Replace the ACA with single payer

You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
Screw you selfish, greedy, brainwashed fools. Taxes come with having a real society. What idiots...
If it is my desire to keep as much as I can of what I earn makes me selfish, then I guess I'm selfish..And you;ll just have to be pissed off about it.
BTW, I am about to begin a new business venture. It is my intent to use every single tax deduction and loophole my accountant can find. And you'll just deal with it.
That you are.
Fine. Of course everyone should pay as little as possible. But taxes should be simplified and the the rich and corps should pay their fair share. Which the richest and giant corps often don't.
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.
You must be a troll, because not even the average human is this brain dead. I even already told you my family is spending $800 more on this 'cheaper system' which is collapsing by the day.
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Typical. Some rich wealthy guy, talking about how great socialism is.... when he's not in the socialist system.

Then some average working person like me, who has actually used Obama Care, and see's how bad the system works, you mock and object to.

So typical of left-wingers. You say how great the system is, even though you don't use it, and are not qualified to comment.

You ignore the experience of people like me, who have been in the system, even though between the two of us, I'm the only one qualified to comment.

So predictable.
lol interesting analysis. I'm not wealthy. I just have good job benefits.

Did you know you can voluntarily give your own money to charity? You learn something new every day, huh?

Bull shit, you do know that. What you can't do is make people give you their money without guns. You can use your own, or even better, government can do it for you. Far more anti-septic that way, huh? Keep your own hands clean?
What exactly is your point? I'm a hypocrite if I don't give to charity? I do give to charity, of course me giving to charity doesn't fix our shitty healthcare system on any level does it?

Free market forces are what we need to fix our healthcare system. But we don't have those now and you want to make it worse.

And you argued that you're generous because you want government to take money from other people and use it to pay other people's bills for them. Generosity is an act which cannot be performed with someone else's money.

Government should treat all it's citizens the same. Taking money by force from one citizen and giving it to another isn't treating them the same. Government money, especially at the Federal level, should be spent only on things we all benefit from, like military, civil and criminal courts, roads, that sort of thing.

What you advocate is armed robbery. I do not consent to my money being taken from me without choice and given to you. Exactly what you do advocate
So transparent competition between insurers is a bad idea, and a progressive tax system is a bad idea? Change the channel.
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.
You must be a troll, because not even the average human is this brain dead. I even already told you my family is spending $800 more on this 'cheaper system' which is collapsing by the day.
Read something. I don't care about your bogus anecdotes.
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You must live in an idiot red state. Sorry you can't get your scam policies any more. ACA works great in blue states that already had good insurers.
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You must live in an idiot red state. Sorry you can't get your scam policies any more. ACA works great in blue states that already had good insurers.

You're an ignorant partisan shill, nothing more and nothing less
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You must live in an idiot red state. Sorry you can't get your scam policies any more. ACA works great in blue states that already had good insurers.

You're an ignorant partisan shill, nothing more and nothing less
Chances of Billy and Franco being the dumbest 'people' on this forum?
Why not? Seriously, Canada, Uk, Germany, France, and on down the list have it. It is a proven system and it works. I seriously believe that our healthcare system shouldn't be about jacking up the price just because you're sick. That is wrong.

If you like their system so much, feel free to pack your shit and move to one of them. Although with your psychological problems I doubt they'd take ya.
Hmmmmm........... They all pay less per citizen for their health care than we do, live longer, have lower infant mortality, and live healthier than we do. They just do not create felons like Scott of Florida that bilk the system of 2 billion dollars, and then goes on the be the GOP governor of Florida.
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.
You must be a troll, because not even the average human is this brain dead. I even already told you my family is spending $800 more on this 'cheaper system' which is collapsing by the day.
Read something. I don't care about your bogus anecdotes.
Much like you don't care about actual evidence~
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You must live in an idiot red state. Sorry you can't get your scam policies any more. ACA works great in blue states that already had good insurers.

You're an ignorant partisan shill, nothing more and nothing less
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP propaganda, dupe.
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You must live in an idiot red state. Sorry you can't get your scam policies any more. ACA works great in blue states that already had good insurers.

You're an ignorant partisan shill, nothing more and nothing less
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP propaganda, dupe.
Prove it.
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.
You must be a troll, because not even the average human is this brain dead. I even already told you my family is spending $800 more on this 'cheaper system' which is collapsing by the day.
Read something. I don't care about your bogus anecdotes.
Much like you don't care about actual evidence~
You're a huge liar. I enjoy reality.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.

You may be in luck, that was one of Donald Trump's proposals.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
Well, that is what he said in the campaign. But here is what the GOP proposes;

Forbes Welcome

Three ways Trump, GOP, may cut social security, medicare.
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You must live in an idiot red state. Sorry you can't get your scam policies any more. ACA works great in blue states that already had good insurers.

You're an ignorant partisan shill, nothing more and nothing less
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP propaganda, dupe.
Prove it.
You're a gd idiot and liar- the crap you write is a disgrace. Anyone outside the idiot GOP bubble can see that.
You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You must live in an idiot red state. Sorry you can't get your scam policies any more. ACA works great in blue states that already had good insurers.

You're an ignorant partisan shill, nothing more and nothing less
I have a Masters in History, you have a masters in New BS GOP propaganda, dupe.
Prove it.
You're a gd idiot and liar- the crap you write is a disgrace. Anyone outside the idiot GOP bubble can see that.
"I can't prove it, Lady Row.", Is what you meant.
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.
You must be a troll, because not even the average human is this brain dead. I even already told you my family is spending $800 more on this 'cheaper system' which is collapsing by the day.
Read something. I don't care about your bogus anecdotes.
Much like you don't care about actual evidence~
You're a huge liar. I enjoy reality.
Ironic coming from someone who's part of a party who has been proven to use the MSM to spread propaganda.
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

You can't possibly be this stupid or's just not possible
You must live in an idiot red state. Sorry you can't get your scam policies any more. ACA works great in blue states that already had good insurers.

You're an ignorant partisan shill, nothing more and nothing less
Chances of Billy and Franco being the dumbest 'people' on this forum?

Yeah and California is a red state....this was too easy

California Obamacare rates to rise 13% in 2017, more than three times the increase of last two years

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