Rep. Steve King calls Obama’s SOTU guest a ‘deportable’


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It looks like even politicians are smart enough to understand that Obama broke the law by inviting an illegal alien to the SOTU address:

Rep. Steve King calls Obama s SOTU guest a deportable MSNBC

Republican Rep. Steve King, a vehement opponent of immigration reform, created waves shortly before President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night when he characterized one of the commander-in-chief’s guests as “a deportable.”

“Obama perverts ‘prosecutorial discretion’ by inviting a deportable to sit in place of honor at #SOTU w/1st Lady,” the Iowa lawmaker tweeted. “I should sit with Alito,” he added, referring to conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

[snip]King, considered a political powerbroker of sorts in the state, is known for his strident remarks against immigration reforms.
What law did Obama break?

He's abetting a crime.

What crime is he "abetting" by inviting someone to the SOTU?

The presence of an illegal within our borders is a crime.

No, it's not - and even if it was, inviting someone to the SOTU isn't abetting or assisting in that "crime".

Sure it is. If you help a person committing a crime, you're abetting. Anyone who helps known illegal aliens is committing a crime.
What law did Obama break?

He's abetting a crime.

What crime is he "abetting" by inviting someone to the SOTU?

The presence of an illegal within our borders is a crime.

No, it's not - and even if it was, inviting someone to the SOTU isn't abetting or assisting in that "crime".

Sure it is. If you help a person committing a crime, you're abetting. Anyone who helps known illegal aliens is committing a crime.

How does inviting them to the SOTU "help" them commit the "crime" of being in the country illegally?

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