Remove statues of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder tied to eugenics and racism

That's odd. You claim these awful statements exist, but you can't post any.

It's as if I'm right, and those awful statements don't actually exist.

I found this for you.....

Apparently, she did this in efforts to keep blacks from breeding willy-nilly. Seems it was just as rampant back then as it is now. Or, at least thats one of the items I got from reading this.
This talks about it.

You may believe her actual statement is benign but her meaning is clear.

“Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization."
Do you really think you're the first pro-lifer liar to lie about Sanger? Your side has been lying about her for decades. We get it already. You lie about _everything_.

And why do you lie? Because she said women should be allowed to control their own sex life. Conservatives despised her for that back then, and they despise her for the same reason now. Conservatives are control freak authoritarians, and everything they do has the purpose of extending their control over others.
You know what the word lie means though right ?

How about this ...
You point out the lie or lies
And we'll probably never hear from you again.

Since biden & media dictate the definition of Democracy...

If this doesn't scare you check your pulse.
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I don't kniw if abortion is politics.
I don't know if we should tear down statues of Margaret Sanger or
put up new ones..

I do love seeing Pelosi Schumer and biden wallowing in the mud humbled by the Supreme Court clearly one-third of the United States government

This is a big victory for the bill of rights

the 10th Amendment specifically..!!!

Good thinkin founders !
This is a mom and pop country.

Sanger was the carrie nation of infanticide, was hillary's hero.
Not sure why...

Obama tried to pull the same shit
Ignoring marbury v madison.

Stupidest constitutional law professor ever.

Pelosi insists abortion is all about/for
The children.
The pope hates her 2.
I would be good with removing all statues of Monkey Boy as well.
You may believe her actual statement is benign but her meaning is clear.

“Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization."

The American eugenics movement was basically about having healthy children.

The American eugenics movement was basically about having healthy children.

Sanger said it was about the "cultivation of the better racial elements".

P.P felt a need to apologize for her past statements and I give them all kinds of credit for addressing it head on without any of the excuses we see here. I can only surmise it's because those doing that actually do support what she said.
Sanger said it was about the "cultivation of the better racial elements".

P.P felt a need to apologize for her past statements and I give them all kinds of credit for addressing it head on without any of the excuses we see here. I can only surmise it's because those doing that actually do support what she said.

In the South black families were 8-10 kids to work on the farm and nobody could read and write. They were the second wave of immigrants who moved to the South side of Chicago in the early 1950s.
In the South black families were 8-10 kids to work on the farm and nobody could read and write. They were the second wave of immigrants who moved to the South side of Chicago in the early 1950s.

What that says to me is yes indeed you still support what she said. In the South white families had 8-10 kids that worked on the farm and couldn't read or write also.
I don't kniw if abortion is politics.
I don't know if we should tear down statues of Margaret Sanger or
put up new ones..

I do love seeing Pelosi Schumer and biden wallowing in the mud humbled by the Supreme Court clearly one-third of the United States government

This is a big victory for the bill of rights

the 10th Amendment specifically..!!!

Good thinkin founders !
This is a mom and pop country.

Sanger was the carrie nation of infanticide, was hillary's hero.
Not sure why...

Obama tried to pull the same shit
Ignoring marbury v madison.

Stupidest constitutional law professor ever.

Pelosi insists abortion is all about/for
The children.
The pope hates her 2.
Margaret Sanger was against abortion, and vocal on it.

She was for educating poor under educated women, about birth control....not the pill, it didn't exist....but primarily about safer times of the month to have sex with your husband, and not get pregnant as easily.... The rhythmic method.

From doing my genealogy on, my family sure could have used her advice!

8 children was the minimum amount of children my great grandmothers had, and several with 10 children, and most of these grandmas died in childbirth with their last child....

One grandpa remarried with 8 existing children from great grandma that died and had 6 more children with his new wife! That's 14 children, for goodness sake!!!! And his new wife had to rear them all!!!

Lack of birth control knowledge kept even white families in poverty, unless they owned a farm and even then, even with all the children work hands, still in poverty for some.
What that says to me is yes indeed you still support what she said. In the South white families had 8-10 kids that worked on the farm and couldn't read or write also.

Woman should have some control over how many children they have. How many they can afford. How many they can love and care for.


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