Reparations for blacks?

That's the problem, black slaves should have been taken care of right after the Civil War. That wasn't done, why?

Black folks who came through Jim Crow should have been taken care of in the early 70s. That wasn't done, why?

All the atrocities that black folks have suffered in this country, America has never paid people of color restitution for that wrong doing, why?

Are you telling me if Japanese-Americans suffered in internment camps for 4yrs were rewarded reparations, that black folks who have suffered for almost 400yrs are not.

It isn't just about land.
We are talking about why there won't be any reparations, SBB. It's because of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Today we have equal rights and opportunities for all. That doesn't mean there will be equal outcomes for all.
Reparations, Black Lives Matter, CRT, Project 1619 are a complete waste of time and energy and do nothing but create more division and anger between American Blacks and Whites. We have REAL PROBLEMS, lets focus on those.
Sorry, but today’s black folks have not suffered for 400 years, or even 40.
That's BS, black folks have never and I mean NEVER been paid restitution for the 400yrs of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination and racism that we have endured.
And they have had reparations given for over 40 years by being placed in prestigious universities and grad programs for which they got in due to skin color.
That's nothing more than racist babble at best. You think 40yrs of AA is reparations for over 300yrs of injustice, especially when not even 10% of the population has gained anything from AA. The biggest beneficiaries of the program are white women.
And beyond that, your reparations are being born into a country of wonderful opportunities, and for whom taxpayers provide funding to attend career training after college. You are actually quite lucky.
Your racism shows more and more by each sentence you post. Black folks have sacrificed with sweat, tears and blood for any opportunities we have gained in this country and btw idiot we pay taxes as well.
We are talking about why there won't be any reparations, SBB. It's because of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Today we have equal rights and opportunities for all. That doesn't mean there will be equal outcomes for all.
The only thing that is stopping reparations is racist and racist policies.
We are talking about why there won't be any reparations, SBB. It's because of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Today we have equal rights and opportunities for all. That doesn't mean there will be equal outcomes for all.
The 14th amendment doesn't say anything at all about reparations being unconstitutional or a violation of anyone's equal rights dumb dumb. Maybe you should read it. 😄
That's BS, black folks have never and I mean NEVER been paid restitution for the 400yrs of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination and racism that we have endured.
I said TODAY’s blacks haven’t suffered 400 years. You want to take the suffering of people who lived generations before you were born, and count it as YOUR having suffered 400 years.
That's nothing more than racist babble at best. You think 40yrs of AA is reparations for over 300yrs of injustice, especially when not even 10% of the population has gained anything from AA. The biggest beneficiaries of the program are white women.
Yes, two generations of favored treatment makes up for two generations - if that - of racism that SOME of today’s blacks have experienced. Anyone under 60 has experienced benefits by virtue of their race - starting in the 70s when less qualified blacks got opportunities denied to better qualified whites in educational programs.

Your racism shows more and more by each sentence you post. Black folks have sacrificed with sweat, tears and blood for any opportunities we have gained in this country and btw idiot we pay taxes as well.
Yo idiot, your racism has you blinded to the fact that the vast majority of money, via taxes, to run this country comes from the whites you resent.

And what sweat, tears, and blood are you talking about? That of OTHER people who lived generations before you.

And BTW, you are not allowed to call people racist in this forum. Saying “your racism” is the same thing. I am giving you a chance to correct this behavior, but the next time, you will be reported.

LESS than .5% of blacks in this country are from black families descended from slave families. ALL OTHER BLACKS ARE FROM EUROPE OR S. AMERICA! Less than 1% of the .5% of ACTUAL blacks descended from slave families in the USA are from literal slaves. This ends up being abound 210,000 people, total.

Reparations to those PROVEN to have been descended from ACTUAL slaves were granted back in the 1970's!!!! They do not need MORE!!!
They've been granted pretty much nothing but immunity in this country from everything, and handed over pretty much everything they have wanted since the 70's for FREE.

AND........EXACTLY WHAT "harms" have these people living now, been subject to? They get higher wages than whites, they get free government money whites aren't allowed to get, they get unfettered welfare and food stamps, and they get FREE schooling!

EXACTLY WHAT HARDSHIPS have they had to deal with because of their ANCESTORS possibly being slaves??????
I wonder who they would feel entitled to get any money off because no one today owned any slaves from the past.
I said TODAY’s blacks haven’t suffered 400 years. You want to take the suffering of people who lived generations before you were born, and count it as YOUR having suffered 400 years.

Yes, two generations of favored treatment makes up for two generations - if that - of racism that SOME of today’s blacks have experienced.
Isn't that what Jewish folks like you do? See to show your ignorance I came at the back end of Jim Crow, my siblings came up during Jim Crow, my mother who is still living came up during Jim Crow, one of my uncles who is living came up during Jim Crow.

Are you speaking of Jewish folks or white women? Because you damn sure aren't talking about black folks, if we were so damn favored we wouldn't still be at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to education, economics, etc.

There is a black man who just go out of prison yesterday who has spent 35yrs for a crime he didn't commit and all it took to convict him was a white woman to point and say, "he did it".

So you are just running your racist ass mouth and you don't have a damn clue or you are just lying ass .....
Anyone under 60 has experienced benefits by virtue of their race - starting in the 70s when less qualified blacks got opportunities denied to better qualified whites in educational programs.
That's bullshit, I guess you think if you keep repeating that lie someone might believe it.
Yo idiot, your racism has you blinded to the fact that the vast majority of money, via taxes, to run this country comes from the whites you resent.
The only whites are resent are racist POS like you. Every group of folks in this country that buy goods, services, etc. pays taxes.
And what sweat, tears, and blood are you talking about? That of OTHER people who lived generations before you.
Again idiot, I am speaking of the black folks from 1655 up until today.
And BTW, you are not allowed to call people racist in this forum. Saying “your racism” is the same thing. I am giving you a chance to correct this behavior, but the next time, you will be reported.
If the hood fits, wear it.
Irish and German laborers were treated far worse than slaves. Just ask Fredrick Law Omstead, prominent abolitionist and famous architect. He wrote a diary of his travels through the South to Texas.
Isn't that what Jewish folks like you do? See to show your ignorance I came at the back end of Jim Crow, my siblings came up during Jim Crow, my mother who is still living came up during Jim Crow, one of my uncles who is living came up during Jim Crow.

Are you speaking of Jewish folks or white women? Because you damn sure aren't talking about black folks, if we were so damn favored we wouldn't still be at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to education, economics, etc.

There is a black man who just go out of prison yesterday who has spent 35yrs for a crime he didn't commit and all it took to convict him was a white woman to point and say, "he did it".

So you are just running your racist ass mouth and you don't have a damn clue or you are just lying ass .....

That's bullshit, I guess you think if you keep repeating that lie someone might believe it.

The only whites are resent are racist POS like you. Every group of folks in this country that buy goods, services, etc. pays taxes.

Again idiot, I am speaking of the black folks from 1655 up until today.

If the hood fits, wear it.
And now you’re calling me a member of the KKK because I pointed out that blacks have gotten special consideration for educational programs due to their race, and that Jews have not.

You are one nasty POS racist.
And now you’re calling me a member of the KKK because I pointed out that blacks have gotten special consideration for educational programs due to their race, and that Jews have not.

You are one nasty POS racist.
No, you continue to lie that black folks have gotten special consideration. Nobody in this world has been taken care of like Jewish folks were after the Holocaust.
No, you continue to lie that black folks have gotten special consideration.
No matter how many times you scream “you lie,” it won’t negate the charts that show that the majority of blacks are admitted with grades and scores that are LOWER than that of the majority of whites who are rejected.
Nobody in this world has been taken care of like Jewish folks were after the Holocaust.
Yes, the Jews who suffered directly, and suffered the rest of their lives with horrible physical ailments.

Also, while blacks in California are being promised $5 million a piece - blacks who never suffered like the Holocaust Jews did - guess how much my step-grandfather got after living on insects and leaves for two years, and had to have most of his stomach removed and could never enjoy a nice meal again?
No matter how many times you scream “you lie,” it won’t negate the charts that show that the majority of blacks are admitted with grades and scores that are LOWER than that of the majority of whites who are rejected.
The charts don't go in dept to show how many of those whites were unqualified or scored lower, the charts were created by a white racist like you.
Yes, the Jews who suffered directly, and suffered the rest of their lives with horrible physical ailments.
Have their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren benefitted as well?
Also, while blacks in California are being promised $5 million a piece - blacks who never suffered like the Holocaust Jews did - guess how much my step-grandfather got after living on insects and leaves for two years, and had to have most of his stomach removed and could never enjoy a nice meal again?
How many years will Germany be paying for the Holocaust? How many of the Germans who are paying today were responsible for the Holocaust?
You have a right to your opinions, SBB. But, the facts don't back up what you say about racist policies.
There will always be racists from both sides.
They more than enough back them up. Hell it took amendments to the very Constitution that you speak of to bring these injustices to an end.
The world was a different place 200+ years ago. We have come a long ways since then, for the better, I might add.
Will God judge men for what they did 200+yrs ago or is the Bible a lie. If I murdered someone 50yrs ago and it was discovered today that I did, am I given a pass because the world was different 50yrs ago?
Maybe you ought to understand what, "Equal Protection of the Law", actually means.
You calling someone dumb is just beyond the pale with your IQ.

Maybe a Simp like you would like to try and explain how reparations equates to unequal protection under the law.

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