Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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I've never said all whites owned slaves or all whites were bad. The truth of history is what it is. It is not pleasant to know that people like me were slaves, then continue to be treated as lesser humans after slsavery, and then to read the racism coming from some of these peoople who then want to talk about how unfair it is to apologize to the dead. If I can accept what happened to blacks, whites can accept what was done by whites. Blacks know that there were whites on the underground railroad and that whites helped fight against Jim Crow, but I'm not going to use a disclaimer every time I post something just so people can feel better.
I don't normally post in this type of thread. I have no way of knowing where you are coming from unless I ask. Thanks for the clarification. I pretty much said my thoughts on it. I guess there is nothing more for me to say. I hope reparations go through. Take care.
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I don't believe that's relevant when the issue is about a situatiion that happened in America..
Well it happened in America but where it came from is relevant. As it would be hurtful to ponder that. It doesn't take away what America did but there is a componant missing if you don't address that in my opinion (not here not now in the thread just in general). The benefit of addressing it is to realize in that time frame slavery was world wide and originated with non whites selling slaves as well.

Just my spiritual perspective that is somethng to heal from as well. There is alot of pain associated with this topic.

Even though we disagree on some things I feel it was productive. Anyway have a good weekend.
No, whites did it.. Slavery started here over 100 years before there was a democratic pparty.

No, whites did it..

Right. White Democrats did it.

Slavery started here over 100 years before there was a democratic pparty.

And Democrats kept it going, for decades and decades and decades before there was a Republican party. And then Democrats formed the KKK.
And then Democrats passed Jim Crow laws. .
"It wouldn't do that, it would turn everyone against the black Americans. My guess is that at least seventy percent of Americans weren't even born during Jim Crow and none were born during slavery. Every one of those hundreds of million people will be outraged that their taxes are being raised to buy off people who they never harmed."

You're wrong. Furthermore I was born duriing Jim Crow. And Jim Crow didn't end in 1964. In fact it's practiced covertly by people with the attitude of the person I quoted right now. The harm continues and what racists like the one quoted misses is the fact that blacks have paid taxes into a system that continues to cheat us. I guess blacks can't bee angry, only wwhite people getting mad coounts to the racist.
There are at least a hundred million people who have immigrated since 1964 and their children who not only had nothing to do with Jim Crow, but suffered at least as badly as blacks since then. Why do they owe you money for something that happened before they even arrived? You have no case and are never going to get reparations.
You are right it does make white people uncomfortable. But it shouldn't. Instead, it should make people feel good. I would feel good knowing the Country apologized and gave monetary damage for it.

What is wrong with caring?
Care about the victims of black crime. Negroes have the highest crime rate of any race. When will colored people apologize for the harm they cause themselves, and everyone else?
Either these guys are oblivious or stupid. Do they not understand just how much the government has given whites at the expense oof blacks?
It was not at your expense. It was with our tax money.
I don't believe that's relevant when the issue is about a situatiion that happened in America.. But in Colonial America it started in 1619 I believe in Jamestown Virginia.
Allowing the slave trade was a mistake. We would be a much better country without you people.
I won't be doing any of that. If you're done talking about the topic, move along.

The thing white racists don't understand is exactly what it takes for blacks to be successful in America.
All it takes is putting an x in the box for affirmative action.
If you don't support just say you don't support it
Why can’t we explain why we don’t? You have explained why you do.

BTW, 30% of blacks themselves are opposed to this. They know that not only is it unfair, but that it will generate resentment against blacks and increase racial tensions.

Fully 70% of all Americans are opposed, as well. It will never happen.

Now what I could support is funding for better rec centers in poor areas, regardless of race, and guarded by security to make sure they don’t become drug havens. On weekends, the mothers would have to attend mandatory parenting classes - especially on the value of education - in order to receive any welfare money.
Well it happened in America but where it came from is relevant. As it would be hurtful to ponder that. It doesn't take away what America did but there is a componant missing if you don't address that in my opinion (not here not now in the thread just in general). The benefit of addressing it is to realize in that time frame slavery was world wide and originated with non whites selling slaves as well.

Just my spiritual perspective that is somethng to heal from as well. There is alot of pain associated with this topic.

Even though we disagree on some things I feel it was productive. Anyway have a good weekend.
You know.…you are really a nice person!
No, whites did it..

Right. White Democrats did it.

Slavery started here over 100 years before there was a democratic pparty.

And Democrats kept it going, for decades and decades and decades before there was a Republican party. And then Democrats formed the KKK.
And then Democrats passed Jim Crow laws. .
Whites did it Some white republicans supported it and created an amendment to make it legal. Todays republican party would support slavery as theyare the ones defending the confederacy.

Republicans were in the KKK , a Republican made the decision that ended reconstruction, and 4 of the 7 votes that made Jim Crow a national policy were republicans.
Well it happened in America but where it came from is relevant. As it would be hurtful to ponder that. It doesn't take away what America did but there is a componant missing if you don't address that in my opinion (not here not now in the thread just in general). The benefit of addressing it is to realize in that time frame slavery was world wide and originated with non whites selling slaves as well.

Just my spiritual perspective that is somethng to heal from as well. There is alot of pain associated with this topic.

Even though we disagree on some things I feel it was productive. Anyway have a good weekend.

I think you need to study this matter more thoroughly Michelle. Very few Africans willingly sold other Africans and if you study this more you will see the difference between the chattel slavery practiced here and what was called slaver in Africa. Last, there is no sale with no buyer and non whites did not travel into Europe with slaves to sell. Whites invaded Africa and they were armed.

What percentage of blacks are on welfare?
What percentage of blacks are born out of wedlock?
What percentage of blacks are unable to read and write?
What percentage of blacks are in jail?
Since it is admitted by professionals in law enforcement that the system is racist, asking how many blacks are in jail without considering discrepancy in sentencing by race shows your ignorance. Very few blacks can read or write,welfare is based on income and racism causes blacks to be paid less for doing the same work when everything else is the same and out of wedlock births dkn't mean anything. Most of those women have boyfriends or their fathers do show up.

So like I said....
I think you need to study this matter more thoroughly Michelle. Very few Africans willingly sold other Africans and if you study this more you will see the difference between the chattel slavery practiced here and what was called slaver in Africa. Last, there is no sale with no buyer and non whites did not travel into Europe with slaves to sell. Whites invaded Africa and they were armed.
10 NATIONS sold African slaves 10.
I think you need to study this matter more thoroughly Michelle. Very few Africans willingly sold other Africans and if you study this more you will see the difference between the chattel slavery practiced here and what was called slaver in Africa. Last, there is no sale with no buyer and non whites did not travel into Europe with slaves to sell. Whites invaded Africa and they were armed.
I have taken race classes in college. Let's agree to disagree.

Have a great weekend. I'm out of this thread.
I was born black. I didn't need to take a class. What I have learned by study is that what happened in slavery is not accutaely described when people say Africans sold Africans.

You have a nice weekend as well.
LOL what a load of horseshit. 10 different African Nations did in fact sell black slaves to white slavers for many many years.
The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

Better get it soon....before the first language of Congress is Spanish. The the question will be Martin Luther Quiero?
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