Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

Amerikkka ain't neva gone give black people no real reparations we always gone be sleepin in da dog house of kkkapitalism.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
The horse has left the barn. Tough to catch it and put it back in. Problem also is that China is spreading out as is Russia so we are forced to counter that.

China and Russia has gone nowhere.
Well the countries in the South China Sea would disagree. As would Crimea.

This is why we have to waste trillions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.......etc?
Because Dubya got took us over there and we are stuck.

We have chosen to stay there.
Trump wanted to leave if you recall and the Military Command threw a hissy fit. Its a moneymaker for corporate America so we stay and young kids die. Shameful. Tulsi Gabbard agreed and she was thrown aside.

Trump was the CiC.
Damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Even the CiC should listen to his military commanders. Therein lies the problem. They don't want to leave.

So maybe Trump shouldn't have been making claims before he talked to them?

(they will never want to leave)
He made em because he was ready to do it.

Like he was ready to make a new trade deal with China and a new nuclear deal with Iran? And............
Biden keeping his sanctions on China, he must like them. He crushed the deal with Iran. Can't deal with terrorists. Did you mean to provide other examples?

WHat Biden does or doesn't do has nothing to do with what Trump didn't do. I didn't vote for Biden so I have no obligation to defend him.
Who did you vote for? What would you have done differently in Trump's shoes?

I bet I've noted this 50 times. Jorgenson.

The main thing I would have done differently than Trump is think that name calling can replace statesmanship.

That thinking calling people names is how you bring them to the table.

I would have understood that walking away is never how you get anything done.

SO other than name calling you don't have anything else?

In the end he did little else because he couldn't get anything done. He tried to overturn Obamacare (which I do not support) but his name calling shot that down. He enacted EO's which are worthless. He had to do that because he couldn't get anything else done.
He built a wall. I don't see old Joe tearing it down.

No he didn't. He replaced some of the old wall.
He built 450 miles of new wall in the places that needed it most. A wall that a pregnant 5-foot Honduran woman can't hope over. That's a hell of a lot more than any other president has ever done.

Stop lying. He replaced old walls but did absolutely nothing about why they come here.
You're the one that's obfuscating, at least. Sorry, but no one could do anything about the poverty, crime and corruption in those banana republics, not Obama, not Biden and not even Trump.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
The horse has left the barn. Tough to catch it and put it back in. Problem also is that China is spreading out as is Russia so we are forced to counter that.

China and Russia has gone nowhere.
Well the countries in the South China Sea would disagree. As would Crimea.

This is why we have to waste trillions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.......etc?
Because Dubya got took us over there and we are stuck.

We have chosen to stay there.
Trump wanted to leave if you recall and the Military Command threw a hissy fit. Its a moneymaker for corporate America so we stay and young kids die. Shameful. Tulsi Gabbard agreed and she was thrown aside.

Trump was the CiC.
Damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Even the CiC should listen to his military commanders. Therein lies the problem. They don't want to leave.

So maybe Trump shouldn't have been making claims before he talked to them?

(they will never want to leave)
He made em because he was ready to do it.

Like he was ready to make a new trade deal with China and a new nuclear deal with Iran? And............
Biden keeping his sanctions on China, he must like them. He crushed the deal with Iran. Can't deal with terrorists. Did you mean to provide other examples?

WHat Biden does or doesn't do has nothing to do with what Trump didn't do. I didn't vote for Biden so I have no obligation to defend him.
Who did you vote for? What would you have done differently in Trump's shoes?

I bet I've noted this 50 times. Jorgenson.

The main thing I would have done differently than Trump is think that name calling can replace statesmanship.

That thinking calling people names is how you bring them to the table.

I would have understood that walking away is never how you get anything done.

SO other than name calling you don't have anything else?

In the end he did little else because he couldn't get anything done. He tried to overturn Obamacare (which I do not support) but his name calling shot that down. He enacted EO's which are worthless. He had to do that because he couldn't get anything else done.
He built a wall. I don't see old Joe tearing it down.

No he didn't. He replaced some of the old wall.
He built 450 miles of new wall in the places that needed it most. A wall that a pregnant 5-foot Honduran woman can't hope over. That's a hell of a lot more than any other president has ever done.

Stop lying. He replaced old walls but did absolutely nothing about why they come here.
That's not the responsibility of an Amerocan president. Maybe the
Peace Corp, but not the president
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
The horse has left the barn. Tough to catch it and put it back in. Problem also is that China is spreading out as is Russia so we are forced to counter that.

China and Russia has gone nowhere.
Well the countries in the South China Sea would disagree. As would Crimea.

This is why we have to waste trillions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.......etc?
Because Dubya got took us over there and we are stuck.

We have chosen to stay there.
Trump wanted to leave if you recall and the Military Command threw a hissy fit. Its a moneymaker for corporate America so we stay and young kids die. Shameful. Tulsi Gabbard agreed and she was thrown aside.

Trump was the CiC.
Damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Even the CiC should listen to his military commanders. Therein lies the problem. They don't want to leave.

So maybe Trump shouldn't have been making claims before he talked to them?

(they will never want to leave)
He made em because he was ready to do it.

Like he was ready to make a new trade deal with China and a new nuclear deal with Iran? And............
Biden keeping his sanctions on China, he must like them. He crushed the deal with Iran. Can't deal with terrorists. Did you mean to provide other examples?

WHat Biden does or doesn't do has nothing to do with what Trump didn't do. I didn't vote for Biden so I have no obligation to defend him.
Who did you vote for? What would you have done differently in Trump's shoes?

I bet I've noted this 50 times. Jorgenson.

The main thing I would have done differently than Trump is think that name calling can replace statesmanship.

That thinking calling people names is how you bring them to the table.

I would have understood that walking away is never how you get anything done.

SO other than name calling you don't have anything else?

In the end he did little else because he couldn't get anything done. He tried to overturn Obamacare (which I do not support) but his name calling shot that down. He enacted EO's which are worthless. He had to do that because he couldn't get anything else done.
He built a wall. I don't see old Joe tearing it down.

No he didn't. He replaced some of the old wall.
He built 450 miles of new wall in the places that needed it most. A wall that a pregnant 5-foot Honduran woman can't hope over. That's a hell of a lot more than any other president has ever done.

Stop lying. He replaced old walls but did absolutely nothing about why they come here.
You're the one that's obfuscating, at least. Sorry, but no one could do anything about the poverty, crime and corruption in those banana republics, not Obama, not Biden and not even Trump.

We could quit undermining South America.

United States involvement in regime change in Latin America - Wikipedia
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
The horse has left the barn. Tough to catch it and put it back in. Problem also is that China is spreading out as is Russia so we are forced to counter that.

China and Russia has gone nowhere.
Well the countries in the South China Sea would disagree. As would Crimea.

This is why we have to waste trillions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.......etc?
Because Dubya got took us over there and we are stuck.

We have chosen to stay there.
Trump wanted to leave if you recall and the Military Command threw a hissy fit. Its a moneymaker for corporate America so we stay and young kids die. Shameful. Tulsi Gabbard agreed and she was thrown aside.

Trump was the CiC.
Damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Even the CiC should listen to his military commanders. Therein lies the problem. They don't want to leave.

So maybe Trump shouldn't have been making claims before he talked to them?

(they will never want to leave)
He made em because he was ready to do it.

Like he was ready to make a new trade deal with China and a new nuclear deal with Iran? And............
Biden keeping his sanctions on China, he must like them. He crushed the deal with Iran. Can't deal with terrorists. Did you mean to provide other examples?

WHat Biden does or doesn't do has nothing to do with what Trump didn't do. I didn't vote for Biden so I have no obligation to defend him.
Who did you vote for? What would you have done differently in Trump's shoes?

I bet I've noted this 50 times. Jorgenson.

The main thing I would have done differently than Trump is think that name calling can replace statesmanship.

That thinking calling people names is how you bring them to the table.

I would have understood that walking away is never how you get anything done.

SO other than name calling you don't have anything else?

In the end he did little else because he couldn't get anything done. He tried to overturn Obamacare (which I do not support) but his name calling shot that down. He enacted EO's which are worthless. He had to do that because he couldn't get anything else done.
He built a wall. I don't see old Joe tearing it down.

No he didn't. He replaced some of the old wall.
He built 450 miles of new wall in the places that needed it most. A wall that a pregnant 5-foot Honduran woman can't hope over. That's a hell of a lot more than any other president has ever done.

Stop lying. He replaced old walls but did absolutely nothing about why they come here.
That's not the responsibility of an Amerocan president. Maybe the
Peace Corp, but not the president

Enforcing employment laws isn't the presidents responsibility?
Saying "being raped against their will" is a grammatical error? Just how "black" are you anyway?
Why are you concerned with my skin color? Your prejudice is and will always be there. We will always agree to disagree.
Thanks to free speech, you're entitled to your opinions and I'm entitled to mine.
Agreed. You are entitled to say things like "raped against their will" and I suppose refer to it as a "grammatical error". I am free to call that stupid and ask your race.
Were they raped against their will?
You're black, aren't you? LOL
I can tell you're white..and corny

I already said I was, your turn.

Roflmao, you came to this thread and are receiving a beat down. Know why? You're clueless and have zero knowledge about history

Best you run along
You couldn't beat down anything, clown. You're knowledge like most is edited to discriminate and discredit something or someone who is better than you...
From your sig picture I know you're a hateful twit, that couldn't get a woman to save your life. So you spew hatred, mad because you're a undesirable bitch.

I knew about Indentured servitude, nappy clown. You obviously didn't

That's as far as I got with your nonsense

Now gfy
Fuck you lice head..

Awww you got schooled boy....get used to your failed education.

Now run along before I really make you look sad......and pull up your pants.

By the way, you'll not get anymore nickles from me for your failure in life, you nor your ghetto thugs
You can't make anyone sad, unless you look in your mirror. I don't want "nickels" from you or your kind. You probably don't have two nickels to rub together anyway.
Keyboard warriors like you are funny, you're punks on the computer and in real life. Go play dungeon and dragons..
I have confronted people who talk just like you in real life. You are the punks.
Where, Online? That doesn't count...tough guy
No. Last time was at a gas station. I posted what happened.
Saying "being raped against their will" is a grammatical error? Just how "black" are you anyway?
Why are you concerned with my skin color? Your prejudice is and will always be there. We will always agree to disagree.
Thanks to free speech, you're entitled to your opinions and I'm entitled to mine.
Agreed. You are entitled to say things like "raped against their will" and I suppose refer to it as a "grammatical error". I am free to call that stupid and ask your race.
It was a error in what I wrote. But, you know I meant raped. Hey, if you want to keep going with the asinine conversation about my race, you can carry on by yourself
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
The horse has left the barn. Tough to catch it and put it back in. Problem also is that China is spreading out as is Russia so we are forced to counter that.

China and Russia has gone nowhere.
Well the countries in the South China Sea would disagree. As would Crimea.

This is why we have to waste trillions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.......etc?
Because Dubya got took us over there and we are stuck.

We have chosen to stay there.
Trump wanted to leave if you recall and the Military Command threw a hissy fit. Its a moneymaker for corporate America so we stay and young kids die. Shameful. Tulsi Gabbard agreed and she was thrown aside.

Trump was the CiC.
Damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Even the CiC should listen to his military commanders. Therein lies the problem. They don't want to leave.

So maybe Trump shouldn't have been making claims before he talked to them?

(they will never want to leave)
He made em because he was ready to do it.

Like he was ready to make a new trade deal with China and a new nuclear deal with Iran? And............
Biden keeping his sanctions on China, he must like them. He crushed the deal with Iran. Can't deal with terrorists. Did you mean to provide other examples?

WHat Biden does or doesn't do has nothing to do with what Trump didn't do. I didn't vote for Biden so I have no obligation to defend him.
Who did you vote for? What would you have done differently in Trump's shoes?

I bet I've noted this 50 times. Jorgenson.

The main thing I would have done differently than Trump is think that name calling can replace statesmanship.

That thinking calling people names is how you bring them to the table.

I would have understood that walking away is never how you get anything done.

SO other than name calling you don't have anything else?

In the end he did little else because he couldn't get anything done. He tried to overturn Obamacare (which I do not support) but his name calling shot that down. He enacted EO's which are worthless. He had to do that because he couldn't get anything else done.
He built a wall. I don't see old Joe tearing it down.

No he didn't. He replaced some of the old wall.
He built 450 miles of new wall in the places that needed it most. A wall that a pregnant 5-foot Honduran woman can't hope over. That's a hell of a lot more than any other president has ever done.

Stop lying. He replaced old walls but did absolutely nothing about why they come here.
You're the one that's obfuscating, at least. Sorry, but no one could do anything about the poverty, crime and corruption in those banana republics, not Obama, not Biden and not even Trump.

We could quit undermining South America.

United States involvement in regime change in Latin America - Wikipedia
Yeah, a handful are from Venezuela. That's what Democratic Socialism does. But banana republics are in Central America, not South.
It was a error in what I wrote. But, you know I meant raped. Hey, if you want to keep going with the asinine conversation about my race, you can carry on by yourself
I just put 1 and 1 together, read your posts and conclusively guessed your race. You are very transparent although obviously you would rather not be.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.

Decoded: I have my left but cannot rationalize why so leaving context.

Does your statement make sense to you?

Decoding the Decoded, in simple terms:
Pknopp is a leftist.

Leftist Pknopp cannot criticize leftists due his safe space.

Safe-space Dwelling Leftist Pknopp couldn't twist out a response to the thread but did anyway to defend tamed preferences.

The Defending Safe-space Dwelling Leftist left context to twist one out.

"Leftists" are few and far between.

I support the 2nd Amendment. I support the Electoral college. I am pro-life. I believe we need to balance the budget. I believe we need to enforce our immigration laws.

What makes me a "leftist"?
You're pro life?!?!?!?! NFW! Then how are you such a leftist?

You are the one with the labels. You label people because you can't actually address their positions.
I didn't call you a leftist here but I agree that you are one.

So yeah, you did.

Is it my support for the 2nd? My support for the electoral college? My support for a balanced budget? Me being pro-life?

No, you cowardly have to put people in your little boxes so you can dismiss them as opposed to actually address their positions.
OK you're not a leftist you're just finance challenged.

You are the one supporting socialist bail outs that put us further and further into debt.
I hate PPP loans? I do not support them. You have me confused with someone else.

No I don't. Trump enacted PPP loans. You backed him. Trump enacted huge socialist bail out for corporate farms. You backed him.
Congress enacted PPP loans. I disagreed with Trump on that. I didn't agree with Trump on everything. Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I agreed with every single one of his ideas, rules, etc.

Just a big fan of name calling and empty promises I guess.
You are illogical in your positions but I wasn't the one to call you a leftist here. You're mistaken. I have called you one before. But you do have many leftist positions.

I have anarchist positions. If we aren't going to do the right things I want it all to fall apart.
That is crazy

Whatever. Keep on supporting our terrorism if you wish.
What terrorism? Be specific.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.

Decoded: I have my left but cannot rationalize why so leaving context.

Does your statement make sense to you?

Decoding the Decoded, in simple terms:
Pknopp is a leftist.

Leftist Pknopp cannot criticize leftists due his safe space.

Safe-space Dwelling Leftist Pknopp couldn't twist out a response to the thread but did anyway to defend tamed preferences.

The Defending Safe-space Dwelling Leftist left context to twist one out.

"Leftists" are few and far between.

I support the 2nd Amendment. I support the Electoral college. I am pro-life. I believe we need to balance the budget. I believe we need to enforce our immigration laws.

What makes me a "leftist"?
You're pro life?!?!?!?! NFW! Then how are you such a leftist?

You are the one with the labels. You label people because you can't actually address their positions.
I didn't call you a leftist here but I agree that you are one.

So yeah, you did.

Is it my support for the 2nd? My support for the electoral college? My support for a balanced budget? Me being pro-life?

No, you cowardly have to put people in your little boxes so you can dismiss them as opposed to actually address their positions.
OK you're not a leftist you're just finance challenged.

You are the one supporting socialist bail outs that put us further and further into debt.
I hate PPP loans? I do not support them. You have me confused with someone else.

No I don't. Trump enacted PPP loans. You backed him. Trump enacted huge socialist bail out for corporate farms. You backed him.
Congress enacted PPP loans. I disagreed with Trump on that. I didn't agree with Trump on everything. Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I agreed with every single one of his ideas, rules, etc.

Just a big fan of name calling and empty promises I guess.
You are illogical in your positions but I wasn't the one to call you a leftist here. You're mistaken. I have called you one before. But you do have many leftist positions.

I have anarchist positions. If we aren't going to do the right things I want it all to fall apart.
That is crazy

Whatever. Keep on supporting our terrorism if you wish.
What terrorism? Be specific.

All of our wars. I mean we bomb hospitals.

Kunduz hospital attack in depth | MSF

There is NEVER an excuse for that and we had no business being there in the first place.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.

Decoded: I have my left but cannot rationalize why so leaving context.

Does your statement make sense to you?

Decoding the Decoded, in simple terms:
Pknopp is a leftist.

Leftist Pknopp cannot criticize leftists due his safe space.

Safe-space Dwelling Leftist Pknopp couldn't twist out a response to the thread but did anyway to defend tamed preferences.

The Defending Safe-space Dwelling Leftist left context to twist one out.

"Leftists" are few and far between.

I support the 2nd Amendment. I support the Electoral college. I am pro-life. I believe we need to balance the budget. I believe we need to enforce our immigration laws.

What makes me a "leftist"?
You're pro life?!?!?!?! NFW! Then how are you such a leftist?

You are the one with the labels. You label people because you can't actually address their positions.
I didn't call you a leftist here but I agree that you are one.

So yeah, you did.

Is it my support for the 2nd? My support for the electoral college? My support for a balanced budget? Me being pro-life?

No, you cowardly have to put people in your little boxes so you can dismiss them as opposed to actually address their positions.
OK you're not a leftist you're just finance challenged.

You are the one supporting socialist bail outs that put us further and further into debt.
I hate PPP loans? I do not support them. You have me confused with someone else.

No I don't. Trump enacted PPP loans. You backed him. Trump enacted huge socialist bail out for corporate farms. You backed him.
Congress enacted PPP loans. I disagreed with Trump on that. I didn't agree with Trump on everything. Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I agreed with every single one of his ideas, rules, etc.

Just a big fan of name calling and empty promises I guess.
You are illogical in your positions but I wasn't the one to call you a leftist here. You're mistaken. I have called you one before. But you do have many leftist positions.

I have anarchist positions. If we aren't going to do the right things I want it all to fall apart.
That is crazy

Whatever. Keep on supporting our terrorism if you wish.
What terrorism? Be specific.

All of our wars. I mean we bomb hospitals.

Kunduz hospital attack in depth | MSF

There is NEVER an excuse for that and we had no business being there in the first place.
I agree. End endless wars. Hence I like Tulsi Gabbard. So what terrorism do I support?
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.

Decoded: I have my left but cannot rationalize why so leaving context.

Does your statement make sense to you?

Decoding the Decoded, in simple terms:
Pknopp is a leftist.

Leftist Pknopp cannot criticize leftists due his safe space.

Safe-space Dwelling Leftist Pknopp couldn't twist out a response to the thread but did anyway to defend tamed preferences.

The Defending Safe-space Dwelling Leftist left context to twist one out.

"Leftists" are few and far between.

I support the 2nd Amendment. I support the Electoral college. I am pro-life. I believe we need to balance the budget. I believe we need to enforce our immigration laws.

What makes me a "leftist"?
You're pro life?!?!?!?! NFW! Then how are you such a leftist?

You are the one with the labels. You label people because you can't actually address their positions.
I didn't call you a leftist here but I agree that you are one.

So yeah, you did.

Is it my support for the 2nd? My support for the electoral college? My support for a balanced budget? Me being pro-life?

No, you cowardly have to put people in your little boxes so you can dismiss them as opposed to actually address their positions.
OK you're not a leftist you're just finance challenged.

You are the one supporting socialist bail outs that put us further and further into debt.
I hate PPP loans? I do not support them. You have me confused with someone else.

No I don't. Trump enacted PPP loans. You backed him. Trump enacted huge socialist bail out for corporate farms. You backed him.
Congress enacted PPP loans. I disagreed with Trump on that. I didn't agree with Trump on everything. Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I agreed with every single one of his ideas, rules, etc.

Just a big fan of name calling and empty promises I guess.
You are illogical in your positions but I wasn't the one to call you a leftist here. You're mistaken. I have called you one before. But you do have many leftist positions.

I have anarchist positions. If we aren't going to do the right things I want it all to fall apart.
That is crazy

Whatever. Keep on supporting our terrorism if you wish.
What terrorism? Be specific.

All of our wars. I mean we bomb hospitals.

Kunduz hospital attack in depth | MSF

There is NEVER an excuse for that and we had no business being there in the first place.
I agree. End endless wars. Hence I like Tulsi Gabbard. So what terrorism do I support?

You are unbelievable as you felt the need to question me.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.

Decoded: I have my left but cannot rationalize why so leaving context.

Does your statement make sense to you?

Decoding the Decoded, in simple terms:
Pknopp is a leftist.

Leftist Pknopp cannot criticize leftists due his safe space.

Safe-space Dwelling Leftist Pknopp couldn't twist out a response to the thread but did anyway to defend tamed preferences.

The Defending Safe-space Dwelling Leftist left context to twist one out.

"Leftists" are few and far between.

I support the 2nd Amendment. I support the Electoral college. I am pro-life. I believe we need to balance the budget. I believe we need to enforce our immigration laws.

What makes me a "leftist"?
You're pro life?!?!?!?! NFW! Then how are you such a leftist?

You are the one with the labels. You label people because you can't actually address their positions.
I didn't call you a leftist here but I agree that you are one.

So yeah, you did.

Is it my support for the 2nd? My support for the electoral college? My support for a balanced budget? Me being pro-life?

No, you cowardly have to put people in your little boxes so you can dismiss them as opposed to actually address their positions.
OK you're not a leftist you're just finance challenged.

You are the one supporting socialist bail outs that put us further and further into debt.
I hate PPP loans? I do not support them. You have me confused with someone else.

No I don't. Trump enacted PPP loans. You backed him. Trump enacted huge socialist bail out for corporate farms. You backed him.
Congress enacted PPP loans. I disagreed with Trump on that. I didn't agree with Trump on everything. Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I agreed with every single one of his ideas, rules, etc.

Just a big fan of name calling and empty promises I guess.
You are illogical in your positions but I wasn't the one to call you a leftist here. You're mistaken. I have called you one before. But you do have many leftist positions.

I have anarchist positions. If we aren't going to do the right things I want it all to fall apart.
That is crazy

Whatever. Keep on supporting our terrorism if you wish.
What terrorism? Be specific.

All of our wars. I mean we bomb hospitals.

Kunduz hospital attack in depth | MSF

There is NEVER an excuse for that and we had no business being there in the first place.
I agree. End endless wars. Hence I like Tulsi Gabbard. So what terrorism do I support?

You are unbelievable as you felt the need to question me.
Question you where? I am not following. Did you mean to reply to someone else?
Cancelled and walked away. When he did that Iran continued to develop nukes and created alliances with Russia and China.

You feel they stopped, just because Obama handed then billions in cash?

No. I support their right to defend themselves.

You agree they didn't stop, nice!

They can't defend themselves without nukes?

They can better with them and it's not our call.
Because it isn't. We do not run the world. We wouldn't let any other country dictate to us.

Iran is free to try to build nukes, we're free to sanction them.

Or in Obama and Biden's case, hand them money and look the other way. Durr
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.

Why do you people want to throw other peoples money at things we had nothing to do with> Time for blacks to grow up and move on.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.

Go suck on a shotgun, ya Marxist POS.
The truth hurts, huh? You go eat a dick! Racist pig

Why don't you try adding to the conversation?

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