Reparations for Blacks

WTF! You think the Union soldier should have done something about Lincoln's treachery. What are now just trying to change the subject.

Wire me that $5 million.
Its amusing you expect me to believe white people fought to free Blacks.

Send me your banking information and i promise I will wire it to you.
See? There is it. You HATE white people even those who fought and died to free your ancestors.

Man...that is some kind of fucked up.
Ok. Now youre whining. You really do expect me to believe white people fought the civil war to free Black people.
You clearly know NOTHING about the motivations of many Union troops. To not know many were motivated to fight because they wanted to end slavery, is proof of your ignorance and I suspect racism.

You hate. I get it.
Obviously you have decided that repeating your opinion is going to make it true. I can only say we now have to agree to disagree.
It is not opinion. It is fact. Get an education before posting.

Ever heard of Harriet Beecher Stowe? Yeah...thought so.

She wrote the book that lead to a huge abolitionist movement in North with her little book Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Who were the people responsible for the Underground Railroad? Where they white or black?

I expect more than a thank you for educating you. Send me that $5 million.
Its amusing you expect me to believe white people fought to free Blacks.

Send me your banking information and i promise I will wire it to you.
See? There is it. You HATE white people even those who fought and died to free your ancestors.

Man...that is some kind of fucked up.
Ok. Now youre whining. You really do expect me to believe white people fought the civil war to free Black people.
You clearly know NOTHING about the motivations of many Union troops. To not know many were motivated to fight because they wanted to end slavery, is proof of your ignorance and I suspect racism.

You hate. I get it.
Obviously you have decided that repeating your opinion is going to make it true. I can only say we now have to agree to disagree.
It is not opinion. It is fact. Get an education before posting.

Ever heard of Harriet Beecher Stowe? Yeah...thought so.

She wrote the book that lead to a huge abolitionist movement in North with her little book Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Who were the people responsible for the Underground Railroad? Where they white or black?

I expect more than a thank you for educating you. Send me that $5 million.
Harriet Beecher Stowe fought in the civil war? I need a link for that please.

I already told you to send me your banking information so I can deposit a check for $15 million. You just send me back $10 million.
See? There is it. You HATE white people even those who fought and died to free your ancestors.

Man...that is some kind of fucked up.
Ok. Now youre whining. You really do expect me to believe white people fought the civil war to free Black people.
You clearly know NOTHING about the motivations of many Union troops. To not know many were motivated to fight because they wanted to end slavery, is proof of your ignorance and I suspect racism.

You hate. I get it.
Obviously you have decided that repeating your opinion is going to make it true. I can only say we now have to agree to disagree.
It is not opinion. It is fact. Get an education before posting.

Ever heard of Harriet Beecher Stowe? Yeah...thought so.

She wrote the book that lead to a huge abolitionist movement in North with her little book Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Who were the people responsible for the Underground Railroad? Where they white or black?

I expect more than a thank you for educating you. Send me that $5 million.
Harriet Beecher Stowe fought in the civil war? I need a link for that please.

I already told you to send me your banking information so I can deposit a check for $15 million. You just send me back $10 million.
I should know better than to debate an idiot. Shame on me.
Ok. Now youre whining. You really do expect me to believe white people fought the civil war to free Black people.
You clearly know NOTHING about the motivations of many Union troops. To not know many were motivated to fight because they wanted to end slavery, is proof of your ignorance and I suspect racism.

You hate. I get it.
Obviously you have decided that repeating your opinion is going to make it true. I can only say we now have to agree to disagree.
It is not opinion. It is fact. Get an education before posting.

Ever heard of Harriet Beecher Stowe? Yeah...thought so.

She wrote the book that lead to a huge abolitionist movement in North with her little book Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Who were the people responsible for the Underground Railroad? Where they white or black?

I expect more than a thank you for educating you. Send me that $5 million.
Harriet Beecher Stowe fought in the civil war? I need a link for that please.

I already told you to send me your banking information so I can deposit a check for $15 million. You just send me back $10 million.
I should know better than to debate an idiot. Shame on me.
I agree. Shame on you. You should never debate yourself.

I guess you couldnt find that link showing Stowe ever fought in the Civil War?
So blacks and Arabs sell blacks to slavery to British, French and Spanish colonies, and now so called ancestors are demanding reparations. Funny, that racist spunk is talking about 400 years of slavery... This country didn't existed 400 years ago.

When thief sells stolen goods and get caught, goods are usually returned to original owners. Well, it would be fair if blacks demanding reparations to be returned to their origins in Africa, their citizenship revoked and yeah, in that case I wouldn't mind paying them for the work of their enslaved ancestors. It would still be cheaper than giving them freebies from one century to another. If your allegiance is to Africa, what's wrong going back to Africa? Oh right, there are no whites there anymore who are going to pay for your college, housing, food stamps, X-box, Nike's and phones... only other Africans with the similar mentality, waiting for someone else to pay for their existence, or waiting to rob you from yours.
How far back in time is the "U.N. panel" willing to go? British, French, Spanish and every other country that wanted to make a cheap buck in the 1600's and 1700's captured Africans for the slave trade. Obama's ancestors (on his father's side) may have assisted in enslaving their fellow Africans. As a matter of fact, every ethnic race has been a victim of slavery sometime in it's history. If the U.N. panel wanted to achieve some justice they would seek reparations for the families of people who are being enslaved today.
How far back in time is the "U.N. panel" willing to go? British, French, Spanish and every other country that wanted to make a cheap buck in the 1600's and 1700's captured Africans for the slave trade. Obama's ancestors (on his father's side) may have assisted in enslaving their fellow Africans. As a matter of fact, every ethnic race has been a victim of slavery sometime in it's history. If the U.N. panel wanted to achieve some justice they would seek reparations for the families of people who are being enslaved today.

The question is why they want reparations for slavery of the blacks only? Why not ask reparations from those who enslave them and sold them overseas. Why not reparations for natives? Should we go bit further and ask that all descendants of verified Union soldiers wounded or killed freeing the slaves shall be able to seek finical restitution from those descendants of freed slaves?
And what reparations are owed by Caribbean countries and South America that took over 90% of all African slaves?
Dont worry about it. Why do you white people always deflect instead of dealing with your own issues first?
I want reparations for family members who fought and died in Lincoln's War, fighting for the North. Hell they gave up their lives. Isn't that worth a lot more?
That's right! Any descendents of the union army paid their 'debt' and then some. Freed blacks owe northern whites.

Wrong. They owe nothing to northern whites. They owe it to themselves to get some INDIVIDUAL pride as well as ethnic pride to better their education, better themselves and their neighborhoods or get themselves out of the ghettos - that won't happen until they stop labeling those who do succeed as "Uncle Toms" living in the white man's world. For all the promises made, the community activism, etc. they're still in the same place. And Barack Obama isn't "g'wain pay" anybody's rent ... no ... he's (as we say in the South) living in high cotton now. They are good to the Democrat party for one thing and one thing only ... their vote. Beyond that ... nothing. All this "BLM" and "Kill the Pigs" is a political smokescreen to keep the people all stirred up.
I agree with you but my post was sarcasm.
So blacks and Arabs sell blacks to slavery to British, French and Spanish colonies, and now so called ancestors are demanding reparations. Funny, that racist spunk is talking about 400 years of slavery... This country didn't existed 400 years ago.

When thief sells stolen goods and get caught, goods are usually returned to original owners. Well, it would be fair if blacks demanding reparations to be returned to their origins in Africa, their citizenship revoked and yeah, in that case I wouldn't mind paying them for the work of their enslaved ancestors. It would still be cheaper than giving them freebies from one century to another. If your allegiance is to Africa, what's wrong going back to Africa? Oh right, there are no whites there anymore who are going to pay for your college, housing, food stamps, X-box, Nike's and phones... only other Africans with the similar mentality, waiting for someone else to pay for their existence, or waiting to rob you from yours.
I would love to go back to Africa with my ancestors past due wages with interest. I intend on moving there anyway after my kids graduate high school and go to college.
How far back in time is the "U.N. panel" willing to go? British, French, Spanish and every other country that wanted to make a cheap buck in the 1600's and 1700's captured Africans for the slave trade. Obama's ancestors (on his father's side) may have assisted in enslaving their fellow Africans. As a matter of fact, every ethnic race has been a victim of slavery sometime in it's history. If the U.N. panel wanted to achieve some justice they would seek reparations for the families of people who are being enslaved today.
It really has nothing to do with a UN panel or anything else outside this country. Reparations are relevant only from the viewpoint that they US allowed, encouraged, promoted and benefited from slavery. People in other countries would be paid by that country not the US.
I would love to go back to Africa with my ancestors past due wages with interest. I intend on moving there anyway after my kids graduate high school and go to college.
What makes you think they would take you in Africa? After all, Uganada didn't take back that Obungo guy who was shot in California and you're no any great shakes either.
The UN needs to be defunded, the building repossessed, the pygmies sent back to their POS countries, and the building sold to the highest bidder.

Let Trump make it great again.
By turning it into a world class hotel
How far back in time is the "U.N. panel" willing to go? British, French, Spanish and every other country that wanted to make a cheap buck in the 1600's and 1700's captured Africans for the slave trade. Obama's ancestors (on his father's side) may have assisted in enslaving their fellow Africans. As a matter of fact, every ethnic race has been a victim of slavery sometime in it's history. If the U.N. panel wanted to achieve some justice they would seek reparations for the families of people who are being enslaved today.

The question is why they want reparations for slavery of the blacks only? Why not ask reparations from those who enslave them and sold them overseas. Why not reparations for natives? Should we go bit further and ask that all descendants of verified Union soldiers wounded or killed freeing the slaves shall be able to seek finical restitution from those descendants of freed slaves?

There is no group in the world that I know of that has not been victimized at one time or another....but I will say this about Negroes...they have suffered less...much less at the hands of others than most other groups...most of their suffering has been inflicted on them by their own race .....and anyone that knows anything at all about the reality of slavery in the southern states know the blacks down there were much,much better off than their cousins were back in Africa. That is the main reason there has never been any significant back to Africa movement.

I must also mention there is no other group in the world that has existed so sucessfully being essentially parasites as the Negroes have been for the most part since the Democratic Party adopted them circa 1961.

But their time as being the poster boy for victimhood is just about over...the truth is coming out and it is going to be exceedingly painful for them...due to the internet the media is becoming less and less able to cover up for them...and as technology expands the evidence of their violence is being documented like never before and more and more folks are waking up in regards to it....and wondering why in the hell so much of their hard earned tax money is being wasted on a bunch of violent prone not quite human animals.

If the negroes had any sense they would stop with their demands for reparations and start pleading for help to return to Africa....people would be willing to fork up a lot and i mean a lot of money to help them get back to where they came from.
See? There is it. You HATE white people even those who fought and died to free your ancestors.

Man...that is some kind of fucked up.
Ok. Now youre whining. You really do expect me to believe white people fought the civil war to free Black people.
You clearly know NOTHING about the motivations of many Union troops. To not know many were motivated to fight because they wanted to end slavery, is proof of your ignorance and I suspect racism.

You hate. I get it.
Obviously you have decided that repeating your opinion is going to make it true. I can only say we now have to agree to disagree.
It is not opinion. It is fact. Get an education before posting.

Ever heard of Harriet Beecher Stowe? Yeah...thought so.

She wrote the book that lead to a huge abolitionist movement in North with her little book Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Who were the people responsible for the Underground Railroad? Where they white or black?

I expect more than a thank you for educating you. Send me that $5 million.
Harriet Beecher Stowe fought in the civil war? I need a link for that please.

I already told you to send me your banking information so I can deposit a check for $15 million. You just send me back $10 million.

Get in line, Niggrman, my people were historically wronged first.
I would love to go back to Africa with my ancestors past due wages with interest. I intend on moving there anyway after my kids graduate high school and go to college.

Why wait? Go right now, and take your kids with you. Ooooh riiight, you just can't leave freebies behind.

And when you get those "past due wages", are you gonna pay restitution to ancestors of soldiers killed freeing your ancestors? You know, it goes both ways.
LOL....anyone who thinks reparations could ever happen in this country has a plate in their head.:2up: Far higher chance that America ends up having settlements for blacks like the set-up they have in Israel!! Knock yourself out doing all the black shit you want but keep it on that side of the fence!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
There is no group in the world that I know of that has not been victimized at one time or another....but I will say this about Negroes...they have suffered less...much less at the hands of others than most other groups...most of their suffering has been inflicted on them by their own race .....and anyone that knows anything at all about the reality of slavery in the southern states know the blacks down there were much,much better off than their cousins were back in Africa. That is the main reason there has never been any significant back to Africa movement

I don't agree that blacks suffered less, but I do agree blacks are not only race that suffered from slavery. It existed during Egypt, Ottomans, middle ages and slaves were of all colors. Back then slavery was "normal" and part of the system, unlike today when we all know slavery is wrong.

For hundreds of years, about one third of blacks in western Africa were slaves. Some are sold by their owners and shipped overseas and that has been going on for couple hundred years. Now they want reparations... True, they've been slaves for 400 years, but not that long by this country. This country freed them. So if they demand reparations, let them get it from those who enslaved them, and sold them and shipped them here first.

But their time as being the poster boy for victimhood is just about over...the truth is coming out and it is going to be exceedingly painful for them...due to the internet the media is becoming less and less able to cover up for them...and as technology expands the evidence of their violence is being documented like never before and more and more folks are waking up in regards to it....and wondering why in the hell so much of their hard earned tax money is being wasted on a bunch of violent prone not quite human animals.

Speaking of "victimhood"... No all blacks are playing that card, just lazy mofos who always begged for handouts and chimped out when didn't get them. There are many black who are past racism, who stand for themselves, roll up their sleeves and provide for themselves and their families.

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Uhm, let's see now,
I and my Irish family need to be given reparations by the U.S. government for its persecution of Irish immigrants in the 1800's. I and my Irish family need to be given reparations from the English government for not helping starving Irish Catholics in the 1800's. Then, of course, there is that one native American in our ancestral line, so we need reparations for the treatment of native Americans. I'm pretty sure that my very distant Celtic ancestors were persecuted by the Romans, so Italy must atone financially for that. This could turn out quite rewarding.

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