Reparations for blacks?

Sorry, but (yet another) antisemitic leftist who tells a Jewish woman whose father and grandmother lost half their family to Hitler to “stop waving the Jew Card” - while daring to suggest that some blacks in California in 2023 may have had it worse than a Holocaust concentration camp prisoner - reveals such hostility toward Jews that you are not worthy of my tIme.

I can’t help but notice that the TRUE racists on this forum nary get a challenge from you.
Oh Princess....I'm so sorry.
Thank you!

So ironic, isn’t it, when a leftist is against racism, but then gets enjoyment slapping a Jew with an antisemitic slur.
The closest corollary I can think of would be a racist white poster continuously referring to a black poster as "boy".
The closest corollary I can think of would be a racist white poster continuously referring to a black poster as "boy".
Agree. And then imagine if the black poster told the white poster that it was a racial slur, and the white doubled down on it. That’s what we have here.
You don't understand how racism in America works, lol.
Racism today isn’t even a pale shadow of racism in 1865. If you weren’t a WASP you were nothing. Everyone absolutely knew that whites, especially White Anglo Saxon Protestants, were far superior to every other race and religion. The most ardent abolitionist was a die-hard racist by today’s standards. White racism today is such a minor factor, it might as well not exist. I doubt there are ten thousand white racists in the entire United States. The US is one of, if not the least, racist country in the world.
Maybe that was a response to Europeans invading north Africa around the time of Christ.
Around the time of Christ North Africa was completely dominated by the Romans and had been since Rome destroyed Carthage in 146 bce. When Rome converted to Christianity, so did the entire Roman Empire, North Africa was particularly devout and was until invaded and eventually conquered by Muslims in 760 AD. You need to learn some history.
It doesn't take much to see you know nothing about the 14th Amendment, and just
too damn lazy to even research it.
Doesn't take much to see that a Bingo like you doesn't have the capacity to explain this hilarious argument. 😄
Around the time of Christ North Africa was completely dominated by the Romans and had been since Rome destroyed Carthage in 146 bce. When Rome converted to Christianity, so did the entire Roman Empire, North Africa was particularly devout and was until invaded and eventually conquered by Muslims in 760 AD. You need to learn some history.

I know history. You do not.
Thank you!

So ironic, isn’t it, when a leftist is against racism, but then gets enjoyment slapping a Jew with an antisemitic slur.

When you act like an entitled princess, constantly dismissing or minimizing the struggles of others, having meltdowns because too many people of another race are featured in ads (ONLY one race) and expecting others to be outraged on your behalf…the term fits. Don’t forget, you’ve used it as well. Get off your high racial horse, discard your “only attacking me because I’m Jewish’ card and walk with the commoners.

Black people in America have struggled, and despite that many are successful. Don’t demean their struggles.
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JAP is a term used as often by Jews a the N word is by blacks. Jews tend to have the ability to laugh at themselves,
I have never heard a Jew address another Jew as a JAP, and I’ve been Jewish for more than 60 years. Besides, I have asked that moderator NOT to address me as princess, since it is an antisemitic slur, and she continues to do it when she runs out of a way to debate my points.

She’s just another nasty, bigoted leftist.

When you act like an entitled princess, constantly dismissing or minimizing the struggles of others, having meltdowns because too many people of another race are featured in ads (ONLY one race) and expecting others to be outraged on your behalf…the term fits. Don’t forget, you’ve used it as well. Get off your high racial horse, discard your “only attacking me because I’m Jewish’ card and walk with the commoners.

Black people in America have struggled, and despite that many are successful. Don’t demean their struggles.
Except others who aren’t Jewish and say significantly worse get no response from you at all. Right there is a show of your antisemitism. Go after the Jewish woman who has never said anything racist, and let the gentile racists get a pass. Or let the black racists spew their venom, and you don’t say a word.

And your diatribe above is full of lies and twisting of my words. I have never demeaned the past struggles of blacks.

YOU are the one who suggested that blacks living in California today may have suffered as much as a Holocaust concentration camp victim during Nazi Germany! If you had the choice, would you rather be a black in Compton, California - or a Jew in Auschwitz?

And then you have the nerve to say that I dismiss blacks’ struggles. You are dismissing the degree of Jews’ struggles. But that’s what you bigoted leftists do. Because Jews have succeeded despite the worst bigotry imaginable, you downplay antisemitism.
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