Replace the ACA with single payer

Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

I realize that sans lies, you'd be mute.
example, superdupe?

Who's the moron who said this?
"ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH."

Why Does Obamacare Make Health Insurance So Expensive?

But....don't stop lying,'s like having a bell on the cat: at least we know where you are.

Obamacare rates actually dropped here in Mass .
And quite a few other blue states. But the brainwash is very strong with these ones...
You idiots don't realize that we pay for health care anyway! Might as well make it efficient .
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

I realize that sans lies, you'd be mute.
example, superdupe?

Who's the moron who said this?
"ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH."

Why Does Obamacare Make Health Insurance So Expensive?

But....don't stop lying,'s like having a bell on the cat: at least we know where you are.
Only in stupid, ex-scam happy, obstructionist red states, dupe.
Why not? Seriously, Canada, Uk, Germany, France, and on down the list have it. It is a proven system and it works. I seriously believe that our healthcare system shouldn't be about jacking up the price just because you're sick. That is wrong.
Well we like getting good care.
We like R&D
We like having drugs that work.

So you can go to Cuba, they have your plan. Should be great!
Lack of Single Payer was my biggest gripe with ACA. Bring on the Single Payer.
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

I realize that sans lies, you'd be mute.
example, superdupe?

Who's the moron who said this?
"ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH."

Why Does Obamacare Make Health Insurance So Expensive?

But....don't stop lying,'s like having a bell on the cat: at least we know where you are.

Obamacare rates actually dropped here in Mass .
And quite a few other blue states. But the brainwash is very strong with these ones...

You're lying again.

Down 3% in Mass and In.

Up in every other state.
Some Obamacare Premiums Are Going Up a Lot This Year
Had no idea the best way to make something efficient was by breaking it. I have a hammer right here, how about I make your clock efficient?
You are a brainwashed functional moron. ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH.

I realize that sans lies, you'd be mute.
example, superdupe?

Who's the moron who said this?
"ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH."

Why Does Obamacare Make Health Insurance So Expensive?

But....don't stop lying,'s like having a bell on the cat: at least we know where you are.
Only in stupid, ex-scam happy, obstructionist red states, dupe.

ObamaCare costs up in 48 states.

That makes you a lying know-nothing, huh?
I realize that sans lies, you'd be mute.
example, superdupe?

Who's the moron who said this?
"ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH."

Why Does Obamacare Make Health Insurance So Expensive?

But....don't stop lying,'s like having a bell on the cat: at least we know where you are.

Obamacare rates actually dropped here in Mass .
And quite a few other blue states. But the brainwash is very strong with these ones...

You're lying again.

Down 3% in Mass and In.

Up in every other state.
Some Obamacare Premiums Are Going Up a Lot This Year
NY isn't on your list- where it went down.
Also, dupe- And that's for 27 year olds- could we just wait til it's implemented? Very scary tho, BSer.

The reality is that, despite these hikes, many Americans won't end up paying more for their insurance, because Obamacare's insurance subsidies cap premiums at a percentage of a family's income. Currently, 85 percent of customers on the exchanges get some sort of assistance. The administration notes that after tax credits, 73 percent of current enrollees will still be able to find a silver plan for less than $100 per month (a little more than half will be able to purchase one for less than $50).

ESPECIALLY 27 years olds!!!!
example, superdupe?

Who's the moron who said this?
"ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH."

Why Does Obamacare Make Health Insurance So Expensive?

But....don't stop lying,'s like having a bell on the cat: at least we know where you are.

Obamacare rates actually dropped here in Mass .
And quite a few other blue states. But the brainwash is very strong with these ones...

You're lying again.

Down 3% in Mass and In.

Up in every other state.
Some Obamacare Premiums Are Going Up a Lot This Year
NY isn't on your list- where it went down.

"NY isn't on your list- where it went down."

"Though health care premiums in New York under the ACA will increase by an overall average of 16.6% in 2017, these subsidies will, in many cases, help to offset these higher prices. You can only calculate and enroll for all forms of financial assistance through the NY State of Health marketplace."
2017 Obamacare New York: Costs, eligibility, deadlines and more

It's truly a puzzlement how a dunce like you can find your way back, each day, to that split-level porta-potty you call home.
Shiny pebbles?
Bread crumbs?

There's really no help for folks like you.

Look into it.
Also, dupe- And that's for 27 year olds- could we just wait til it's implemented? Very scary tho, BSer.

The reality is that, despite these hikes, many Americans won't end up paying more for their insurance, because Obamacare's insurance subsidies cap premiums at a percentage of a family's income. Currently, 85 percent of customers on the exchanges get some sort of assistance. The administration notes that after tax credits, 73 percent of current enrollees will still be able to find a silver plan for less than $100 per month (a little more than half will be able to purchase one for less than $50).

ESPECIALLY 27 years olds!!!!

Did you notice the recent election?
Americans have rejected your Bolshevism.

Did you know that ObamaCare was a program of the Bolsheviks? How'd that work out?
Who's the moron who said this?
"ACA has only made health care better and cheaper DUH."

Why Does Obamacare Make Health Insurance So Expensive?

But....don't stop lying,'s like having a bell on the cat: at least we know where you are.

Obamacare rates actually dropped here in Mass .
And quite a few other blue states. But the brainwash is very strong with these ones...

You're lying again.

Down 3% in Mass and In.

Up in every other state.
Some Obamacare Premiums Are Going Up a Lot This Year
NY isn't on your list- where it went down.

"NY isn't on your list- where it went down."

"Though health care premiums in New York under the ACA will increase by an overall average of 16.6% in 2017, these subsidies will, in many cases, help to offset these higher prices. You can only calculate and enroll for all forms of financial assistance through the NY State of Health marketplace."
2017 Obamacare New York: Costs, eligibility, deadlines and more

It's truly a puzzlement how a dunce like you can find your way back, each day, to that split-level porta-potty you call home.
Shiny pebbles?
Bread crumbs?

There's really no help for folks like you.

Look into it.
Went down the year before- for EVERYONE. You got a thing for 27 year olds? LOL.
Also, dupe- And that's for 27 year olds- could we just wait til it's implemented? Very scary tho, BSer.

The reality is that, despite these hikes, many Americans won't end up paying more for their insurance, because Obamacare's insurance subsidies cap premiums at a percentage of a family's income. Currently, 85 percent of customers on the exchanges get some sort of assistance. The administration notes that after tax credits, 73 percent of current enrollees will still be able to find a silver plan for less than $100 per month (a little more than half will be able to purchase one for less than $50).

ESPECIALLY 27 years olds!!!!

Did you notice the recent election?
Americans have rejected your Bolshevism.

Did you know that ObamaCare was a program of the Bolsheviks? How'd that work out?
GOP plan, dupe. They voted for TRUMP. Change and the big con...
Lack of Single Payer was my biggest gripe with ACA. Bring on the Single Payer.

We have a single payer system. It's called the VA. Have you noticed? The VA sucks. Why do you want to doom the rest of the entire country, to the same crappy care the VA provides?
Also, dupe- And that's for 27 year olds- could we just wait til it's implemented? Very scary tho, BSer.

The reality is that, despite these hikes, many Americans won't end up paying more for their insurance, because Obamacare's insurance subsidies cap premiums at a percentage of a family's income. Currently, 85 percent of customers on the exchanges get some sort of assistance. The administration notes that after tax credits, 73 percent of current enrollees will still be able to find a silver plan for less than $100 per month (a little more than half will be able to purchase one for less than $50).

ESPECIALLY 27 years olds!!!!

Did you notice the recent election?
Americans have rejected your Bolshevism.

Did you know that ObamaCare was a program of the Bolsheviks? How'd that work out?
GOP plan, dupe. They voted for TRUMP. Change and the big con...

Is it possible that the distant may actually attain an education???


1. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.)
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine."

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

QED....ObamaCare....Bolshevism redux

After's what Obama believes.

"Dismissing debates about the differences between capitalism, communism and socialism as merely "interesting intellectual arguments," the president told town hall participants not to "worry" about all that, but to just do whatever is "practical."
Obama Explains His View On Capitalism vs. Communism. It's Maddening.

Of course, he's convinced morons like you, huh?
Also, dupe- And that's for 27 year olds- could we just wait til it's implemented? Very scary tho, BSer.

The reality is that, despite these hikes, many Americans won't end up paying more for their insurance, because Obamacare's insurance subsidies cap premiums at a percentage of a family's income. Currently, 85 percent of customers on the exchanges get some sort of assistance. The administration notes that after tax credits, 73 percent of current enrollees will still be able to find a silver plan for less than $100 per month (a little more than half will be able to purchase one for less than $50).

ESPECIALLY 27 years olds!!!!

Did you notice the recent election?
Americans have rejected your Bolshevism.

Did you know that ObamaCare was a program of the Bolsheviks? How'd that work out?
GOP plan, dupe. They voted for TRUMP. Change and the big con...

Is it possible that the distant may actually attain an education???


1. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.)
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine."

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

QED....ObamaCare....Bolshevism redux

After's what Obama believes.

"Dismissing debates about the differences between capitalism, communism and socialism as merely "interesting intellectual arguments," the president told town hall participants not to "worry" about all that, but to just do whatever is "practical."
Obama Explains His View On Capitalism vs. Communism. It's Maddening.

Of course, he's convinced morons like you, huh?
Sorry, health care has to at least organized by the gov't. Forget the Bolshevik crap- it's even dumber than calling the GOP Nazis...
Also, dupe- And that's for 27 year olds- could we just wait til it's implemented? Very scary tho, BSer.

The reality is that, despite these hikes, many Americans won't end up paying more for their insurance, because Obamacare's insurance subsidies cap premiums at a percentage of a family's income. Currently, 85 percent of customers on the exchanges get some sort of assistance. The administration notes that after tax credits, 73 percent of current enrollees will still be able to find a silver plan for less than $100 per month (a little more than half will be able to purchase one for less than $50).

ESPECIALLY 27 years olds!!!!

Did you notice the recent election?
Americans have rejected your Bolshevism.

Did you know that ObamaCare was a program of the Bolsheviks? How'd that work out?
GOP plan, dupe. They voted for TRUMP. Change and the big con...

Is it possible that the distant may actually attain an education???


1. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.)
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine."

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

QED....ObamaCare....Bolshevism redux

After's what Obama believes.

"Dismissing debates about the differences between capitalism, communism and socialism as merely "interesting intellectual arguments," the president told town hall participants not to "worry" about all that, but to just do whatever is "practical."
Obama Explains His View On Capitalism vs. Communism. It's Maddening.

Of course, he's convinced morons like you, huh?
Sorry, health care has to at least organized by the gov't. Forget the Bolshevik crap- it's even dumber than calling the GOP Nazis...

Truly an advance!

First, I catch you lying, and I reveal the truth.... least now you're only wrong: a moral step in the right direction.
And what are the deductibles on these plans being discussed?

$6,000? $10,000? $12,000?

And hospitals are now beginning to require payment of deductible before admission or surgery.

Great stuff there.
And what are the deductibles on these plans being discussed?

$6,000? $10,000? $12,000?

And hospitals are now beginning to require payment of deductible before admission or surgery.

Great stuff there.

I was in Lancaster, Pa. a while ago, and the local paper explained how the Amish, who eschew healthcare insurance, either make deals with the local hospitals and pay cash...the same rates that the government gets, or are involved in medical tourism...and fly to Mexico for health related issues.

Their choice....medical tourism over medical totalitarianism.

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