Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Well, we don't have to give that much. It's not final.

Instead, I think it should be like a trust fund you only get a certain amount for a certain length of time.
How much were you thinking? The numbers being tossed around would destroy the county.

Are you are that reparations for Holocaust survivors were only around $300 a month, going up slightly over the years? And that was for people who were maimed for life, had their families slaughtered, and lost all their property. My (step)grandfather endured serious physical issues the remainder of his life…..lost his first wife and little boy….and also had his home stolen away.

1) Now, how would you compare that to blacks today, who have not had their families slaughtered or property stolen, and are 150+ years removed from slavery? Considering the Jews, who suffered a DIRECT horror, ended up getting a few thousand dollars a year, what would you suggest for blacks?

2) Also, what about blacks who were admitted to prestigious law and medical programs due to their skin color, and now make $300,000 a year? Do THEY deserve additional benefits?
Everyone has a bias whether related to race sex or gender. That doesn't make them racist or sexist.

I don't know any black people. I had one black gay friend a few years ago here in Utah but when I relapsed on booze I lost all of my friends including him. In my State is 90 percent white people so I don't even see black people.

But I still support reparations because I think it could strengthen the country's morale.
It wouldn’t strengthen the country’s morale. It would anger the majority of Americans who are opposed to paying reparations to people who were directly injured.
The government allowed slavery of human beings and reparations need to be made. we can afford it and we can set an amount over a lifetime that only gives a certain amount yearly.

And I think from a spiritual perspective it's the right thing to do.

I've stated my position and you have read it and responded with yours.

If you have anything to say in regard to my "opinion" it's fine it's your opinion. Cool.

We are not going to change each other perspective that seems clear.

You will respond with a data and a snarky remark.

This is why our Country is in the condition it's in.

The government allowed slavery of human beings and reparations need to be made.

No, they don't.
Again, time to repeat a lesson, because some people just don't want to get it.


This afternoons lesson:

Americans Wealth Was Built With the Bodies of Slaves!

“But lack of clarity about history is also a tragedy for greater society, because it leads to a false confidence about the simplicity of rectifying racial injustice through appeals to personal goodness rather than structural intervention.”
-Emily Walton

“By a conservative estimate, in 1860 the total value of slaves was at least ten times more than the gold and silver then circulating nationally($228.3 million, “most of it in the North,” the authors add), total currency($435.4 million), and even the value of the South’s total farmland ($1.92billion). Slaves were, to slavers, worth more than everything else they could imagine combined.”

If you equate that in modern dollars slaves were worth more than 16 billion in cash, and more than 71 billion as property. That is a conservative estimate, meaning the amount could be far more. In 1860, Slaves were worth more than the gold, silver, total U.S.currency, plus all the farmland in the South combined in 1860, but did not receive a dime.

During slavery, wealthy slave owners created and sold slave-backed securities.

In the 1830s, powerful Southern slaveowners wanted to import capital into their states so they could buy more slaves. They came up with a new, two-part idea:mortgaging slaves; and then turning the mortgages into bonds that could be marketed all over the world.

First, American planters organized new banks, usually in new states like Mississippi and Louisiana. Drawing up lists of slaves for collateral, the planters then mortgaged them to the banks they had created, enabling themselves to buy additional slaves to expand cotton production. To provide capital for those loans, the banks sold bonds to investors from around the globe — London, New York, Amsterdam,Paris. The bond buyers, many of whom lived in countries where slavery was illegal, didn’t own individual slaves —just bonds backed by their value. Planters’ mortgage payments paid the interest and the principle on these bond payments. Enslaved human beings had been, in modern financial lingo, “securitized.”

As slave-backed mortgages became paper bonds, everybody profited — except, obviously, enslaved African Americans whose forced labor repaid owners’ mortgages. But investors owed a piece of slave-earned income. Older slave states such as Maryland and Virginia sold slaves to the new cotton states, at securitization-inflated prices, resulting in slave asset bubble. Cotton factor firms like the now-defunct Lehman Brothers — founded in Alabama — became wildly successful. Lehman moved to Wall Street, and for all these firms, every transaction in slave-earned money flowing in and out of the U.S. earned Wall Street firms a fee.

The infant American financial industry nourished itself on profits taken from financing slave traders, cotton brokers and underwriting slave-backed bonds. But though slavery ended in 1865, in the years after the Civil War, black entrepreneurs would find themselves excluded from a financial system originally built on their bodies.
-Edward E. Baptist and Louis Hyman, American Finance Grew on the Back of Slaves

Slavery made the U.S. a lot of money and most of that money went into the new technological advancements that led to the industrial age. It is money on which the compound interest today has kept America rich.

What it takes for blacks to be successful:

1) Stay in school
2) Don’t engage in crime
3) Plan for some post-high school training to prepare to earn a living
4) Don’t have children until marriage and then only when you can afford them

There you have it. Same as for whites.
For some warped reason, IM2 thinks we destroyed black communities.
How much were you thinking? The numbers being tossed around would destroy the county.

Are you are that reparations for Holocaust survivors were only around $300 a month, going up slightly over the years? And that was for people who were maimed for life, had their families slaughtered, and lost all their property. My (step)grandfather endured serious physical issues the remainder of his life…..lost his first wife and little boy….and also had his home stolen away.

1) Now, how would you compare that to blacks today, who have not had their families slaughtered or property stolen, and are 150+ years removed from slavery? Considering the Jews, who suffered a DIRECT horror, ended up getting a few thousand dollars a year, what would you suggest for blacks?

2) Also, what about blacks who were admitted to prestigious law and medical programs due to their skin color, and now make $300,000 a year? Do THEY deserve additional benefits?
No, I was thinking just a flat amount monthly until death or a set age. I think Congress has the job of figuring out how to do it. I don't think that is my job. Once Politicians pitch ways to do it I will align with the one closest to my own opinion about it.

Jews are still traumatized. African Americans also experienced a direct horror. Generational healing can help both groups.

Your questions seem like there is a fear if they succeed and do well because of having reparations. But logically we already know this won;t be the case. Because the welfare system has been the preparation system for years ad no one got rich they only got forward enough in life to not need assistance.

Yes al 12 percent of African Americans deserve reparations. The amount is not going to change their life drastically in monthly payments but it will change their heart mind and soul so be recognized apologized to ad given a reparation.
How much were you thinking? The numbers being tossed around would destroy the county.

Are you are that reparations for Holocaust survivors were only around $300 a month, going up slightly over the years? And that was for people who were maimed for life, had their families slaughtered, and lost all their property. My (step)grandfather endured serious physical issues the remainder of his life…..lost his first wife and little boy….and also had his home stolen away.

1) Now, how would you compare that to blacks today, who have not had their families slaughtered or property stolen, and are 150+ years removed from slavery? Considering the Jews, who suffered a DIRECT horror, ended up getting a few thousand dollars a year, what would you suggest for blacks?

2) Also, what about blacks who were admitted to prestigious law and medical programs due to their skin color, and now make $300,000 a year? Do THEY deserve additional benefits?
Also, I like the way you post. You seem at least to think things out before asking questions.
Yes, that is also true. But my ancestors got paid for all their labor and they weren't beaten, raped, or ripped away from their own kids.

In this sense doing the right thing has a spiritual component to me in my own conscience.
360,000 died to insure that would never happen again.

What’s that worth?
I feel like I'm stating the obvious here, but somebody has to say it. lol.

There's no validity in ''identifying'' as Afro-American just because you're black.

You have to actually be an African-American to be an African-American. Umkay?

Afro-American is nation specific.

Of course, a feller these days can (seemingly) get away with being accepted as a woman, socially speaking, except with a pee pee, if he himself might be turned on in some strange way by arbitrarily choosing to ''identify'' as such with the expectation of having his fantasy placated. So we at least know that they're already running with that ''identify as'' bullsugar and don't have a problem doing so if they feel like it might bear some kind of ''fruit'' (from someone elses tree and at the barrel of a government gun, predictably) lol. The Cloward-Piven strategy, with which this communistic, ''equitability'' themed administration in particular has become synonymous to those who observe goings-on astutely, has kind of morphed by strategic design by its purveyors to include many other arbtrarily designated victim status groups. The desired end result across the board, seemingly, and particularly as more and more arbitrarily designated victim status groups jump on or are installed onto the bandwagon by some foreign or domestic NGO, appears to be invoked in the form of the federal government strongarming us at the barrel of a gun and redistributing our wealth to such designated victim status groups to placate claims as eef vee, zee producers, vill be okay eef vee just own nussing uhnt be happy. From each according to his ability and to each according to his government defined needs shenanigans, to put it country simple. As I'd said, and correctly so, observably, the race hustlers and the Marxists/commies function in synergy. Crazy stuff, though predictable and as clear as day as it is.

Technically speaking, this is why the Founders ensured that the constitutionally protected rights of all men, endowed by their Creator, were preserved should an unfortunate demand arise by consent of the governed to shoot usurpers in the face. And, of course, world history is thoroughly rife with example of that very demand arising; many reduced to having to stand up against their oppressors with mere stones, unfortunately. You know how some repugnant, wannabe dicators enjoy getting on the idiot box and narcissistically boasting of the level of fire power they have in the context of responding to the constituency's opposition to blatant, strategic usurp. They're trying to wittle the electorate down to stones here at home, if we're paying attention.
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The government allowed slavery of human beings and reparations need to be made. we can afford it and we can set an amount over a lifetime that only gives a certain amount yearly.

And I think from a spiritual perspective it's the right thing to do.

I've stated my position and you have read it and responded with yours.

If you have anything to say in regard to my "opinion" it's fine it's your opinion. Cool.

We are not going to change each other perspective that seems clear.

You will respond with a data and a snarky remark.

This is why our Country is in the condition it's in.
Our country is in the condition it is because we made the mistake of allowing the slave trade. Then we compounded that mistake by not forcing the Negros to move to Africa when we freed them.
No, I was thinking just a flat amount monthly until death or a set age. I think Congress has the job of figuring out how to do it. I don't think that is my job. Once Politicians pitch ways to do it I will align with the one closest to my own opinion about it.

Jews are still traumatized. African Americans also experienced a direct horror. Generational healing can help both groups.

Your questions seem like there is a fear if they succeed and do well because of having reparations. But logically we already know this won;t be the case. Because the welfare system has been the preparation system for years ad no one got rich they only got forward enough in life to not need assistance.

Yes al 12 percent of African Americans deserve reparations. The amount is not going to change their life drastically in monthly payments but it will change their heart mind and soul so be recognized apologized to ad given a reparation.
I’m afraid blacks might succeed if they’re given reparations? WHY do you Dems have to accuse people of racism all the time? I’ve written multiple times what the path to success would be for blacks.

Also, I hope you’re not saying that just as Jewish Holocaust survivors are still traumatIzed that blacks today who were never slaves are still traumatized by something they didn’t experience directly! That’s an insulting comparison.

And you also think ALL blacks deserve this free payout? The doctors, the lawyers, the MBAs, etc? If they were still so ”traumatized” knowing that two centuries ago blacks were slaves, how why they able to complete difficult programs and become wealthy, educated professionals?

What about the blacks who have committed violent crimes and have been to prison? Should THEY get payoffs also?
Our country is in the condition it is because we made the mistake of allowing the slave trade. Then we compounded that mistake by not forcing the Negros to move to Africa when we freed them.
Well since we forced them to America we now have to take responsibility for what we did to human beings.
I’m afraid blacks might succeed if they’re given reparations? WHY do you Dems have to accuse people of racism all the time? I’ve written multiple times what the path to success would be for blacks.

Also, I hope you’re not saying that just as Jewish Holocaust survivors are still traumatIzed that blacks today who were never slaves are still traumatized by something they didn’t experience directly! That’s an insulting comparison.

And you also think ALL blacks deserve this free payout? The doctors, the lawyers, the MBAs, etc? If they were still so ”traumatized” knowing that two centuries ago blacks were slaves, how why they able to complete difficult programs and become wealthy, educated professionals?

What about the blacks who have committed violent crimes and have been to prison? Should THEY get payoffs also?
I am an independent. I voted for Trump in the last Election.

It's not a free payout the damage done in slavery carries over generationally just like in any family we carry emotional baggage sometimes physical scars from the past.

People spend years in therapy over their childhood. I imagine that the damage done in slavery carried over to the younger generations and they still had to deal with no coloreds here bullshit even after being freed.

Yes, all blacks to start and a small monthly check is no different than a welfare check except it's a recognition and an apology.

If African Americans commit a crime no reparation check while in prison.

America has never even apologized for what we did to human beings.
  • Thanks
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What blacks like Loury ignore is the dependence whites have developed. He quotes some things based on flawed premise. His argument shows that he has internalized a white narrative. Hitchens made faar more sense than Loury.
Here we keep getting the same meritless mindless babble from the same whites.
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