Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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What you won't give doesn't matter. The goverrnments owe us.

America wouldn't have been in the hole had white men not deprived blacks, indigenous "Americans," Asians, Hispanics, and white women, of fair pay and fair opportunity. This money paid for reparations will be recycled back into the American economy, and it will eliminate some of the spending for public assistance that was caused in the first place by white racism.

This matter will not be decided by you. This is a matterr of spiritual law.

Reparations will be paid. Or America will be destroyed. Not by mans hand, but watch as the natural disasters increase on this country.
Please let us know when you receive your check. Until then I have no interest.
Please let us know when you receive your check. Until then I have no interest.
The whole thing‘s a joke. Any candidate who promises to give 13% of the population a payout they don’t deserve, to be borne by the other 87% who did nothing wrong, will lose the election.
Nobody is out of luck but you.
Brainless cluck. 🐓

The government owes. The government will pay.
You owe. YOU will pay. :1peleas:

Reparations are coming
You ain't getting shit.

and if you don't want to pay a second time
So, you admit you were already paid! Sorry, Ace, but BLM has spent their capital and are out of juice. You're fucked. I mean more than usual.

you will lets us have the money so we can build the communities you racists destroyed.
You can have a one way ticket back to Ethiopia. Rebuild those communities you destroyed.
Brainless cluck. 🐓

You owe. YOU will pay. :1peleas:

You ain't getting shit.

So, you admit you were already paid! Sorry, Ace, but BLM has spent their capital and are out of juice. You're fucked. I mean more than usual.

You can have a one way ticket back to Ethiopia. Rebuild those communities you destroyed.
When you get your one way ticket back to Europe, I'll get mine to Africa.

The thing white racists don't understand is exactly what it takes for blacks to be successful in America.

First and Foremost is the refusal to listen to whites telling us what we cannot do and what we will not have.
When you get your one way ticket back to Europe, I'll get mine to Africa.
No need to. I am here working hard, paying taxes, and busy contributing to making America a better place for others while using the American Dream to better myself. You should try it.

The thing white racists don't understand is exactly what it takes for blacks to be successful in America.
Well I'm not a white racist, but I understand what a black racist like you thinks it takes for blacks to be successful, unfortunately, you've been given it for 150 years and repeatedly proven that it was cash and effort thrown away.

First and Foremost is the refusal to listen to whites telling us what we cannot do and what we will not have.
You can kiss my ass and suck my dick, then get in line and get the same as everyone else or a good kick in the ass.
There will NEVER be reparations, or if there is, it will be a modest amount (perhaps $5k a year) to people 60 and up who lived in Jim Crow states.

This talk about $350k per black, or $850k per black, or a bazillion trillion per black, is all race-baiting talk to get blacks to be angry over something they never experienced - and for the purposes of division.

The truth is that blacks today should be thanking their lucky stars their ancestors were forced to come here, just as I am glad my ancestors fled antisemitism in Europe. Had the blacks’ ancestors not been sent on slave ships, they would have had a much worse life in Africa. Had my ancestors not fled antisemitism, I would have had no life at all, nor my parents.
Democrat politicians who claim to be open to reparations lose white, Oriental, and even Hispanic voters.
Democrat politicians who claim to be open to reparations lose white, Oriental, and even Hispanic voters.
The problem is that Democrats are so focused on blacks that they figure they’ll lock down the black vote with the bribe - and never consider that they’ll lose the majority of the voters.
The thing white racists don't understand is exactly what it takes for blacks to be successful in America.
Because of affirmative action in hiring a colored person who is reasonably likable, and reasonably intelligent, and who has no felony convictions and no illegitimate children will have doors opened that remain securely shut for an equally worthy white person.

When affirmative action in hiring comes to an end that will come to an end, and millions of Negroes will be fired from jobs their bosses never wanted to hire them for in the first place. This will open up a lot of good jobs for whites and Orientals.

It is coming IM2, and there is nothing you can do abut it.
I won't be doing any of that. If you're done talking about the topic, move along.

The thing white racists don't understand is exactly what it takes for blacks to be successful in America.

First and Foremost is the refusal to listen to whites telling us what we cannot do and what we will not have.
The problem is that Democrats are so focused on blacks that they figure they’ll lock down the black vote with the bribe - and never consider that they’ll lose the majority of the voters.
Democrat politicians should play the black vote the way President Reagan played the religious right. Reagan knew that the religious right was a large constituency Republican politicians would sometimes need in tight elections. He also knew that most Americans, and many Republicans, disliked the religious right.

Reagan's way out of the dilemma was to give the religious right rhetorical support, while doing nothing to advance its agenda. Of the three justices he named to the Supreme Court, two voted to preserve Roe vs Wade.

Democrats will have a more difficult time doing this, however. I suspect that more Americans dislike blacks than the number disliking the religious right.
The issue of slavery reparations isn't going away. African slaves created the foundational wealth of this country. The USA wouldn't be a rich, first world country today if it hadn't been for the free 254 years labor of African slaves. African-Americans are not going to forget that.
And even after legalized slavery was over, African-Americans were still marginalized by Jim Crow laws. I know you'd like us to just let bygones be bygones---but that aint going to happen.

African slaves created the foundational wealth of this country.


All the cotton they picked has rotted by now.
Most of the wealth they "created" was lost in the Civil War.

And even after legalized slavery was over, African-Americans were still marginalized by Jim Crow laws.

Democrats are literally the worst. They created the KKK for heaven's sake.
You should sue the DNC.
Democrat politicians should play the black vote the way President Reagan played the religious right. Reagan knew that the religious right was a large constituency Republican politicians would sometimes need in tight elections. He also knew that most Americans, and many Republicans, disliked the religious right.

Reagan's way out of the dilemma was to give the religious right rhetorical support, while doing nothing to advance its agenda. Of the three justices he named to the Supreme Court, two voted to preserve Roe vs Wade.

Democrats will have a more difficult time doing this, however. I suspect that more Americans dislike blacks than the number disliking the religious right.
I’m not sure what you mean by the religious right. I was brought up Conservadox - a coined term meaning a bit more observant than Conservatives and a bit less observant than Orthodox - and I’m quite tied to my synagogue: services, classes, social events, trips, etc. I am, as you know, a Republican. Am I then part of the religious right? If so, I see nothing wrong with that.
They should have opted for no nation at all. Here we are 400 years later and the ugly after effects of slavery are still with us. Since slavery/White Supremacy was woven into the fabric of the USA, (the Constitution) I believe reperations are the only way to make amends.

I believe reperations are the only way to make amends.

Perhaps some additional education?
This is my opinion.

But here's a link for you.

By the way just because you disagree does not mean I owe you anything.

People can have disagreeing opinions and they can just state why they think it.

If you want more read a book. :lol:

Forty acres and a mule was part of Special Field Orders No. 15, a wartime order proclaimed by Union General William Tecumseh Sherman on January 16, 1865, during the American Civil War, to allot land to some freed families, in plots of land no larger than 40 acres (16 ha). Sherman later ordered the army to lend mules for the agrarian reform effort.

Hmmmmm...sounds like one dude, not the US government.

Thanks for the link. Glad I could use it to dispel your confusion.
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