Reparations for blacks?

But, despite leading a significant portion of the nation's businesses, minority-owned firms are still having a much harder time accessing small business loans than their white counterparts. Minority-owned firms aremuch less likely to be approved for small business loans than white-owned firms. And, even if they do get approved, minority-owned firms are more likely to receive lower amounts and higher interest rates. According to findings from the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, these discrepancies have made minority business owners more likely to not apply for small business loans, usually out of fear of rejection.
And as those articles will point out, it hasn't anything to do with race, but it has more to do with their current financial situation and not the color of their skin.

The article below (and I don't know how accurate the numbers are) so take it with a grain of salt show that the avg Credit Score for young black adults
is 582 while whites is 687.

Your credit score is based on your history to repay a loan or a contractual agreement. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin. If your credit rating is 582, which is very poor, that is on the person, it has nothing to do with anything or anyone else. So the question should be, why is the black community so poor at handling their personal financials? Live within your means, pay your bills. Simple.

Can you define fair please. I touched on fairness in a previous post and would like to know your thoughts.

Superbadbrutha, I think a definition(s) of fairness would be fair to the conversation.
I say that because "Fair" can be a very broad term with many definitions. It would help define the context of the conversation.
The question now becomes, if the taxpayers in California are fleeced for $360 thousand per black resident, will blacks stop stealing?
I asked for a link to your argument, not a random website. Are you even the creator of the website? What does that link have to do with what I asked you for you Dipshit? 😄
Dude, you're all over the place. You asked where on the internet, I gave you the site on the internet where you could
look at the 14th amendment. The 14th amendment is what the SC will rule with against reparations.

The rest of your BS is just trying to muck up the topic at hand. Who IS the dipshit....dipshit? It's you, and a
pathetic attempt to confuse a discussion.
Dude, you're all over the place. You asked where on the internet, I gave you the site on the internet where you could
look at the 14th amendment. The 14th amendment is what the SC will rule with against reparations.

The rest of your BS is just trying to muck up the topic at hand. Who IS the dipshit....dipshit? It's you, and a
pathetic attempt to confuse a discussion.
You clown, I can read the 14 amendment just fine myself. My question to you is what part of the 14th Amendment you think supports your argument and why? And its pretty clear the Dipshit and Coward is you for continuing to dodge this very simple question.
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You clown, I can read the 14 amendment just fine myself. My question to you is what part of the 14th Amendment you think supports your argument and why? And its pretty clear the Dipshit and Coward is you for continuing to dodge this very simple question.
If you can't comprehend what the 14th Amendment is stating, I can't fix your kind of stupid, Mr. Curried goats.
Nobody is dodging anything. You want to act stupid, go for it.
If you can't comprehend what the 14th Amendment is stating, I can't fix your kind of stupid, Mr. Curried goats.
Nobody is dodging anything. You want to act stupid, go for it.
I can understand the 14th just fine and it in no way makes reparations unconstitutional. If you're too much of a Dipshit and a coward to explain why you think it does, I can't help you. I can only point and laugh. 😄

Simp Bitch
Sure it does, for the simple fact that the Federal Gov't stood by and did NOTHING.
It's just not the same as those examples that I had given earlier, SBB.
The feds were hands on and to those people who had actually endured the land
It's just not the same as those examples that I had given earlier, SBB.
The feds were hands on and to those people who had actually endured the land
Slavery was the Law, Jim Crow was the Law. The Law stood by and did NOTHING to protect her citizens of color who were being attacked. It is definitely the same.
Slavery was the Law, Jim Crow was the Law. The Law stood by and did NOTHING to protect her citizens of color who were being attacked. It is definitely the same.
You have a right to your opinion on this, and I'm not arguing that. But this is apples and oranges.
The Japanese who lost their property and were placed in internment camps, were awarded reparations.
Those Eskimoes who lost their land on the Island were compensated by the Canadian government.
It wasn't generations later.
You have a right to your opinion on this, and I'm not arguing that. But this is apples and oranges.
The Japanese who lost their property and were placed in internment camps, were awarded reparations.
Those Eskimoes who lost their land on the Island were compensated by the Canadian government.
It wasn't generations later.
Exactly. These people trying to get money they don’t deserve are only pretending not to understand that the Japanese who directly lost their property and were rewarded reparations…..the Eskimoes who directly lost their land and were awarded reparations….the Jews who directly lost their land, property, health, etc., and were rewarded compensation, etc., are not comparable to blacks who were never slaves getting compensation.

Otherwise, Egypt needs to pay the Jews reparations.

Maybe blacks in this country will use the money to free the over 9 million slaves that CURRENTLY exist on the African continent.
You have a right to your opinion on this, and I'm not arguing that. But this is apples and oranges.
The Japanese who lost their property and were placed in internment camps, were awarded reparations.
Those Eskimoes who lost their land on the Island were compensated by the Canadian government.
It wasn't generations later.
That's the problem, black slaves should have been taken care of right after the Civil War. That wasn't done, why?

Black folks who came through Jim Crow should have been taken care of in the early 70s. That wasn't done, why?

All the atrocities that black folks have suffered in this country, America has never paid people of color restitution for that wrong doing, why?

Are you telling me if Japanese-Americans suffered in internment camps for 4yrs were rewarded reparations, that black folks who have suffered for almost 400yrs are not.

It isn't just about land.
That's the problem, black slaves should have been taken care of right after the Civil War. That wasn't done, why?

Black folks who came through Jim Crow should have been taken care of in the early 70s. That wasn't done, why?

All the atrocities that black folks have suffered in this country, America has never paid people of color restitution for that wrong doing, why?

Are you telling me if Japanese-Americans suffered in internment camps for 4yrs were rewarded reparations, that black folks who have suffered for almost 400yrs are not.

It isn't just about land.
Sorry, but today’s black folks have not suffered for 400 years, or even 40. And they have had reparations given for over 40 years by being placed in prestigious universities and grad programs for which they got in due to skin color.

And beyond that, your reparations are being born into a country of wonderful opportunities, and for whom taxpayers provide funding to attend career training after college. You are actually quite lucky.

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