Reparations for blacks?

They’re concerned that we might require equal treatment - rather than continued favoritism toward blacks - with merit being the deciding factor, rather than skin color, as to who gets jobs, promotions, and college spots.
You need to go on the comedy tour with those jokes you are always telling. Equal treatment, continued favoritisim, merit. really? You are the one who has been on the receiving side of those words since this country was founded.
Blacks wanting reparations is the same as blacks saying "I ain't good nuff to make it on my's own in the white man's woild. I needs me a lil hep."

If you, regardless of ethnicity, cannot make something of yourself in America, with all the advantages you have here, then you are a bona fide LOSER. Ethnicity is not a valid excuse, fuckos!
Actually you mean if you are a white man in America and you can't make something of yourself, then there is really no help for you. For the simple fact this country was set up by you, for you.
Maybe you should take your advice, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass.
Maybe if you and your ilk would stop spewing all your venom and resentment for the whiteys, there would be less negativity in your direction.

You won’t admit it, but you are BEYOND lucky you were born in this country.
You need to go on the comedy tour with those jokes you are always telling. Equal treatment, continued favoritisim, merit. really? You are the one who has been on the receiving side of those words since this country was founded.
I haven’t been around since this country was founded, but I’ve been around since they began favoring blacks over whites. I became aware of it with the Bakke decision, when I was in college - 45 years ago.

It‘s time for blacks to compete on merit.
Maybe if you and your ilk would stop spewing all your venom and resentment for the whiteys, there would be less negativity in your direction.
Oh that's what it is, whites had nothing to do with the resentment and mistrust that many black folks feel. Because we have always been treated equal by whites since the first kidnapped black folks stepped off the ships in chains.
You won’t admit it, but you are BEYOND lucky you were born in this country.
I am lucky that those before me endured the hell that they were put through for me to have an opportunity to try and make it better for those who are coming after me.
I haven’t been around since this country was founded, but I’ve been around since they began favoring blacks over whites. I became aware of it with the Bakke decision, when I was in college - 45 years ago.
You just keep rambling and repeating the same lie hoping that one day it will stick. Black folks have NEVER had an advantage over you, white women are the BIGGEST beneficiaries of Affirmative Action and anything else that was set up to give minorities a kick start in this country.
It‘s time for blacks to compete on merit.
Actually you mean it's time for whites to compete on merit.
Blah, blah, blah….

You couldn’t even recommend a country for me to visit in Africa! I’m thinking Morocco might be interesting, but I’m not sure how they are toward Jews there. I’ve read it’s a very antisemitic country.

But many countries in Africa ARE shitholes, and I wouldn’t visit them if you paid me. I have no desire to go to Somalia or Nigeria, for example. or Libya, also. Or South Sudan, either. Or Chad.

So, tell me….anywhere other than Morocco (and I’m not sure about that) where a nice Jewish woman could visit? And again, I would need a shul.

Oh that's what it is, whites had nothing to do with the resentment and mistrust that many black folks feel. Because we have always been treated equal by whites since the first kidnapped black folks stepped off the ships in chains.

I am lucky that those before me endured the hell that they were put through for me to have an opportunity to try and make it better for those who are coming after me.
Not coming after you….YOU. You’re benefitting right now. As far as the past, stop dredging it up and just take advantage of the favoritism you enjoy.

You're welcome.
You just keep rambling and repeating the same lie hoping that one day it will stick. Black folks have NEVER had an advantage over you, white women are the BIGGEST beneficiaries of Affirmative Action and anything else that was set up to give minorities a kick start in this country.

Actually you mean it's time for whites to compete on merit.
Hah. If merit were the measure, it would be to the advantage of whites and Asians, and to the detriment of blacks. But some blacks could compete on merit, and they deserve to prove they’ve accomplished whatever due to brains and ability - not skin color.
Hah. If merit were the measure, it would be to the advantage of whites and Asians, and to the detriment of blacks.
Of course it would be to the benefit of whites, because you set the system up to your benefit. Tell us something we don't know.
But some blacks could compete on merit, and they deserve to prove they’ve accomplished whatever due to brains and ability - not skin color.
When have whites ever had to compete solely on merit?

Please enlighten us.
Of course it would be to the benefit of whites, because you set the system up to your benefit. Tell us something we don't know.
I didn’t set up the system.
When have whites ever had to compete solely on merit?

Please enlighten us.
We‘ve had to compete solely on merit ever since I applied to college. I didn’t have any black skin to give me an advantage.
I didn’t set up the system.
Of course you didn't, the system was set up by white men for white men. Actually for rich white men.
We‘ve had to compete solely on merit ever since I applied to college.
No you haven't, most whites get ahead because of who they know or are associated with.
I didn’t have any black skin to give me an advantage.
Black skin has NEVER given anyone black an advantage, that's a joke.
Of course you didn't, the system was set up by white men for white men. Actually for rich white men.

No you haven't, most whites get ahead because of who they know or are associated with.

Black skin has NEVER given anyone black an advantage, that's a joke.
Hah! The favoritism given to blacks over whites and Asians when it comes to admissions is extreme. Whites with scores and grades that get them laughed out of the place get blacks admitted with open arms.

Thats about to end, though, as thr SCOTUS will rule that race cannot be used to inform admissions policies.
Hah! The favoritism given to blacks over whites and Asians when it comes to admissions is extreme.
So why is it that when you go to most D1 colleges 90 to 95% of the black student body is black kids who are there on athletic scholarships? See you didn't have a problem with the basketball team being all black or the football team being 85% black because of the TV money, shoes deals and the fact you want a National Championship, but when it comes to just a black kid going to get a degree it's a problem.
Whites with scores and grades that get them laughed out of the place get blacks admitted with open arms.
How do you know you didn't get in because a white kid go it over you? How do you know the black kids scores and grades were not higher than yours? All of that is confidential information, did they say, "oh you would have gotten in, but we had to give it to the black kid."
Thats about to end, though, as thr SCOTUS will rule that race cannot be used to inform admissions policies.
Of course it is, since you know have a white, right SC with a Uncle Tom who will vote white. It'll be like the Good Ole Days.
So why is it that when you go to most D1 colleges 90 to 95% of the black student body is black kids who are there on athletic scholarships? See you didn't have a problem with the basketball team being all black or the football team being 85% black because of the TV money, shoes deals and the fact you want a National Championship, but when it comes to just a black kid going to get a degree it's a problem.
Because their athletic abilities got them in. Duh. But blacks don‘t have to let less athletic whites on the team now, do they, the way they have to let less scholastic blacks into college?
How do you know you didn't get in because a white kid go it over you? How do you know the black kids scores and grades were not higher than yours? All of that is confidential information, did they say, "oh you would have gotten in, but we had to give it to the black kid."

It’s been widely reported, with charts showing how blacks get accepted with scores and grades LOWER than whites who get rejected. Your repeated denial doesn’t make the black favoritism any less true.

But as long as you are denying that blacks are getting favored over better-qualified whites, I’m sure you won’t object when SCOTUS rules that racism in college admissions is unconstitutional.
Of course it is, since you know have a white, right SC with a Uncle Tom who will vote white. It'll be like the Good Ole Days.
So a black man who wants equal treatment for everyone, as opposed to racism that favors blacks is an Uncle Tom in your mind? And who do you think the racist is??
Because their athletic abilities got them in. Duh. But blacks don‘t have to let less athletic whites on the team now, do they, the way they have to let less scholastic blacks into college?
There was a time when black kids weren't even allowed in white colleges and universities, why did that change? Also if only 5 or 10% of the student body is black how is that taking scholarships from you? Are you saying that the student body should be 100% white? Are you saying that you are smarter than every black person in this country?
It’s been widely reported, with charts showing how blacks get accepted with scores and grades LOWER than whites who get rejected. Your repeated denial doesn’t make the black favoritism any less true.
So if you are denied a scholarship do they say on your rejection letter that you didn't get it because a black student or hispanic student, etc. got it instead.
But as long as you are denying that blacks are getting favored over better-qualified whites, I’m sure you won’t object when SCOTUS rules that racism in college admissions is unconstitutional.
Are there whites being favored over better qualified blacks?
So a black man who wants equal treatment for everyone, as opposed to racism that favors blacks is an Uncle Tom in your mind? And who do you think the racist is??
So why didn't he turn down the scholarship he was given to go to Yale Law School under an AA program?

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