Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Yes and slavery happened at government gun too.

We're all still slaves.

Don't pay your property tax and see what happens.

The special interest group claims made by the OP hold no precedent within the framework of that reality. These 21st century opportunists are no more a 'victim' than the rest of us in the full scope of the terms of controversy. But they aren't interested in the full terms of controversy anyway. They're only interested in terms of controversy which reinforce the idea or the illusion of validity of designating them to be a specific victim status group. So such is indicated from the position of the red fonts I'd scrolled by and had a chuckle about earlier in the thread. They're useful to the pogrom (again, not to be confused with program...though a pogrom is apparently the program they're running from where I'm sitting as a casual observer and given the recent popularity among them to politically demonize whites in the electorate) The Marxists and race hustlers operate hand in hand in places like this to sell an idea. To place forth a stalking horse. All that it serves, and all that it is intended to serve, is to sell and reinforce the foolish notion that the government owns you, owns 100% of your income and the fruits of your labor and that it alone sets the terms for which you may keep a certain percentage.
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We're all still slaves.

The group claims made by the OP hold no precedence over that reality.
Yes, that is also true. But my ancestors got paid for all their labor and they weren't beaten, raped, or ripped away from their own kids.

In this sense doing the right thing has a spiritual component to me in my own conscience.
I’m not sure what you mean by the religious right. I was brought up Conservadox - a coined term meaning a bit more observant than Conservatives and a bit less observant than Orthodox - and I’m quite tied to my synagogue: services, classes, social events, trips, etc. I am, as you know, a Republican. Am I then part of the religious right? If so, I see nothing wrong with that.
I also see nothing wrong with it.

I am thinking mainly of Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority. I was a card carrying member of the Moral Majority and a charter subscriber of Jerry Falwell's magazine The Fundamentalist. Nevertheless, I am not a Fundamentalist, and I nearly always vote a straight Democrat ticket in a general election.

The Moral Majority tried to restore the moral ethos of the 1950's, when love and marriage went together like a horse and carriage, rates of illegitimacy and divorce were low., and most Americans were affiliated with a church or synagogue.

Nevertheless, the moral ethos of the 1950's was the spontaneous result of factors like the Great Depression, the Second World War, and the Cold War. By the 1980's the moral consensus had changed. Behavior that was popular during the 1950's could only have been enforced by government coercion during the 1980's. That is why the religious right failed, and why President Reagan had to handle it carefully.
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Yes and we should have done that to surviving slaves, we promised we would give land and we didn't we did not do a darn thing. We still owe it and anyone whose dna matches a slave should get it.
We didn't promise them anything, but we DID give them property in the south seized from Confederates and Indians.:
We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.) But what many accounts leave out is that this idea for massive land redistribution actually was the result of a discussion that Sherman and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton held four days before Sherman issued the Order, with 20 leaders of the black community in Savannah, Ga., where Sherman was headquartered following his famous March to the Sea. The meeting was unprecedented in American history.

he Homestead act of 1862 gave blacks the same access to western lands as whites; 160 acres top anyone willing to pay a small filing fee, build a house over five years and was either 21 years of age or a citizen, blacks were included and blacks were given 4,000,000 acres under that program.
They should have opted for no nation at all. Here we are 400 years later and the ugly after effects of slavery are still with us. Since slavery/White Supremacy was woven into the fabric of the USA, (the Constitution) I believe reperations are the only way to make amends.
So you'd prefer to be ruled by King Charles of the UK today. It figures. Nothing is ever good enough for you and IM2. Without the American Revolution, the British Empire would never have broken up and you would still be a second-class subject. Look at all the places blacks were ruled by the Brits up until the end of colonization, blacks were always worse off than they are in the USA today.
Really, we should bring back duels.

That'd solve a lot of problems...
There are a lot of whiney and horrible people I wouldn't mind facing over the sights of a pistol at twenty yards, but then, I'm a good to excellent shot and Code Duello would favor my skill set.
Because of affirmative action in hiring a colored person who is reasonably likable, and reasonably intelligent, and who has no felony convictions and no illegitimate children will have doors opened that remain securely shut for an equally worthy white person.

When affirmative action in hiring comes to an end that will come to an end, and millions of Negroes will be fired from jobs their bosses never wanted to hire them for in the first place. This will open up a lot of good jobs for whites and Orientals.

It is coming IM2, and there is nothing you can do abut it.
Blacks who are good workers and decent human beings won't be hurt by the end of AA at all. There are plenty of color-blind employers who just want a good employee who comes to work and produces a useful product. Most employers simply don't care what race or religion an employee is, only that he gives them an honest days work for an honest days pay.
We didn't promise them anything, but we DID give them property in the south seized from Confederates and Indians.:
We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.) But what many accounts leave out is that this idea for massive land redistribution actually was the result of a discussion that Sherman and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton held four days before Sherman issued the Order, with 20 leaders of the black community in Savannah, Ga., where Sherman was headquartered following his famous March to the Sea. The meeting was unprecedented in American history.

he Homestead act of 1862 gave blacks the same access to western lands as whites; 160 acres top anyone willing to pay a small filing fee, build a house over five years and was either 21 years of age or a citizen, blacks were included and blacks were given 4,000,000 acres under that program.
The government allowed slavery of human beings and reparations need to be made. we can afford it and we can set an amount over a lifetime that only gives a certain amount yearly.

And I think from a spiritual perspective it's the right thing to do.

I've stated my position and you have read it and responded with yours.

If you have anything to say in regard to my "opinion" it's fine it's your opinion. Cool.

We are not going to change each other perspective that seems clear.

You will respond with a data and a snarky remark.

This is why our Country is in the condition it's in.
The racial demographics of the United States are:

  • White: 59.3% of the population are non-Hispanic whites.
  • Hispanic and Latino: 18.9% of the population are Hispanic and Latino.
  • Black: 12.6% of the population are Black.
  • Asian: 6% of the population are Asian.
  • Multiple races: 2.8% of the population identify as multiple races.
  • American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.7% of the population are American Indian/Alaska Native.
  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander: 0.2% of the population are Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander.
This is from an AI search. anyway, 12.6 percent of the entire population is pretty small really. If we took a few billion back from Ukraine. We can afford it.
Have you looked at the numbers? It's FIFTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS according to people like IM2. The current national debt that is crippling us by fueling the inflationary curve is thirty-one point six trillion. You are talking about making the US national debt FORTY-SIX TRILLION DOLLARS overnight. The interest paid on the thirty-one point six trillion last year was over eight hundred billion dollars ($800,000,000,000.00); for your new debt it would be one trillion two hundred billion dollars a year ($1,200,000,000.00)
Have you looked at the numbers? It's FIFTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS according to people like IM2. The current national debt that is crippling us by fueling the inflationary curve is thirty-one point six trillion. You are talking about making the US national debt FORTY-SIX TRILLION DOLLARS overnight. The interest paid on the thirty-one point six trillion last year was over eight hundred billion dollars ($800,000,000,000.00); for your new debt it would be one trillion two hundred billion dollars a year ($1,200,000,000.00)
No I am not.
I am not responsible for his post.

I have stated my position clearly and suggested an alternative way to do it over a lifetime in just a small monthly payment. African Americans are only 12 percent of the whole population. If we can send billions to Ukraine we can set up a reparation that pays some small monthly payments over their lifetime.

From a spiritual perspective, it's the right thing to do in my opinion. also an apology.

Do you realize how much that would change all the anger going on in our Country?

No more bitching about their situation anymore.

Our government spent millions researching whale sperm. That's insane.
The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

Christopher had a few things to say about reparations.

No I am not.
I am not responsible for his post.

I have stated my position clearly and suggested an alternative way to do it over a lifetime in just a small monthly payment. African Americans are only 12 percent of the whole population. If we can send billions to Ukraine we can set up a reparation that pays some small monthly payments over their lifetime.

From a spiritual perspective, it's the right thing to do in my opinion. also an apology.

Do you realize how much that would change all the anger going on in our Country?

No more bitching about their situation anymore.

Our government spent millions researching whale sperm. That's insane.
LOL careful you will be labeled a white racist if you don't agree with IM2

great audio:

Reparations for Slavery​

This week, we presented an Oxford-style debate organized by Boston University's College of Communications on whether the United States should pay reparations for slavery.

Your checkbook is already used for sex change operations for prisoners, food, medical and housing for illegals, and billions for wars in other countries.

I am sure if you looked into the spending of Congress you will find many things they use your checkbook for already.

Billions of money are sent to other countries.

You already also pay for disability, food stamps, and Medicaid in your taxes for other people.

Now take away some of that funding and give it to African Americans and empower them.

Your checkbook is already used for sex change operations for prisoners, food, medical and housing for illegals, and billions for wars in other countries.

I agree, we should spend a lot less on those. And still zero on reparations.
LOL careful you will be labeled a white racist if you don't agree with IM2
Everyone has a bias whether related to race sex or gender. That doesn't make them racist or sexist.

I don't know any black people. I had one black gay friend a few years ago here in Utah but when I relapsed on booze I lost all of my friends including him. In my State is 90 percent white people so I don't even see black people.

But I still support reparations because I think it could strengthen the country's morale.
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