Reparations Poll - vote for or against

Do you support or oppose "reparations"

  • Support

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Oppose

    Votes: 105 93.8%

  • Total voters

The Scary Brown People are going to get my money!!!!!


None of these candidates are proposing anything like that.

This is nothing but race baiting bullshit
I thought reparations are being paid since President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed welfare and food stamps into law.


Do away with SNAP so we can all sit back and watch blue state cities burn.
Meanwhile, red states will figure out how to feed their poor. If you're hungry, I'll feed you. It's the neighborly thing to do.
We'll all discover what true tribalism is.

Red States have relied on government handouts for generations. Red States have never figured out how to feed their poor

You live in a sewer. You know nothing about this.

LOL!! RW should change his name to Ed Norton (The Honeymooners)
Art Carney

The Scary Brown People are going to get my money!!!!!


None of these candidates are proposing anything like that.

This is nothing but race baiting bullshit
Don't you have a position on reparations. For or against?
I do. It's a non issue

A fantasy

A way to rile up the racist base
I mean, if we still have freed slaves that are still alive wondering around right now, by all means, yes.
Where are the people who enslaved them to pay for it all?
A corporation is legally a person. Although the actual flesh and blood people are long dead, the Democratic party of slavery certainly still exists as legal person.

No Republicans owned slaves, because they thought slavery was morally reprehensible. When Republicans freed the slaves, virtually all of the slave owners were Democrats. Yes, the same Democratic party that still exists to this day.

Blacks need to demand reparations from the DNC. And the most relevant fact in any discussion regarding reparations for blacks is whether or not blacks have any chance whatsoever to actually collect those reparations. Since the DNC would be more than decimated if the blacks voted against them in any significant numbers in 2020, actually getting a formal apology from the Democratic party of slavery along with cash reparations from the coffers of the Democratic party is actually feasible.

After all, if the Democratic party of slavery refused to pay, the blacks could simply vote them into irrelevance.

The Scary Brown People are going to get my money!!!!!

Bullshit. None of these candidates are proposing anything like that.

This is nothing but race baiting bullshit

It may be race baiting bullshit, but they are proposing reparations.
Kamala Harris is for reparations. Warren apparently wants reparations for black slaves and Indians.
If you don't know how to use google let me know and I can find tons of links for you.
Warren, Harris back reparations for black Americans affected by slavery
I mean, if we still have freed slaves that are still alive wondering around right now, by all means, yes.
Where are the people who enslaved them to pay for it all?
A corporation is legally a person. Although the actual flesh and blood people are long dead, the Democratic party of slavery certainly still exists as legal person.

No Republicans owned slaves, because they thought slavery was morally reprehensible. When Republicans freed the slaves, virtually all of the slave owners were Democrats. Yes, the same Democratic party that still exists to this day.

Blacks need to demand reparations from the DNC. And the most relevant fact in any discussion regarding reparations for blacks is whether or not blacks have any chance whatsoever to actually collect those reparations. Since the DNC would be more than decimated if the blacks voted against them in any significant numbers in 2020, actually getting a formal apology from the Democratic party of slavery along with cash reparations from the coffers of the Democratic party is actually feasible.

After all, if the Democratic party of slavery refused to pay, the blacks could simply vote them into irrelevance.

The fly in the soup is that most blacks call the Dem plantation home. Has everything to do with familiarity.
And that's why this...

Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations".​

... is misleading, at best. I would guess, you know better.

Nice try, but you seem to be overlooking John Conyers. He has been pushing for reparations since 1989. I take your point that the presidential candidates have been steering clear of that issue until this year, but IMHO Conyers using it in "election cycles" keeps my OP claim of "some democrats" using it as not very misleading.

Advocates still pushing for reparations to descendants of slaves
"In 2017, 150 years later, then-Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, as he had done since 1989, reintroduced bill H.R. 40, calling for the establishment of the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act to "examine slavery and discrimination in the colonies and the United States from 1619 to the present and recommend appropriate remedies."

Was 2017 an election year? How about 1989? No, Conyers doesn't do election cycles. He recommends to every new Congress in an off year a heretofore ignored issue for consideration and study. Had Congress picked it up early, the issue might have been solved by now, and in a deliberate, equitable fashion. The nation would have been better off for it.

As we all know, it didn't happen. Now we have a few running for the Democratic nomination (not yet for President) picking it up, disorderly, disorganized, ill thought-out, and at a time of heightened and rising racial tension. This hysterical shithole of a racially charged thread is an indication as good as any I have seen that the matter will probably be torn to shreds, feeding into the sleazy, whiny white (male) victim narrative that in significant part contributed to Trump's catastrophic election. Next to the Native American genocide, slavery is, to this day, the biggest still unresolved issue infesting the nation. It would take the nation's brightest to sit down and work something out. Failing in that, failing even to see the issue, and denying its existence, leaves a festering wound that won't heal on its own. That's just what it is.
It may be race baiting bullshit, but they are proposing reparations.

It absolutely IS race baiting bullshit. That's why the thread was started.

And no they are NOT proposing it. They were ASKED about it and responded in a very GENERAL way NOT mentioning ANYTHING reparation payments

But thanks for the admission

The Scary Brown People are going to get my money!!!!!

Bullshit. None of these candidates are proposing anything like that.

This is nothing but race baiting bullshit

It may be race baiting bullshit, but they are proposing reparations.
Kamala Harris is for reparations. Warren apparently wants reparations for black slaves and Indians.
If you don't know how to use google let me know and I can find tons of links for you.
Warren, Harris back reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

It's called vote buying, literally.
I thought reparations are being paid since President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed welfare and food stamps into law.


Do away with SNAP so we can all sit back and watch blue state cities burn.
Meanwhile, red states will figure out how to feed their poor. If you're hungry, I'll feed you. It's the neighborly thing to do.
We'll all discover what true tribalism is.

Red States have relied on government handouts for generations. Red States have never figured out how to feed their poor

You live in a sewer. You know nothing about this.
Sewers make civilization possible
I thought reparations are being paid since President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed welfare and food stamps into law.


Do away with SNAP so we can all sit back and watch blue state cities burn.
Meanwhile, red states will figure out how to feed their poor. If you're hungry, I'll feed you. It's the neighborly thing to do.
We'll all discover what true tribalism is.

Red States have relied on government handouts for generations. Red States have never figured out how to feed their poor

You live in a sewer. You know nothing about this.
Sewers make civilization possible

There are still plenty of thriving shit holes the world over.
How about you go after the families, heirs of former slave owners that actually owned slaves and leave the 99.99% of the population out of this hair brain proposal?

I have a great great --- grandfather that owned slaves. It was a family of four and he left most everything he owned to them at his death. He gave his brother half of the acreage but the black family got the house, livestock and other half of land. A lot of families got along with their slaves and had a working relationship, not everybody abused their helpers. My sister does all of the ancestry stuff on our family
Kamala Harris is for reparations.
And nobody is stopping her from paying reparations. She's a Democrat party of slavery member and her ancestors were slave owners. She owes them.

However, when the Democrats try to force people who have always opposed their party of slavery to pay reparations, they are way the fuck out of line. The Democratic party of slavery should pay for it's own sins.

Blacks who vote Democrat are cowardly political chumps.
African sects, nations, and sub nations started trading Blacks and continue the practice to this day. I’m all for reparation mandates to those who did not learn the moral corruption of their ways.
It may be race baiting bullshit, but they are proposing reparations.

It absolutely IS race baiting bullshit. That's why the thread was started.

And no they are NOT proposing it. They were ASKED about it and responded in a very GENERAL way NOT mentioning ANYTHING reparation payments But thanks for the admission

1. The dems always use race baiting, thats their base. I provided credible links confirming their position on reparations
2. Do you know what a non-denial denial is? Neither Kamala nor Warren said that they oppose reparations
3. The poll is based on the fact that reparations may be part of the 2020 election debate
4. If the thread was bullshit there wouldn't be such a lively debate. We will be watching Kamala and Warren to confirm their position on reparations. Right now they apparently support reparations and "The Green New Deal".
Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations". Any type of "reparations" have zero chance of becoming Law. The 2020 elections cycle is heating up and Kamala and Warren both support reparations.
Reparations for Slavery: Symbolism over Substance | National Review
Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren reportedly say they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery

This is what reparations could actually look like in America

Reparations for Slavery Reading - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Rep. John Conyers hopes Americans are finally ready to talk about reparations

The libtards are doing this because the Intelligent Black folks

have figured out the libtard scam.

Trump has done a fantastic job of turning out the Black vote

and this is not lost on the Tards, as dumb as the are......
And that's why this...

Every election cycle we have some democrats trotting out the "free money" promise to supporters via "reparations".​

... is misleading, at best. I would guess, you know better.

Nice try, but you seem to be overlooking John Conyers. He has been pushing for reparations since 1989. I take your point that the presidential candidates have been steering clear of that issue until this year, but IMHO Conyers using it in "election cycles" keeps my OP claim of "some democrats" using it as not very misleading.

Advocates still pushing for reparations to descendants of slaves
"In 2017, 150 years later, then-Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, as he had done since 1989, reintroduced bill H.R. 40, calling for the establishment of the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act to "examine slavery and discrimination in the colonies and the United States from 1619 to the present and recommend appropriate remedies."

Was 2017 an election year? How about 1989? No, Conyers doesn't do election cycles. He recommends to every new Congress in an off year a heretofore ignored issue for consideration and study. Had Congress picked it up early, the issue might have been solved by now, and in a deliberate, equitable fashion. The nation would have been better off for it.

As we all know, it didn't happen. Now we have a few running for the Democratic nomination (not yet for President) picking it up, disorderly, disorganized, ill thought-out, and at a time of heightened and rising racial tension. This hysterical shithole of a racially charged thread is an indication as good as any I have seen that the matter will probably be torn to shreds, feeding into the sleazy, whiny white (male) victim narrative that in significant part contributed to Trump's catastrophic election. Next to the Native American genocide, slavery is, to this day, the biggest still unresolved issue infesting the nation. It would take the nation's brightest to sit down and work something out. Failing in that, failing even to see the issue, and denying its existence, leaves a festering wound that won't heal on its own. That's just what it is.

1. The fact that Conyers pursued it showed how stupid he was, unless it was to trick his low IQ voters to think that they would hit the lottery some day. The fact that Kamala Harris and Liz Warren are discussing it shows the same pandering effort to the same primary voters.
2. This thread is no more hysterical than any other, it debates a topic derived from credible links. It may be racially charged, but the old saying "sunlight is the best disinfectant" applies. There should be nothing to debate regarding reparations, they will never happen. The dem candidates want to rile up their base. The GOP never discusses reparations.
3. The Native American genocide and slavery are resolved issues. If you think they are unresolved, please start a new thread on the topic. Do a poll too.
4. There is no issue to "see" or "deny" or "festering wound that won't heal", try to explain WTF you're talking about in the new OP. Its going to be the 2020 election, with 2020 issues to debate, please get your head out of your ass.

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