Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump

Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost
The Huffing Ton Compost...
You psychotic Liberals have been posting bullshit from this rag since the day Trump threw his hat into the ring and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin.
Dumbfuc comes running into this thread embarrassing himself again.
It's already been established the source of Huffpo's article is the NYT.
Another giant failure.

You're kidding...
You're using the New York Slimes to back up the Ariana Compost?
How seriously stupid are you?
The news of Flynn flipping on trump is all over the place...
plus Arianna hasn't been part of Huffpo for 3 years.
Ha ha ha ha
Every time you address me.. you make a total fool of yourself.
I've provided about 10 links from about 6 sources on how Mueller is moving in for the kill... but won't focus on that. We both know why.
Uh, semen sample, I just read your Link and why should I care?
It says nothing.
You are truly emotionally disturbed.
JGalt slithered away in shame. Lol

You are delusional. I just don't care for arguing with deranged people. I have more productive ways to spend my time.
One of those ways is pushing your birther lies
Couldn't handle when I batted them into the cheap seats

You're batting zero, mang. You have been shitposting all day and haven't made a single coherent statement.

Lay off the crack pipe dood. Drugs are bad mmm...kay?
All day?
I spent all day with my family. I just came here this evening. You're a lot like Trump. You can't stop lying.
JGalt slithered away in shame. Lol

You are delusional. I just don't care for arguing with deranged people. I have more productive ways to spend my time.
One of those ways is pushing your birther lies
Couldn't handle when I batted them into the cheap seats

You're batting zero, mang. You have been shitposting all day and haven't made a single coherent statement.

Lay off the crack pipe dood. Drugs are bad mmm...kay?
All day?
I spent all day with my family. I just came here this evening. You're a lot like Trump. You can't stop lying.
But you will be here all night...reiterating, reiterating, reiterating, reiterating...
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost
The Huffing Ton Compost...
You psychotic Liberals have been posting bullshit from this rag since the day Trump threw his hat into the ring and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin.

"and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin."

"Every" one, eh? I'm sure a lot of people in the Trump orbit wish you were anywhere close to correct in saying that.
Are you going to list them like you did your views on God providing clothes to Adam & Eve or are you going to torture us with the "brilliance" of your pithy, "I have nothing to say and I'm announcing such"?

I should bother to list stories at Huff post about Manafort, Flynn, Russian contacts, what, soothe you? No. Sorry. Yes, cue standard "Because you can't!" garbage. Any 5nyear old with google could do that, and you would embarrass yourself to claim such stories do not exist.
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost
The Huffing Ton Compost...
You psychotic Liberals have been posting bullshit from this rag since the day Trump threw his hat into the ring and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin.
Dumbfuc comes running into this thread embarrassing himself again.
It's already been established the source of Huffpo's article is the NYT.
Another giant failure.

You're kidding...
You're using the New York Slimes to back up the Ariana Compost?
How seriously stupid are you?
The news of Flynn flipping on trump is all over the place...
plus Arianna hasn't been part of Huffpo for 3 years.
Ha ha ha ha
Every time you address me.. you make a total fool of yourself.
I've provided about 10 links from about 6 sources on how Mueller is moving in for the kill... but won't focus on that. We both know why.
Uh, semen sample, I just read your Link and why should I care?
It says nothing.
You are truly emotionally disturbed.
Didn't know Arianna has been gone from Huffpo for years.
Calls the most respected newspaper in the country the NY Slime.
You really are just another of the dopes trumptalked about.
" I love my uneducated base."

Kushner is in a lot of trouble. Flynn's going give upTrump and all you can do is stumble and fumble your way into this thread.

Video: Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner face new scrutiny in Russia investigation
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost
The Huffing Ton Compost...
You psychotic Liberals have been posting bullshit from this rag since the day Trump threw his hat into the ring and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin.

"and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin."

"Every" one, eh? I'm sure a lot of people in the Trump orbit wish you were anywhere close to correct in saying that.
Are you going to list them like you did your views on God providing clothes to Adam & Eve or are you going to torture us with the "brilliance" of your pithy, "I have nothing to say and I'm announcing such"?

I should bother to list stories at Huff post about Manafort, Flynn, Russian contacts, what, soothe you? No. Sorry. Yes, cue standard "Because you can't!" garbage. Any 5nyear old with google could do that, and you would embarrass yourself to claim such stories do not exist.
You are consistent when it comes to having zero to contribute to a conversation.
The key words are may be.
Yeah... just like two indictments MAY BE handed out.
And they were.
Then we get a guilty plea by Papadopolous and HE's also cooperating with Mueller.
Your Russian whore is toast.
The Huffing Ton Compost...
You psychotic Liberals have been posting bullshit from this rag since the day Trump threw his hat into the ring and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin.
Dumbfuc comes running into this thread embarrassing himself again.
It's already been established the source of Huffpo's article is the NYT.
Another giant failure.

You're kidding...
You're using the New York Slimes to back up the Ariana Compost?
How seriously stupid are you?
The news of Flynn flipping on trump is all over the place...
plus Arianna hasn't been part of Huffpo for 3 years.
Ha ha ha ha
Every time you address me.. you make a total fool of yourself.
I've provided about 10 links from about 6 sources on how Mueller is moving in for the kill... but won't focus on that. We both know why.
Uh, semen sample, I just read your Link and why should I care?
It says nothing.
You are truly emotionally disturbed.
Didn't know Arianna has been gone from Huffpo for years.
Calls the most respected newspaper in the country the NY Slime.
You really are just another of the dopes trumptalked about.
" I love my uneducated base."

Kushner is in a lot of trouble. Flynn's going give upTrump and all you can do is stumble and fumble your way into this thread.

Video: Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner face new scrutiny in Russia investigation
Now provide us with all the anti-Trump stories from the two that have produced anything of value in the last 18 months.
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost
The Huffing Ton Compost...
You psychotic Liberals have been posting bullshit from this rag since the day Trump threw his hat into the ring and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin.

"and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin."

"Every" one, eh? I'm sure a lot of people in the Trump orbit wish you were anywhere close to correct in saying that.
Are you going to list them like you did your views on God providing clothes to Adam & Eve or are you going to torture us with the "brilliance" of your pithy, "I have nothing to say and I'm announcing such"?

I should bother to list stories at Huff post about Manafort, Flynn, Russian contacts, what, soothe you? No. Sorry. Yes, cue standard "Because you can't!" garbage. Any 5nyear old with google could do that, and you would embarrass yourself to claim such stories do not exist.
You are consistent when it comes to having zero to contribute to a conversation.
Pot calling the kettle black?
You never ever contribute to any conversation.
Like the 17 women who were molested by Trump.
Your contribution: They're fugly."
You truly are an idiot.
The Huffing Ton Compost...
You psychotic Liberals have been posting bullshit from this rag since the day Trump threw his hat into the ring and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin.

"and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin."

"Every" one, eh? I'm sure a lot of people in the Trump orbit wish you were anywhere close to correct in saying that.
Are you going to list them like you did your views on God providing clothes to Adam & Eve or are you going to torture us with the "brilliance" of your pithy, "I have nothing to say and I'm announcing such"?

I should bother to list stories at Huff post about Manafort, Flynn, Russian contacts, what, soothe you? No. Sorry. Yes, cue standard "Because you can't!" garbage. Any 5nyear old with google could do that, and you would embarrass yourself to claim such stories do not exist.
You are consistent when it comes to having zero to contribute to a conversation.
Pot calling the kettle black?
You never ever contribute to any conversation.
Like the 17 women who were molested by Trump.
Your contribution: They're fugly."
You truly are an idiot.
I actually discussed this today with people face to face.
They're fugly and you probably have zero standards.
The key words are may be.
Yeah... just like two indictments MAY BE handed out.
And they were.
Then we get a guilty plea by Papadopolous and HE's also cooperating with Mueller.
Your Russian whore is toast.
You know what indictments do?
They provide lawyers with billable hours.
It's also the first step in putting people in prison.
Won't admit that will you Trump whore.
Billable hours.
And being the schmuck you are, you don't know no one releases hot news on a holiday weekend?
You really are a dumb fuck.
Trump is reportedly souring on Jared Kushner in the White House as Mueller's Russia probe intensifies

Wonder what Ivanka feels about this? Lol
The worst prez in history gave Kushner about 12 jobs to do.
Has he cured the opiod crisis yet?
Solved the Mideast peace problem?

Now it looks like Jared will be the next one being put in handcuffs for lying about what he knew about Russia.

I'm so loving watch all of Trump's people fall on the way to his own demise.
Yeah, they've been arresting Jared for about 5 weeks now?
He must be one of Batman's arch enemies.
The key words are may be.
Yeah... just like two indictments MAY BE handed out.
And they were.
Then we get a guilty plea by Papadopolous and HE's also cooperating with Mueller.
Your Russian whore is toast.
The indictments were for money laundering and tax evasion which was and is not the focus of the investigation Papadopoulos is a minor nobody try not to fall down and hurt yourself with all that spinning. On the bright side you have won the award for the biggest thanksgiving turkey.
The key words are may be.
Yeah... just like two indictments MAY BE handed out.
And they were.
Then we get a guilty plea by Papadopolous and HE's also cooperating with Mueller.
Your Russian whore is toast.
You know what indictments do?
They provide lawyers with billable hours.
It's also the first step in putting people in prison.
Won't admit that will you Trump whore.
Billable hours.
And being the schmuck you are, you don't know no one releases hot news on a holiday weekend?
You really are a dumb fuck.
Tool is actually denying Flynn is flipping on Trump despite it being onall the major news organizations.
Ha haha

There's nothing dumber on earth that a trump supporter.
The Huffing Ton Compost...
You psychotic Liberals have been posting bullshit from this rag since the day Trump threw his hat into the ring and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin.

"and every single story from the Ariana Compost has wound up in the Recycle To Next Bullshit Story Bin."

"Every" one, eh? I'm sure a lot of people in the Trump orbit wish you were anywhere close to correct in saying that.
Are you going to list them like you did your views on God providing clothes to Adam & Eve or are you going to torture us with the "brilliance" of your pithy, "I have nothing to say and I'm announcing such"?

I should bother to list stories at Huff post about Manafort, Flynn, Russian contacts, what, soothe you? No. Sorry. Yes, cue standard "Because you can't!" garbage. Any 5nyear old with google could do that, and you would embarrass yourself to claim such stories do not exist.
You are consistent when it comes to having zero to contribute to a conversation.
Pot calling the kettle black?
You never ever contribute to any conversation.
Like the 17 women who were molested by Trump.
Your contribution: They're fugly."
You truly are an idiot.

"You never ever contribute to any conversation."

"You truly are an idiot."

You contribute what exactly except Trolling? Since February 11,460 posts and whatever I have read from you has brought idiocy to a new level of definition.
The key words are may be.
Yeah... just like two indictments MAY BE handed out.
And they were.
Then we get a guilty plea by Papadopolous and HE's also cooperating with Mueller.
Your Russian whore is toast.
You know what indictments do?
They provide lawyers with billable hours.
It's also the first step in putting people in prison.
Won't admit that will you Trump whore.
Billable hours.
And being the schmuck you are, you don't know no one releases hot news on a holiday weekend?
You really are a dumb fuck.
Tool is actually denying Flynn is flipping on Trump despite it being onall the major news organizations.
Ha haha

There's nothing dumber on earth that a trump supporter.
Please tell me exactly where that is in the article.

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