Reparations for blacks?

Probably not, but you have no idea what they or their families may have gone through (and I doubt you care).

I don’t consider this to be either a competition over who had it worse OR a zero sum equation where one can only benefit at the expense of the other, so why do you wave the “Jew Card” ?

You get incensed over anything you perceive to be some benefit, recognition, or “unearned” privilege given to blacks … even when an academically gifted young woman gets admitted to all the Ivy League schools (a rare achievement).

By the way….Jews aren’t “on topic” either.
PROBABLY NOT?? You think that there’s a possibility that ANY black family in California today suffered the way a Holocaust concentration camp prisoner did? Shame on you.

And what’s this shit with the “Jew card”? Blacks are waving the “poor, oppressed black card,” and you jump to their defense. They are still talking about slavery, and you jump to their defense. You certainly don’t tell them to stop waving the race card.

In fact, your use of the phrase “Jew card” reveals the contempt you have for Jews. How DARE they become successful a mere generation after Hitler turned them into lampshades!
Nobody other race was enslaved? Are you kidding me?

Not saying other races haven't faced massacres or other hardships, but we're talking about the American context. The Native Americans got reservations. The Japanese got an apology and monetary damages. It's only fair that the descendants of slavery and racial apartheid (aka Jim Crow) get something.
Jim Crow was over by the mid-60s, and in any event did not affect all blacks. Since the mid-70s, blacks have been getting advantaged over other races and it has benefitted two generations of blacks,

The blacks in my dad’s college in the 1940s probably had kids that got special favors to get into the Ivys in the 70s, and the kids of THOSE kids still had advantages to the IVY in the 2000s. We are now approaching a third generation of blacks who will get favored over other races, and it’s time for the reparations period to end. It is unfair to bright, studious achievers who have been rejected from colleges due to being the wrong race.

You do not erase racism by perpetuating it against another race. This will all start to end in June.
PROBABLY NOT?? You think that there’s a possibility that ANY black family in California today suffered the way a Holocaust concentration camp prisoner did? Shame on you.

And what’s this shit with the “Jew card”? Blacks are waving the “poor, oppressed black card,” and you jump to their defense. They are still talking about slavery, and you jump to their defense. You certainly don’t tell them to stop waving the race card.

In fact, your use of the phrase “Jew card” reveals the contempt you have for Jews. How DARE they become successful a mere generation after Hitler turned them into lampshades!
No one is discounting or minimizing what Jews went through in the Holocaust.

It is you, constantly discounting what blacks have been through. Constantly. Accusing them of pulling the “race card” if they bring it up. No matter what it is, you discount it, minimalize it.

You act like Jim Crowe, despite the fact that many us here were born or had childhoods during Jim Crowe, is ancient history. You weren’t alive during the Holocaust. You weren’t directly personally effected by it. Does that make it any less horrible for you?

No. So why are you incapable acknowledging suffering black people have been through and it’s legacy? You don’t agree with reparations and that is fine many don’t, many are conflicted. But the way you casually dismiss their experiences, or those of their parents while getting outraged at any perceived criticism of the Jewish experience is sad.
Exactly what kinds of jobs were freed slaves trained/qualified to do the day after slavery ended?
Whatever jobs they did as slaves the day before. Slaves did everything from stoop labor in the fields to skilled trades like carpentry and ironwork. The government wasn't empowered to provide jobs or training for ANYONE in those days. Immigrants, ex-slaves and citizens all had to take care of themselves or starve to death.
You're right: no other race enslaved because of their race
The Jews were a planned extermination BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE.
Whites were kidnapped and enslaved by the red man.
Arabs raided European villages and killed the m n and took the women as sex slaves.

Blacks who never experienced any of this are looking for an undeserved handout. Fuck you and anyone even thinking this is a legitimate grievance
That is not entirely true. For a period after the Civil War, they thrived. Many set up businesses, built communities, ran and won elected office. Then the southern states introduced Black Codes, enforced with intimidation and violence, which effectively removed their voting rights, ended 40 acres and a mule, destroyed property and businesses.

There freedom “like everyone else”, was short lived, unlike everyone else.
"Forty acres and a mule" is an urban myth. It was never a governmental policy. It was an idea that William Tecumseh Sherman had and even he only applied to some freedmen. Plus the mule was a LOAN from the army, not a gift.
"Forty acres and a mule is part of Special Field Orders No. 15, a wartime order proclaimed by Union General William Tecumseh Sherman on January 16, 1865, during the American Civil War, to allot land to some freed families, in plots of land no larger than 40 acres (16 ha). Sherman later ordered the army to lend mules for the agrarian reform effort."
Because of their race?
Sorry, but (yet another) antisemitic leftist who tells a Jewish woman whose father and grandmother lost half their family to Hitler to “stop waving the Jew Card” - while daring to suggest that some blacks in California in 2023 may have had it worse than a Holocaust concentration camp prisoner - reveals such hostility toward Jews that you are not worthy of my tIme.

I can’t help but notice that the TRUE racists on this forum nary get a challenge from you.
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Whatever jobs they did as slaves the day before. Slaves did everything from stoop labor in the fields to skilled trades like carpentry and ironwork. The government wasn't empowered to provide jobs or training for ANYONE in those days. Immigrants, ex-slaves and citizens all had to take care of themselves or starve to death.

You don't understand how racism in America works, lol.
The Jews were a planned extermination BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE.

Jews aren't a race, you faggot ass fuck.

Whites were kidnapped and enslaved by the red man.

#Pray for Honkey Town.

Arabs raided European villages and killed the m n and took the women as sex slaves.

Oh God, what were the Crusades? Hellooo!

Blacks who never experienced any of this are looking for an undeserved handout. Fuck you and anyone even thinking this is a legitimate grievance

Yeah, fuck you, dick licker.
Because of their race?
Blacks weren't enslaved "because of their race."

They were an available resource because they were primitive, and tribal and easy pickings for the stronger black tribe. Whites didn't go into the jungle capturing these people. Other tribes took them and sold them. They were a resource and readily available

Reparations for blacks?​

I say sure.

Screen Shot 2023-03-15 at 10.08.05 PM.png

It's all I can afford. It is all that any of them still deserve.
A RESPONSE to the Muslim invasions of Europe you dick licking ass loving faggot piece of shit
At least both of you invoke homosexual imagery to insult one another.

Just trying to find common ground between the two of you, you know.
At least both of you invoke homosexual imagery to insult one another.

Just trying to find common ground between the two of you, you know.
I just mirrored his response to me. Just having fun. I don't know the guy. Never noticed a post of his before, but he appears to be very "liberal "

So why do so many liberals invoke homosexual insults? I thought "there's nothing wrong with that.". Yet these same liberals will continually attack Christians as "homophobes." And "haters.". What a hypocritical bunch
I just mirrored his response to me. Just having fun. I don't know the guy. Never noticed a post of his before, but he appears to be very "liberal "

So why do so many liberals invoke homosexual insults? I thought "there's nothing wrong with that.". Yet these same liberals will continually attack Christians as "homophobes." And "haters.". What a hypocritical bunch
To me, the key to understanding these idiots is to realize that they don't actually follow any ideology, much less a liberal one.

All they know in this world is what team they are on.

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