Reparations for blacks?

Another right wing lie.

Funny how every white racist has a story to tell.
Let me get this straight, someone provides a thought and suggestion, but it's immediately a lie. You could instead ask for a program name, ask for examples, as for details, etc. But know, you call it a lie and shut the door. That is intellectually ignorant.

How about Google... ever heard of it, instead of throwing out a ad hominem attack.
But since that seems difficult, here is one example for you below:

And yes, many of whites have stories to tell, but because we're white, to you that discredits anything they would say. That is also intellectually illogical.
It all goes back to the root cause - having out-of-wedlock children. If the girls kept their legs crossed during high school (or if not, used reliable birth control, and consistently), and the boys weren’t fathers of six kids by different baby mamas by the time they were 20, and instead concentrated on job training, and then working hard….they’d have the money.
The Urban pop-culture doesn't help either (and this really isn't black only issue either), but when WAP is the song of the year and celebrated (but ignores an absolute outcome of pregnancy), it is a logical outcome to see how that can influence a sub-culture.

A sub-culture can't continue to make poor life choices and continue to blame whites. A black teen, regardless of gender, as they approach adult hood, have been exposed to various lifestyles and economic statuses through various mediums. If they see their current situation and want to elevate their life to be more prosperous, they can make that choice. There is nothing stopping ANYONE from choosing to finish school, get an education or skill of some type and increasing your own marketability to earn an income, start a business, become successful.
The Urban pop-culture doesn't help either (and this really isn't black only issue either), but when WAP is the song of the year and celebrated (but ignores an absolute outcome of pregnancy), it is a logical outcome to see how that can influence a sub-culture.

A sub-culture can't continue to make poor life choices and continue to blame whites. A black teen, regardless of gender, as they approach adult hood, have been exposed to various lifestyles and economic statuses through various mediums. If they see their current situation and want to elevate their life to be more prosperous, they can make that choice. There is nothing stopping ANYONE from choosing to finish school, get an education or skill of some type and increasing your own marketability to earn an income, start a business, become successful.
And not only is there nothing stopping them, taxpayers will even pay for basic career training via Pell Grants for lower-income teens. PLENTY of vocational programs at community colleges and specialized career institutes.
And not only is there nothing stopping them, taxpayers will even pay for basic career training via Pell Grants for lower-income teens. PLENTY of vocational programs at community colleges and specialized career institutes.
I was raised by my grandmother on a fixed income because my white parents divorced when I was young. They chose poorly, and choose booze and drugs over their children. I didn't have much growing up because of this, but I never went without. When I went to college for my first year, I had grants to help pay for it. That same opportunity is there, regardless of color.
I was raised by my grandmother on a fixed income because my white parents divorced when I was young. They chose poorly, and choose booze and drugs over their children. I didn't have much growing up because of this, but I never went without. When I went to college for my first year, I had grants to help pay for it. That same opportunity is there, regardless of color.
Sorry to hear of your challenging childhood, but glad you chose wisely and took advantage of the opportunities provided in this country.

Things have really gone downhill in this country. People used to be grateful for the generous opportunities and the fact that anyone, with the right life choices, could move from poverty to the middle class. There were plenty of poor blacks in my father’s college, back in the 40s.

The start of the “transformation” began with Obama, with his racial division. Now we have blacks demanding reparations instead of appreciating and taking advantage of the opportunities here.
The start of the “transformation” began with Obama, with his racial division. Now we have blacks demanding reparations instead of appreciating and taking advantage of the opportunities here.
And this is where I would ask of you, to not throw out blame to anyone politician as a cause of anything, all that it's going to do now is bring out the trolls who will blame Trump for everything else or point to white policies from 70 years ago.

Our best approach is to ask "How do we fix it now". If we don't want blacks pointing to outdated jim crow laws that no longer exist or all the way back to slavery for their current position, we shouldn't do the same by blaming Obama.
Maybe If they waited until marriage to have children and instead completed their education, they WOULD have money to start a small business. See? Or, failing that, they could get a loan from the government that bends over backwards for blacks.

BTW, I started my business with $3,000.
Are you wearing your sheets this morning?
The odds are the black women got into their law school via affirmative action, NOT due to merit. Not so whites.
How is that when white women benefit rhe most from AA, not black women. You think being white makes you smart?
And yes, black folks are getting high-paying jobs that they would not have gotten if they were white. You think idiots like Kamala and KJP would have gotten where they are if they were white?
So why is it that whites hold the majority of high paying jobs?
So why is it that whites hold the majority of high paying jobs?
It's called statistical data. What is the number of whites vs blacks in America. I think it's around 70/30 right.
Hypothetically speaking and considering all things equal, in a perfect world, the representation of whites vs blacks would always be 70/30 if whites and black equally took advantage of every educational and professional opportunity. If this "perfect" world existed, would you accept this ratio?

Think about that. Let's say that there are 1000 people in the country, white and blacks (just for this example). And there are only 10 jobs for entire population. In a perfect scenario there would be 70 whites and 30 blacks represented for job. That's equality.

Today's narrative says that there should be equal representation regardless of ability, desire, capability, education, etc. But how do we have equal representation when the racial diversity isn't equal?

If equality was attempted you would have 50 whites and 50 blacks represented for the first 6 jobs. 300 whites and 300 black. The remaining 4 jobs would be ALL WHITE. But the problem we are seeing is that blacks would point out the racial disparity in the remaining 4 jobs as being all white. How do you fix it if you don't pull from the other 6 equally represented jobs. And thus the fallacy in the argument of representation.

Does any of this make sense.
You'll find it within the Fourteenth Amendment.

By the way, you have no room to be calling anyone a "salty bitch" the way you post. just an observation
I post amused not salty. Why would I be salty over these hilariously Simp arguments? 😄

Are you referring to section 4?

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

That is clearly referring to slave owners looking for compensation for the financial loss of their slaves and not slave ancestors looking to collect reparations for the violation of their ancestors human rights and stolen wealth.
I post amused not salty. Why would I be salty over these hilariously Simp arguments? 😄

Are you referring to section 4?

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

That is clearly referring to slave owners looking for compensation for the financial loss of their slaves and not slave ancestors looking to collect reparations for the violation of their ancestors human rights and stolen wealth.
Keep digging
I've already explained my argument yesterday.
I really don't care if you get it or not.
You're such a bitch you didn't even quote me so I could be aware of your response. 😄Also I didn't even ask you to re do your dissertation all I asked was where on the internet it could be found.

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