Reparations for blacks?

From your source:

I knew it .. thanks!
Why didn't you continue.

According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.
Another study shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Even in the private sector, the advancements of white women eclipse those of people of color.
Why didn't you continue.

According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.
Another study shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Even in the private sector, the advancements of white women eclipse those of people of color.
When you have black females like Karine Jean-Pierre and Kamala Harris, there is no wonder why diversity hires aren't more prevalent .... unless you're working under the Biden administration.
Well, If you think it’s bullshit that blacks get into schools with grades and scores that would have had them rejected if they were white, you have nothing to complain about when SCOTUS rules that admissions decisions can’t consider race, correct?

P.S. And you’re so wrong. It is estremely unlikely for a white to get into med school with a 3.3, but if you‘re black, your odds aee better than even. Only 8% of whites get in with an unimpressive grade average like that, but the MAJORITY of people with dark skin do - 56%.

These are facts that the black community wants kept out of the MSM.
The light bulb
Space travel
Modern Sanitation
Et etc etc..............................................did NOT come from the African continent!!!

This is reparations enough!!
Love your avatar! You could put KJP in there as well. The two biggest idiots in the Administration. Other than Biden, but his is dementia.
Speaking of KJP .. was just reading that she got roasted after claiming that the Biden administration had solved the fentanyl crisis and it was completely under control. Fortunately for the Biden administration, a majority of the electorate are low-information voters, are politically disengaged and know more about the pop culture and sports than politics and those they vote for.

Lol, that's easy for a white woman to say.
Understood .. as many minorities, including blacks, are enslaved to government and their benefits with nearly zero influence or incentives to better themselves ... just keep sucking off the government tit, vote for us, and everything will be just fine.
Speaking of KJP .. was just reading that she got roasted after claiming that the Biden administration had solved the fentanyl crisis and it was completely under control. Fortunately for the Biden administration, a majority of the electorate are low-information voters, are politically disengaged and know more about the pop culture and sports than politics and those they vote for.

Amazing that someone so unqualified for a job can keep it. But then again, Black females can write their own ticket. Add in the lesbian thing, and the fact that she isn’t one of us evil native-born, and she checks all the boxes.
The light bulb
Space travel
Modern Sanitation
Et etc etc..............................................did NOT come from the African continent!!!

This is reparations enough!!
A couple hundred years of colonialism didn`t do much for Africa, did it? King Leopold killed 12 million in the Congo.
Never going to happened. Time they move on and stop whining. They in slaved more white then whites ever did blacks and in salved there own people and they would not have ended up in other countries in first place. Tell them to go to Africa and sue. American is tired of all the black bs. American was straddled with something the UK brought here before it was even country and took American after it became country in 1776 almost 90 years later in 1867 for it to end almost destroying the country. So go sue the uk and african . iot that it will work This country is limping because of peoplew who want to blame it instead of get their acts together,
I was raised with the understanding that blaming one’s failures or poor choices on other people is NOT what responsible adults do.

”Mommy….Susie MADE me eat the brownie” - Janice, age 6

”Mom….Sue talked me into skipping school. It was HER idea.” - Janice, age 12

”Mom….the white people had slaves 150 years ago, and that’s why I spent the afternoon looting stores instead of applying for a job.” - Janice, age 24
I was raised with the understanding that blaming one’s failures or poor choices on other people is NOT what responsible adults do.

”Mommy….Susie MADE me eat the brownie” - Janice, age 6

”Mom….Sue talked me into skipping school. It was HER idea.” - Janice, age 12

”Mom….the white people had slaves 150 years ago, and that’s why I spent the afternoon looting stores instead of applying for a job.” - Janice, age 24

They need to keep the victimhood narrative going. It's where millions of them gain their power.
Actually you mean if you are a white man in America and you can't make something of yourself, then there is really no help for you. For the simple fact this country was set up by you, for you.

And the fact that slavery was rampant in Africa for many centuries prior to the white man setting foot in this nation means, that more than likely, your ancestors were either slave owners or those that sold slaves to the white man.

In either case, and because, if you were lucky enough to be the decendant of a slave brought here and not left in bondage in Africa, your lifetime earnings are on average between 1.7 and 2.2 million more than those left behind.

No reparations required.

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