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Report details how GOP lost young voters

It appears they did: "Big reason for the image problem: The “outrageous statements made by errant Republican voices.”

Now, I'm I'm not saying Ron Paul is a male Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin (I would say his son is) but much of what Ron Paul suggests isn't practicle in terms of policy and reaching out to the broad voter population.

"Outrageous statements" is referring to people like Todd Akin, not Ron Paul. Nothing Ron Paul said could be taken as "outrageous." You may disagree with it, of course, but to suggest that it's outrageous is nonsense.

calling for a repeal of the Civil Rights Act is pretty outrageous and not really conducive to obtaining the black vote.

For starters, when did Ron Paul call for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act? Are you perhaps confusing Ron for Rand, who still never actually called for the repeal of the act? Regardless, that's simply a policy difference. It's only "outrageous" in the sense that you disagree with it. Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comment was outrageous because it was completely false, demeaning, and moronic.
So the question goes out to the USMB Conservatives: How can you burnish your image to be more appealing to younger voters?

Do you think continuing divisive partisan politics can work?

Do you think doubling down on wedge issues like abortion and gay rights is the way to go?

After reading the study, can calling for lower taxes on the wealthy be a winning strategy?

Will you finally get it right on global warming, or will you continue to be shills for energy companies?

Will you muzzle the Tea Party crazies, or continue to defend them even after deep in your heart you know how nutty they sound?

Or will you seek to blame other forces for your failures? There's academia (who needs smarts), science (it's only 'junk' when they say something you either don't understand or disagree with), the reliable old Main Stream Media boogeyman (bias is only good when the bias is for your position).

I'm betting on the 'blame others' tactic. It hits on all cylinders for Conservatives: it deflects blame from yourselves and it gins up fear and hatred and suspicion (which tamps down logical thinking).
The College Republican National Committee on Monday will make public a detailed report — the result of extensive polling and focus groups — dissecting what went wrong for Republicans with young voters in the 2012 elections and how the party can improve its showing with that key demographic in the future.

In the report, the young Republican activists acknowledge their party has suffered significant damage in recent years. A sampling of the critique on:

Gay marriage: “On the ‘open-minded’ issue … [w]e will face serious difficulty so long as the issue of gay marriage remains on the table.”

Hispanics: “Latino voters … tend to think the GOP couldn’t care less about them.”

Perception of the party’s economic stance: “We’ve become the party that will pat you on your back when you make it, but won’t offer you a hand to help you get there.”

Big reason for the image problem: The “outrageous statements made by errant Republican voices.”

Words that up-for-grabs voters associate with the GOP: “The responses were brutal: closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned.”

“[The] Republican Party has won the youth vote before and can absolutely win it again,” the report says, pointing to presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush who were competitive with that demographic. “But this will not occur without significant work to repair the damage done to the Republican brand among this age group over the last decade.”

The report is based largely on two national surveys of 800 registered voters each, ages 18-29, and six focus groups of young people, including Hispanics, Asian-Americans, single women, economically struggling men and aspiring entrepreneurs in Ohio, Florida and California who had voted for President Barack Obama — he cleaned up with 60 percent of the youth vote — but were considered “winnable” for the GOP.

Read more: Report details how GOP lost young voters - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.com

I wouldnt expect anything else. After all,they've been indoctrinated from kindergarten on up to college graduation.
Give em a few years they'll come around.
It's kind of like the thread about the guy and his "very first real job"(just above min wage) And they expect me to take their views seriously?
The old greybeards of today were yesterday's college kids protesting and demanding the right to pick one another's pockets. What happened was that as these kids mature, they find out how foolish they were in those college days. It was just to steal from those who work, when these kids weren't working. When they become payers into the system instead of takers from the system they change. That's why it's stupid to be taking advice from college kids. They have no idea how their decisions today will impact their lives tomorrow. They end up like George McGovern whose bed and breakfast inn was destroyed by the very laws he fought to put into place as senator.
The GOP has a real problem with messaging... they've allowed the far left to brand them as the party of old, white, racist & homophobic men.. which if course isn't what the right is about at all.

They wimp out in the face of virulent, nasty attacks from the whackaloon brigade instead of calling them out for the liars and frankly, in some instances, racist assholes that the far left can be.

The first step in fixing a problem is admitting that you have one.


And if there isn't a problem, create one. - Sal Alinsky.

RINO's are what's wrong with the republican party, and gutless jellyfish that roll over and cave in to libroids.
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The GOP has a real problem with messaging... they've allowed the far left to brand them as the party of old, white, racist & homophobic men.. which if course isn't what the right is about at all.

They wimp out in the face of virulent, nasty attacks from the whackaloon brigade instead of calling them out for the liars and frankly, in some instances, racist assholes that the far left can be.

Simply put, the majority of the republican party lacks BACK BONE... you are correct Soggy.
The problem with many Americans is that they truly do love and are addicted to Big Brother's Freebies. They want Big Brother out of their lives, except for when it comes to grabbing those Freebies. So it's the ole 'Cake and eat it too' scenario. If you demand the Freebies, just remember there is a price to pay for that.

In exchange for the hand-outs, Big Brother will assume control of your life. It's the trade-off agreement you've agreed to. Big Brother doesn't just hand out Freebies with no strings attached. This is a real dilemma for many Americans. But i see it especially with young people. They'll have to reconsider the Entitlement mentality.
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The left must understand how colleges and universities indoctrinate young minds with liberal revolutionary thinking. It's nothing new, look at the SDS terrorists who were encouraged by colleges. The sad truth is that every single major republican speaker has been a victim of assault on college campus at one time or another. Colleges used to be centers for independent thinking but thanks to about four decades of unrelenting left wing propaganda we have a generation of lock-step politically correct zombies without a independent thought in their heads.

So there are no college graduates that are Republican Senators or Congressmen? I guess these guys and gals were mentally tough, or used some kind of indoctrination spray to sheild themselves. Maybe the wore these:

The GOP has a real problem with messaging... they've allowed the far left to brand them as the party of old, white, racist & homophobic men.. which if course isn't what the right is about at all.

They wimp out in the face of virulent, nasty attacks from the whackaloon brigade instead of calling them out for the liars and frankly, in some instances, racist assholes that the far left can be.

Simply put, the majority of the republican party lacks BACK BONE... you are correct Soggy.
So if the GOP just brought the nasty, they would be a hit among younger voters? This in spite of what the research shows? Should Rick Santorum have been the 2012 GOP nominee?
The GOP has a real problem with messaging... they've allowed the far left to brand them as the party of old, white, racist & homophobic men.. which if course isn't what the right is about at all.

They wimp out in the face of virulent, nasty attacks from the whackaloon brigade instead of calling them out for the liars and frankly, in some instances, racist assholes that the far left can be.

Simply put, the majority of the republican party lacks BACK BONE... you are correct Soggy.
So if the GOP just brought the nasty, they would be a hit among younger voters? This in spite of what the research shows? Should Rick Santorum have been the 2012 GOP nominee?

That's not at all what he said, or what I said for that matter.
The old greybeards of today were yesterday's college kids protesting and demanding the right to pick one another's pockets. What happened was that as these kids mature, they find out how foolish they were in those college days. It was just to steal from those who work, when these kids weren't working. When they become payers into the system instead of takers from the system they change. That's why it's stupid to be taking advice from college kids. They have no idea how their decisions today will impact their lives tomorrow. They end up like George McGovern whose bed and breakfast inn was destroyed by the very laws he fought to put into place as senator.

The left must understand how colleges and universities indoctrinate young minds with liberal revolutionary thinking. It's nothing new, look at the SDS terrorists who were encouraged by colleges. The sad truth is that every single major republican speaker has been a victim of assault on college campus at one time or another. Colleges used to be centers for independent thinking but thanks to about four decades of unrelenting left wing propaganda we have a generation of lock-step politically correct zombies without a independent thought in their heads.

So there are no college graduates that are Republican Senators or Congressmen? I guess these guys and gals were mentally tough, or used some kind of indoctrination spray to sheild themselves. Maybe the wore these:


How many senators or congressmen were elected right out of college?
And the few who are smart enough to see the truth were taught by parents who actually give a shit about their children and dont use the school system as a nanny.
How many senators or congressmen were elected right out of college?
And the few who are smart enough to see the truth were taught by parents who actually give a shit about their children and dont use the school system as a nanny.

So, GOP congressmen don't use the public school system and Democrats don't give a shit about their children :lol:

You people are insane

The GOP has a real problem with messaging... they've allowed the far left to brand them as the party of old, white, racist & homophobic men.. which if course isn't what the right is about at all.

They wimp out in the face of virulent, nasty attacks from the whackaloon brigade instead of calling them out for the liars and frankly, in some instances, racist assholes that the far left can be.

You have the numbers to show they are not?

If so, it should be easy for Republicans to convince young voters otherwise
Gay marriage: This will continue to be a major loser for the GOP until we shut up about it.

Hispanics: This will keep us in the minority nationally if we don't embrace their needs.

"outrageous statements made by errant Republican voices.”: such need to be condemned as not part of the GOP mainstream

closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned: youth say this about older generations every generation but we really have to work on race and minority issues; pointing out any Dem racism gains absolutely no traction with them

Republican Party has won the youth vote before and can absolutely win it again: we have to close the gap significantly
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Yet, if that article is any indication, they don't take into account the one Republican with a significant youth following, Ron Paul.

It's too late for Ron Paul. The GOP managed to marginalize him, and call him crazy, while propping up nutcases like Michelle Bachmann.

I'm not saying he should run for anything again, merely that if the GOP is looking for ways to appeal to young people, and independents, then Ron Paul should be somebody they look to.

I think the rising stature of guys like Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz among others indicates the GOP establishment will either get the message, or wither away and die.

When the left hates someone, they're being effective.
It's too late for Ron Paul. The GOP managed to marginalize him, and call him crazy, while propping up nutcases like Michelle Bachmann.

I'm not saying he should run for anything again, merely that if the GOP is looking for ways to appeal to young people, and independents, then Ron Paul should be somebody they look to.

I think the rising stature of guys like Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz among others indicates the GOP establishment will either get the message, or wither away and die.

When the left hates someone, they're being effective.

Chris Christie can win the young vote
Marco Rubio can win the young vote

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz just come across as angry white men
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How many senators or congressmen were elected right out of college?
And the few who are smart enough to see the truth were taught by parents who actually give a shit about their children and dont use the school system as a nanny.

So, GOP congressmen don't use the public school system and Democrats don't give a shit about their children :lol:

You people are insane


No chuckle head. Once people get out in the real world and get a little life experience they become Republicans.
How many senators or congressmen were elected right out of college?
And the few who are smart enough to see the truth were taught by parents who actually give a shit about their children and dont use the school system as a nanny.

So, GOP congressmen don't use the public school system and Democrats don't give a shit about their children :lol:

You people are insane


No chuckle head. Once people get out in the real world and get a little life experience they become Republicans.

I started out as a Republican and became a Democrat. So did many other posters on this board

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