Reparations for blacks?

You don’t force children to pay for the debts of their fathers, if in fact their fathers actually accrued any debts.

in my case, my forefathers fled the rampant antisemitism in the early 20th century, arriving penniless and living in tenements and working in sweatshops. We didn’t own no slaves.
If your check isn't being garnished, then you're not forced to pay anything.
….. and more specifically, the Equal Protection Clause within in.

It is simply unconstitutional to give special benefits to an entire group of people based on race. IF a specific black person or family can trace back his lineage to a specific slaveholder, then….maybe. But no way can all African-Americans simply get paid money because they MIGHT have had an ancestor who MIGHT have been a slave, owned by who-knows-who.

You actually still believe that document means anything?

I'm on your side......the government AND Supreme Court are not.
The new government cartel of elites and ultra rich and powerful use the constitution for toilet paper.
They alone will decide what you and I pay and fairness is not a consideration. At best it is an illusion.

We must face it....we did nothing to defend our rights and our Constitution and so like Venezuela, it has been effectively nullified.
Americans today were born under and took for granted that documents guaranteed their rights and the system would protect them. This train of thought is so outdated. Every day the noose of tyranny tightens and we are willing to sit by and allow it all as it transpires....ocassionally making McCauley Caulkin faces and gasping. That will not turn things around.
It is a fantasy to think otherwise in the face of reality.
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….. and more specifically, the Equal Protection Clause within in.

It is simply unconstitutional to give special benefits to an entire group of people based on race. IF a specific black person or family can trace back his lineage to a specific slaveholder, then….maybe. But no way can all African-Americans simply get paid money because they MIGHT have had an ancestor who MIGHT have been a slave, owned by who-knows-who.
So why didn't it not stop any other group of folks from receiving the same thing, ie. native americans, eskimoes, japanese-americans, etc.?
You don’t force children to pay for the debts of their fathers, if in fact their fathers actually accrued any debts.
Who is paying the federal deficit if that is the case?
in my case, my forefathers fled the rampant antisemitism in the early 20th century, arriving penniless and living in tenements and working in sweatshops. We didn’t own no slaves.
You arrived penniless and what was done for you? You didn't come to these shores in chains and FORCED to work as slaves and you didn't have to have a Civil Rights Movement to move you into the mainstream of America.
Who is paying the federal deficit if that is the case?

You arrived penniless and what was done for you? You didn't come to these shores in chains and FORCED to work as slaves and you didn't have to have a Civil Rights Movement to move you into the mainstream of America.
Oh cut it out. YOU didn’t come to these shores in chains and forced to work as slaves, and if you’re under 65, you‘ve been enjoying special privilege since the 70s.
They gave it to those directly affected.
Hard to give it to those affected when you hee and haw until they are all dead, How many black folks do you think are still living who lived through Jim Crow? Oh that doesn't count does it? Because there are too many black folks living who came through that era.
Just stop trying to take other people’s money when you didn’t earn it. Exactly how much do you want in revenge on the whites?
So why not empty all the prisons in America, if no one has to pay restitution for crimes that have been committed. We can start with Jim Crow, how many black folks do you think are living today that were the victims of those crimes?
So why not empty all the prisons in America, if no one has to pay restitution for crimes that have been committed. We can start with Jim Crow, how many black folks do you think are living today that were the victims of those crimes?
The people in prison are paying the price for the crimes THEY committed. Nobody in my family committed any crime against any black person, and we didn’t live in Jim Crow states, and we certainly didn’t own any slaves.
The people in prison are paying the price for the crimes THEY committed. Nobody in my family committed any crime against any black person, and we didn’t live in Jim Crow states, and we certainly didn’t own any slaves.
You are tap dancing around the question. Why were Japanese-Americans given reparations? Why were Native Americans given reparations? Why were Eskimoes given reparations?
You are tap dancing around the question. Why were Japanese-Americans given reparations? Why were Native Americans given reparations? Why were Eskimoes given reparations?
Japanese-Americans who were interred got about $20,000.

Native Americans do not get a monthly check, but some programs benefit them - like being able to have Indian-run casinos.

The specific tribe of Eskimo that was forcibly removed from their land, in the 50s or 60s, got some money.

None of that is the same as distributing ridiculous amounts of money to all people of a race.

But I’m curious….would you be satisfied with a one-time payment of $20,000. I’m just wondering how much you want to punish innocent whites.
Why should a black lawyer, who PROBABLY got into her law school due to affirmative action, and then made partner due to “diversity,” and is now pulling in $800,000 a year get compensated yet again with reparations? She ALREADY got the benefit of her race, twice over.
If a leftist activist court gets on, and the “poor, oppressed victims” continues, who knows what will happen.
I have a feeling that all of this reparation hoopla will peak around the 2024 election cycle strangely.
The democrats will dangle the carrot to garner votes, as did the student debt forgiveness right before
this last election cycle.
I don't see the SC makeup changing by 2024.
Those aren't facts you Dipshit. That's you not understanding that what you imagine Africa, my ancestors or what even America would like without slavery is pure fanfiction. It's fantasy. Do you not know the difference between facts and fantasy you moron? 😂
Without slavery America would be a far better place. No civil war, no KKK attacking other citizens, less crime, much more homogeneity.

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