Reparations for blacks?


When you act like an entitled princess, constantly dismissing or minimizing the struggles of others, having meltdowns because too many people of another race are featured in ads (ONLY one race) and expecting others to be outraged on your behalf…the term fits. Don’t forget, you’ve used it as well. Get off your high racial horse, discard your “only attacking me because I’m Jewish’ card and walk with the commoners.

Black people in America have struggled, and despite that many are successful. Don’t demean their struggles.
And P.S. Do you tell the blacks who dredge up incidents from 150 years ago to “stop waving the black card”?
The British should be paying reparations to pretty much the entire planet.
The British Empire was the most enlightened empire in history. The legacy of the British Empire nearly everywhere is representative democracy and well functioning economies.

The British Commonwealth has 56 countries in it. They are not kept there against their will. They stay there because because of their nostalgia for the British Empire, their affection for the UK, and the benefits of membership.
Using a blue crayon for you...GOOGLE, "EQUAL PROTECTION
You expecting Google to explain what about "Equal Protection under the law" makes reparations unconstitutional for you? You really are a Bingo. 😄

When you act like an entitled princess, constantly dismissing or minimizing the struggles of others, having meltdowns because too many people of another race are featured in ads (ONLY one race) and expecting others to be outraged on your behalf…the term fits. Don’t forget, you’ve used it as well. Get off your high racial horse, discard your “only attacking me because I’m Jewish’ card and walk with the commoners.

Black people in America have struggled, and despite that many are successful. Don’t demean their struggles.
I do not think Lisa is dismissing the struggles of others. I think she is not blaming past enemies for the problems Jews have now from anti Semitic violence.

Psalm 129: 1-2 Many a time have they fought against me from my youth up, may Israel now say: Yea, many a time have they vexed me from my youth up; but they have not prevailed against me.

I am a Christian who admires Jews, respects Judaism, and loves Israel. If I was Jewish I would not praise them as I do. When a Jew is given half a chance that Jew is likely to do better than anyone else.

Jews do not use previous discrimination and persecution as an alibi for failure. They rarely fail.
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I do not think Lisa is dismissing the struggles of others. I think she is not blaming past enemies for the problems Jews have now from anti Semitic violence.

Psalm 129: 1-2 Many a time have they fought against me from my youth up, may Israel now say: Yea, many a time have the vexed me from my youth up; but they have not prevailed against me.

I am a Christian who admires Jews, respects Judaism, and loves Israel. If I was Jewish I would not praise them as I do. When a Jew is given half a chance that Jew is likely to do better than anyone else.
Thank you - that’s exactly it. Unfortunately, it seems that if someone fails to blame past racism for a higher poverty or crime rate among blacks, that person is a racist.

And a beautiful passage from Psalms.
I have never heard a Jew address another Jew as a JAP, and I’ve been Jewish for more than 60 years. Besides, I have asked that moderator NOT to address me as princess, since it is an antisemitic slur, and she continues to do it when she runs out of a way to debate my points.

She’s just another nasty, bigoted leftist.
I've been married to a Jewish woman for over forty-years and I've heard the term used many times in family gatherings, just like I've heard the non-Jewish women called shickshas and the other non-Jewish male and I called token Goyem.
I will agree that she is a bigoted lefistist and will add a racist as well.
I've been married to a Jewish woman for over forty-years and I've heard the term used many times in family gatherings, just like I've heard the non-Jewish women called shickshas and the other non-Jewish male and I called token Goyem.
I will agree that she is a bigoted lefistist and will add a racist as well.
I’ve never heard any of my family or friends use the word shiksa or goyim (we just say “not Jewish”) and never used the phrase JAP, either. We must travel in different circles.

Regardless, if a Jewish woman is addressed as a JAP or Princess, and says it is antisemitic and to stop using it, only a nasty antisemite would ramp It up. I imagine as a decent chap, you would agree.

And you’re certainly on target with our leftists bigoted mod.
Thank you - that’s exactly it. Unfortunately, it seems that if someone fails to blame past racism for a higher poverty or crime rate among blacks, that person is a racist.

And a beautiful passage from Psalms.
The majority of your comments and threads are about one minority, and it is always negative comments. Why is that? Only ONE minority.

You go off because you think there are too many black people in the ads you see (there are also more Asians, but no angst from you).

You go on and on about people hiring too many unqualified blacks and admitting unqualified black students over better qualified whites yet you have no problem with those institutions admitting less qualified legacy admissions (almost always white) who actually take a larger number of admission slots away from more qualified students than blacks do.

When a top notch black student was excepted by every single Ivy League school, instead congratulating the achievement you belittled it, and questioned why the article didn’t mention her grades (even though no articles on similar acceptances mentioned grades either.)

You have a meltdown if people capitalize “black” but don’t capitalize “white”. You are enraged because a book store has “too many” black history books or books by black authors.

You frequently downplay the effects of Jim Crowe on blacks and relegate it to the distant past despite the fact that there are many still alive who lived it.

You resent that, probably for the first time, blacks participated in DC’s 4th of July in excess of their proportion of the population.

You go on about how blacks commit more crimes and are overrepresented in prison, ignoring the many reasons they are more likely to get prison time than whites committing the same crime.

You bring up AA yet fail to note the people that benefited most were white women like you and I.

You talk about the problem of antisemtism while also denying racism is also a problem.

Why is it only ever about one race?

You can call me what ever suits you, but I have defended the Jewish people in arguments multiple times and pointed out what Jews did for the Civil Rights movement when that was argued. Have you ever spoken up for or defended a black person? When that horrible Synagogue mass shooting took place at the Tree of Life, I didn't jump up and start bitching about how blacks suffered more and too much attention is being paid to Jews. Horrible events are horrible events, and people suffer trauma, persecution, and violence. You don't know what anyone has been through when you make those blanket statements. Did blacks in California suffer as much as Jews in the Holocaust? Of course not, but why is such a comparison even needed if not to diminish one peoples experiences? And that is what you keep doing. It isn't just a one-offer.
I have never heard a Jew address another Jew as a JAP, and I’ve been Jewish for more than 60 years. Besides, I have asked that moderator NOT to address me as princess, since it is an antisemitic slur, and she continues to do it when she runs out of a way to debate my points.

The term I used was princess:

The majority of your comments and threads are about one minority, and it is always negative comments. Why is that? Only ONE minority.

You go off because you think there are too many black people in the ads you see (there are also more Asians, but no angst from you).
Orientals deserve to be called "the model minority."
You go on and on about people hiring too many unqualified blacks and admitting unqualified black students over better qualified whites yet you have no problem with those institutions admitting less qualified legacy admissions (almost always white) who actually take a larger number of admission slots away from more qualified students than blacks do.
When an elite university admits a C student from a rich family, like George W. Bush, the rich family is likely to make generous contributions to the university. That cannot be said of a beneficiary of affirmative action.

Also, I am not sure that there are more legacy students at elite universities than affirmative action beneficiaries. I would like to see some statistics.

When you act like an entitled princess, constantly dismissing or minimizing the struggles of others, having meltdowns because too many people of another race are featured in ads (ONLY one race) and expecting others to be outraged on your behalf…the term fits. Don’t forget, you’ve used it as well. Get off your high racial horse, discard your “only attacking me because I’m Jewish’ card and walk with the commoners.

Black people in America have struggled, and despite that many are successful. Don’t demean their struggles.
So, when I think a black person acts like a niggar it's okay to call them a niggar. Got it
When an elite university admits a C student from a rich family, like George W. Bush, the rich family is likely to make generous contributions to the university. That cannot be said of a beneficiary of affirmative action.

Also, I am not sure that there are more legacy students at elite universities than affirmative action beneficiaries. I would like to see some statistics.
Yes…..legacy admits are a business decision.

Rearranging admissions standards in order to get blacks in and reject Asians and whites who are better qualified is racial discrimination - and illegal.
The majority of your comments and threads are about one minority, and it is always negative comments. Why is that? Only ONE minority.

You go off because you think there are too many black people in the ads you see (there are also more Asians, but no angst from you).

You go on and on about people hiring too many unqualified blacks and admitting unqualified black students over better qualified whites yet you have no problem with those institutions admitting less qualified legacy admissions (almost always white) who actually take a larger number of admission slots away from more qualified students than blacks do.

When a top notch black student was excepted by every single Ivy League school, instead congratulating the achievement you belittled it, and questioned why the article didn’t mention her grades (even though no articles on similar acceptances mentioned grades either.)

You have a meltdown if people capitalize “black” but don’t capitalize “white”. You are enraged because a book store has “too many” black history books or books by black authors.

You frequently downplay the effects of Jim Crowe on blacks and relegate it to the distant past despite the fact that there are many still alive who lived it.

You resent that, probably for the first time, blacks participated in DC’s 4th of July in excess of their proportion of the population.

You go on about how blacks commit more crimes and are overrepresented in prison, ignoring the many reasons they are more likely to get prison time than whites committing the same crime.

You bring up AA yet fail to note the people that benefited most were white women like you and I.

You talk about the problem of antisemtism while also denying racism is also a problem.

Why is it only ever about one race?

You can call me what ever suits you, but I have defended the Jewish people in arguments multiple times and pointed out what Jews did for the Civil Rights movement when that was argued. Have you ever spoken up for or defended a black person? When that horrible Synagogue mass shooting took place at the Tree of Life, I didn't jump up and start bitching about how blacks suffered more and too much attention is being paid to Jews. Horrible events are horrible events, and people suffer trauma, persecution, and violence. You don't know what anyone has been through when you make those blanket statements. Did blacks in California suffer as much as Jews in the Holocaust? Of course not, but why is such a comparison even needed if not to diminish one peoples experiences? And that is what you keep doing. It isn't just a one-offer.
1) The race getting all the unfair favoritism are the blacks, so I concentrate on them.

2) Some guy just started a thread a couple of days ago on how there are no whites on TV commercials. Why didn’t you jump down his throat? It’s right in the thread headline, so don’t pretend you didn’t see it. The difference is - that poster isn’t Jewish. Your zero in with your venom for me because I am.
The term I used was princess:

Yes, yes….we know. That’s what the Jewish American Princess slur is all about. And you slap a Jewish woman in the face with it repeatedly, even after I - and others - have told you it’s an antisemitic slur.

What if I addressed a black poster as “boy” or “Sambo” repeatedly, and he told me not to - and then I doubled down on it?

And I would NEVER address a black with those terms, as I am not a racist. Yet you continue to address me as Princess.

Now I will not engage again with a MODERATOR who chases after a Jew to accuse her unfairly and slap her with an antisemitic slur, even after she’s been asked to stop.

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