Reopen the Economy

When should the economy reopen in full

  • Immediately

  • When Fauci and Birx say so

  • June 1st

  • When we have a vaccine

  • FIVE YEARS - Favorite of USMB's U2 Edge

  • NEVER -- Let Anarchy reign

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All you righties disagree with trump but still give him your undying support. Strange world.

Not strange at all. President Trump realizes that a lot of people have been affected by the Liberal Panic Mongering about the virus and he's working to alleviate people's concerns. I think the idea of Georgia and other states moving forward and opening up will put pressure on other states to do the same after they see the success.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

I voted for anarchy...

Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.

Had we done that then we would have known how many had the virus and how many did not have it.

Also when a real Pandemic does happen society will reject the Government wishes and billions will die because of how far our Governments went with this Virus and trying to stop the spread...
I was tested, turns out I have an IQ of 456.
All you righties disagree with trump but still give him your undying support. Strange world.

Not strange at all. President Trump realizes that a lot of people have been affected by the Liberal Panic Mongering about the virus and he's working to alleviate people's concerns. I think the idea of Georgia and other states moving forward and opening up will put pressure on other states to do the same after they see the success.
Trump is against Georgia opening up....
Can I assume all the immediately voters are pro life? Can't make this stuff up.

People are being literally decimated by the lockdown as they aren't allowed to work. They are losing their livelihoods and soon won't be able to live if it goes on much longer. Total destitution and poverty is a surer killer than this coronavirus, as anyone who is familiar with the American Ghetto knows.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.
Why the rush? It's trump policy and you always say trumps made things better for you. You should be enjoying all this trump policy.
Rush is because we need herd immunity. The scientists were wrong.
Were they? You are sure? It is funny that China seems better off than us now.
If you believe that, I have a bridge in NY to sell you. Only a dumbass would believe a communist controlled regime.
All you righties disagree with trump but still give him your undying support. Strange world.

Not strange at all. President Trump realizes that a lot of people have been affected by the Liberal Panic Mongering about the virus and he's working to alleviate people's concerns. I think the idea of Georgia and other states moving forward and opening up will put pressure on other states to do the same after they see the success.
Trump is against Georgia opening up....
Some businesses in Georgia not Georgia. Another lie from the TDS infused Leftist.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

I voted for anarchy...

Fact is before opening I believe everyone need to be tested not once but twice in a fourteen day period and this should have been done back at the end of March.

Had we done that then we would have known how many had the virus and how many did not have it.

Also when a real Pandemic does happen society will reject the Government wishes and billions will die because of how far our Governments went with this Virus and trying to stop the spread...
I was tested, turns out I have an IQ of 456.

Getting on a scale does not mean your weight is your IQ...

Anyhoo, the fact is we can not hide from the virus and we should have done things differently but now we must move forward.

If States want to reopen then so be it and if they want to stay close then so be it.

Federal Government can reopen their agencies and lands and States can not interfere with this and States will have to open agencies that work with key Federal Agencies.

As for private businesses that is their choice and unless the City, County, State or Federal Government has a contract with the business then the owner will make the choice to open or stay close but if the owner has a contract with any government agency then they will most likely be forced to open and honor their contract.

So open and let kill Humanity!!!

( Last Comment is from a insane person, so consider the source )
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.
Why the rush? It's trump policy and you always say trumps made things better for you. You should be enjoying all this trump policy.
People are out of jobs, dickweed.
Soon to be be jobs, money, homes, and food.
Hell, your shill check might get cut. :auiqs.jpg:
Can I assume all the immediately voters are pro life? Can't make this stuff up.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything....Fucking dope.
Open immediately will certainly lead to more death. That hardly seems pro life unless you admit the pro life stance is just a political thing and the lives really don't matter. Is that what you are doing?
Your kind of rank and willful stupidity should be physically painful.

Now go crawl back into your concrete bunker, ya little pussy.
Can I assume all the immediately voters are pro life? Can't make this stuff up.

I was thinking that too.

Now it's fine to extinguish lives if it's financially inconvenient to keep them around.
Problem is, Chucklehead, there hasn't been shown any correlation between states shut down tight and those that stayed mostly open and the actual death rates in them! So YOUR deaths are all hypothetical. Killing babies is REAL.

700,000 babies were killed last year alone in abortion clinics. You were OK with that. That is SIXTEEN TIMES (1,600%) the number dead from Corona.
Can I assume all the immediately voters are pro life? Can't make this stuff up.

I was thinking that too.

Now it's fine to extinguish lives if it's financially inconvenient to keep them around.
I am and have always been pro choice but this is not money vs lives. Domestic abuse and drug addiction hotline calls have doubled since the shutdown. This is lives vs lives.
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

We need another option. This can’t be a national one size fits all. Not when situations are different by state and municipality. I would say let local governors, mayors, and other officials make that determination locally.
Off-topic a bit..but wtf happened with the meat situation?

It looked like they switched from TP to beef when I went to Wally World.
All the beef's was gone! :eek:
Meanwhile, my neighbor was grilling burgers.
He likes them pre-made
I like to smash mine.
Can I assume all the immediately voters are pro life? Can't make this stuff up.

I was thinking that too.

Now it's fine to extinguish lives if it's financially inconvenient to keep them around.
I am and have always been pro choice but this is not money vs lives. Domestic abuse and drug addiction hotline calls have doubled since the shutdown. This is lives vs lives.

I've seen this talking point from the right and I don't think it's a good argument for a number of reasons. If we look at the numbers, it might provide some substance, but I have noticed that nobody wants to bring up numbers.

How many more deaths have we seen from domestic abuse and drug addiction?
I believe we need to reopen ASAP. We know the risks. Barbershops, gyms, restaurants, hotels, etc. are dying. We don't close the economy during every flu season we should not close it now. The brief shutdown has allowed our hospitals to be ready for the virus. We have ventilators, masks and information. Warm weather is coming. Let the people choose.

I welcome your thoughts.

We need another option. This can’t be a national one size fits all. Not when situations are different by state and municipality. I would say let local governors, mayors, and other officials make that determination locally.
Oh, the ones with ICLEI plants will stay shut down longer.
Not enough to combat that was done once it was found out about.
Many local governments will do the bidding of the UN.

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