Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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His arguments at best are frivolous. He’s simply looking to get money from others who have done him no harm.
It’s precisely that attitude that keeps him in the loser category of life. People like him are detrimental to blacks being respected.
None of your arguments make any sense. You guys have neither studied the issue or have a really good understanding the economic impact of what this infusion of capital into a capital deprived population would do. 48 million people with extra money to spend will mean some of that money will return to whites. But you idiots have been so thouroughly race baited and race pimped that all you can do is repeat that sane old dumb ass what I did't own, what I didn't do and all the other race bait trash you have heard over and over listening to white grievance mongers.
You want something you haven’t earned. You are the biggest whiner for free money from tax paying whites.
And if your evil, greedy ancestors hadn't intentionally started fights between the tribes, so that they would take each other as prisoners. And then your evil, greedy ancestors would come buy the prisoners.
Also, the winning tribe who sold the people in the losing tribes had no idea the kind of hellish slavery they were sending those folks into. Slavery in Africa was nothing life the slavery practiced in the USA. Chattel slavery was something only a cruel, hateful mind would think up. :eek:
No slavery is good. You can’t possibly believe Africans treated slaves better.
Apparently the truth of this government owing us trillions hurts you terribly.
The government does not create money. The money comes from the tax payers. White tax payers owe you nothing, because we would be better off without you. We don't need you.
It’s no wonder that you can’t relate to him and use racial slurs, he’s an intelligent man. Keep up the angry beggar act, it’s a funny dance routine to watch.
Wrong. Look fool, cease with the gaslighting. Whites like you really can't tell me squat. You don't know anything about American history, because if you did, you would know the numerous handouts whites have received. So either you suffer from psychosis or you believe that only whites are entitled the things from this government no matter who else pays taxes besides whites.

And don't try that angry man bullshit either. Whites like you are mad about ---- you have made up or imagine, then you want to tell everybody else how they shouldn't be mad. Sowell has done nothing for the black community. If he has all the answers as you declare, why didn't he ever create a program to solve the problem? So the only reason he's "inntelligent" to scum like you is that he says what whites like you want to hear. The man has lived over 90 years, he grew up during Jim Crow, he has had at least 65 years to create a solution but hasn't. He's done nothing but cash in using white racial resentment. He is a race hustler of the worst kind but he's intelligent to you because you're a white who practices racism.
Wrong. Look fool, cease with the gaslighting. Whites like you really can't tell me squat. You don't know anything about American history, because if you did, you would know the numerous handouts whites have received. So either you suffer from psychosis or you believe that only whites are entitled the things from this government no matter who else pays taxes besides whites.

And don't try that angry man bullshit either. Whites like you are mad about ---- you have made up or imagine, then you want to tell everybody else how they shouldn't be mad. Sowell has done nothing for the black community. If he has all the answers as you declare, why didn't he ever create a program to solve the problem? So the only reason he's "inntelligent" to scum like you is that he says what whites like you want to hear. The man has lived over 90 years, he grew up during Jim Crow, he has had at least 65 years to create a solution but hasn't. He's done nothing but cash in using white racial resentment. He is a race hustler of the worst kind but he's intelligent to you because you're a white who practices racism.
How old are you and why haven't you come up with a solution? Ohh I forgot your solution is free money.
How old are you and why haven't you come up with a solution? Ohh I forgot your solution is free money.
He did come up with the solution and in mimicks Sowells solution:

Get educated

Get married before having children.

Odd, ain’t it?
Wrong. Look fool, cease with the gaslighting.
Whites like you really can't tell me squat.
Educated people like me can tell you all sorts of things, racist. You're just not intellectually competent enough to understand us, obviously.
Shouldn't you be out at your freeway off-ramp with your cardboard sign by now?
And don't try that angry man bullshit either.
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I support reparations we can stop sending money to other Countries and support people in our own Country
Americans don't need support, they need the liberty to support themselves.
That's the difference between being an adult and being a child.
I support reparations for African Americans. Germany paid reparations and I think we owe it and an apology.

Maybe do the reparations like germany did. :dunno:

Germany paid reparations to surviving Jews who suffered through concentration camps and watched as their spouses and children were marched to their deaths.

I agree that any surviving slaves should be compensated for their suffering.
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