Reparations for blacks?

Actually you mean if you are a white man in America and you can't make something of yourself, then there is really no help for you. For the simple fact this country was set up by you, for you.
I am saying that any individual with any will and determination will make a way for himself in life, by himself. We have destigmatized public assistance and that is a bad thing to have done in a capitalist economy.
There was a time when black kids weren't even allowed in white colleges and universities, why did that change? Also if only 5 or 10% of the student body is black how is that taking scholarships from you? Are you saying that the student body should be 100% white? Are you saying that you are smarter than every black person in this country?

So if you are denied a scholarship do they say on your rejection letter that you didn't get it because a black student or hispanic student, etc. got it instead.

Are there whites being favored over better qualified blacks?

So why didn't he turn down the scholarship he was given to go to Yale Law School under an AA program?
You are REALLY starting to annoy me. You are so screwed up with your “woe is me, look how it used to be so let’s take revenge on whitey” thinking that you are in massive denial of the facts.

The fact that 10% to 15% of the student body is black at prestigious universities is ALREADY the result of discriminating against whites. If let to compete on merit only, the student body would be less than 5% black. Harvard even admitted it during their SCOTUS suit.

So yes, that means whites were rejected to let in more blacks, even though they would not have qualified if white. It’s time - past time - to start being fair, and treating all races equally. Black privilege has been pushed to such extremes that there is pushback starting.
I am saying that any individual with any will and determination will make a way for himself in life, by himself. We have destigmatized public assistance and that is a bad thing to have done in a capitalist economy.
Agree. There’s absolutely no sense of shame anymore - and the desire to avoid feeling shame is a great motivator.

Young women and teens who have out-of-wedlock babies they can’t afford and go on welfare, and food stamps, and TANF, and Medicaid, and free breakfasts, and free lunches, and reduced utilities, and free bus tokens, etc., etc., should feel ashamed of themselves for living off of OPM…..for year, after year, after year.
You are REALLY starting to annoy me.
You are so screwed up with your “woe is me, look how it used to be so let’s take revenge on whitey” thinking that you are in massive denial of the facts.
Woe is me, coming from the woman whining that she didn't get accepted into Medical School because there were black folks who were mor qualified.
The fact that 10% to 15% of the student body is black at prestigious universities is ALREADY the result of discriminating against whites.
Because whites are smarter and there aren't any black folks that are smarter than whites. LOL.
If let to compete on merit only, the student body would be less than 5% black. Harvard even admitted it during their SCOTUS suit.
So in your white world, all the whites that are in college got there on merit alone, nothing else. Smfh.
So yes, that means whites were rejected to let in more blacks, even though they would not have qualified if white. It’s time - past time - to start being fair, and treating all races equally. Black privilege has been pushed to such extremes that there is pushback starting.
Tell me Struth what do you think about his assessment?

Woe is me, coming from the woman whining that she didn't get accepted into Medical School because there were black folks who were mor qualified.

Huh? I never had any interest in med school. How do you manage to misconstrue EVERYTHING? I said that white folks were kept out to allow in less qualified blacks. DUH.
Because whites are smarter and there aren't any black folks that are smarter than whites. LOL.
I never said that. But Harvard and other studies show that if special favoritism weren’t given to blacks, the student body would just be around 4%, maybe less.
So in your white world, all the whites that are in college got there on merit alone, nothing else. Smfh.

No, but they didn’t get in just because of skin color - which two out of three blacks have,
Tell me Struth what do you think about his assessment?
Huh? I never had any interest in med school. How do you manage to misconstrue EVERYTHING? I said that white folks were kept out to allow in less qualified blacks. DUH.
Yep and I said that was bullshit all day long.
I never said that. But Harvard and other studies show that if special favoritism weren’t given to blacks, the student body would just be around 4%, maybe less.[/quoote]
Has there ever been a study on how many whites get into many of these schools because they are white and who they are associated with and by that I mean the ones who got in because a parent or grandparent went there, there family has or is donating money to the school, there family does business with school and so on. You are not going to tell me that every white kid that goes to college is because of their merits. We know that is bullshit. How would that change the %s of whites who are school?
No, but they didn’t get in just because of skin color - which two out of three blacks have,
Many do, for the simple fact everything in this country has been based on being white.
Yep and I said that was bullshit all day long.
Well, If you think it’s bullshit that blacks get into schools with grades and scores that would have had them rejected if they were white, you have nothing to complain about when SCOTUS rules that admissions decisions can’t consider race, correct?

P.S. And you’re so wrong. It is estremely unlikely for a white to get into med school with a 3.3, but if you‘re black, your odds aee better than even. Only 8% of whites get in with an unimpressive grade average like that, but the MAJORITY of people with dark skin do - 56%.

Well, If you think it’s bullshit that blacks get into schools with grades and scores that would have had them rejected if they were white, you have nothing to complain about when SCOTUS rules that admissions decisions can’t consider race, correct?
As long as, they remove all the privileges that white folks get away with.
P.S. And you’re so wrong. It is estremely unlikely for a white to get into med school with a 3.3, but if you‘re black, your odds aee better than even. Only 8% of whites get in with an unimpressive grade average like that, but the MAJORITY of people with dark skin do - 56%.
Please white folks have been pulling strings and all kinds of other dirty deeds to get over. I will guarantee you that more whites get into college from who they know then the handful you whine about due to AA.
How many black and hispanic students get into medical schools because of preferences, as compared to whites who get in because of white privilege. Now since you didn't even attend medical school, why don't you post anything else? Being that there are a million other studies in college.
As long as, they remove all the privileges that white folks get away with.

Please white folks have been pulling strings and all kinds of other dirty deeds to get over. I will guarantee you that more whites get into college from who they know then the handful you whine about due to AA.

How many black and hispanic students get into medical schools because of preferences, as compared to whites who get in because of white privilege. Now since you didn't even attend medical school, why don't you post anything else? Being that there are a million other studies in college.
1) The chart shows that whites do NOT get privilege, or else there would be the same percentage of whites with 3.3 getting accepted as blacks - and blacks are accepted 6x more than whites! THAT is black privilege.

2) You never were able to suggest an African country I might enjoy visiting, much as I’ve enjoyed European countries. Is the problem that I wouldn’t be able to find a synagogue, or just that most would be unappealing for an upper-middle class white Jewish woman?
1) The chart shows that whites do NOT get privilege, or else there would be the same percentage of whites with 3.3 getting accepted as blacks - and blacks are accepted 6x more than whites! THAT is black privilege.
Damn the chart, I am talking behind the scenes and things that have gone on since this country was founded.
2) You never were able to suggest an African country I might enjoy visiting, much as I’ve enjoyed European countries.
I don't recall you asking.
Is the problem that I wouldn’t be able to find a synagogue, or just that most would be unappealing for an upper-middle class white Jewish woman?
Google African Jews and see what you find.

Woe is me, coming from the woman whining that she didn't get accepted into Medical School because there were black folks who were mor qualified.

Because whites are smarter and there aren't any black folks that are smarter than whites. LOL.

So in your white world, all the whites that are in college got there on merit alone, nothing else. Smfh.

Tell me Struth what do you think about his assessment?
its not the fault of white people that blacks are fat and will die before they are 50
You don't understand Affirmative Action then .. Race absolutely plays a role in the admissions process and benefits black and brown individuals over whites and asians.
Here’s the chart again.


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