Removing parts of the 1ST Amendment

Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you?
Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes?
Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers?
Horrified by the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.
This high-quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong
leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians)
and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible
weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for
holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible
ancient scriptures, from the New King James version
to the Book of Mormon.
This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy
buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face
completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire
field of view with your favorite passages from the Good Book.
The optional earplugs enable you to eradicate the worldly sounds
that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of
the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house,
or even while you sleep. Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.
The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

Introducing recalcitrant children to the World of the Lord.

Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
Never having to think for yourself.

Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian.
Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious
truth of your beliefs.
Protection from harmful UV light.
And many more!

No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.
The Bible Harness is already a best-seller with Televangelists, Young-Earth Creationists, small town preachers, and many others in the God-fearing, Bible-believing community. Get yours today, and spend your every waking moment reading the loving words of our Creator.

As you can see, the Bible Harness is practically invisible when in use. The strong leather fastenings hold your face tightly to the Inspired Words, which gently cradle your nose and uplift your spirit.

If you purchase one for yourself and your spouse, we'll send you a third, child-size Harness for free! When worn to school, this will prevent your child from being indoctrinated with sinful, secular notions such as scientific literacy, false interpretations of the Bible, and grammar. Don't waste time-call today!

For an extra $10, you can upgrade to a Deluxe Bible Harness, featuring embossed crosses on the straps, gold-plated buckles, and a transparent pocket on the front into which you can insert a selection of cards for others to read, including such inspirational sayings as:
Can't talk--reading Bible.

let me guess...... Why do you care so much to debate the bible if you dont believe in it? What are you scared of hell dont exsist in your world right?

If this country is to survive in the coming years we are going to have to compete in math and science and critical thinking skills with other countries. We cannot afford to have a delusional mentally ill population who thinks the bible is reality and ruining children's minds with such nonsense

So lets be clear shall we? You want to criminalize teaching children about religion? Below what ever age you pick you want laws on the books that make it a crime to expose your children to religion? Yes or NO?
Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you?
Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes?
Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers?
Horrified by the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.
This high-quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong
leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians)
and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible
weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for
holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible
ancient scriptures, from the New King James version
to the Book of Mormon.
This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy
buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face
completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire
field of view with your favorite passages from the Good Book.
The optional earplugs enable you to eradicate the worldly sounds
that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of
the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house,
or even while you sleep. Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.
The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

Introducing recalcitrant children to the World of the Lord.

Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
Never having to think for yourself.

Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian.
Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious
truth of your beliefs.
Protection from harmful UV light.
And many more!

No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.
The Bible Harness is already a best-seller with Televangelists, Young-Earth Creationists, small town preachers, and many others in the God-fearing, Bible-believing community. Get yours today, and spend your every waking moment reading the loving words of our Creator.

As you can see, the Bible Harness is practically invisible when in use. The strong leather fastenings hold your face tightly to the Inspired Words, which gently cradle your nose and uplift your spirit.

If you purchase one for yourself and your spouse, we'll send you a third, child-size Harness for free! When worn to school, this will prevent your child from being indoctrinated with sinful, secular notions such as scientific literacy, false interpretations of the Bible, and grammar. Don't waste time-call today!

For an extra $10, you can upgrade to a Deluxe Bible Harness, featuring embossed crosses on the straps, gold-plated buckles, and a transparent pocket on the front into which you can insert a selection of cards for others to read, including such inspirational sayings as:
Can't talk--reading Bible.

let me guess...... Why do you care so much to debate the bible if you dont believe in it? What are you scared of hell dont exsist in your world right?

If this country is to survive in the coming years we are going to have to compete in math and science and critical thinking skills with other countries. We cannot afford to have a delusional mentally ill population who thinks the bible is reality and ruining children's minds with such nonsense

i think you are confusing the problems in our public school system somehow with religious rducation.

the education received in school programs affiliated with religion are generally superior to those offered by the public schools.

i went to catholic schools through high school and most of college before i switched to a state school and i can say, through high school, the education is far superior than my friends who went through the public school system.

you also may want to consider also your pocket book if religious education is eliminated and all those kids flood the public school system, not to mention the inferiority of learning in an overcrowded environment.

for the record and so you know where i am coming from, i am a faithless catholic still on good terms with the church...and by "faithless" it is not in a sense of believing or of not believing or of even questioning. i just don't feel it is a productive or pleasant job for me to worry about god. the dude is supposed to worry about me anyway and i don't mind if he does...especially when i bet on slow horses and washed up middleweights.
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.
Patience Luke.

She's within a couple of generations of doing just that. ;)

.....and yet, with all your supposed intellect, and belief in a flawed Theory, you are completely unable to provide one clear example to show that your beliefs are truth........

And I have repeatedly pointed out that nobody can prove ANY religion as truth.

Nobody. Not you. Not the Muslims. Not the Jews. Not no way, not no how. Nobody.

I believe what angers you most is that regardless of your asinine arguments against Christianity (which you are so completely inept at understanding), and God, you are not able to provide one shred of evidence against either. Problem you have is that Truth stands alone and need not be "proven." You deal in "what ifs," Truth deals in "what is."

You must really be struggling with your unbelief...........maybe one day you will find the Truth...what a great day that will be for you.

If you can PROVE that evolution is truth and God is not the Creator of all..........THEN PLEASE show me all the partially evolved beings which SHOULD BE roaming the earth in great herds if evolution were truth............Where exactly are all these part ape/part man beings? Show them to me...........then you MAY have an argument. Until then you are just struggling with your unbelief..........
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

That would all be hunkiedorry were it not for the fact that the ACLU and the Socialist Liberals in every area of Government, from City, to County, to State, to the Federal level ARE doing all they possibly can TO CODIFY THEIR ANIMUS TOWARDS Christianity. Anyone who doubts this is in serious need of a reality check in my opinion.

If you can PROVE that evolution is truth and God is not the Creator of all..........THEN PLEASE show me all the partially evolved beings which SHOULD BE roaming the earth in great herds if evolution were truth............Where exactly are all these part ape/part man beings? Show them to me...........then you MAY have an argument. Until then you are just struggling with your unbelief..........

You miss the point entirely of evolution.

While I could make a joke about Red State America being "less evolved", it's pretty clear that you don't understand how evolution works.

It's not that partially evolved beings exist. It's that you have a number of variations in a species, and through natural selection, the less successful varients lose out to the more successful ones.

In the case of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, it was better adapted to its environment than Homo Sapiens Neaderthalis or Homo Florens or Homo Erectus- species that existed contemporaneously.

If you can PROVE that evolution is truth and God is not the Creator of all..........THEN PLEASE show me all the partially evolved beings which SHOULD BE roaming the earth in great herds if evolution were truth............Where exactly are all these part ape/part man beings? Show them to me...........then you MAY have an argument. Until then you are just struggling with your unbelief..........

You miss the point entirely of evolution.

While I could make a joke about Red State America being "less evolved", it's pretty clear that you don't understand how evolution works.

It's not that partially evolved beings exist. It's that you have a number of variations in a species, and through natural selection, the less successful varients lose out to the more successful ones.

In the case of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, it was better adapted to its environment than Homo Sapiens Neaderthalis or Homo Florens or Homo Erectus- species that existed contemporaneously.

I've seen this "dodge" used before and the problem is you are suggesting as is now becoming more popular that specific species "evolve" within their own species, and do not "evolve" into a higher life form. ONLY PROBLEM IS this is in direct contradiction to Darwin's writings in "The History of Man," and with the beliefs of the majority of evolutionists who accept that man "evolved" from the ape..........

And, were your idea to be accepted as truth, then the "natural" truth would be that "evolution" is no longer in effect.........and the second problem with your argument is that IF EVOLUTION is truth, then the evolving species (regardless of their abilities to sustain themselves) WOULD STILL BE GOING ON!

So, again, show me these please........then you got an argument, but not until then. Until then you have a flawed theory that has no truth in it.

Show me the evolutionary flawed variations of man............there should be countless numbers of them roaming the earth should there not?
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

I guess this doesn't count right? Cause he did not use the word yes?
The UN Rights of the Child consider religious instruction to be a form of child abuse.

Well you are aware that what some us feel about the UN right? We dont care what they think and just wish the U.S. would leave it. Watch it crumble like the league of nations.

I hope that some of you feel about the UN the same way I do. You have articulated it admirably.

I agree. Its always easy to get brainless twits to follow other brainless twits - without question.

Not one of you idiots ever question the lies of another you brainless idiots and katzen, YOU are a brainless, lying idiot.
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

That would all be hunkiedorry were it not for the fact that the ACLU and the Socialist Liberals in every area of Government, from City, to County, to State, to the Federal level ARE doing all they possibly can TO CODIFY THEIR ANIMUS TOWARDS Christianity. Anyone who doubts this is in serious need of a reality check in my opinion.

Link please?
Last edited by a moderator:
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

That would all be hunkiedorry were it not for the fact that the ACLU and the Socialist Liberals in every area of Government, from City, to County, to State, to the Federal level ARE doing all they possibly can TO CODIFY THEIR ANIMUS TOWARDS Christianity. Anyone who doubts this is in serious need of a reality check in my opinion.

Link please?

Why is it that rw's who SAY they love the Constitution also say they hate the one organization whose only purpose is to protect it.

IOW, they hate the Constitution and this hate of the ACLU is proof of that.

Either that or they're knee jerk idiots who can't think beyond what fux/lush/beck/ad nauseum shove down their throats.

Gee, I wonder which it is ......................
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

That would all be hunkiedorry were it not for the fact that the ACLU and the Socialist Liberals in every area of Government, from City, to County, to State, to the Federal level ARE doing all they possibly can TO CODIFY THEIR ANIMUS TOWARDS Christianity. Anyone who doubts this is in serious need of a reality check in my opinion.

Obviously you’re unaware of the fact that you destroy all of your credibility by exhibiting your ignorance with inane phrases such as ‘Socialist Liberals.’

The ACLU is a private sector entity, not subject to First Amendment restrictions, unlike pubic sector lawmaking entities. The ACLU has also been instrumental in efforts to protect the religious liberty of millions of Americans by indeed keeping separate church and state, as mandated by the Constitution.

Otherwise, you should have no problem finding examples of laws passed by the 'Socialist Liberals' a given city, county, state, or the Federal government that restricted the religious practices of any faith that was subject to judicial review and upheld by the courts as Constitutional.
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

That would all be hunkiedorry were it not for the fact that the ACLU and the Socialist Liberals in every area of Government, from City, to County, to State, to the Federal level ARE doing all they possibly can TO CODIFY THEIR ANIMUS TOWARDS Christianity. Anyone who doubts this is in serious need of a reality check in my opinion.

Obviously you’re unaware of the fact that you destroy all of your credibility by exhibiting your ignorance with inane phrases such as ‘Socialist Liberals.’

The ACLU is a private sector entity, not subject to First Amendment restrictions, unlike pubic sector lawmaking entities. The ACLU has also been instrumental in efforts to protect the religious liberty of millions of Americans by indeed keeping separate church and state, as mandated by the Constitution.

Otherwise, you should have no problem finding examples of laws passed by the 'Socialist Liberals' a given city, county, state, or the Federal government that restricted the religious practices of any faith that was subject to judicial review and upheld by the courts as Constitutional.

I posted a link to polk's other thread, still claiming he does not advocate laws be passed to force his version on people. Or Luddly?
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

I guess this doesn't count right? Cause he did not use the word yes?

Yes, that’s generally how it works.

No one has advocated, nor will anyone advocate, that a law be passed making it illegal to teach a child religion.

It’s understood that you and other theists incorrectly infer that such hostility to religion manifest a First Amendment ‘violation.’ You should now understand it does not.
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

I guess this doesn't count right? Cause he did not use the word yes?

Yes, that’s generally how it works.

No one has advocated, nor will anyone advocate, that a law be passed making it illegal to teach a child religion.

It’s understood that you and other theists incorrectly infer that such hostility to religion manifest a First Amendment ‘violation.’ You should now understand it does not.

So they vehemently advocating no child be taught religion is just an opinion, they do not really believe it and have no idea how to implement it at all?
That would all be hunkiedorry were it not for the fact that the ACLU and the Socialist Liberals in every area of Government, from City, to County, to State, to the Federal level ARE doing all they possibly can TO CODIFY THEIR ANIMUS TOWARDS Christianity. Anyone who doubts this is in serious need of a reality check in my opinion.

Obviously you’re unaware of the fact that you destroy all of your credibility by exhibiting your ignorance with inane phrases such as ‘Socialist Liberals.’

The ACLU is a private sector entity, not subject to First Amendment restrictions, unlike pubic sector lawmaking entities. The ACLU has also been instrumental in efforts to protect the religious liberty of millions of Americans by indeed keeping separate church and state, as mandated by the Constitution.

Otherwise, you should have no problem finding examples of laws passed by the 'Socialist Liberals' a given city, county, state, or the Federal government that restricted the religious practices of any faith that was subject to judicial review and upheld by the courts as Constitutional.

I posted a link to polk's other thread, still claiming he does not advocate laws be passed to force his version on people. Or Luddly?

I'm looking for any link to a story about any proposed legislation that would restrict private worship.
That would all be hunkiedorry were it not for the fact that the ACLU and the Socialist Liberals in every area of Government, from City, to County, to State, to the Federal level ARE doing all they possibly can TO CODIFY THEIR ANIMUS TOWARDS Christianity. Anyone who doubts this is in serious need of a reality check in my opinion.

Obviously you’re unaware of the fact that you destroy all of your credibility by exhibiting your ignorance with inane phrases such as ‘Socialist Liberals.’

The ACLU is a private sector entity, not subject to First Amendment restrictions, unlike pubic sector lawmaking entities. The ACLU has also been instrumental in efforts to protect the religious liberty of millions of Americans by indeed keeping separate church and state, as mandated by the Constitution.

Otherwise, you should have no problem finding examples of laws passed by the 'Socialist Liberals' a given city, county, state, or the Federal government that restricted the religious practices of any faith that was subject to judicial review and upheld by the courts as Constitutional.

I posted a link to polk's other thread, still claiming he does not advocate laws be passed to force his version on people. Or Luddly?

No one in that thread advocated making it illegal to teach children religion.
…and the tedious, never-ending, pointless battle between theists and those free from faith continues…

But again, no one has advocated that ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

Private citizens hostile to religion are not violating any tenet of free religious expression, as long as they don’t attempt to codify their animus toward religion.

That would all be hunkiedorry were it not for the fact that the ACLU and the Socialist Liberals in every area of Government, from City, to County, to State, to the Federal level ARE doing all they possibly can TO CODIFY THEIR ANIMUS TOWARDS Christianity. Anyone who doubts this is in serious need of a reality check in my opinion.

Obviously you’re unaware of the fact that you destroy all of your credibility by exhibiting your ignorance with inane phrases such as ‘Socialist Liberals.’

The ACLU is a private sector entity, not subject to First Amendment restrictions, unlike pubic sector lawmaking entities. The ACLU has also been instrumental in efforts to protect the religious liberty of millions of Americans by indeed keeping separate church and state, as mandated by the Constitution.

Otherwise, you should have no problem finding examples of laws passed by the 'Socialist Liberals' a given city, county, state, or the Federal government that restricted the religious practices of any faith that was subject to judicial review and upheld by the courts as Constitutional.

How many times must people say this? there is no separation of church and state in the constitution. There is the first amendment which prevents the state from recognizing one set religion.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Sorry there is no separation nor is there any freedom from religion..... Can't stop anyone from practicing their religion..... It simply can't get any simpler than that, but damned if they haven't tried and tried and tried.......

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