

Apparently General Lee made him do that by failing to lose. The Bastard!

I love the way these Lincoln cultists keep trying to blame the Confederacy for all the people who were killed by the Union army.
Oh please I'm sure he was a gifted general but so the fuck what? He threatened to split the union and caused massive amount of life. It was pointless. He was far from a patriot. Fuck him and the Confederacy.

Says the one that supports Grant as he burned down entire cities..

Apparently General Lee made him do that by failing to lose. The Bastard!

I love the way these Lincoln cultists keep trying to blame the Confederacy for all the people who were killed by the Union army.

It is funny to watch the far left drones support an (R) president..

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