Reparations Poll - vote for or against

Do you support or oppose "reparations"

  • Support

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Oppose

    Votes: 105 93.8%

  • Total voters
It may be race baiting bullshit, but they are proposing reparations.

It absolutely IS race baiting bullshit. That's why the thread was started.

And no they are NOT proposing it. They were ASKED about it and responded in a very GENERAL way NOT mentioning ANYTHING reparation payments But thanks for the admission

1. The dems always use race baiting, thats their base. I provided credible links confirming their position on reparations
2. Do you know what a non-denial denial is? Neither Kamala nor Warren said that they oppose reparations
3. The poll is based on the fact that reparations may be part of the 2020 election debate
4. If the thread was bullshit there wouldn't be such a lively debate. We will be watching Kamala and Warren to confirm their position on reparations. Right now they apparently support reparations and "The Green New Deal".

Links that don't say what you claim they say?

On a race baiting thread that belongs more correctly on Stormfront or GAB
Well every now and then our politicians get generous and cut tax rates for the extremely wealthy and corporations, so what the heck's everybody complaining about? At least the people getting reparations have needs, whereas the rich use that free money to buy politicians. This used to be called bribery but the wealthy used their influence to make this bribery legal.
Reparations from low logic groups that were saved from the misery of the Stone Age

And having very low life spans?

Who really owes who here c
If you want to give money to the Negroes why don't you stand outside a liquor store on a Friday night and hand out your money?

That way the government doesn't have to be involved.
It may be race baiting bullshit, but they are proposing reparations.

It absolutely IS race baiting bullshit. That's why the thread was started.

And no they are NOT proposing it. They were ASKED about it and responded in a very GENERAL way NOT mentioning ANYTHING reparation payments But thanks for the admission

1. The dems always use race baiting, thats their base. I provided credible links confirming their position on reparations
2. Do you know what a non-denial denial is? Neither Kamala nor Warren said that they oppose reparations
3. The poll is based on the fact that reparations may be part of the 2020 election debate
4. If the thread was bullshit there wouldn't be such a lively debate. We will be watching Kamala and Warren to confirm their position on reparations. Right now they apparently support reparations and "The Green New Deal".
Links that don't say what you claim they say?
On a race baiting thread that belongs more correctly on Stormfront or GAB

See links below from the New York Times and NY Post that BOTH say that Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren support reparations. If you have an opposing point of view, that they do not support reparations, please provide a credible link, otherwise I'm calling your post whiny bullshit. It may be race baiting, but its dem race baiting.

2020 Democrats Embrace Race-Conscious Policies, Including Reparations
NONE of your links say anything about reparations PAYMENTS
If you want to give money to the Negroes why don't you stand outside a liquor store on a Friday night and hand out your money?

That way the government doesn't have to be involved.
That's exactly the false and racially inflammatory impression his thread is intended to create

Neither I nor any of my ancestors engaged in slave-holding.

As a matter of fact, my family lost men, fighting for the Union, and the end of slavery.

No one enslaved at that time is alive today.

A half-century and more of Affirmative Action has leveled the playing field sufficiently for our purposes.
Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations". Any type of "reparations" have zero chance of becoming Law. The 2020 elections cycle is heating up and Kamala and Warren both support reparations.
Reparations for Slavery: Symbolism over Substance | National Review
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren reportedly say they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

This is what reparations could actually look like in America

Reparations for Slavery Reading - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations
Justice was never served. Is that ok? I'd say no.
American slavery was actually the most humane thing to ever happen to Afro-Americans. In Africa, slavery with Black and Arab slave owners usually resulted in death after a few years. In theory they owe White people money for the free transportation, room and board, protection from Indians and rival Blacks, etc. Picking cotton was not that demoralizing. Picking fruits and vegetables is still done today and it is actually a great thing. The only times Blacks were not given a court trial is when they stole stuff, raped or murdered. As "property" they were actually safer than average folks. Then came the 60's when fake news publishers promoted fake stories like To Kill A Mockingbird and forced public students to read that trash.
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Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations". Any type of "reparations" have zero chance of becoming Law. The 2020 elections cycle is heating up and Kamala and Warren both support reparations.
Reparations for Slavery: Symbolism over Substance | National Review
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren reportedly say they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

This is what reparations could actually look like in America

Reparations for Slavery Reading - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations
Your OP is not stated properly. There are millions of Americans all across the country, who favor reparartions FOR WHITE PEOPLE, to compensate for whole lifetimes of lost fortunes$$$, due to Affirmative Action discrimination.

In the poll, I checked SUPPORT, but that was for reparations to be paid to WHITES. I wonder if the other 5 are the same. Why didn't you specify which one you're talking about ?
They want to take money from people who never owned slaves and give it to people who were never slaves.....this is a typical democrat program....
Actually, it's just a VOTE GRAB GIMMICK. >> Vote for me, and I'll give you money (aka BRIBERY)
The votes no where near as close as the posts show a lot more people agree with the conservatives that show up replying to polls

That spells doom for the democrats election. 2020. Still working hard to brainwash but losing more and more in reality

A half-century and more of Affirmative Action has leveled the playing field sufficiently for our purposes.

For the last 50 years, the playing field has been heavily weighted in favor of blacks. Whites have been discriminated against rampantly, and still are, in 42 states where Affirmative Action is still legal.
Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations". Any type of "reparations" have zero chance of becoming Law. The 2020 elections cycle is heating up and Kamala and Warren both support reparations.
Reparations for Slavery: Symbolism over Substance | National Review
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren reportedly say they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

This is what reparations could actually look like in America

Reparations for Slavery Reading - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations
Its a stupid plan
That vote shows how the support for trump would also be much more

The left makes so much noise that it seems close when it's not

Very good for trump and bad for the media
If there is a slave still alive then that person deserves reparations and nobody else. Ohio was and still is anti-slave so we don't have to pay it. New York was a slave state and make them pay for it
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