Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Most whites did not own slaves and the majority voted to end slavery.

African Americans are only 12 percent of the population. If we checked statistically how many in the 12% are on assistance and compared it to whites I doubt the majority are on welfare.

I have no control over what the Government does. The higher-ups like to cause friction and conflict between peasants. But I support reparations. I don't support making all whites the bad people. That is dishonest and it causes friction and they get defensive and don't want to support the cause.

My point about welfare is the taxes pay for it so it's get rid of that and pay reparations then
Michelle, it doesn't matter what most whites didn't own. And the majority did not vote to end slavery. Jim Crow was a national policy. Welfare is help for the poor, you are poor because of income. Blacks have not been paid equal to whites even when doing the same jobs. So if blacks are on welfare it's not because we want handouts. I believe the last time I checked the welfare numbers, whites were 60 percent. I used to do social work as a profession..

No one has said all whites were or are bad people. I specifically point to whites who practice racism, and the fact remains that the government made laws for all whites and all blacks. This is a discussion about race and it's going to be uncomfortable. I am not going to sugarcoat what is an unpleasant thing for me to live with. If things are to change, whites must face the fact that we are unhappy and that we should be able to discuss our experience candidly. Whether or not some whites don't support the cause doesn't change the reality that many do and they do so because they are able to listen to our frustration without trying to tell us how we should say things.

All whites aren't racists and all whites aren't responsible for what has happened, but the whites who aren't responsible are the main ones trying to fight for reparations and are not the ones making the excuses you see here.
Whites are the majority of people on welfare. Welfare is not reparations. The government made iit so all whites were free, Whites were alloweed to be citizens. Again, a lot of whites owned slave backed securities, so while they physically did not own a slave many whites owned slaves indirectly.

Whites are the majority of people on welfare.

And a higher percentage of blacks are on welfare.
And born out of wedlock.
And unable to read and write.
And in jail.
Apologize to dead people? Women were denied equal rights, no apologies there, but it’s in the past. Move on

Michelle, it doesn't matter what most whites didn't own. And the majority did not vote to end slavery. Jim Crow was a national policy. Welfare is help for the poor, you are poor because of income. Blacks have not been paid equal to whites even when doing the same jobs. So if blacks are on welfare it's not because we want handouts. I believe the last time I checked the welfare numbers, whites were 60 percent. I used to do social work as a profession..

No one has said all whites were or are bad people. I specifically point to whites who practice racism, and the fact remains that the government made laws for all whites and all blacks. This is a discussion about race and it's going to be uncomfortable. I am not going to sugarcoat what is an unpleasant thing for me to live with. If things are to change, whites must face the fact that we are unhappy and that we should be able to discuss our experience candidly. Whether or not some whites don't support the cause doesn't change the reality that many do and they do so because they are able to listen to our frustration without trying to tell us how we should say things.

All whites aren't racists and all whites aren't responsible for what has happened, but the whites who aren't responsible are the main ones trying to fight for reparations and are not the ones making the excuses you see here.
Why are you telling me this?
It didn't make sense to me in regards to my post supporting reparations.
It made sense to me after you tried telling me how all whites didn't own slaves, that the majority of whites voted against slavery, how you weren't part of the government and how all whites should not be made out as the bad guys. I'm glad you support reparations but that doesn't mean I'm required to bow and genuflect when you respond to my posts.
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"Apologize to dead people? Women were denied equal rights, no apologies there, but it’s in the past. Move on."

Given that the law built in reparations for women in the form of alimony and that white women benefitted the most from AA, one can say apologies have been made. But you aren't apologizing to dead people since whites are stilll practicing racism now.
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It made sense to me after you tried telling me how all whites didn't own slaves, that the majority of whites voted against slavery, how you weren't part of the government and how all whites shiuld not be made out as the bad guys. I'm glad you support reparations but that doesn't mean I'm required to bow and genuflect when you respond to my posts.
Well not ALL whies owned slaves they didn't. The government system created slavery of African Americans.

I don't need anyone to bow to me

ALl whites are not the bad guy just all blacks arent bad.

SO we dont agree. That's ok but turthfully if you really wanted it it's going to require fgiveness on both sides. Otherwise we will spend another 1000 years doing nothing but aguing.
Well not ALL whies owned slaves they didn't. The government system created slavery of African Americans.

I don't need anyone to bow to me

ALl whites are not the bad guy just all blacks arent bad.

SO we dont agree. That's ok but turthfully if you really wanted it it's going to require fgiveness on both sides. Otherwise we will spend another 1000 years doing nothing but aguing.
I've never said all whites owned slaves or all whites were bad. The truth of history is what it is. It is not pleasant to know that people like me were slaves, then continue to be treated as lesser humans after slsavery, and then to read the racism coming from some of these people who then want to talk about how unfair it is to apologize to the dead. If I can accept what happened to blacks, whites can accept what was done by whites. Blacks know that there were whites on the underground railroad and that whites helped fight against Jim Crow, but I'm not going to use a disclaimer every time I post something just so people can feel better.
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Well not ALL whies owned slaves they didn't. The government system created slavery of African Americans.

I don't need anyone to bow to me

ALl whites are not the bad guy just all blacks arent bad.

SO we dont agree. That's ok but turthfully if you really wanted it it's going to require fgiveness on both sides. Otherwise we will spend another 1000 years doing nothing but aguing.

FYI: some blacks owned slaves, as did Indian Americans.
I've never said all whites owned slaves or all whites were bad. The truth of history is what it is. It is not pleasant to know that people like me were slaves, then continue to be treated as lesser humans after slsavery, and then to read the racism coming from some of these peoople who then want to talk about how unfair it is to apologize to the dead. If I can accept what happened to blacks, whites can accept what was done by whites. Blacks know that there were whites on the underground railroad and that whites helped fight against Jim Crow, but I'm not going to use a disclaimer every time I post something just so people can feel better.

Like you?
Where did slavery start orginally?
I don't believe that's relevant when the issue is about a situatiion that happened in America.. But in Colonial America it started in 1619 I believe in Jamestown Virginia.
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