Reparations for blacks?

I earned everything I had, while you were enjoying black privilege.
That's so damn dumb it ain't even worth commenting on.
The SCOTUS ruling will be the first step in eliminating special consideration bestowed upon people of the black race, and merit will be the deciding factor in admissions, jobs, and promotions. It’s time for equal treatment.
In your eyes equal treatment is white folks enjoying all the white privilege they can, this country has NEVER had equal treatment. That's what you mean about making america great again, you want to go back to the Good Ole Days.
I was raised with the understanding that blaming one’s failures or poor choices on other people is NOT what responsible adults do.

”Mommy….Susie MADE me eat the brownie” - Janice, age 6

”Mom….Sue talked me into skipping school. It was HER idea.” - Janice, age 12

”Mom….the white people had slaves 150 years ago, and that’s why I spent the afternoon looting stores instead of applying for a job.” - Janice, age 24
I agree. Everybody had slaves it was excepted practice. we need to keep moving forward instead of going backwards. No one owes anyone anything. Just keep ,moving foreward and working together.
And slavery still exists there even today.

It's interesting in fact to note, that out of the 12.5 million slaves that were shipped to the "New World", only about 388,000 were shipped to North America. Let that sink in. All of the grief and whining this country has experienced by the race hustlers, is all based on that small minority of slaves.
In Africa TODAY there are currently over 9 million, yet these people know where the cash cow is, so for decades now we have been fleeced, and not only isn't it going away, it's only getting far worse.
Yes it does and I read the articles from blacks that are now free. They do not understand the blacks in america to them they have everything and taking it for granted.
That's so damn dumb it ain't even worth commenting on.

In your eyes equal treatment is white folks enjoying all the white privilege they can, this country has NEVER had equal treatment. That's what you mean about making america great again, you want to go back to the Good Ole Days.
That’s so damn dumb it isn’t worth commenting on.
I agree. Everybody had slaves it was excepted practice. we need to keep moving forward instead of going backwards. No one owes anyone anything. Just keep ,moving foreward and working together.
Absolutely. This constant moaning by blacks about how things USED to be and denial of the current favoritism they enjoy is actually driving racism.

But watch. The same people who deny that blacks are being admitted to prestigious educational programs due to their skin color will be screaming bloody murder when the SCOTUS rules that schools can’t use skin color as a deciding factor in admissions.
Yea they forced you to bring us to the West and treat us less than human. Smfh.
I didn't bring shit back and neither did any of my ancestors but some of them sure died fighting for those black people. And yeah, it was Blacks that forced Blacks into slavery.
Blacks need to move past it and concentrate on taking advantage of the favoritism now being shown them. Any average black can rise to at least the director level in corporate America or get an associate position in a law firm - earning $200,000 a year more.

(Of course, if you’re a below-average black, you too can become Vice President or White House Press Secretary).
I didn't bring shit back and neither did any of my ancestors but some of them sure died fighting for those black people. And yeah, it was Blacks that forced Blacks into slavery.
Who were they fighting? Other damn white folks. Nobody black forced you to put black folks on ships and bring them into this country to be slaves.
Blacks need to move past it and concentrate on taking advantage of the favoritism now being shown them.
Let us know when that favoritism starts.
Any average black can rise to at least the director level in corporate America or get an associate position in a law firm - earning $200,000 a year more.

(Of course, if you’re a below-average black, you too can become Vice President or White House Press Secretary).
If you are the average white you can rise to the ownership level in corporate America - earning billions.

The average below-average white can become president and hold any other position in this country.

Who were they fighting? Other damn white folks. Nobody black forced you to put black folks on ships and bring them into this country to be slaves.
I never owned slaves and none of my ancestors owned slaves but yet they died for them. So I want my money.
Absolutely. This constant moaning by blacks about how things USED to be and denial of the current favoritism they enjoy is actually driving racism.

But watch. The same people who deny that blacks are being admitted to prestigious educational programs due to their skin color will be screaming bloody murder when the SCOTUS rules that schools can’t use skin color as a deciding factor in admissions.
there is a a lot talk about schools denying Asians by Asians Then why are there so many Asian doctors ,lawyers , judges and so fourth.
there is a a lot talk about schools denying Asians by Asians Then why are there so many Asian doctors ,lawyers , judges and so fourth.
Because they’re above average in intelligence and value education and achievement. That doesn’t mean that leftists aren’t actively working to lower their numbers.

TJ High School for the Sciences, a prestigious and highly competitive public school in liberal Northern Virginia, was upset that Asians were acing the entrance exam above everyone else, and that blacks were so much less capable of scoring well. So….they abolished the exam, and now they are happy that fewer Asians got in and more blacks.

It’s out-and-out racial discrimination.

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