Replace the ACA with single payer

I'm sure. Growing up in Michigan, raccoons were clever buggers getting in the trash. I've never seen billy be that clever. He just sits and says gimme
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Funny how every time liberals want free government shit it isn't about you.

You know what you can do on your own? Donate to charity. The only reason you need government to do it is to take the money from others by force, then you pat yourself on the back for the lie you give a shit about anyone but yourself
I suppose it's simpler for you to justify it like that isn't it? You don't care at all about poor people dying from a lack of adequate healthcare so you assume everyone thinks like you do so you can feel better about it.

Yeah, name one person who died because they went to a hospital, and were tossed out on the street? Where is that person?

Because I can name several that went government care centers and died waiting for care.

Between the two of us, I have evidence supporting my claim. Need I list the people who died on VA waiting lists?

Confirmed: One-third of the vets on VA's waiting list are dead

Or NHS waiting lists?

NHS death rates four times higher than US | Daily Mail Online

Or Canadian waiting lists?

Canadian Wait Times: While Politicians Dither, Patients Die

So I have my evidence. Now you show me yours?

I showed people dying in your system.

Show me patients dying in mine?

Once again, smacking Billy down with facts. Need to start an RCC Podcast Smack Down list.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Yeah, I've seen some raccoons that would give billy a run.

I'm sure. Growing up in Michigan, raccoons were clever buggers getting in the trash. I've never seen billy be that clever. He just sits and says gimme
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Typical. Some rich wealthy guy, talking about how great socialism is.... when he's not in the socialist system.

Then some average working person like me, who has actually used Obama Care, and see's how bad the system works, you mock and object to.

So typical of left-wingers. You say how great the system is, even though you don't use it, and are not qualified to comment.

You ignore the experience of people like me, who have been in the system, even though between the two of us, I'm the only one qualified to comment.

So predictable.
That's the ACTUAL cost of heath care!!! (Before it was GOP scams) Now get to work cutting the costs, dupe.
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Funny how every time liberals want free government shit it isn't about you.

You know what you can do on your own? Donate to charity. The only reason you need government to do it is to take the money from others by force, then you pat yourself on the back for the lie you give a shit about anyone but yourself
I suppose it's simpler for you to justify it like that isn't it? You don't care at all about poor people dying from a lack of adequate healthcare so you assume everyone thinks like you do so you can feel better about it.

Yeah, name one person who died because they went to a hospital, and were tossed out on the street? Where is that person?

Because I can name several that went government care centers and died waiting for care.

Between the two of us, I have evidence supporting my claim. Need I list the people who died on VA waiting lists?

Confirmed: One-third of the vets on VA's waiting list are dead

Or NHS waiting lists?

NHS death rates four times higher than US | Daily Mail Online

Or Canadian waiting lists?

Canadian Wait Times: While Politicians Dither, Patients Die

So I have my evidence. Now you show me yours?

I showed people dying in your system.

Show me patients dying in mine?

Once again, smacking Billy down with facts. Need to start an RCC Podcast Smack Down list.
Jody, a bartender. Too dignified to go to the ER and get screwed on the costs after a while. Died of diabetes. Ridiculous in a rich country, dupe. Cut the crap New BS GOP propaganda/fake news, dupe.
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Funny how every time liberals want free government shit it isn't about you.

You know what you can do on your own? Donate to charity. The only reason you need government to do it is to take the money from others by force, then you pat yourself on the back for the lie you give a shit about anyone but yourself
I suppose it's simpler for you to justify it like that isn't it? You don't care at all about poor people dying from a lack of adequate healthcare so you assume everyone thinks like you do so you can feel better about it.

Yeah, name one person who died because they went to a hospital, and were tossed out on the street? Where is that person?

Because I can name several that went government care centers and died waiting for care.

Between the two of us, I have evidence supporting my claim. Need I list the people who died on VA waiting lists?

Confirmed: One-third of the vets on VA's waiting list are dead

Or NHS waiting lists?

NHS death rates four times higher than US | Daily Mail Online

Or Canadian waiting lists?

Canadian Wait Times: While Politicians Dither, Patients Die

So I have my evidence. Now you show me yours?

I showed people dying in your system.

Show me patients dying in mine?

Once again, smacking Billy down with facts. Need to start an RCC Podcast Smack Down list.
The NHS has been underfunded FOREVER by the RW Tories, the worst Party in the modern world after the New BS GOP, dupe. STILL, they have a better life span there at less than half the cost- and need a lot fewer surgeries because of good preventive care.
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Funny how every time liberals want free government shit it isn't about you.

You know what you can do on your own? Donate to charity. The only reason you need government to do it is to take the money from others by force, then you pat yourself on the back for the lie you give a shit about anyone but yourself
I suppose it's simpler for you to justify it like that isn't it? You don't care at all about poor people dying from a lack of adequate healthcare so you assume everyone thinks like you do so you can feel better about it.

Yeah, name one person who died because they went to a hospital, and were tossed out on the street? Where is that person?

Because I can name several that went government care centers and died waiting for care.

Between the two of us, I have evidence supporting my claim. Need I list the people who died on VA waiting lists?

Confirmed: One-third of the vets on VA's waiting list are dead

Or NHS waiting lists?

NHS death rates four times higher than US | Daily Mail Online

Or Canadian waiting lists?

Canadian Wait Times: While Politicians Dither, Patients Die

So I have my evidence. Now you show me yours?

I showed people dying in your system.

Show me patients dying in mine?

Once again, smacking Billy down with facts. Need to start an RCC Podcast Smack Down list.
Canada's fine, dupe, and the VA has been modernised under Obama. That's why we KNOW about the bad record keeping under the GOP underfunded VA of the past, DUPE.
No more freeloaders- or pre-existing can't be covered. Focus on cutting costs now,,,

The idea that insurance companies should cover pre-existing conditions is irrational to begin with.
Yes, they should be euthanized, Adolf.

I didn't say that. At all. Fuck off.
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.

A few honest Democrats admitted in the beginning that was the point of Obaminationcare. It was to drive up costs so much that single payer would appeal to white small business owners and self employed individuals.

Sent from my iPhone using
It's irrational if the objective is capitalism - if the objective is to have insurance companies who attempt to make as much profit as possible off of health care in America.

Under the pre-ACA rules, if you got sick, your insurance company could just drop you. And, if you had a pre-existing condition, they could just refuse to sell you a policy. That makes sense, in terms of capitalism. After all, why should they have you as a customer???

These are just areas where our need for health care doesn't mesh well with capitalism. With the ACA, we attempt to fix that by regulation. In EVERY other industrialized nation, the solution is to not use for-profit insurance companies like we do, because capitalism is not aligned with what we as human beings actually require.

You mean what you want and can get with guns. What you are advocating is armed robbery
Oh, good Lord. Give it a rest.

Every other industrialized nation in the WORLD has some form of single payer health care. They pay less for health care than we do. They serve more of their citizens than we do. They don't have to live with the ramifications of people without health care (ER health care, health care related bankruptcy, etc.). They do a quality job of it as can be seen by national measures of health.

And, they don't do it with GUNS!!!

They don't do it with guns? So you mean I don't have to pay the taxes and nothing will be enforced? Where did you get that idea?

And you can get your bills paid for you because France. Wow, that's stupid. So move to France. Why am I obliged to pay your bills?
So, why are you paying taxes TODAY?

Do you think the rules on paying taxes are about to change, because of health care???

Seriously. I just don't understand what the HECK you are thinking.

You said guns aren't used to force me to pay taxes. I don't object to that, I want to get in on it. What the fuck are you talking about? Explain how I can not pay taxes and not have government come with guns to take my shit from me. It was your claim ... so ... back it up ....
There's nothing new or different concerning what our government will do to collect taxes legally owed.

You are stooping to make a general statement which applies to ALL taxes, NOT this case in particular.

And, the point about taxes is that there is NO civilization without taxes. Ever.

So, if you want to discuss taxes, go to some other board. THIS board assumes there is a political system.
Yeah, I've seen some raccoons that would give billy a run.

I'm sure. Growing up in Michigan, raccoons were clever buggers getting in the trash. I've never seen billy be that clever. He just sits and says gimme
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Typical. Some rich wealthy guy, talking about how great socialism is.... when he's not in the socialist system.

Then some average working person like me, who has actually used Obama Care, and see's how bad the system works, you mock and object to.

So typical of left-wingers. You say how great the system is, even though you don't use it, and are not qualified to comment.

You ignore the experience of people like me, who have been in the system, even though between the two of us, I'm the only one qualified to comment.

So predictable.
lol interesting analysis. I'm not wealthy. I just have good job benefits.
I'm sure. Growing up in Michigan, raccoons were clever buggers getting in the trash. I've never seen billy be that clever. He just sits and says gimme
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Funny how every time liberals want free government shit it isn't about you.

You know what you can do on your own? Donate to charity. The only reason you need government to do it is to take the money from others by force, then you pat yourself on the back for the lie you give a shit about anyone but yourself
I suppose it's simpler for you to justify it like that isn't it? You don't care at all about poor people dying from a lack of adequate healthcare so you assume everyone thinks like you do so you can feel better about it.


You think doing charity with other people's money is generosity and I think generosity is giving my own money. Damn you're stupid
You mean what you want and can get with guns. What you are advocating is armed robbery
Oh, good Lord. Give it a rest.

Every other industrialized nation in the WORLD has some form of single payer health care. They pay less for health care than we do. They serve more of their citizens than we do. They don't have to live with the ramifications of people without health care (ER health care, health care related bankruptcy, etc.). They do a quality job of it as can be seen by national measures of health.

And, they don't do it with GUNS!!!

They don't do it with guns? So you mean I don't have to pay the taxes and nothing will be enforced? Where did you get that idea?

And you can get your bills paid for you because France. Wow, that's stupid. So move to France. Why am I obliged to pay your bills?
So, why are you paying taxes TODAY?

Do you think the rules on paying taxes are about to change, because of health care???

Seriously. I just don't understand what the HECK you are thinking.

You said guns aren't used to force me to pay taxes. I don't object to that, I want to get in on it. What the fuck are you talking about? Explain how I can not pay taxes and not have government come with guns to take my shit from me. It was your claim ... so ... back it up ....
There's nothing new or different concerning what our government will do to collect taxes legally owed.

You are stooping to make a general statement which applies to ALL taxes, NOT this case in particular.

And, the point about taxes is that there is NO civilization without taxes. Ever.

So, if you want to discuss taxes, go to some other board. THIS board assumes there is a political system.

So your argument is that government isn't using guns to make me pay for your medical bills because they use guns to make me pay all my taxes ...


You were still born, weren't you?
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Funny how every time liberals want free government shit it isn't about you.

You know what you can do on your own? Donate to charity. The only reason you need government to do it is to take the money from others by force, then you pat yourself on the back for the lie you give a shit about anyone but yourself
I suppose it's simpler for you to justify it like that isn't it? You don't care at all about poor people dying from a lack of adequate healthcare so you assume everyone thinks like you do so you can feel better about it.

Yeah, name one person who died because they went to a hospital, and were tossed out on the street? Where is that person?

Because I can name several that went government care centers and died waiting for care.

Between the two of us, I have evidence supporting my claim. Need I list the people who died on VA waiting lists?

Confirmed: One-third of the vets on VA's waiting list are dead

Or NHS waiting lists?

NHS death rates four times higher than US | Daily Mail Online

Or Canadian waiting lists?

Canadian Wait Times: While Politicians Dither, Patients Die

So I have my evidence. Now you show me yours?

I showed people dying in your system.

Show me patients dying in mine?

Once again, smacking Billy down with facts. Need to start an RCC Podcast Smack Down list.
If stupid assume that just because there are flaws in a system that somehow means the entire system is flawed. When companies fail within an industry because of poor business, do you blame the entire industry? Do you blame the private market itself? No of course not. The same logic applies. We can fix flaws in our government if republicans actually gave a shit to even try.

Also if a person has terminal illness, hospitals don't just fucking fix them do they? They save lives for the immediate future.
I'm sure. Growing up in Michigan, raccoons were clever buggers getting in the trash. I've never seen billy be that clever. He just sits and says gimme
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Typical. Some rich wealthy guy, talking about how great socialism is.... when he's not in the socialist system.

Then some average working person like me, who has actually used Obama Care, and see's how bad the system works, you mock and object to.

So typical of left-wingers. You say how great the system is, even though you don't use it, and are not qualified to comment.

You ignore the experience of people like me, who have been in the system, even though between the two of us, I'm the only one qualified to comment.

So predictable.
lol interesting analysis. I'm not wealthy. I just have good job benefits.

Did you know you can voluntarily give your own money to charity? You learn something new every day, huh?

Bull shit, you do know that. What you can't do is make people give you their money without guns. You can use your own, or even better, government can do it for you. Far more anti-septic that way, huh? Keep your own hands clean?
No more freeloaders- or pre-existing can't be covered. Focus on cutting costs now,,,

The idea that insurance companies should cover pre-existing conditions is irrational to begin with.
Yes, they should be euthanized, Adolf.

I didn't say that. At all. Fuck off.
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

We've tried just depending on individuals giving help on an individual to individual basis, for example.
Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Funny how every time liberals want free government shit it isn't about you.

You know what you can do on your own? Donate to charity. The only reason you need government to do it is to take the money from others by force, then you pat yourself on the back for the lie you give a shit about anyone but yourself
I suppose it's simpler for you to justify it like that isn't it? You don't care at all about poor people dying from a lack of adequate healthcare so you assume everyone thinks like you do so you can feel better about it.

Yeah, name one person who died because they went to a hospital, and were tossed out on the street? Where is that person?

Because I can name several that went government care centers and died waiting for care.

Between the two of us, I have evidence supporting my claim. Need I list the people who died on VA waiting lists?

Confirmed: One-third of the vets on VA's waiting list are dead

Or NHS waiting lists?

NHS death rates four times higher than US | Daily Mail Online

Or Canadian waiting lists?

Canadian Wait Times: While Politicians Dither, Patients Die

So I have my evidence. Now you show me yours?

I showed people dying in your system.

Show me patients dying in mine?

Once again, smacking Billy down with facts. Need to start an RCC Podcast Smack Down list.
If stupid assume that just because there are flaws in a system that somehow means the entire system is flawed. When companies fail within an industry because of poor business, do you blame the entire industry? Do you blame the private market itself? No of course not. The same logic applies. We can fix flaws in our government if republicans actually gave a shit to even try.

Step 1: Stop using force to take money from one citizen and give it to another ...
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Typical. Some rich wealthy guy, talking about how great socialism is.... when he's not in the socialist system.

Then some average working person like me, who has actually used Obama Care, and see's how bad the system works, you mock and object to.

So typical of left-wingers. You say how great the system is, even though you don't use it, and are not qualified to comment.

You ignore the experience of people like me, who have been in the system, even though between the two of us, I'm the only one qualified to comment.

So predictable.
lol interesting analysis. I'm not wealthy. I just have good job benefits.

Did you know you can voluntarily give your own money to charity? You learn something new every day, huh?

Bull shit, you do know that. What you can't do is make people give you their money without guns. You can use your own, or even better, government can do it for you. Far more anti-septic that way, huh? Keep your own hands clean?
What exactly is your point? I'm a hypocrite if I don't give to charity? I do give to charity, of course me giving to charity doesn't fix our shitty healthcare system on any level does it?
Last edited:
You all know I'm right.

Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Typical. Some rich wealthy guy, talking about how great socialism is.... when he's not in the socialist system.

Then some average working person like me, who has actually used Obama Care, and see's how bad the system works, you mock and object to.

So typical of left-wingers. You say how great the system is, even though you don't use it, and are not qualified to comment.

You ignore the experience of people like me, who have been in the system, even though between the two of us, I'm the only one qualified to comment.

So predictable.
lol interesting analysis. I'm not wealthy. I just have good job benefits.

Did you know you can voluntarily give your own money to charity? You learn something new every day, huh?
We tried that. You can read about it.

Beyond that, people complained that giving wasn't so easy, because of taxes.

So, Bush and Obama had some large cuts in taxes. Those resulted in no more c
Oh, good Lord. Give it a rest.

Every other industrialized nation in the WORLD has some form of single payer health care. They pay less for health care than we do. They serve more of their citizens than we do. They don't have to live with the ramifications of people without health care (ER health care, health care related bankruptcy, etc.). They do a quality job of it as can be seen by national measures of health.

And, they don't do it with GUNS!!!

They don't do it with guns? So you mean I don't have to pay the taxes and nothing will be enforced? Where did you get that idea?

And you can get your bills paid for you because France. Wow, that's stupid. So move to France. Why am I obliged to pay your bills?
So, why are you paying taxes TODAY?

Do you think the rules on paying taxes are about to change, because of health care???

Seriously. I just don't understand what the HECK you are thinking.

You said guns aren't used to force me to pay taxes. I don't object to that, I want to get in on it. What the fuck are you talking about? Explain how I can not pay taxes and not have government come with guns to take my shit from me. It was your claim ... so ... back it up ....
There's nothing new or different concerning what our government will do to collect taxes legally owed.

You are stooping to make a general statement which applies to ALL taxes, NOT this case in particular.

And, the point about taxes is that there is NO civilization without taxes. Ever.

So, if you want to discuss taxes, go to some other board. THIS board assumes there is a political system.

So your argument is that government isn't using guns to make me pay for your medical bills because they use guns to make me pay all my taxes ...


You were still born, weren't you?
No, my argument is that nothing about tax collection changes due to any decision related to health care.

So, if you want to discuss how taxes are collected, you need to go to some other board.
The idea that insurance companies should cover pre-existing conditions is irrational to begin with.
Yes, they should be euthanized, Adolf.

I didn't say that. At all. Fuck off.
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
No more freeloaders- or pre-existing can't be covered. Focus on cutting costs now,,,

The idea that insurance companies should cover pre-existing conditions is irrational to begin with.
Yes, they should be euthanized, Adolf.

I didn't say that. At all. Fuck off.
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
The hell it isn't. Only New BS GOP dupes are that stupid. Corps by themselves won't cover them. This is as basic as a real system can get. Just gov't doing as little as possible.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.

A few honest Democrats admitted in the beginning that was the point of Obaminationcare. It was to drive up costs so much that single payer would appeal to white small business owners and self employed individuals.

Sent from my iPhone using
The cost rise curve has come down since ACA, dupe. And only will more. This GOP PLAN will cut costs, cover everyone, and end up making insurers non-profit as time goes by...

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