Removing parts of the 1ST Amendment

We have one member here that started a thread claiming that to teach your child religion is mental abuse. How many people here think violating the 1st to remove religious freedom is the way to go? Justify your position.

I simply believe that this other member wishes an easier opportunity to spread Atheism.:eusa_silenced: Children soak up everything around them. If they are not hearing about Jesus, they are hearing about Puff the Magic Dragon. I feel sorry for the children who come from homes without a moral upbringing. And all morality is based on some form of belief in one way or another.:eusa_whistle: The sooner people are taught to seek after God the sooner they are more likely to discover Him.:eusa_angel:

So that the belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. makes you moral?:cuckoo::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

You prove my point!

It is quite obvious you are totally ignorant of history and sociology as evidenced by your comments.

Christianity is NOT Morality
Morals are the acceptable behavior based on the mores of a social grouping.

Dictionary definitions indicate that the English word "moral" is etymologically derived from the Latin moralis, which is a combination of two other Latin words, mos referring to custom, tradition or habit, and alis which refers to people. Moralis referred to "customs of the people." Present usage of the English words "moral" and "morality" have reference to compliance or conformity with a conception of good or right behavior.

The English word "ethic" is etymologically derived from the Greek word ethos which became the root of the Latin word ethice. In the koine Greek usage of the first century the word ethos referred to social custom or habit. Contemporary English usage of "ethic" is essentially synonymous with "morality," referring to the determination of what is good or right and the social approval or disapproval of such activities.

I think YOU have a very distored view of God, religion, and secularism. Humanism, Atheism, Materialism, Uniformitarianism, are all RELIGIONS and systems of BELIEF. There is a higher percentage of people in jail today than at anytime in our history. There are more illiterate children leaving our schools then at anytime in our history. There are more incidents of murder in schools then at anytime in our history. There are more unwed mothers then at anytime in our history. There are more abortions than at anytime in our history. And yet our Public Institutions are far less "Christian" than at anytime in our history. HOWEVER, they are more RELIGIOUS than at anytime in our history. The wrong things are being excluded and promoted. Schools have not gotten rid of religion. They simply have attemped to remove GOD and replace GOD with M-A-N.:eusa_hand: I see nothing presented at the "Jesus" camp, that hasn't appeared secularly during "SPIRIT WEEK" at most Publis Schools TODAY. They simply leave God and Jesus out of the picture, and practice at being materialistic to songs of Lady GAGA, etc...
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We have one member here that started a thread claiming that to teach your child religion is mental abuse. How many people here think violating the 1st to remove religious freedom is the way to go? Justify your position.

I simply believe that this other member wishes an easier opportunity to spread Atheism.:eusa_silenced: Children soak up everything around them. If they are not hearing about Jesus, they are hearing about Puff the Magic Dragon. I feel sorry for the children who come from homes without a moral upbringing. And all morality is based on some form of belief in one way or another.:eusa_whistle: The sooner people are taught to seek after God the sooner they are more likely to discover Him.:eusa_angel:

So that the belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. makes you moral?:cuckoo::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

You prove my point!

It is quite obvious you are totally ignorant of history and sociology as evidenced by your comments.

Christianity is NOT Morality
Morals are the acceptable behavior based on the mores of a social grouping.

Dictionary definitions indicate that the English word "moral" is etymologically derived from the Latin moralis, which is a combination of two other Latin words, mos referring to custom, tradition or habit, and alis which refers to people. Moralis referred to "customs of the people." Present usage of the English words "moral" and "morality" have reference to compliance or conformity with a conception of good or right behavior.

The English word "ethic" is etymologically derived from the Greek word ethos which became the root of the Latin word ethice. In the koine Greek usage of the first century the word ethos referred to social custom or habit. Contemporary English usage of "ethic" is essentially synonymous with "morality," referring to the determination of what is good or right and the social approval or disapproval of such activities.

Frankly, I place my trust in the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the Messiah, born to a "Jewish family" of the line of King David, named Jesus. I believe Jesus to be one unit or being that makes up the single essance we refer to collectively as GOD. The other two units or beings are the Father and the Spirit. The "let US make man in OUR image" Essance. And I do not have to partake of the communion table as you seem to imagine. The blood of Christ was shed on the Cross, as was the flesh of Christ ripped from his body during the whole process of his public trial and execution. The Comforter (Holy Spirit) comes to reside in the soul of all those who place Christ in charge of their lives. This Comforter then communicates with that soul and connect the righteous with God. This is what saves the individual.
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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech,...

This is a right. we have a right to exercise our religion and to teach it to our children. There can be no law enacted that limits our free speech. (barring that exercise detracts from the rights of others)

Your rights end where they infringe upon the rights of others. - not their feelings but their rights.

The person arguing claims teaching religion to someone is Mental abuse. I am just curious how many of our Liberal members agree with him and are willing to put forth an argument to support him.

Exposing young children to the doctrines of religion certainly fit the emotional abuse criterion, telling them they are born sinners, dirty, carrying the burden of original sin. Simply being born confirms your guilt. Telling them a God can read their thoughts, and certain thoughts are sins, you are never alone, even in your own head.
The threat of the rapture and hell…
This IS mental abuse of a young child

ONE of your errors is in assuming that even the youngest child will be as dim-witted as you obviously are.
The person arguing claims teaching religion to someone is Mental abuse. I am just curious how many of our Liberal members agree with him and are willing to put forth an argument to support him.

Exposing young children to the doctrines of religion certainly fit the emotional abuse criterion, telling them they are born sinners, dirty, carrying the burden of original sin. Simply being born confirms your guilt. Telling them a God can read their thoughts, and certain thoughts are sins, you are never alone, even in your own head.
The threat of the rapture and hell…
This IS mental abuse of a young child

ONE of your errors is in assuming that even the youngest child will be as dim-witted as you obviously are.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech,...

This is a right. we have a right to exercise our religion and to teach it to our children. There can be no law enacted that limits our free speech. (barring that exercise detracts from the rights of others)

Your rights end where they infringe upon the rights of others. - not their feelings but their rights.

The person arguing claims teaching religion to someone is Mental abuse. I am just curious how many of our Liberal members agree with him and are willing to put forth an argument to support him.

Exposing young children to the doctrines of religion certainly fit the emotional abuse criterion, telling them they are born sinners, dirty, carrying the burden of original sin. Simply being born confirms your guilt. Telling them a God can read their thoughts, and certain thoughts are sins, you are never alone, even in your own head.
The threat of the rapture and hell…
This IS mental abuse of a young child

You have a very distorted and sick view of Christianity.
No Christian teaches any of their young Children any of those things.
You are totally dismissing the love of God and Jesus which all Christians parents teach their children.
They teach their young about what is the right way to live, through Bible Stories.
Christian parents teach their young children how to be kind, fair, respectful of others and how to become a considerate and honest person.
Teaching them morals and ethics is not abuse.
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As there are Christians who misuse their religion, equally so are the atheists who go sick: Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Hitler just in the last century.
We have one member here that started a thread claiming that to teach your child religion is mental abuse. How many people here think violating the 1st to remove religious freedom is the way to go? Justify your position.

Abusing children is NOT protected under the first amendment nor is causing mental anguish by teaching them a a very young age that they will go to hell if they don't accept a certain sky fairy. The thread was why don't parents wait until the age of reason for a child before introducing those concepts so they can eith excpt of reject it, to do opposite is mental child abuse.

Sure looks like the OP is lying for his jesus:eusa_whistle:

What? I, you , they, he, she, them, Any American can start teaching their child their personal beliefs at any age they deem appropriate. And it is not abuse nor anyone else business.
There is probably more than one member here who would suggest such a thing given the various comments I've read.........It really is to the point that the best thing to do is ignore such asinine comments completely. People who post such dribble are hardly worth honest debate in my opinion.

Which leads me to wonder, is there an "ignore" option here? Have to check that out......It prevents a lot of wasted time reading such comments.......On other Forums you can choose to "Ignore" a particular member, and their comments will not appear on a thread you might be reading...........don't know if it is an option here or not.

Yes there is an ignore option....go into your control panel. I have 2 on there :)

Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you?
Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes?
Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers?
Horrified by the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.
This high-quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong
leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians)
and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible
weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for
holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible
ancient scriptures, from the New King James version
to the Book of Mormon.
This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy
buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face
completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire
field of view with your favorite passages from the Good Book.
The optional earplugs enable you to eradicate the worldly sounds
that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of
the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house,
or even while you sleep. Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.
The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

Introducing recalcitrant children to the World of the Lord.

Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
Never having to think for yourself.

Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian.
Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious
truth of your beliefs.
Protection from harmful UV light.
And many more!

No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.
The Bible Harness is already a best-seller with Televangelists, Young-Earth Creationists, small town preachers, and many others in the God-fearing, Bible-believing community. Get yours today, and spend your every waking moment reading the loving words of our Creator.

As you can see, the Bible Harness is practically invisible when in use. The strong leather fastenings hold your face tightly to the Inspired Words, which gently cradle your nose and uplift your spirit.

If you purchase one for yourself and your spouse, we'll send you a third, child-size Harness for free! When worn to school, this will prevent your child from being indoctrinated with sinful, secular notions such as scientific literacy, false interpretations of the Bible, and grammar. Don't waste time-call today!

For an extra $10, you can upgrade to a Deluxe Bible Harness, featuring embossed crosses on the straps, gold-plated buckles, and a transparent pocket on the front into which you can insert a selection of cards for others to read, including such inspirational sayings as:
Can't talk--reading Bible.

let me guess...... Why do you care so much to debate the bible if you dont believe in it? What are you scared of hell dont exsist in your world right?
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We have one member here that started a thread claiming that to teach your child religion is mental abuse. How many people here think violating the 1st to remove religious freedom is the way to go? Justify your position.

Abusing children is NOT protected under the first amendment nor is causing mental anguish by teaching them a a very young age that they will go to hell if they don't accept a certain sky fairy. The thread was why don't parents wait until the age of reason for a child before introducing those concepts so they can eith excpt of reject it, to do opposite is mental child abuse.

Sure looks like the OP is lying for his jesus:eusa_whistle:

What? I, you , they, he, she, them, Any American can start teaching their child their personal beliefs at any age they deem appropriate. And it is not abuse nor anyone else business.

Yes indeed. Parental rights AND responsibility - because the alternative is frightening, no matter what a Monkey believes happens at death.
AVG-JOE and huggy each have the right to believes as they do and not to make the other afraid because they believe differently.

That's what make our Constitution wonderful.
Watch this wack a loon ruin a college graduation at a state college , this is evidently the result of religious child abuse

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Yes there is an ignore option....go into your control panel. I have 2 on there :)

Fed up with seeing and hearing the secular world around you?
Distracted by attractive young people in temptingly tight clothes?
Despairing at the sinful nature of co-workers?
Horrified by the anti-christian teaching of evolution and critical thinking?

Worry no more! The Bible Harness is now available.
This high-quality harness has been hand-crafted from soft yet strong
leather (also available in simulated-leather for vegetarians)
and is easily adjustable to accommodate a wide range of Bible
weights and sizes, as well as head sizes. Suitable for
holding all interpretations and rewrites of the infallible
ancient scriptures, from the New King James version
to the Book of Mormon.
This elegant and unobtrusive construction of straps and heavy
buckles allows you to tightly clamp your Bible over your face
completely obscuring the outside world and filling your entire
field of view with your favorite passages from the Good Book.
The optional earplugs enable you to eradicate the worldly sounds
that would otherwise distract you from your careful contemplation of
the Holy texts. You can wear it to work, at the shops, around the house,
or even while you sleep. Be the first person in your Church or classroom to have one.
The Bible Harness has many uses, including:

Introducing recalcitrant children to the World of the Lord.

Avoiding any form of meaningful debate with evolutionists.
Never having to think for yourself.

Information filter. Prevents user seeing or hearing anything non-Biblical.
Discretely indicates to others that you are a fellow Christian.
Ignoring any so-called facts or evidence that may contradict the obvious
truth of your beliefs.
Protection from harmful UV light.
And many more!

No longer must you endure non-Bible-related visual stimuli.
The Bible Harness is already a best-seller with Televangelists, Young-Earth Creationists, small town preachers, and many others in the God-fearing, Bible-believing community. Get yours today, and spend your every waking moment reading the loving words of our Creator.

As you can see, the Bible Harness is practically invisible when in use. The strong leather fastenings hold your face tightly to the Inspired Words, which gently cradle your nose and uplift your spirit.

If you purchase one for yourself and your spouse, we'll send you a third, child-size Harness for free! When worn to school, this will prevent your child from being indoctrinated with sinful, secular notions such as scientific literacy, false interpretations of the Bible, and grammar. Don't waste time-call today!

For an extra $10, you can upgrade to a Deluxe Bible Harness, featuring embossed crosses on the straps, gold-plated buckles, and a transparent pocket on the front into which you can insert a selection of cards for others to read, including such inspirational sayings as:
Can't talk--reading Bible.

let me guess...... Why do you care so much to debate the bible if you dont believe in it? What are you scared of hell dont exsist in your world right?

If this country is to survive in the coming years we are going to have to compete in math and science and critical thinking skills with other countries. We cannot afford to have a delusional mentally ill population who thinks the bible is reality and ruining children's minds with such nonsense
We cannot afford to have a delusional mentally ill population who thinks the bible is reality and ruining children's minds with such nonsense

Since your desire is literally as much fantasy as you believe the Bible to be, you better move to North Korea or China. You will be happier there with their critical thinking skills.
AVG-JOE and huggy each have the right to believes as they do and not to make the other afraid because they believe differently.

That's what make our Constitution wonderful.

That, dear Monkeys, is why America will win the religion wars and lead Momma's little bastards to the stars.
If this country is to survive in the coming years we are going to have to compete in math and science and critical thinking skills with other countries. We cannot afford to have a delusional mentally ill population who thinks the bible is reality and ruining children's minds with such nonsense

Patience Luke.

She's within a couple of generations of doing just that. ;)
However ‘interesting’ the thread so far, clearly no one is advocating ‘parts’ of the First Amendment be ‘removed.’

One must assume from this comment based on the actual posts in this thread and the repeated claim that teaching children about religion is mental abuse and that religion in general are loony tunes, that you agree that the 1st Amendment does not apply to parents teaching their children their chosen religion.

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