Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Well since we forced them to America we now have to take responsibility for what we did to human beings.
“We” didn’t do it. We were still 100 years away from even being born.

And the blacks living today weren’t the slaves that OTHER people bought.
Everyone has a bias whether related to race sex or gender. That doesn't make them racist or sexist.

I don't know any black people. I had one black gay friend a few years ago here in Utah but when I relapsed on booze I lost all of my friends including him. In my State is 90 percent white people so I don't even see black people.

But I still support reparations because I think it could strengthen the country's morale.
It wouldn't do that, it would turn everyone against the black Americans. My guess is that at least seventy percent of Americans weren't even born during Jim Crow and none were born during slavery. Every one of those hundreds of million people will be outraged that their taxes are being raised to buy off people who they never harmed.
It wouldn't do that, it would turn everyone against the black Americans. My guess is that at least seventy percent of Americans weren't even born during Jim Crow and none were born during slavery. Every one of those hundreds of million people will be outraged that their taxes are being raised to buy off people who they never harmed.
If my family did all that work and I knew they were treated poorly yes I would want the payment owed.
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Yes, and the hurt still is here. We have never as a nation Apologized for that and they deserve it and they also deserve payment for the work their family did.]
A lot of people have ancestors that suffered one way or another. You can’t possibly think people who were not directly treated like those in the past are deserving free money. You believe people who weren’t alive during slavery or Jim Crow years should benefit from their possible ancestors misfortune? People even today aren’t all treated equal or with respect. It’s also not just one race either.
If my family did all that work and I knew they were treated poorly yes I would want the payment owed.
Even if you were admitted to medical school with grades and scores that had better whites rejected, and now you were earning $300,000 a year? You already got benefit of your skin color.
A lot of people have ancestors that suffered one way or another. You can’t possibly think people who were not directly treated like those in the past are deserving free money. You believe people who weren’t alive during slavery or Jim Crow years should benefit from their possible ancestors misfortune? People even today aren’t all treated equal or with respect. It’s also not just one race either.
Yup. Otherwise, I’d say Germany owes at least half of all Jews alive today whose ancestors were murdered for being Jewish. No Jew is asking for that.
If my family did all that work and I knew they were treated poorly yes I would want the payment owed.
Then pull out YOUR wallet and pay random black people reparations. No one is stopping you if you feel that guilty. But a little way back, you admitted to being an alcoholic and alcoholics aren't known for making good decisions.
Apologize to dead people? Women were denied equal rights, no apologies there, but it’s in the past. Move on
Blacks got rights before women did. They got the vote in 1870, and women didn’t until 1920.

Where’s MY apology? Where’s my reparations?
Blacks got rights before women did. They got the vote in 1870, and women didn’t until 1920.

Where’s MY apology? Where’s my reparations?
That’s the point. It didn’t affect me, I am owed nothing. Even though I was denied jobs due to my gender, I didn’t bitch and moan, I found employment elsewhere.
Well since we forced them to America we now have to take responsibility for what we did to human beings.
You are an intelligent and an articulate exponent of your perspective.

Nevertheless it is not mine.

I never forced them to America. I never benefited from their presence. I owe them nothing.

I feel sympathy with the American Indians because I am better off because of their displacement. I have no sympathy for Negroes because I would be better off if they never came here.
Yes, and the hurt still is here. We have never as a nation Apologized for that and they deserve it and they also deserve payment for the work their family did.]
I find it difficult to argue with someone who quotes:

Psalm 143:8: Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

You are a nice person. I like you a lot.
It just seems like a certain group of whites in thiis country are saying that it's OK for whites to have been given land and money, and that whates have what they do because their ancestors stepped on ours and we just have to take it. That whites can continue practicing the same behavior and because the signs are not up there making it obvious, that whites can deny their maintenance of the same system.

The governments of this country owe blacks money. Period. Despite what some of these idiots say, we have plans for what we would do. Now nobody else has had to prove what they would do with money. Whites have been handed money and other things from this government forever and haven't stopped asking yet. And whites are getting government money, tax dollars, put in the pot by blacks. Blacks have paid for white progress since this country was founded and it's high time we got some of the money back to improve ourselves.

It's time for you racists to stoo repeating the same dumb ass bs you say every time. If we weren't slaves, then we shouldn't have to live with the inequality slavery produced.
A lot of people have ancestors that suffered one way or another. You can’t possibly think people who were not directly treated like those in the past are deserving free money. You believe people who weren’t alive during slavery or Jim Crow years should benefit from their possible ancestors misfortune? People even today aren’t all treated equal or with respect. It’s also not just one race either.
Yes but as a collective group of human beings, they were targeted. They had their kids taken away, were raped, and heated, I mean if a slave owner wanted to rape a 3-year-old they could. Slaves were treated like animals. I believe the Country that allowed this to happen does owe an apology and reparations.

Also a formal apology from our Country for what we did to them.
Yes but as a collective group of human beings, they were targeted. They had their kids taken away, were raped, and heated, I mean if a slave owner wanted to rape a 3-year-old they could. Slaves were treated like animals. I believe the Country that allowed this to happen does owe an apology and reparations.

Also a formal apology from our Country for what we did to them.
WE did nothing. Again, those were horrendous things done to other human beings. Those human beings are no longer among the living. You cannot expect reparations for injustices done to others. Well, I guess some idiots do expect it, pure greed and laziness.
It's time for you racists to stoo repeating the same dumb ass bs you say every time. If we weren't slaves, then we shouldn't have to live with the inequality slavery produced.
The inequality you live with was not caused by slavery, but genetics. Blacks have an average IQ of 85. Whites have an average IQ of 100. Orientals and Jews are even more intelligent. The average IQ of blacks will become more of a problem for Negroes, as our economy demands more intelligence to get a good job.

Nevertheless, we owe you nothing: no reparations, no affirmative action, no welfare checks for your illegitimate children.
It just seems like a certain group of whites in thiis country are saying that it's OK for whites to have been given land and money, and that whates have what they do because their ancestors stepped on ours and we just have to take it. That whites can continue practicing the same behavior and because the signs are not up there making it obvious, that whites can deny their maintenance of the same system.

The governments of this country owe blacks money. Period. Despite what some of these idiots say, we have plans for what we would do. Now nobody else has had to prove what they would do with money. Whites have been handed money and other things from this government forever and haven't stopped asking yet. And whites are getting government money, tax dollars, put in the pot by blacks. Blacks have paid for white progress since this country was founded and it's high time we got some of the money back to improve ourselves.

It's time for you racists to stoo repeating the same dumb ass bs you say every time. If we weren't slaves, then we shouldn't have to live with the inequality slavery produced.
Most whites did not own slaves. But for the fact that our Country allowed it. The Country owes a formal apology and reparations.
"It wouldn't do that, it would turn everyone against the black Americans. My guess is that at least seventy percent of Americans weren't even born during Jim Crow and none were born during slavery. Every one of those hundreds of million people will be outraged that their taxes are being raised to buy off people who they never harmed."

You're wrong. Furthermore I was born duriing Jim Crow. And Jim Crow didn't end in 1964. In fact it's practiced covertly by people with the attitude of the person I quoted right now. The harm continues and what racists like the one quoted misses is the fact that blacks have paid taxes into a system that continues to cheat us. I guess blacks can't bee angry, only wwhite people getting mad coounts to the racist.
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