Reparations for blacks?

How stupid are you? Rights are determined by the law and the constitution, not your belief in what is good or evil and if we were a minority you bitches wouldn't be constantly talking about running away to your own country.
And yet, you want to forego the Constitution for the reparations?
I bet the SC will not see your point
Was that before or after you guys switched teams? Today's republican party is the party who has the mindset of the sheetwearers.

You mean, good guys decided to be bad guys, and bad guys just turned into good guys?

Like transgenders... just like that, man became a woman. LOL

Democrats whole existence is based on lies.
14th Amendment
….. and more specifically, the Equal Protection Clause within in.

It is simply unconstitutional to give special benefits to an entire group of people based on race. IF a specific black person or family can trace back his lineage to a specific slaveholder, then….maybe. But no way can all African-Americans simply get paid money because they MIGHT have had an ancestor who MIGHT have been a slave, owned by who-knows-who.
….. and more specifically, the Equal Protection Clause within in.

It is simply unconstitutional to give special benefits to an entire group of people based on race. IF a specific black person or family can trace back his lineage to a specific slaveholder, then….maybe. But no way can all African-Americans simply get paid money because they MIGHT have had an ancestor who MIGHT have been a slave, owned by who-knows-who.
Today, we were never slave owners, and they were never slaves. No reparations.
Worried about the Domino Effect it will have in all other states.

EVERYBODY wanting "reparations" from EVERYBODY ELSE for EVERYTHING thats every been done!!!

The anser is......FACT!!!
It's about what the GOVERNMENT has done, the State, county, police, legal institutions, laws, etc.

Only one group of Americans has had them all, and more, including individuals and other groups, come down on them, suppress them, attack them and demean based on solely their skin color.
And yet, you want to forego the Constitution for the reparations?
I bet the SC will not see your point

If it means harming America (the agenda even the SCOTUS now apparently protects) and they can find a way to divert a good bit of that money into the correct hands (The Elite and Corporate Cartel MIC etc) then I strongly believe it will come to be regardless of what We The People think or want or what is right or wrong.

We are no longer a Republic nor a Representative Democracy.
We are in fact now an oligarchy run by a handful of rich and powerful thugs.
I do not believe it is possible to vote our way back to normalcy at this point. That time has passed.
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Today, we were never slave owners, and they were never slaves. No reparations.
Well, I did say “maybe”. There might have to be a compromise if a more activist leftist SCOTUS gets in.

My belief is that African-Americans TODAY have already been compensated for the suffering their ancestors, the ones who were slaves, experienced by being born in America, with all its advancements and opportunities, rather than Africa. Add in the last two generations of being “.jumped over“ better qualified whites for educational programs, and for sure….ALL DEBTS ARE PAID.
It's about what the GOVERNMENT has done, the State, county, police, legal institutions, laws, etc.

Only one group of Americans has had them all, and more, including individuals and other groups, come down on them, suppress them, attack them and demean based on solely their skin color.
You don’t force children to pay for the debts of their fathers, if in fact their fathers actually accrued any debts.

in my case, my forefathers fled the rampant antisemitism in the early 20th century, arriving penniless and living in tenements and working in sweatshops. We didn’t own no slaves.

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