Rep. Alan Grayson in House Floor Speech

What you folks want to do is impeach the President.

You are just fine with the law.

Care to back that up by finding just one post where I call for such? How about one post where I support the PA?

Perhaps you should stop being disingenuous about my positions and, instead, post some positions yourself.


You're posting the same nonsense every other poster here posts about how Obama uses the law "differently".

You seem to forget it was Librarians and Doctors that stood up to the Bush administration when they were demanding records from them.

The Law is crap.

Been saying that when Bush was a around. Saying that now.

The Patriot Act, the AUMF, the DHS all need to go.

So you failed to produce anything at all. Not surprising.

Now, where have I stated that Obama is using the law differently? Again, just find one post.

Now, as you have a reading comprehension problem, let me explain to you what I ACTUALLY said.

I stated that he has EXPANDED its use through expanding capability. That is not using the law differently; it is using the law to its fullest. It is EXACTLY why I despise the law. It is EXACTLY why I was against the law. Not because of what Bush was going to do with it. It was wrong as well but everyone was on the ‘we need more safety’ bandwagon. I asked the same questions than that I am asking now. If you think that nothing is going to come of it under Bush (which is exactly what happened, nothing) what about the next president? The one after that? The one 30 years from now? You see, even with Obama, there will likely be nothing that comes from this expansion. It is unlikely that such is going to be used to suppress the people. I am not worried about Obama here though. I am worried because the program will grow as ALL programs do and become more and more oppressive as that happens. Obama’s expansion (or rather the expansion occurring under Obama) is proof positive that this is going to happen. It is getting bigger and worse under the ‘protect privacy’ liberals. They are defending this (as you have done on MANY threads by constantly deferring to the BOOOOOOSH meme).

This is also why I am against the NDAA. I am not worried about what Obama is going to do with that travesty. I am worried how that is going to be expanded and used a decade from now when we all look back and think: WOW that was stupid. Exactly as we are doing now with the PA.
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How can anyone who is WORKING for the government claim to be anything other than a statist?

You people think these terms liberal and conservative mean something real? when allied to our members of Congress?

They don't believe in government that's why they ARE the government?

God what clueless dupes you partisans are.
How can anyone who is WORKING for the government claim to be anything other than a statist?

You people think these terms liberal and conservative mean something real? when allied to our members of Congress?

They don't believe in government that's why they ARE the government?

God what clueless dupes you partisans are.

What next ed, regurgitate the most destructive president in our lifetime?

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan
Not yet. But Obama's trying!
Tell us all what Obama has added to Bush's program.

This should be good.

I dont recall conservative groups and donors targeted by the IRS under Bush. Have a link to that?

No, Liberal groups were targeted under Bush.

I dont recall a massive program to gather every phone call, email, or credit card charge of American citizens in the US under BUsh. Link to that?

Since it was secret, we don't know, do we? But we have some evidence.

Note the dates, asshole.

Haven't you been embarassed enough here? Hell, your avatar is embarassing all by itself.

I agree. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan is definitely an embarrassment.
How can anyone who is WORKING for the government claim to be anything other than a statist?

You people think these terms liberal and conservative mean something real? when allied to our members of Congress?

They don't believe in government that's why they ARE the government?

God what clueless dupes you partisans are.
Did you know that Congress has exempted themselves from all this surveillance?

True story.

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