Rep Steube shows off guns during hearing, Jackson interrupts: "i hope that gun isnt loaded", Steube quips: "I'm in my house, I can do whatever I want"

Steube is a bad example for kids out there. "i can do whatever i want with my guns"...our kids are watching, and they will say the same about their guns and do something awful...hopefully not, but it's possible, and Steube is complicit
Steube is a bad example for kids out there.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Kids are the ones shooting each other!

They don't need to learn about guns, they already know.

"i can do whatever i want with my guns"...our kids are watching, and they will say the same about their guns and do something awful...hopefully not, but it's possible, and Steube is complicit
Go tell Nancy Pelosi.
Steube is a bad example for kids out there. "i can do whatever i want with my guns"...our kids are watching, and they will say the same about their guns and do something awful...hopefully not, but it's possible, and Steube is complicit
Steube is a bad example for kids out there. "i can do whatever i want with my guns"

that the whole quote?

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