Remove statues of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder tied to eugenics and racism

Woman should have some control over how many children they have. How many they can afford. How many they can love and care for.

They keep repeating we just need to clean up her past ...
Sanger said it was about the "cultivation of the better racial elements".

P.P felt a need to apologize for her past statements and I give them all kinds of credit for addressing it head on without any of the excuses we see here. I can only surmise it's because those doing that actually do support what she said.
She's just as good of a political poster person as george ffloyd is.
I don't think there are any monuments to Sanger except Planned Parenthood but there are monuments to mostly democrat politicians like Woodrow Wilson who supported eugenics and the purity of races.
Remove statues of the Matriarch of killing black babies, of veritable genocide?

Perish the thought....
I don't think there are any monuments to Sanger except Planned Parenthood but there are monuments to mostly democrat politicians like Woodrow Wilson who supported eugenics and the purity of races.

Oh there are. Ran into one at a Boston museum. My kids were middle school-late elem. age. I gave them an, um, "alternative lecture" that the docents in the museum clearly didn't appreciate but that was completely true.

Old biddies in Boston. I was glad they overheard me teaching my children. :)

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