Reparations for blacks?

Lol, that's easy for a white woman to say.
Why? Just as you should be thanking your lucky stars for being born here in America, I am more grateful than words could ever express that my parents were born here in America - or I would not have been born at all.

Instead of focusing on the past, you would be better off if you appreciated all the advantages in your life, due to being an American. I suggest you think of three things to be thankful for each night before you go to sleep. You’ll be a happier person.
Go live in Africa for a few years, see what life is like, then come back and tell us what it was like.
I have been to Africa, how many times have you been to Europe? I've been there also. For the record black folks have spilled enough bold, sweat and tears for this country, so weren't need to go no damn where. How about you take your party white ass back to Europe since you didn't originate here either.
Please tell us what you base this bullshit you have come up with on. Let's talk Jim Crow segregation, racism and discrimination. How many black folks do you think are still alive who have had to deal with that?

You kept voting for guys who did supported slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and discrimination.

Maybe you should ask them for reparations, not those who fought against them.
You kept voting for guys who did supported slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and discrimination.

Maybe you should ask them for reparations, not those who fought against them.
Was that before or after you guys switched teams? Today's republican party is the party who has the mindset of the sheetwearers.
I have been to Africa, how many times have you been to Europe? I've been there also. For the record black folks have spilled enough bold, sweat and tears for this country, so weren't need to go no damn where. How about you take your party white ass back to Europe since you didn't originate here either.
I’ve been to both Europe and Africa.

Europe was much more developed and advanced. How is this even a question?
How many times can you fit Europe into Africa?

What countries have you been to in Europe and what countries have you been to in Africa?
What does size of the continent have to do with it?

I‘ve been to numerous countries in Europe - from Turkey to Greece to Italy to England to Switzerland to France - and to Tunisia in Africa. Admittedly, I haven’t been to Somalia or Libya or South Sudan, but I wouldn’t want to. They’re very backward.

Now, South Africa might be nice, but I hear they’re very hateful to whites.

But I do enjoy travel. Where would you suggest a nice Jewish woman visit in Africa? (Egypt is on my bucket list…I’m looking for more suggestions.) Also a country where they would have a shul, since I like to go to Shabbos services in foreign countries.

Nice chatting with you about our mutual love for travel!
You cuck white telling black people they should be grateful rather than listening to our concerns is really going to work out for you in long run.... 😄
What EXACTLY are your "concerns?" And what SPECIFICALLY do you want done about them?
What EXACTLY are your "concerns?" And what SPECIFICALLY do you want done about them?
They’re concerned that we might require equal treatment - rather than continued favoritism toward blacks - with merit being the deciding factor, rather than skin color, as to who gets jobs, promotions, and college spots.
I have been to Africa, how many times have you been to Europe? I've been there also. For the record black folks have spilled enough bold, sweat and tears for this country, so weren't need to go no damn where. How about you take your party white ass back to Europe since you didn't originate here either.
And now you are kneeling to the White male dominated Eurocrat elites.
Blacks wanting reparations is the same as blacks saying "I ain't good nuff to make it on my's own in the white man's woild. I needs me a lil hep."

If you, regardless of ethnicity, cannot make something of yourself in America, with all the advantages you have here, then you are a bona fide LOSER. Ethnicity is not a valid excuse, fuckos!
I have been to Africa, how many times have you been to Europe? I've been there also. For the record black folks have spilled enough bold, sweat and tears for this country, so weren't need to go no damn where. How about you take your party white ass back to Europe since you didn't originate here either.
Maybe you should go back to school to improve your grammar.
Why? See as a white person you have always been on the privileged side and on the side handing out racism and discrimination, so that makes it easy for you to say that.
Just as you should be thanking your lucky stars for being born here in America,
Again as a white woman that is easy for you to say, because you were never had to deal with slavery, you didn't come up during Jim Crow. See I came at the backend of Jim Crow.
I am more grateful than words could ever express that my parents were born here in America - or I would not have been born at all.
Of course you are, because you are a part of the privileged class.
Instead of focusing on the past, you would be better off if you appreciated all the advantages in your life, due to being an American. I suggest you think of three things to be thankful for each night before you go to sleep. You’ll be a happier person.
If you don't know what was, then you don't know what is and you are ill-prepared for what is yet to come.
What does size of the continent have to do with it?[/qote]
You can go from tour Europe in about 2 weeks, how long would it take you tour Africa?
I‘ve been to numerous countries in Europe - from Turkey to Greece to Italy to England to Switzerland to France - and to Tunisia in Africa. Admittedly, I haven’t been to Somalia or Libya or South Sudan, but I wouldn’t want to. They’re very backward.
I was stationed in Germany on 2 different occasions, Germany isn't as big as the state of Georgia as are most other European countries. How big is Africa and how many countries are there in Africa?
Now, South Africa might be nice, but I hear they’re very hateful to whites.
Why would they be hateful to whites?
But I do enjoy travel. Where would you suggest a nice Jewish woman visit in Africa? (Egypt is on my bucket list…I’m looking for more suggestions.) Also a country where they would have a shul, since I like to go to Shabbos services in foreign countries.
Where the original Jews black or white?
Nice chatting with you about our mutual love for travel!
Yes, it has been very enlightening on how much you really don't know about Africa.

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