Removing parts of the 1ST Amendment

However ‘interesting’ the thread so far, clearly no one is advocating ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

T polk advocates that teaching children religion is mental abuse, he has said it numerous times in this thread alone. Exactly what do you think he means?

That he believes teaching children religion is mental abuse.

He has not, however, advocated that legislation be enacted making it a crime to teach children religion, or that children should be removed from the home by the state as a consequence of teaching them religion.

The First Amendment applies only to public sector lawmaking entities, not private citizens.

Private citizens are at liberty to say whatever they wish about religion, regardless how offensive or hateful, and that doesn’t manifest a First Amendment ‘violation.’

So again, however offensive or insulting you might find the poster’s opinion, it clearly does not advocate ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’
Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you?
Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes?
Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers?
Horrified by the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.
This high-quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong
leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians)
and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible
weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for
holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible
ancient scriptures, from the New King James version
to the Book of Mormon.
This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy
buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face
completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire
field of view with your favorite passages from the Good Book.
The optional earplugs enable you to eradicate the worldly sounds
that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of
the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house,
or even while you sleep. Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.
The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

Introducing recalcitrant children to the World of the Lord.

Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
Never having to think for yourself.

Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian.
Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious
truth of your beliefs.
Protection from harmful UV light.
And many more!

No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.
The Bible Harness is already a best-seller with Televangelists, Young-Earth Creationists, small town preachers, and many others in the God-fearing, Bible-believing community. Get yours today, and spend your every waking moment reading the loving words of our Creator.

As you can see, the Bible Harness is practically invisible when in use. The strong leather fastenings hold your face tightly to the Inspired Words, which gently cradle your nose and uplift your spirit.

If you purchase one for yourself and your spouse, we'll send you a third, child-size Harness for free! When worn to school, this will prevent your child from being indoctrinated with sinful, secular notions such as scientific literacy, false interpretations of the Bible, and grammar. Don't waste time-call today!

For an extra $10, you can upgrade to a Deluxe Bible Harness, featuring embossed crosses on the straps, gold-plated buckles, and a transparent pocket on the front into which you can insert a selection of cards for others to read, including such inspirational sayings as:
Can't talk--reading Bible.

let me guess...... Why do you care so much to debate the bible if you dont believe in it? What are you scared of hell dont exsist in your world right?

If this country is to survive in the coming years we are going to have to compete in math and science and critical thinking skills with other countries. We cannot afford to have a delusional mentally ill population who thinks the bible is reality and ruining children's minds with such nonsense

Stomp your feet and insist all you want, but the vast majority of Americans are people of faith and very likely always will be.

If that bothers you:

[ame=]The Simpsons / Nelson Muntz: Haw-Haw! [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
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If this country is to survive in the coming years we are going to have to compete in math and science and critical thinking skills with other countries. We cannot afford to have a delusional mentally ill population who thinks the bible is reality and ruining children's minds with such nonsense

Patience Luke.

She's within a couple of generations of doing just that. ;)

.....and yet, with all your supposed intellect, and belief in a flawed Theory, you are completely unable to provide one clear example to show that your beliefs are truth........

And it is also clear that you would certainly like to see the "Freedom of Religion" part of the 1st Amendment removed, and many of your kind are working towards just that.......problem is, ONCE you begin to "hack" away at "parts" of the Constitution, the "hacking" has a way of taking on a life of it's own, and before you realize what you started, there is NO CONSTITUTION! That's the problem with your ilk......for all your supposed intellect, you can't see past the wee little bug perched on the end of your nose.

All any "critically thinking" person has to do is take a trip through History, and review the success of Nations who removed God from their did that go for them?

Without God, you have nothing............
We have one member here that started a thread claiming that to teach your child religion is mental abuse. How many people here think violating the 1st to remove religious freedom is the way to go? Justify your position.

I think tormenting kids with stories that they are going to be burned for all eternity if they do bad things is pretty much mental abuse.

I always had a great idea for licensing religions. To get your religion license, we throw you off the top of the Sears Tower.

If God catches you on the way down, you get your license.

Any takers?
We have one member here that started a thread claiming that to teach your child religion is mental abuse. How many people here think violating the 1st to remove religious freedom is the way to go? Justify your position.

I think tormenting kids with stories that they are going to be burned for all eternity if they do bad things is pretty much mental abuse.

I always had a great idea for licensing religions. To get your religion license, we throw you off the top of the Sears Tower.

If God catches you on the way down, you get your license.

Any takers?

.......and yet another is it even possible given that so many of you profess such a high level of intellect that you don't have the slightest clue that Christianity and "religion" are NOT one in the same? Beats me.........possible the "level" of intellect is "self-inflated?"

What none of you even come close to understanding is that Christians teach their children of the love of Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and the wonderful Glory of God. Now, that doesn't "play" as well when your only intent is to ridicule Christ and Christians, but, then, the Truth never "plays well" with you guys does it?

Seriously, as so many of you are so opposed to Christianity, Christ, and God, why are you even commenting on these discussions? What sense does it make to be spending your time commenting on something you don't even believe in? Shouldn't you be out SEARCHING HITHER AND YON for ONE EXAMPLE of a partially evolved creature that will actually lend some credibility to your fictitious ideology of evolution............would that not be a far better way to spend your precious time? Then it won't be "wasted" reading the comments of believers.........
As long as religion is put on the same footing as a cartoon or a fairy tale, or like the tooth fairy or Santa, then I'm ok with telling children those kinds of lies.

So, enlighten us, what lies do you tell your children?
We have one member here that started a thread claiming that to teach your child religion is mental abuse. How many people here think violating the 1st to remove religious freedom is the way to go? Justify your position.

I think tormenting kids with stories that they are going to be burned for all eternity if they do bad things is pretty much mental abuse.

I always had a great idea for licensing religions. To get your religion license, we throw you off the top of the Sears Tower.

If God catches you on the way down, you get your license.

Any takers?

.......and yet another is it even possible given that so many of you profess such a high level of intellect that you don't have the slightest clue that Christianity and "religion" are NOT one in the same? Beats me.........possible the "level" of intellect is "self-inflated?"

What none of you even come close to understanding is that Christians teach their children of the love of Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and the wonderful Glory of God. Now, that doesn't "play" as well when your only intent is to ridicule Christ and Christians, but, then, the Truth never "plays well" with you guys does it?

Seriously, as so many of you are so opposed to Christianity, Christ, and God, why are you even commenting on these discussions? What sense does it make to be spending your time commenting on something you don't even believe in? Shouldn't you be out SEARCHING HITHER AND YON for ONE EXAMPLE of a partially evolved creature that will actually lend some credibility to your fictitious ideology of evolution............would that not be a far better way to spend your precious time? Then it won't be "wasted" reading the comments of believers.........

Guy, Christianity to me was a bunch of old, self-loathing Lesbians in Habits tormenting the children they could never have and otherwise acting out on their sexual frustration by being nasty old creatures.

Like the one who said that God drowned every baby in the world because they were "WICKED!!!"

Or the one who said that God had to have a good reason for my mom to die of cancer at her funeral.

Christianity is a fraud. Was from the day Saul of Tarses made up this "Jesus" fiction to sell his whacky new religion.
As long as religion is put on the same footing as a cartoon or a fairy tale, or like the tooth fairy or Santa, then I'm ok with telling children those kinds of lies.

So, enlighten us, what lies do you tell your children?

None, I say that god is an unknown quantity either way, if the subject ever comes up.

So you teach your children NOTHING of life? Seriously? You give then absolutely NO FOUNDATION to build their "belief system" upon? Regardless of what that system may be?

Now, that would certainly qualify as child abuse would it not?
We have one member here that started a thread claiming that to teach your child religion is mental abuse. How many people here think violating the 1st to remove religious freedom is the way to go? Justify your position.

I vaguely recall the claim. Was he also advocating making it illegal? I support his right to his opinion (I think it's a silly opinion, but he's entitled to it), but I would oppose taking away the right of anyone to believe what they like and to teach their children any religion they like.
None, I say that god is an unknown quantity either way, if the subject ever comes up.

So you teach your children NOTHING of life? Seriously? You give then absolutely NO FOUNDATION to build their "belief system" upon? Regardless of what that system may be?

Now, that would certainly qualify as child abuse would it not?

I tell them the truth: that no proof has been shown either way to prove or disprove a god. We believe in reality, not fiction.

And, yet, you continue to "dodge" my question..............WHAT DO YOU TELL YOUR CHILDREN concerning this "life," this "world," how everything came to be? What do you tell them concerning Society? Do you give them a standard set of moral beliefs? Don't keep dodging the question..........WHAT LIES DO YOU TELL YOUR CHILDREN? As you believe we Christians fill our children's minds with "lies," what do you fill your children's minds with?

Do you even have children?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech,...

This is a right. we have a right to exercise our religion and to teach it to our children. There can be no law enacted that limits our free speech. (barring that exercise detracts from the rights of others)

Your rights end where they infringe upon the rights of others. - not their feelings but their rights.

The person arguing claims teaching religion to someone is Mental abuse. I am just curious how many of our Liberal members agree with him and are willing to put forth an argument to support him.

Exposing young children to the doctrines of religion certainly fit the emotional abuse criterion, telling them they are born sinners, dirty, carrying the burden of original sin. Simply being born confirms your guilt. Telling them a God can read their thoughts, and certain thoughts are sins, you are never alone, even in your own head.
The threat of the rapture and hell…
This IS mental abuse of a young child

No. It isn't. But you are certainly free to endoctrinate your children as you see fit.
However ‘interesting’ the thread so far, clearly no one is advocating ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

T polk advocates that teaching children religion is mental abuse, he has said it numerous times in this thread alone. Exactly what do you think he means?

I think he means that teaching children religion is mental abuse. So far I haven't seen anyone suggest it be illegal. Of course, he is also free to suggest that and even pursue it as a goal. It isn't going to fly since I would venture to say that the vast majority of Atheists would find that silly and pointless, let alone those who are religious. I am certain you are not suggesting he should be denied his 1st amendment rights just because he's wrong.
So you teach your children NOTHING of life? Seriously? You give then absolutely NO FOUNDATION to build their "belief system" upon? Regardless of what that system may be?

Now, that would certainly qualify as child abuse would it not?

I tell them the truth: that no proof has been shown either way to prove or disprove a god. We believe in reality, not fiction.

And, yet, you continue to "dodge" my question..............WHAT DO YOU TELL YOUR CHILDREN concerning this "life," this "world," how everything came to be? What do you tell them concerning Society? Do you give them a standard set of moral beliefs? Don't keep dodging the question..........WHAT LIES DO YOU TELL YOUR CHILDREN? As you believe we Christians fill our children's minds with "lies," what do you fill your children's minds with?

Do you even have children?

I told them I didn't have a clue and they would have to figure it out on their own. I didn't give them moral beliefs, I showed them how to be moral. It seems to have worked out well.
There is probably more than one member here who would suggest such a thing given the various comments I've read.........It really is to the point that the best thing to do is ignore such asinine comments completely. People who post such dribble are hardly worth honest debate in my opinion.

Which leads me to wonder, is there an "ignore" option here? Have to check that out......It prevents a lot of wasted time reading such comments.......On other Forums you can choose to "Ignore" a particular member, and their comments will not appear on a thread you might be reading...........don't know if it is an option here or not.

Yes there is an ignore option....go into your control panel. I have 2 on there :)

Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you?
Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes?
Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers?
Horrified by the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.
This high-quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong
leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians)
and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible
weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for
holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible
ancient scriptures, from the New King James version
to the Book of Mormon.
This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy
buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face
completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire
field of view with your favorite passages from the Good Book.
The optional earplugs enable you to eradicate the worldly sounds
that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of
the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house,
or even while you sleep. Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.
The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

Introducing recalcitrant children to the World of the Lord.

Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
Never having to think for yourself.

Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian.
Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious
truth of your beliefs.
Protection from harmful UV light.
And many more!

No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.
The Bible Harness is already a best-seller with Televangelists, Young-Earth Creationists, small town preachers, and many others in the God-fearing, Bible-believing community. Get yours today, and spend your every waking moment reading the loving words of our Creator.

As you can see, the Bible Harness is practically invisible when in use. The strong leather fastenings hold your face tightly to the Inspired Words, which gently cradle your nose and uplift your spirit.

If you purchase one for yourself and your spouse, we'll send you a third, child-size Harness for free! When worn to school, this will prevent your child from being indoctrinated with sinful, secular notions such as scientific literacy, false interpretations of the Bible, and grammar. Don't waste time-call today!

For an extra $10, you can upgrade to a Deluxe Bible Harness, featuring embossed crosses on the straps, gold-plated buckles, and a transparent pocket on the front into which you can insert a selection of cards for others to read, including such inspirational sayings as:
Can't talk--reading Bible.

people who are dogmatically opposed to religion scare me as much as those who dogmatically believe in a religion.

the best way to teach your kids is by example, whether religion is involved or not.

either way don't mean a thing.
Last edited:
Yes there is an ignore option....go into your control panel. I have 2 on there :)

Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you?
Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes?
Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers?
Horrified by the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.
This high-quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong
leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians)
and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible
weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for
holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible
ancient scriptures, from the New King James version
to the Book of Mormon.
This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy
buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face
completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire
field of view with your favorite passages from the Good Book.
The optional earplugs enable you to eradicate the worldly sounds
that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of
the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house,
or even while you sleep. Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.
The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

Introducing recalcitrant children to the World of the Lord.

Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
Never having to think for yourself.

Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian.
Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious
truth of your beliefs.
Protection from harmful UV light.
And many more!

No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.
The Bible Harness is already a best-seller with Televangelists, Young-Earth Creationists, small town preachers, and many others in the God-fearing, Bible-believing community. Get yours today, and spend your every waking moment reading the loving words of our Creator.

As you can see, the Bible Harness is practically invisible when in use. The strong leather fastenings hold your face tightly to the Inspired Words, which gently cradle your nose and uplift your spirit.

If you purchase one for yourself and your spouse, we'll send you a third, child-size Harness for free! When worn to school, this will prevent your child from being indoctrinated with sinful, secular notions such as scientific literacy, false interpretations of the Bible, and grammar. Don't waste time-call today!

For an extra $10, you can upgrade to a Deluxe Bible Harness, featuring embossed crosses on the straps, gold-plated buckles, and a transparent pocket on the front into which you can insert a selection of cards for others to read, including such inspirational sayings as:
Can't talk--reading Bible.

people who are dogmatically opposed to religion scare me as much as those who dogmatically believe in a religion.

the best way to teach your kids is by example, whether religion is involved or not.

either way don't mean a thing.

I agree. Ultimately, it isn't about what you believe but how you believe.
i'm just curious as to why this was moved rom the CDZ?

i thought the CDZ was a "catch all" forum but just with different rules?

the reason i ask is because i was thinking about posting more in the CDZ as some people who i respect have suggested i should.

my compliments though. for such a touchy and controversial topic, it is relatively free from flare ups and insults.
i'm just curious as to why this was moved rom the CDZ?

i thought the CDZ was a "catch all" forum but just with different rules?

the reason i ask is because i was thinking about posting more in the CDZ as some people who i respect have suggested i should.

my compliments though. for such a touchy and controversial topic, it is relatively free from flare ups and insults.

You would have to ask the Moderator staff, they moved it and gave me no clear reason why. Meanwhile conservative and Liberal removal is still in the CDZ.
If this country is to survive in the coming years we are going to have to compete in math and science and critical thinking skills with other countries. We cannot afford to have a delusional mentally ill population who thinks the bible is reality and ruining children's minds with such nonsense

Patience Luke.

She's within a couple of generations of doing just that. ;)

.....and yet, with all your supposed intellect, and belief in a flawed Theory, you are completely unable to provide one clear example to show that your beliefs are truth........

And I have repeatedly pointed out that nobody can prove ANY religion as truth.

Nobody. Not you. Not the Muslims. Not the Jews. Not no way, not no how. Nobody.

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