Reparations for blacks?

Sorry, but today’s black folks have not suffered for 400 years, or even 40. And they have had reparations given for over 40 years by being placed in prestigious universities and grad programs for which they got in due to skin color.

And beyond that, your reparations are being born into a country of wonderful opportunities, and for whom taxpayers provide funding to attend career training after college. You are actually quite lucky.
Today’s black folks include those who grew up under Jim Crowe, and remember the beatings, bombings and police violence of the Civil Rights movement. Educational opportunities under AA really only benefitted a limited number of people and included other discriminated against group such as women. I’m not sure that really counts as “reparations”.
No matter how many times you scream “you lie,” it won’t negate the charts that show that the majority of blacks are admitted with grades and scores that are LOWER than that of the majority of whites who are rejected.

Yes, the Jews who suffered directly, and suffered the rest of their lives with horrible physical ailments.

Also, while blacks in California are being promised $5 million a piece - blacks who never suffered like the Holocaust Jews did - guess how much my step-grandfather got after living on insects and leaves for two years, and had to have most of his stomach removed and could never enjoy a nice meal again?
That is one hell of a chip on your shoulder. How do you know they never suffered like that? That chip is preventing you from feeling the suffering of others.
The only thing that is stopping reparations is racist and racist policies.
I would disagree with that.

It’s a complex issue to both qualify and quantify, because you are talking about a span of time covering several hundred years, multiple events such as slavery and Jim Crowe, events where there are no survivors (slavery) and where there are (Jim Crowe) and even the problem of coming to agreement on what is or isn’t racism. You have people that see it as paying for the sins of their ancestors, and that is also unjust. You have people who feel reparations have already been made via AA. You can or disagree with those views but they aren’t in and of themselves racist.

I tend to think if reparations were to occur, they would have to be for the damages of Jim Crowe, because that is in living memory and there are many alive who grew up during it.
That is one hell of a chip on your shoulder. How do you know they never suffered like that? That chip is preventing you from feeling the suffering of others.
The blacks in California getting the $5 million NEVER suffered like a Holocaust concentration camp survivor. Are you so unwilling to acknowledge that a persecuted minority like the Jews suffered more in Hitler’s concentration camps than the blacks in Los Angeles neighborhoods? Your resentment toward Jews is just ridiculous.

I‘m not going to address your nasty shit about my having a chip on my shoulder. That is designed to get me to start defending myself and off the topic that YES….Jews in WWII Europe, who had their families killed before their eyes, have suffered worse than blacks In California who get special admissions favors to UCLA.
Today’s black folks include those who grew up under Jim Crowe, and remember the beatings, bombings and police violence of the Civil Rights movement. Educational opportunities under AA really only benefitted a limited number of people and included other discriminated against group such as women. I’m not sure that really counts as “reparations”.
Jim Crow was over by the mid-60s, and in any event did not affect all blacks. Since the mid-70s, blacks have been getting advantaged over other races and it has benefitted two generations of blacks,

The blacks in my dad’s college in the 1940s probably had kids that got special favors to get into the Ivys in the 70s, and the kids of THOSE kids still had advantages to the IVY in the 2000s. We are now approaching a third generation of blacks who will get favored over other races, and it’s time for the reparations period to end. It is unfair to bright, studious achievers who have been rejected from colleges due to being the wrong race.

You do not erase racism by perpetuating it against another race. This will all start to end in June.
Today’s black folks include those who grew up under Jim Crowe, and remember the beatings, bombings and police violence of the Civil Rights movement. Educational opportunities under AA really only benefitted a limited number of people and included other discriminated against group such as women. I’m not sure that really counts as “reparations”.

How is this going to be funded?

I'm totally fine with some form of reparations/compensation/apology money, but it needs to work somehow. Maybe free money for job training or college?
How is this going to be funded?

I'm totally fine with some form of reparations/compensation/apology money, but it needs to work somehow. Maybe free money for job training or college?
There’s already free money for job training and community college for the working class. But I don’t think taxpayers should have to provide free college to a dentist’s or lawyer’s kid just because he’s black.
There’s already free money for job training and community college for the working class. But I don’t think taxpayers should have to provide free college to a dentist’s or lawyer’s kid just because he’s black.

Blacks have been fucked in this country and throughout most of the Americas - I get it. I'm willing to pay for programs that work and that are reasonable. I just don't know if this is the answer.
That's the problem, black slaves should have been taken care of right after the Civil War. That wasn't done, why?

Black folks who came through Jim Crow should have been taken care of in the early 70s. That wasn't done, why?

All the atrocities that black folks have suffered in this country, America has never paid people of color restitution for that wrong doing, why?

Are you telling me if Japanese-Americans suffered in internment camps for 4yrs were rewarded reparations, that black folks who have suffered for almost 400yrs are not.

It isn't just about land.
The reason blacks weren't "taken care of" after the ACW, was that the US wasn't a welfare state at the time. Ex-slaves were given their freedom but like everyone else, were free to survive or starve.
The blacks in California getting the $5 million NEVER suffered like a Holocaust concentration camp survivor.

Probably not, but you have no idea what they or their families may have gone through (and I doubt you care).

Are you so unwilling to acknowledge that a persecuted minority like the Jews suffered more in Hitler’s concentration camps than the blacks in Los Angeles neighborhoods? Your resentment toward Jews is just ridiculous.

I don’t consider this to be either a competition over who had it worse OR a zero sum equation where one can only benefit at the expense of the other, so why do you wave the “Jew Card” ?

I‘m not going to address your nasty shit about my having a chip on my shoulder. That is designed to get me to start defending myself and off the topic that YES….Jews in WWII Europe, who had their families killed before their eyes, have suffered worse than blacks In California who get special admissions favors to UCLA.
You get incensed over anything you perceive to be some benefit, recognition, or “unearned” privilege given to blacks … even when an academically gifted young woman gets admitted to all the Ivy League schools (a rare achievement).

By the way….Jews aren’t “on topic” either.
How is this going to be funded?

I'm totally fine with some form of reparations/compensation/apology money, but it needs to work somehow. Maybe free money for job training or college?
No idea. Like I said, it is complex. But some localities are taking the initiative on their own.
The reason blacks weren't "taken care of" after the ACW, was that the US wasn't a welfare state at the time. Ex-slaves were given their freedom but like everyone else, were free to survive or starve.

Exactly what kinds of jobs were freed slaves trained/qualified to do the day after slavery ended?
No idea. Like I said, it is complex. But some localities are taking the initiative on their own.

Which is fine, as long as it works. I worry that something like this, though, will be used as the butt of bad jokes and held up as the example of why reparations is a lost cause (no pun intended).

There are potentially better alternatives.
The reason blacks weren't "taken care of" after the ACW, was that the US wasn't a welfare state at the time. Ex-slaves were given their freedom but like everyone else, were free to survive or starve.
That is not entirely true. For a period after the Civil War, they thrived. Many set up businesses, built communities, ran and won elected office. Then the southern states introduced Black Codes, enforced with intimidation and violence, which effectively removed their voting rights, ended 40 acres and a mule, destroyed property and businesses.

There freedom “like everyone else”, was short lived, unlike everyone else.

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