Replace the ACA with single payer

Yes, they should be euthanized, Adolf.

I didn't say that. At all. Fuck off.
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
Screw you selfish, greedy, brainwashed fools. Taxes come with having a real society. What idiots...
I didn't say that. At all. Fuck off.
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
Screw you selfish, greedy, brainwashed fools. Taxes come with having a real society. What idiots...

We're not talking about taxes. We're talking about the proper functions of government. Government is a means of protecting our freedom to live as we wish, not a tool to force others to live as we wish.
Yes, they should be euthanized, Adolf.

I didn't say that. At all. Fuck off.
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
That's just plain ridiculous.

We have different ideas on all sorts of stuff. We've got over 300M citizens!! The idea that we would all agree on ANYTHING is nonsense.

Do you think we agree on military spending? spending on scientific research? spending on education? spending on space exploration? spending on air traffic control and other interstate and international transportation modes?

We make these decisions through congress - a body of representatives that negotiate and compromise. The chance that anyone agrees fully on the result is 0%.

That's democracy. And, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like the alternative.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.
WHat is it with you libs and your undying need to get shit and have someone else pay for it?
I believe unregulated capitalism is evil...

I do believe in capitalism but what some on this board wish for is something that history should of taught people to reject.

Every time I ask someone of an example of unregulated capitalism, they immediately point to a socialized system.
I asked a lib poster to provide one example of unregulated capitalism in this country. I got crickets.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.
WHat is it with you libs and your undying need to get shit and have someone else pay for it?
I don't see any real gain in allowing corporations to maximize their profit off of our health. It's not really even free market enterprise, as when you need your appendix out (or whatever) you don't have a choice. And, our system works when you have a choice.

So, in looking at systems working today, we spend gigantic amounts on health care, and it would be great if we didn't have to do that. Luckily enough, there are numerous countries doing better than we are.

So, why are you complaining when people think maybe America could do with spending less on health care?
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
Screw you selfish, greedy, brainwashed fools. Taxes come with having a real society. What idiots...

We're not talking about taxes. We're talking about the proper functions of government. Government is a means of protecting our freedom to live as we wish, not a tool to force others to live as we wish.
Fine, as .long as you have heath insurance. No more freeloaders or scams.
Why not? Seriously, Canada, Uk, Germany, France, and on down the list have it. It is a proven system and it works. I seriously believe that our healthcare system shouldn't be about jacking up the price just because you're sick. That is wrong.
Notice every single place you cited has worse healthcare than America before we Socialized, and our economy is significantly better. Healthcare should be privatized entirely.

You also don't seem to know what the word "works" means.

But then all those places spend a lot LESS on healthcare. Spend the same amount as is being spent right now, and make it public healthcare, and guess what? It'll probably be better for 99% of the people.
where people are failing this argument is that the whole spending less on health care bullshit is not what you think it is.
right now the government is spending money to cover the illegals and those that dont have the care, that expense is really not coming from the insurance industry, any cost associated with this that the consumer sees is directly from the hospital as they attempt to make up the difference between what they spend on the uninsured and what the government reimburses them.
The ACA is basically putting all of those costs related to the uninsured on the insurance industry, and by doing this they are forcing the insurance industry to eat those losses, which is going to raise premiums for those that already are paying their way.
The numbers for what is spent on health care is based on what the government spends, by shifting the cost to the citizens and away from the government, that is where the savings comes in, the government is saving. Does this mean that our taxes will go down? no. Does it mean that the average person that is currently paying for their own insurance will see a reduction? no. What it does mean is that the average person is going to see higher insurance costs, and higher taxes. But, the government will save.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.
WHat is it with you libs and your undying need to get shit and have someone else pay for it?
I don't see any real gain in allowing corporations to maximize their profit off of our health. It's not really even free market enterprise, as when you need your appendix out (or whatever) you don't have a choice. And, our system works when you have a choice.

So, in looking at systems working today, we spend gigantic amounts on health care, and it would be great if we didn't have to do that. Luckily enough, there are numerous countries doing better than we are.

So, why are you complaining when people think maybe America could do with spending less on health care?

You really don't see any gain in that?

Let me explain to you the difference.

You need your appendix out. You have two hospitals you could go to.

Hospital one, is a private care center. If you die, they don't get paid. If you wait too long and leave. They don't get paid. If you get treated poorly, you might pay for services, but never come back, and they don't get paid.

You are a customer to them. And if they don't keep the customer, they go out of business.

So they every single incentive in the world, to make sure you are treated well, healed, and survive the illness, and are happy to come back again the next time you need something.... or they will not have a job.

Hospital two, is a gov-care tax-funded socialized care center. If you die.... they still get paid. If you wait hours, weeks, even months or years... they still get paid. If you are treated like a dog, just a number on a waiting list.... they still get paid. If you hate them, and can't stand that place.... they still get paid.

You are not a customer to them. They couldn't care less what happens to you, because they'll get paid no matter what. If every single patient died at that hospital, not a single employee would lose a penny.

They have no incentive whatsoever to help you. They only do the bare minimum to keep the politicians from complaining. This is why you go to the US Post Office, and there is 7 cashier stations, 5 cashiers, and only 2 of them are working, and there's a line out the door of people waiting.

This is why you go to the UPS store, and the moment you walk in, someone comes out to help you. Incentives.

You say you don't believe that?

I have proof of exactly my point.

Healthcare: A Tale of Two ERs | MOMocrats Legacy Posts: 2007-2011

This is blog post, by a Democrat National Convention staffer. You can read the entire post if you wish, or you can take my summery.

Either way, the point is the same.

This girl got sick while working at the DNC, in Denver Colorado. She decided to get it checked out, before it got worse.

The first place she was directed to go to, was a public health clinic. Gov-care at it's best.

She was treated like crap. Had no water or food. The place was in shambles. The staff was rude, and demeaning. She got in at 12:30, and was still there at 4:15, and had only been seen by a nurse who determined she wasn't dying. Another lady in the waiting room literally freaked out while she was there, saying she'd been there for 5 hours, and not seen a doctor.

She said screw this, and left. Worse when she complained to the staff about the treatment in the stifling hot waiting room... the staff literally shrugged and ignored her.

That's socialism. That's 'you are not a customer'.

She left, went to a private care center. It was clean. It was well lit. It was air conditioned. It was comfortable. Within 10 minutes... just 10 minutes of getting in, she was seen by a nurse, and shown to a doctor. Not only this, but the doctor decided to have X-rays done to make sure she didn't have anything severe because her coughing was really bad. She had the X-rays done. Confirmed no serious illness. And then gave her a prescription, and the doctor even spent the time to have a map drawn to the nearest pharmacy.

And all of this was done and completed in an hour. Cost? $35.

Now of course, since this was a Democrat, she of course assumed the only reason why the gov-center treated people like crap, and had horrible service, and was a hive of misery, dirty, hot, and horrible.... is of course because of those evil Republicans.

The reality is, this is the difference around the world. You go to Canada, and they would laugh that people waited 5 hours. That's "normal" there.

Socialism, you are not a customer. You are a problem. No one profits from you being there, so you being there... is just a problem. That's all you are. You are an issue. Just another issue to deal with. And they'll get to it... eventually... unless you leave... or die.

I *WANT* people to profit from my illness. If they don't, then they don't care. I want them to care. I want them to want me to be happy with the service. I want them to need me to be alive. Dead people don't pay bills.

This is the reality. This lady from MOMocrats, lived it out. The people at the VA, see the difference. Trust me.
No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
Screw you selfish, greedy, brainwashed fools. Taxes come with having a real society. What idiots...

We're not talking about taxes. We're talking about the proper functions of government. Government is a means of protecting our freedom to live as we wish, not a tool to force others to live as we wish.
Fine, as .long as you have heath insurance. No more freeloaders or scams.

It's fine whether I have insurance or not. If you think insurance is a good way to pay for healthcare, great - go for it. But the government shouldn't be used to dictate your preferences to others.
Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Typical. Some rich wealthy guy, talking about how great socialism is.... when he's not in the socialist system.

Then some average working person like me, who has actually used Obama Care, and see's how bad the system works, you mock and object to.

So typical of left-wingers. You say how great the system is, even though you don't use it, and are not qualified to comment.

You ignore the experience of people like me, who have been in the system, even though between the two of us, I'm the only one qualified to comment.

So predictable.
lol interesting analysis. I'm not wealthy. I just have good job benefits.

Did you know you can voluntarily give your own money to charity? You learn something new every day, huh?

Bull shit, you do know that. What you can't do is make people give you their money without guns. You can use your own, or even better, government can do it for you. Far more anti-septic that way, huh? Keep your own hands clean?
What exactly is your point? I'm a hypocrite if I don't give to charity? I do give to charity, of course me giving to charity doesn't fix our shitty healthcare system on any level does it?

Free market forces are what we need to fix our healthcare system. But we don't have those now and you want to make it worse.

And you argued that you're generous because you want government to take money from other people and use it to pay other people's bills for them. Generosity is an act which cannot be performed with someone else's money.

Government should treat all it's citizens the same. Taking money by force from one citizen and giving it to another isn't treating them the same. Government money, especially at the Federal level, should be spent only on things we all benefit from, like military, civil and criminal courts, roads, that sort of thing.

What you advocate is armed robbery. I do not consent to my money being taken from me without choice and given to you. Exactly what you do advocate
Well, you are right for you. I'm right for me. I want opportunity. You want to be taken care of. Government is your Sugar Daddy
I'm privately insured without any help from ObamaCare. This isn't about me.

Typical. Some rich wealthy guy, talking about how great socialism is.... when he's not in the socialist system.

Then some average working person like me, who has actually used Obama Care, and see's how bad the system works, you mock and object to.

So typical of left-wingers. You say how great the system is, even though you don't use it, and are not qualified to comment.

You ignore the experience of people like me, who have been in the system, even though between the two of us, I'm the only one qualified to comment.

So predictable.
lol interesting analysis. I'm not wealthy. I just have good job benefits.

Did you know you can voluntarily give your own money to charity? You learn something new every day, huh?
We tried that. You can read about it.

Beyond that, people complained that giving wasn't so easy, because of taxes.

So, Bush and Obama had some large cuts in taxes. Those resulted in no more c
They don't do it with guns? So you mean I don't have to pay the taxes and nothing will be enforced? Where did you get that idea?

And you can get your bills paid for you because France. Wow, that's stupid. So move to France. Why am I obliged to pay your bills?
So, why are you paying taxes TODAY?

Do you think the rules on paying taxes are about to change, because of health care???

Seriously. I just don't understand what the HECK you are thinking.

You said guns aren't used to force me to pay taxes. I don't object to that, I want to get in on it. What the fuck are you talking about? Explain how I can not pay taxes and not have government come with guns to take my shit from me. It was your claim ... so ... back it up ....
There's nothing new or different concerning what our government will do to collect taxes legally owed.

You are stooping to make a general statement which applies to ALL taxes, NOT this case in particular.

And, the point about taxes is that there is NO civilization without taxes. Ever.

So, if you want to discuss taxes, go to some other board. THIS board assumes there is a political system.

So your argument is that government isn't using guns to make me pay for your medical bills because they use guns to make me pay all my taxes ...


You were still born, weren't you?
No, my argument is that nothing about tax collection changes due to any decision related to health care.

So, if you want to discuss how taxes are collected, you need to go to some other board.

I said my money was being taken by force and given to other citizens. You said no it isn't. Now you're back tracking because obviously it was a lie. Just man up to that you said and stop trying to spin
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.
WHat is it with you libs and your undying need to get shit and have someone else pay for it?
I don't see any real gain in allowing corporations to maximize their profit off of our health. It's not really even free market enterprise, as when you need your appendix out (or whatever) you don't have a choice. And, our system works when you have a choice.

So, in looking at systems working today, we spend gigantic amounts on health care, and it would be great if we didn't have to do that. Luckily enough, there are numerous countries doing better than we are.

So, why are you complaining when people think maybe America could do with spending less on health care?
Im not certain on which side of this issue you fall..
So....first federal mandates for coverage, types of coverage and who must have coverage along with medicare and medicaid reimbursement levels so low, that doctor's offices write off 2/3rds of their actual bills.
for example,. My chiropractor accepts medicare patients not because he wants to, because he wants the patients.
He showed me how the billing works.
For a cash patient he charges $55 for a standard adjustment. The patient pays and walks out.
For an insured patient, he charges the insurance company $120 or so for that same service. Why? Because the reimbursement knocks his income down to ....$55. He's not going to do perform his work at the same price for all patients because the net for an insured patient would be about $24. He may as well shut down his practice and become a pharma consultant making a quarter million dollars per year. Yeah, he told me he got an offer to do this. He likes what he does.
Second. federal regulations are written with the help and input from insurance companies, to limit in state competition. No insurer may do business across state lines.
Eliminate the mandates and the anti competition rules and its a new ballgame.
Insurers and medical professionals would be forced to compete for patient business. This would lower the price of medical care to the consumer.
Now, let us be clear here. No one is claiming medical care should be unregulated. That's silly.
The federal government should be a side by side partner.with both the medical community and the insurance industry. Not a guy sitting in the stagecoach with a whip slashing away at the horses.
I didn't say that. At all. Fuck off.
That's the upshot of your brainwashed idiocy.

No. It isn't. That's the lie you're selling. I'm not opposed to helping the poor, but government is not the right tool for the job.
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
Screw you selfish, greedy, brainwashed fools. Taxes come with having a real society. What idiots...
If it is my desire to keep as much as I can of what I earn makes me selfish, then I guess I'm selfish..And you;ll just have to be pissed off about it.
BTW, I am about to begin a new business venture. It is my intent to use every single tax deduction and loophole my accountant can find. And you'll just deal with it.
Replace the ACA with single payer

Hilarious! The only think the GOP wants to replace ACA with is "Let him die". Remember, these are Republicans. We know them.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.
WHat is it with you libs and your undying need to get shit and have someone else pay for it?
I don't see any real gain in allowing corporations to maximize their profit off of our health. It's not really even free market enterprise, as when you need your appendix out (or whatever) you don't have a choice. And, our system works when you have a choice.

So, in looking at systems working today, we spend gigantic amounts on health care, and it would be great if we didn't have to do that. Luckily enough, there are numerous countries doing better than we are.

So, why are you complaining when people think maybe America could do with spending less on health care?

You really don't see any gain in that?

Let me explain to you the difference.

You need your appendix out. You have two hospitals you could go to.

Hospital one, is a private care center. If you die, they don't get paid. If you wait too long and leave. They don't get paid. If you get treated poorly, you might pay for services, but never come back, and they don't get paid.

You are a customer to them. And if they don't keep the customer, they go out of business.

So they every single incentive in the world, to make sure you are treated well, healed, and survive the illness, and are happy to come back again the next time you need something.... or they will not have a job.

Hospital two, is a gov-care tax-funded socialized care center. If you die.... they still get paid. If you wait hours, weeks, even months or years... they still get paid. If you are treated like a dog, just a number on a waiting list.... they still get paid. If you hate them, and can't stand that place.... they still get paid.

You are not a customer to them. They couldn't care less what happens to you, because they'll get paid no matter what. If every single patient died at that hospital, not a single employee would lose a penny.

They have no incentive whatsoever to help you. They only do the bare minimum to keep the politicians from complaining. This is why you go to the US Post Office, and there is 7 cashier stations, 5 cashiers, and only 2 of them are working, and there's a line out the door of people waiting.

This is why you go to the UPS store, and the moment you walk in, someone comes out to help you. Incentives.

You say you don't believe that?

I have proof of exactly my point.

Healthcare: A Tale of Two ERs | MOMocrats Legacy Posts: 2007-2011

This is blog post, by a Democrat National Convention staffer. You can read the entire post if you wish, or you can take my summery.

Either way, the point is the same.

This girl got sick while working at the DNC, in Denver Colorado. She decided to get it checked out, before it got worse.

The first place she was directed to go to, was a public health clinic. Gov-care at it's best.

She was treated like crap. Had no water or food. The place was in shambles. The staff was rude, and demeaning. She got in at 12:30, and was still there at 4:15, and had only been seen by a nurse who determined she wasn't dying. Another lady in the waiting room literally freaked out while she was there, saying she'd been there for 5 hours, and not seen a doctor.

She said screw this, and left. Worse when she complained to the staff about the treatment in the stifling hot waiting room... the staff literally shrugged and ignored her.

That's socialism. That's 'you are not a customer'.

She left, went to a private care center. It was clean. It was well lit. It was air conditioned. It was comfortable. Within 10 minutes... just 10 minutes of getting in, she was seen by a nurse, and shown to a doctor. Not only this, but the doctor decided to have X-rays done to make sure she didn't have anything severe because her coughing was really bad. She had the X-rays done. Confirmed no serious illness. And then gave her a prescription, and the doctor even spent the time to have a map drawn to the nearest pharmacy.

And all of this was done and completed in an hour. Cost? $35.

Now of course, since this was a Democrat, she of course assumed the only reason why the gov-center treated people like crap, and had horrible service, and was a hive of misery, dirty, hot, and horrible.... is of course because of those evil Republicans.

The reality is, this is the difference around the world. You go to Canada, and they would laugh that people waited 5 hours. That's "normal" there.

Socialism, you are not a customer. You are a problem. No one profits from you being there, so you being there... is just a problem. That's all you are. You are an issue. Just another issue to deal with. And they'll get to it... eventually... unless you leave... or die.

I *WANT* people to profit from my illness. If they don't, then they don't care. I want them to care. I want them to want me to be happy with the service. I want them to need me to be alive. Dead people don't pay bills.

This is the reality. This lady from MOMocrats, lived it out. The people at the VA, see the difference. Trust me.
Spot on!
Unfortunately you'll never get the "free shit" people to believe this
Feel free to propose a system that would do a better job of ensuring that everyone who needs help gets the help they need.

Anything voluntary. The problem with using the government to do it is that we all have different ideas about how best to help the poor. But we shouldn't be allowed to force those ideas on others, even if we can get majority support agreeing with us.

And, remember that we've tried some other systems.

Try harder. Violence isn't the answer. You don't have any right to force your view of the right way to live on others. Period.
Screw you selfish, greedy, brainwashed fools. Taxes come with having a real society. What idiots...

We're not talking about taxes. We're talking about the proper functions of government. Government is a means of protecting our freedom to live as we wish, not a tool to force others to live as we wish.
Fine, as .long as you have heath insurance. No more freeloaders or scams.

It's fine whether I have insurance or not. If you think insurance is a good way to pay for healthcare, great - go for it. But the government shouldn't be used to dictate your preferences to others.
Majority rules. Sorry about that, dreamer.
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.
WHat is it with you libs and your undying need to get shit and have someone else pay for it?
I don't see any real gain in allowing corporations to maximize their profit off of our health. It's not really even free market enterprise, as when you need your appendix out (or whatever) you don't have a choice. And, our system works when you have a choice.

So, in looking at systems working today, we spend gigantic amounts on health care, and it would be great if we didn't have to do that. Luckily enough, there are numerous countries doing better than we are.

So, why are you complaining when people think maybe America could do with spending less on health care?

You really don't see any gain in that?

Let me explain to you the difference.

You need your appendix out. You have two hospitals you could go to.

Hospital one, is a private care center. If you die, they don't get paid. If you wait too long and leave. They don't get paid. If you get treated poorly, you might pay for services, but never come back, and they don't get paid.

You are a customer to them. And if they don't keep the customer, they go out of business.

So they every single incentive in the world, to make sure you are treated well, healed, and survive the illness, and are happy to come back again the next time you need something.... or they will not have a job.

Hospital two, is a gov-care tax-funded socialized care center. If you die.... they still get paid. If you wait hours, weeks, even months or years... they still get paid. If you are treated like a dog, just a number on a waiting list.... they still get paid. If you hate them, and can't stand that place.... they still get paid.

You are not a customer to them. They couldn't care less what happens to you, because they'll get paid no matter what. If every single patient died at that hospital, not a single employee would lose a penny.

They have no incentive whatsoever to help you. They only do the bare minimum to keep the politicians from complaining. This is why you go to the US Post Office, and there is 7 cashier stations, 5 cashiers, and only 2 of them are working, and there's a line out the door of people waiting.

This is why you go to the UPS store, and the moment you walk in, someone comes out to help you. Incentives.

You say you don't believe that?

I have proof of exactly my point.

Healthcare: A Tale of Two ERs | MOMocrats Legacy Posts: 2007-2011

This is blog post, by a Democrat National Convention staffer. You can read the entire post if you wish, or you can take my summery.

Either way, the point is the same.

This girl got sick while working at the DNC, in Denver Colorado. She decided to get it checked out, before it got worse.

The first place she was directed to go to, was a public health clinic. Gov-care at it's best.

She was treated like crap. Had no water or food. The place was in shambles. The staff was rude, and demeaning. She got in at 12:30, and was still there at 4:15, and had only been seen by a nurse who determined she wasn't dying. Another lady in the waiting room literally freaked out while she was there, saying she'd been there for 5 hours, and not seen a doctor.

She said screw this, and left. Worse when she complained to the staff about the treatment in the stifling hot waiting room... the staff literally shrugged and ignored her.

That's socialism. That's 'you are not a customer'.

She left, went to a private care center. It was clean. It was well lit. It was air conditioned. It was comfortable. Within 10 minutes... just 10 minutes of getting in, she was seen by a nurse, and shown to a doctor. Not only this, but the doctor decided to have X-rays done to make sure she didn't have anything severe because her coughing was really bad. She had the X-rays done. Confirmed no serious illness. And then gave her a prescription, and the doctor even spent the time to have a map drawn to the nearest pharmacy.

And all of this was done and completed in an hour. Cost? $35.

Now of course, since this was a Democrat, she of course assumed the only reason why the gov-center treated people like crap, and had horrible service, and was a hive of misery, dirty, hot, and horrible.... is of course because of those evil Republicans.

The reality is, this is the difference around the world. You go to Canada, and they would laugh that people waited 5 hours. That's "normal" there.

Socialism, you are not a customer. You are a problem. No one profits from you being there, so you being there... is just a problem. That's all you are. You are an issue. Just another issue to deal with. And they'll get to it... eventually... unless you leave... or die.

I *WANT* people to profit from my illness. If they don't, then they don't care. I want them to care. I want them to want me to be happy with the service. I want them to need me to be alive. Dead people don't pay bills.

This is the reality. This lady from MOMocrats, lived it out. The people at the VA, see the difference. Trust me.
Spot on!
Unfortunately you'll never get the "free shit" people to believe this
Those people don't exist except in silly dupe world.

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