Reparations for blacks?

I have a feeling that all of this reparation hoopla will peak around the 2024 election cycle strangely.
The democrats will dangle the carrot to garner votes, as did the student debt forgiveness right before
this last election cycle.
I don't see the SC makeup changing by 2024.
No, the SC won’t change its makeup by 2024, but if blacks fall for the reparation promise - it might be how the Dems are planning to win - and we get stuck with another Democrat as president, who knows? Clarence Thomas is getting old, and Alito isn’t a youngster, either.

Fortunately, the other conservatives are pretty young.
Also, as far as bribing blacks to turn out en masse and vote for a big handout, what we need to count on is that more of non-blacks turn up to vote against it. And from what I’ve read, 1/3rd of blacks themselves are opposed - realizing the inequity of such an arrangement and anticipating the resentment it would engnder.
That's good maybe some black folks will be able to open some and black folks can shop in the black liquor stores instead of the white ones.
Nothing is stopping blacks from opening liquor stores, or any other kind of stores for that matter, now. Blacks patronizing black-owned and operated businesses would be the best way for blacks to generate generational wealth.
Japanese-Americans who were interred got about $20,000.

Native Americans do not get a monthly check, but some programs benefit them - like being able to have Indian-run casinos.

The specific tribe of Eskimo that was forcibly removed from their land, in the 50s or 60s, got some money.

None of that is the same as distributing ridiculous amounts of money to all people of a race.

But I’m curious….would you be satisfied with a one-time payment of $20,000. I’m just wondering how much you want to punish innocent whites.
Japanese-Americans who were interred got about $20,000.

Native Americans do not get a monthly check, but some programs benefit them - like being able to have Indian-run casinos.

The specific tribe of Eskimo that was forcibly removed from their land, in the 50s or 60s, got some money.

None of that is the same as distributing ridiculous amounts of money to all people of a race.

But I’m curious….would you be satisfied with a one-time payment of $20,000. I’m just wondering how much you want to punish innocent whites.
How many innocent black folks were punished?

How many black folks are still living today that enured through Jim Crow?

How much land was denied or stolen from innocent black folks?

What % of black folks would you say have been affected by slavery and Jim Crow?

Japanese-Americans were interred in what late 30s early 40s, how many do you think were still living in 1983?
Nothing is stopping blacks from opening liquor stores, or any other kind of stores for that matter, now. Blacks patronizing black-owned and operated businesses would be the best way for blacks to generate generational wealth.
Sure there is, how many folks have the money to just open a liquor store?

How do folks actually start a business like that?
I have a feeling that all of this reparation hoopla will peak around the 2024 election cycle strangely.
The democrats will dangle the carrot to garner votes, as did the student debt forgiveness right before
this last election cycle.
I don't see the SC makeup changing by 2024.
Oh I agree, Mitch McConnell and Trump did their job well when it comes to that.
Why should a black lawyer, who PROBABLY got into her law school due to affirmative action, and then made partner due to “diversity,” and is now pulling in $800,000 a year get compensated yet again with reparations? She ALREADY got the benefit of her race, twice over.
Did the white women get into Law School due to AA or was it on her own merits? Yea you see it all the time black folks just getting positions making 800K a year because of diversity. Talk about a crock of shit.
Sure there is, how many folks have the money to just open a liquor store?

How do folks actually start a business like that?
Penny less immigrants seem to have no trouble opening stores and businesses. Why would native born black Americans have any more trouble!
Penny less immigrants seem to have no trouble opening stores and businesses. Why would native born black Americans have any more trouble!
Show me one group of immigrants that came to these shores as black folks have and it's amazing how these immigrants who just got off the boat can get business loans as compared to the black citizens who have been in this country just as long as the white ones.
Show me one group of immigrants that came to these shores as black folks have and it's amazing how these immigrants who just got off the boat can get business loans as compared to the black citizens who have been in this country just as long as the white ones.
The government will bend over backwards to give blacks small business loans. Plus every governmental agency and public utility is required to buy from black and minority owned businesses. When I worked for a major TELCO we paid over fifty bucks more for our test phones from minority owned businesses than if we ordered them retail from the manufacturer Harris Dracon.
The government will bend over backwards to give blacks small business loans.
Another right wing lie.
Plus every governmental agency and public utility is required to buy from black and minority owned businesses. When I worked for a major TELCO we paid over fifty bucks more for our test phones from minority owned businesses than if we ordered them retail from the manufacturer Harris Dracon.
Funny how every white racist has a story to tell.
Sure there is, how many folks have the money to just open a liquor store?

How do folks actually start a business like that?
Maybe If they waited until marriage to have children and instead completed their education, they WOULD have money to start a small business. See? Or, failing that, they could get a loan from the government that bends over backwards for blacks.

BTW, I started my business with $3,000.
Did the white women get into Law School due to AA or was it on her own merits? Yea you see it all the time black folks just getting positions making 800K a year because of diversity. Talk about a crock of shit.
The odds are the black women got into their law school via affirmative action, NOT due to merit. Not so whites.

And yes, black folks are getting high-paying jobs that they would not have gotten if they were white. You think idiots like Kamala and KJP would have gotten where they are if they were white?
Another right wing lie.

Funny how every white racist has a story to tell.
Funny how every black racist denies the truth.

So I assume you’ll be fine with affirmative action being abolished? I mean, since it doesn’t help blacks anyway,
Sure there is, how many folks have the money to just open a liquor store?

How do folks actually start a business like that?
Having to ask this question, maybe is the reason African American's can't, the lack of education, economics, business, etc.,
Who were they fighting? Other damn white folks. Nobody black forced you to put black folks on ships and bring them into this country to be slaves.

Of course, it is likely your ancestors loaded them on the boats. Profitable then, profitable now. Aye?
Having to ask this question, maybe is the reason African American's can't, the lack of education, economics, business, etc.,
It all goes back to the root cause - having out-of-wedlock children. If the girls kept their legs crossed during high school (or if not, used reliable birth control, and consistently), and the boys weren’t fathers of six kids by different baby mamas by the time they were 20, and instead concentrated on job training, and then working hard….they’d have the money.

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