Reparations Poll - vote for or against

Do you support or oppose "reparations"

  • Support

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Oppose

    Votes: 105 93.8%

  • Total voters
Not sure if blacks get that many people who fly the stars and bars today do so as a form of rebelling against the globalists and 1%'ers who keep them poor. For them its not a racist anti-black symbol of the old south, its a rebel symbol against the wealthy who moved their factory jobs overseas. Just sayin'...

the idea of globalist reparations is interesting.....~S~
One of the candidates mentioned a "guaranteed income". My wife is concerned that once self-driving trucks and AI develop Wall Street won't need much manual labor. Most everything will be made by machines, or managed by Skynet. How will non-professional people earn a decent living?
Also, the "stars & bars" aren't necessarily a symbol of racism, unless you're the MSM. It could mean southern heritage, or "I'm a rebel" against______, or something else. Its not like a swastika.

A half-century and more of Affirmative Action has leveled the playing field sufficiently for our purposes.

For the last 50 years, the playing field has been heavily weighted in favor of blacks. Whites have been discriminated against rampantly, and still are, in 42 states where Affirmative Action is still legal.
50+ years of special treatment in hiring, education, housing, etc., and a distance of 154 years since liberation, is enough.

If Blacks haven't mainstreamed after all that, then they'd better get cracking, and do better, using their own wits and effort.

Time for them to shake-off the Victim Mentality, get off their dead asses and begin to make their own way in the world.

Whites in this country, in general, have been quite accommodating in recent decades, but they've hit the point of Donor Exhaustion.

Those Blacks still whining and fantasizing about Forty-Acres-and-a-Mule (figuratively, or even literally) need to jettison that hor$e$hit.

It ain't gonna happen.

Blacks have had enough Free Gubmint Cheese.

Time's up... time for them to figure the rest out for themselves.

Lots of folks... myself included... wish them well, but...

The free ride's over.
One condition. Pay them and then ship them home to Africa.
This land is home.

I enjoyed the video, it was well done. It hearkens back to the old south with the imagery of a plantation and hanging tree and stars and bars. Not sure if blacks get that many people who fly the stars and bars today do so as a form of rebelling against the globalists and 1%'ers who keep them poor. For them its not a racist anti-black symbol of the old south, its a rebel symbol against the wealthy who moved their factory jobs overseas. Just sayin'...

However...the democrat party was the party of slavery, and is still, to this day, the party of racism....

Always an echo of the BIG LIES ^^^. This lie about the current iteration of the Democratic Party is unproved and cannot be supported by any probative evidence.

2aguy in my not so humble opinion, is a damn liar.

Other than the democrats caught wearing blackface? You know, the Governor and AG of Virginia...........? And the race based policies of the mean other than that, right?

No, that's not what I wrote and not what I meant. I posted a fact, Truman integrated the military and that was the beginning of the transformation which began with Strom Thurman and the Dixiecrats.

Here's a history lesson:

Dixiecrat - Wikipedia

American Independent Party - Ballotpedia

Trump's Base ^^^
If you want to give money to the Negroes why don't you stand outside a liquor store on a Friday night and hand out your money?

That way the government doesn't have to be involved.
That's exactly the false and racially inflammatory impression his thread is intended to create

You didn't answer the question.

If you want to give your money to the Negroes why don't you just put your money where your mouth is and start handing it out? If you think they deserve your money then just give it to them and then shut the hell up about the rest of us.

Negroes? Dang, someone's sounding a bit racist.
Yea...the OP and all the racists so worried that some scary black man might get something they don't get.

Again...this whole thread is a racist dog whistle...actually it's a racist SIREN.

NONE of these candidates have proposed reparation payments and they haven't "proposed" anything. Thy were ASKED
Yea...the OP and all the racists so worried that some scary black man might get something they don't get.

Again...this whole thread is a racist dog whistle...actually it's a racist SIREN.

NONE of these candidates have proposed reparation payments and they haven't "proposed" anything. Thy were ASKED

Thy were ASKED

and they all agreed there should be reparations.

they SUPPORT reparations.

It hastn' got to the point of finding ways to PAY for reparations, they weren't asked that...

they, and the OP, asked about supporting reparations.

Stop derailing the thread with your 'payment' issue.

just answer the damn question.
I don't support Reparations, per se. I do support, supporting community activists to get out the black vote and curtailing the suppression of black voters by the Republican Party.

We need to refresh civil and human rights, here and in our southern neighbors. Stop calling them welfare queens, drug addicts and murderers.

We need to be guided by science, not superstition, facts not meme's and reality not conspiracy theories.
Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations". Any type of "reparations" have zero chance of becoming Law. The 2020 elections cycle is heating up and Kamala and Warren both support reparations.
Reparations for Slavery: Symbolism over Substance | National Review
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren reportedly say they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

This is what reparations could actually look like in America

Reparations for Slavery Reading - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations

Yea...the OP and all the racists so worried that some scary black man might get something they don't get.

Again...this whole thread is a racist dog whistle...actually it's a racist SIREN.

NONE of these candidates have proposed reparation payments and they haven't "proposed" anything. Thy were ASKED

Thy were ASKED

and they all agreed there should be reparations.

they SUPPORT reparations.

It hastn' got to the point of finding ways to PAY for reparations, they weren't asked that...

they, and the OP, asked about supporting reparations.

Stop derailing the thread with your 'payment' issue.

just answer the damn question.
It hastn' got to the point of finding ways to PAY for reparations, they weren't asked that...

they, and the OP, asked about supporting reparations.

Stop derailing the thread with your 'payment' issue.

It's obvious that the OP and YOU want to create the impression that direct payments are a PROPOSAL they have made.

Neither is true and you have made no attempt to disabuse those on the board who have "understood" it that way.

And you want to shut me up when I correct that INCORRECT and racially incendiary impression


Yea...the OP and all the racists so worried that some scary black man might get something they don't get.

Again...this whole thread is a racist dog whistle...actually it's a racist SIREN.

NONE of these candidates have proposed reparation payments and they haven't "proposed" anything. Thy were ASKED

Thy were ASKED

and they all agreed there should be reparations.

they SUPPORT reparations.

It hastn' got to the point of finding ways to PAY for reparations, they weren't asked that...

they, and the OP, asked about supporting reparations.

Stop derailing the thread with your 'payment' issue.

just answer the damn question.
It hastn' got to the point of finding ways to PAY for reparations, they weren't asked that...

they, and the OP, asked about supporting reparations.

Stop derailing the thread with your 'payment' issue.

It's obvious that the OP and YOU want to create the impression that direct payments are a PROPOSAL they have made.

Neither is true and you have made no attempt to disabuse those on the board who have "understood" it that way.

And you want to shut me up when I correct that INCORRECT and racially incendiary impression


It's obvious that the OP and YOU want to create the impression that direct payments are a PROPOSAL they have made.

I want you to stop derailing the thread.

the thread is about SUPPORT, not payment.

Do you understand the difference?

The only person talking about payment, is you.

Warren is not talking about payment, Harris is not talking about payment, the OP is not talking about payment, just support.

only you are talking about payment
Or filthy welfare and affirmative action state is more than enough damn reparation for anybody.

Of course the greedy mutherfukers want more and the shithead Democrats are willing to promise it to them.

If anybody receives any reparation money then any welfare that they ever got in their life should be subtracted. That would shut the little assholes up.
I want you to stop derailing the thread.

the thread is about SUPPORT, not payment.

The only person talking about payment, is you.

Obviously you are wrong as illustrated by the post above.

I'd ask you to set that poster (and all the others ON THIS THREAD who have said similar things) straight but it's obvious you WANT that impression to be there.
I want you to stop derailing the thread.

the thread is about SUPPORT, not payment.

The only person talking about payment, is you.

Obviously you are wrong as illustrated by the post above.

I'd ask you to set that poster (and all the others ON THIS THREAD who have said similar things) straight but it's obvious you WANT that impression to be there.

Obviously you are wrong as illustrated by the post above.

but it's obvious you WANT that impression to be there.


I want you to stop derailing the thread with discussion about payment

and stop ignoring this:

Warren is not talking about payment, Harris is not talking about payment, the OP is not talking about payment, just support.
It was the host's suggestion and Kamala agreed, and doubled down on it with the NY Times.

She didn't"double down on it and she NEVER mentioned reparation PAYMENTS

STOP playing the race card. It's obvious you want to rile up the racists...again...being kind...

You can make reparations in ways other than direct payments.
Feel free. I'm keeping my cash.
I don't support Reparations, per se. I do support, supporting community activists to get out the black vote and curtailing the suppression of black voters by the Republican Party.

We need to refresh civil and human rights, here and in our southern neighbors. Stop calling them welfare queens, drug addicts and murderers.

We need to be guided by science, not superstition, facts not meme's and reality not conspiracy theories.
How about "suppression" of illegal (non-citizen) voters ?
I believe Blacks today do suffer from the lingering effects of slavery and Jim Crow. The are the only group that was stripped of their language, culture, and family structure in America. I have no problem with giving those that need it, a helping hand. If reparations means cash, I'm against it. If it means ensuring schools in poor neighborhoods have the resources to provide a good education, count me in. If it means some level of health care for every citizen, count me in. If it means providing jobs for those that struggle to find and keep jobs, count me in.


Don't know your history so well do you.....

The Sedition Acts imposed after those two World Wars last century that were meant primarily to strip the German-American population of their language and culture.

A cultural group who at that time in history made up over fifty percent of the United States population.

Perhaps the German-American population needs reparations for these wrongs and for filling US uniforms during those World Wars of brother against brother.


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Don't know your history so well do you.....

The Sedition Acts imposed after those two World Wars that were meant primarily to strip the German-American population of their language and culture.

A cultural group who at that time in history made up over fifty percent of the United States population.

Perhaps the German-American population needs reparations for these wrongs and for filling US uniforms during those World Wars of brother against brother.
The Sedition Acts to which you refer were aimed at aliens, not citizens. They were in no way an attack on any language or culture so far as I can see.

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