Reminder: Jimmy Carter banned all Iranians from entering US (Trump is correct ...again)

What is "temporary"? The cease fire in Korea was temporary. And it's been over 60 years.

Deflection doesn't become you.
Learn the meaning of the word "deflection." You say it is a "temporary" suspension and I point out "temporary" can mean almost anything. So now you have to explain why you're ok with indefinitely suspending immigration to this country.

As I told my congressman, I think all immigration should be suspended until congress has a workable border security and entry exit system in place that can be verified to be enforceable.
i.e. you want to suspend all legal immigration into the U.S.
Good luck with that.

Yep, 40% of illegals are visa overstays, we have to be able to track them and remove them if they don't leave as agreed. Also if congress allows the current illegals to stay they should count against legal immigration quotas. That means everything should stop, until they get it worked out.
So you want to track down and deport about 4.5 million people. Good luck with that.
Wow. And that will be swift and efficient, right? I can just see the thousands of petitions claiming "national need" going in front of bureaucrats.
This is like using a nuclear bomb to kill a wasps nest.

The system is already in place, it's called the H1-B visa program.
The "temporary" suspension will apply to it as well.

That would depend on the final details wouldn't it?

Trump wants to ban Muslim-Americans who leave the US, from coming back in.

I haven't heard that one, you got a link?

I heard a Trump spokesperson say it on tv.
The system is already in place, it's called the H1-B visa program.
The "temporary" suspension will apply to it as well.

That would depend on the final details wouldn't it?

Trump wants to ban Muslim-Americans who leave the US, from coming back in.

I haven't heard that one, you got a link?
It's not true. He reiterated that point on *CNN (American citizens who are Muslim are fine)

*if it wasn't CNN it was some other channel that I can't remember. Point stands though

So as far as Trump is concerned, Farook could go to the ME, be radicalized and return unmolested?
Seems DemoRATS have a history of these sort of things!

Poor Richards News ^ | 12/08/15 | Poor Richard
This is just a reminder to all the liberal Democrats out there wringing their hands about Donald Trump’s latest comments. from Front Page: During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency. Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980. Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not...
A month ago you guys were worshipping Putin now Carter?
So since carter isn't the worst president anymore. You are gonna go against him now?

You really don't get the point? EVEN Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from entering the country after Americans were taken hostage in Tehran. The point is that YOU GUYS say Carter was a great president (I think he was okay), and yet your only answer is to dodge the point by asking if Republicans now support Carter because EVEN he banned all Iranians except those who were already known to be pro-Shah.
Actually I was being sarcastic, carter was the worse president till Obama came along.
How can anyone take you seriously when you totally had your fucking stupid little head buried for 8 years of Bush. Now I know not to take you seriously because you have bad judgement.
Obama is a whole lot worse than Bush was.
Seems DemoRATS have a history of these sort of things!

Poor Richards News ^ | 12/08/15 | Poor Richard
This is just a reminder to all the liberal Democrats out there wringing their hands about Donald Trump’s latest comments. from Front Page: During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency. Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980. Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not...

Muslim infiltrators are taking advantage of our self-destructive touchy-feely I'm ok you're okay thing and destroying us with our own nobler intentions. Time we accept the reality we're faced with and handle it.
Deflection doesn't become you.
Learn the meaning of the word "deflection." You say it is a "temporary" suspension and I point out "temporary" can mean almost anything. So now you have to explain why you're ok with indefinitely suspending immigration to this country.

As I told my congressman, I think all immigration should be suspended until congress has a workable border security and entry exit system in place that can be verified to be enforceable.
i.e. you want to suspend all legal immigration into the U.S.
Good luck with that.

Yep, 40% of illegals are visa overstays, we have to be able to track them and remove them if they don't leave as agreed. Also if congress allows the current illegals to stay they should count against legal immigration quotas. That means everything should stop, until they get it worked out.
So you want to track down and deport about 4.5 million people. Good luck with that.

They know exactly who came in on visas, all it takes is want to to find them. I suggested to my congressman that any new law should require anyone coming in on a visa to buy a return to country bond, if they don't leave, they are declared a fugitive and bounty hunters would be allowed to find them, detain them and turn them over for deportation. They would be sent home with just the clothes on their backs and their assets would be seized as illegal gains. Wouldn't take long to get a handle on the situation.
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The system is already in place, it's called the H1-B visa program.
The "temporary" suspension will apply to it as well.

That would depend on the final details wouldn't it?

Trump wants to ban Muslim-Americans who leave the US, from coming back in.

I haven't heard that one, you got a link?

I heard a Trump spokesperson say it on tv.

OH OK, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it, NOT! I heard Trump say the opposite. I know congress is considering a bill that would withdraw citizenship form Americans who go fight with terrorist and not allow them to return. I agree with that.
Learn the meaning of the word "deflection." You say it is a "temporary" suspension and I point out "temporary" can mean almost anything. So now you have to explain why you're ok with indefinitely suspending immigration to this country.

As I told my congressman, I think all immigration should be suspended until congress has a workable border security and entry exit system in place that can be verified to be enforceable.
i.e. you want to suspend all legal immigration into the U.S.
Good luck with that.

Yep, 40% of illegals are visa overstays, we have to be able to track them and remove them if they don't leave as agreed. Also if congress allows the current illegals to stay they should count against legal immigration quotas. That means everything should stop, until they get it worked out.
So you want to track down and deport about 4.5 million people. Good luck with that.

They know exactly who came in on visas, all it takes is want to to find them. I suggested to my congressman that any new law should require anyone coming in on a visa to buy a return to country bond, if they don't leave, they are declared a fugitive and bounty hunters would be allowed to find them, detain them and turn them over for deportation. They would be sent home with just the clothes on their backs and their assets would be seized as illegal gains. Wouldn't take long to get a handle on the situation.
"All it takes is to find them." Good luck with that.
Hey, why not issue hunting tags for them? Overstay your visa and JoeBob gonna throw some lead up your ass.
As I told my congressman, I think all immigration should be suspended until congress has a workable border security and entry exit system in place that can be verified to be enforceable.
i.e. you want to suspend all legal immigration into the U.S.
Good luck with that.

Yep, 40% of illegals are visa overstays, we have to be able to track them and remove them if they don't leave as agreed. Also if congress allows the current illegals to stay they should count against legal immigration quotas. That means everything should stop, until they get it worked out.
So you want to track down and deport about 4.5 million people. Good luck with that.

They know exactly who came in on visas, all it takes is want to to find them. I suggested to my congressman that any new law should require anyone coming in on a visa to buy a return to country bond, if they don't leave, they are declared a fugitive and bounty hunters would be allowed to find them, detain them and turn them over for deportation. They would be sent home with just the clothes on their backs and their assets would be seized as illegal gains. Wouldn't take long to get a handle on the situation.
"All it takes is to find them." Good luck with that.
Hey, why not issue hunting tags for them? Overstay your visa and JoeBob gonna throw some lead up your ass.

Nope, just make them do as they agreed to do in the first place and ban them from reentry permanently.
The "temporary" suspension will apply to it as well.

That would depend on the final details wouldn't it?

Trump wants to ban Muslim-Americans who leave the US, from coming back in.

I haven't heard that one, you got a link?

I heard a Trump spokesperson say it on tv.

OH OK, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it, NOT! I heard Trump say the opposite. I know congress is considering a bill that would withdraw citizenship form Americans who go fight with terrorist and not allow them to return. I agree with that.

So he's backtracked.
so? it is not the first time that the US has imposed barriers to people of this or that origin or this or that affliction from entering the USA-------a kindergarten mosque
education is enough
I know where IRan is on the map and can point to it.
I know where Japan and Germany are on the map and can point to them.

Can anyone show me where "Islam" is on the map and point to it? Whether it is constitutional or not is irrelevant. It is a terrible stupid idea.
Being constitutional is the only relevance involved.

When it comes to immigration, constitutional is what congress says it is.
Agreed. And JakeStarkey's comment is his typical stupid and thoughtless.
BUt lots of things constitutional without being good ideas. RomneyCare. Universal Background Checks. Affirmative action (OK thats not constitutional but so what).
And Trump's idea sucks.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but Trump's statement of temporarily suspending immigration for certain countries is not unique, there have been similar calls form both sides of the isle in congress.

Trump's suggestion for suspending immigration of people based upon their religion is unique.

Well not really.

There were lots of people who suggested suspending immigration of Jews in the 1920' and 1930's- so I guess his suggestion does have precedent.
When Carter banned Iranians did the Democrats and the press freak out? I'm beginning to wonder about Trump, its like he's leading these fools into one trap after another he could be smarter than I thought :laugh:

I am beginning to despair of my fellow Americans on the Far Right.

Is it some particular facet of education among the Far Right that they cannot distinguish discriminating against a person- for being Christian, Jewish or Muslim- and discriminating against a person from coming from a country the United States is in conflict with?

The left can't seem to handle more complex problems, they like things boxed into simple black or white choices. The fact is Islamic extremists are not confined to the borders of a particular country, its a more complex problem. You seem to have no issue with broad brushing an entire country like Iran and banning them from the US, because that's simple. I guess just leave the more complex problems to conservatives we'll take care of it.

You can't seem to handle things like admitting that religious discrimination is un-American. Conservatives of your ilk- such as Trump- are okay with violating the Constitution by banning American Muslims from returning to the United States- and banning Muslims who are fleeing our enemies- Islamic extremists- from entering the United States. Conservatives like you continually attempt inflame a religious war between the West and the Muslims of the world- playing right into the hands of ISIS the death cult.

Carter discriminated against ALL religions in Iran did he not? You leftist whenever you are called on your hypocrisy and double standards you try to squirm your way out of it.

Carter didn't discriminate against any religions. Perhaps you don't quite understand what the word 'discriminate' means.

Carter discriminated against the citizens of Iran.

You far right Conservative anti-religious bigots are so willing to carry Trump's call for religious bigotry you even try to change the meaning of words.
All we have to do is ban all people from muslim country. Done. Lets go onto the next issue.

That would be legal.

Because of course Conservatives want to prevent Jews and Christians fleeing religious persecution from coming to America.
When Carter banned Iranians did the Democrats and the press freak out? I'm beginning to wonder about Trump, its like he's leading these fools into one trap after another he could be smarter than I thought :laugh:

I am beginning to despair of my fellow Americans on the Far Right.

Is it some particular facet of education among the Far Right that they cannot distinguish discriminating against a person- for being Christian, Jewish or Muslim- and discriminating against a person from coming from a country the United States is in conflict with?

The left can't seem to handle more complex problems, they like things boxed into simple black or white choices. The fact is Islamic extremists are not confined to the borders of a particular country, its a more complex problem. You seem to have no issue with broad brushing an entire country like Iran and banning them from the US, because that's simple. I guess just leave the more complex problems to conservatives we'll take care of it.

You can't seem to handle things like admitting that religious discrimination is un-American. Conservatives of your ilk- such as Trump- are okay with violating the Constitution by banning American Muslims from returning to the United States- and banning Muslims who are fleeing our enemies- Islamic extremists- from entering the United States. Conservatives like you continually attempt inflame a religious war between the West and the Muslims of the world- playing right into the hands of ISIS the death cult.

Carter discriminated against ALL religions in Iran did he not? You leftist whenever you are called on your hypocrisy and double standards you try to squirm your way out of it.

Carter didn't discriminate against any religions. Perhaps you don't quite understand what the word 'discriminate' means.

Carter discriminated against the citizens of Iran.

You far right Conservative anti-religious bigots are so willing to carry Trump's call for religious bigotry you even try to change the meaning of words.

Yes the left has been called out for hypocrisy and double standards, do you require a sympathy card from Blue Mountain?

Seems ISLAM is diametrically opposed to the U.S. Constitution, and if we didn't have a muslim president, ALL muslim's that follow the Koran could be deported because of these written in that book...

That would depend on the final details wouldn't it?

Trump wants to ban Muslim-Americans who leave the US, from coming back in.

I haven't heard that one, you got a link?

I heard a Trump spokesperson say it on tv.

OH OK, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it, NOT! I heard Trump say the opposite. I know congress is considering a bill that would withdraw citizenship form Americans who go fight with terrorist and not allow them to return. I agree with that.

So he's backtracked.

Or maybe a spokesman got it wrong?
We can prohibit any person from another country from coming here. We can prohibit all people from another county coming here. We cannot prohibit Christians, or Jews, or Muslims or whatever religion from coming here.
Of course a muslim president won't enforce the law of the land!...Repeated for the JakeAss!


Sounds like these are reasons to NOT ALLOW ISLAMISTS to enter America...

Does not matter if you hate Muslims, alli bubba.

Does not matter if you hate the Constitution, alli dumba.

Just does not matter. Won't happen.

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