Reports of shots fired after a vehicle mowed down pedestrians in Lower Manhattan

Sounds like he's still alive, which is (comparatively) good. We need to get inside the heads of people like this.
------------------------ respectfully asked , WHY Mac ??

Exactly....we already know what is in the heads of islamic jihadists....the only remedy is to kill them...aka keep it simple stupid.

They go on and on about how NYPD is the most trained, the most vigilant anti-terrorist police dept. in America and it is probably true.....but they could not stop this attack............why? Because as even the main stream aka lame stream media admits....very, very difficult to stop an attack like this...actually impossible even if your police dept is the best in the world

The next question should be...........well...what is our best way to fight these sorts of attacks....what is our best defense? The first thing that needs to be done....keep them from coming here....this perp in N.Y. came here in 2010....guess who was president....guess how he got here...guess who allowed and promoted such stupidity? look at how the courts have fought Trump's actions to keep the islamic jihadists from coming to America..........when will America get back to using some common sense?

when we start banning people from America that look like this.........................

We're not going to be banning people who look like that. And, he can shave and look like a software developer from Pittsburgh.

So instead, we can make the most of every opportunity to gain useful intelligence from them.

I bet you got bruises on your ass from falling off the turnip truck....what I want to know is what makes chumps like you get your mental wiring all fucked up??
Sounds like he's still alive, which is (comparatively) good. We need to get inside the heads of people like this.
------------------------ respectfully asked , WHY Mac ??

Exactly....we already know what is in the heads of islamic jihadists....the only remedy is to kill them...aka keep it simple stupid.

They go on and on about how NYPD is the most trained, the most vigilant anti-terrorist police dept. in America and it is probably true.....but they could not stop this attack............why? Because as even the main stream aka lame stream media admits....very, very difficult to stop an attack like this...actually impossible even if your police dept is the best in the world

The next question should be...........well...what is our best way to fight these sorts of attacks....what is our best defense? The first thing that needs to be done....keep them from coming here....this perp in N.Y. came here in 2010....guess who was president....guess how he got here...guess who allowed and promoted such stupidity? look at how the courts have fought Trump's actions to keep the islamic jihadists from coming to America..........when will America get back to using some common sense?

when we start banning people from America that look like this.........................

We're not going to be banning people who look like that. And, he can shave and look like a software developer from Pittsburgh.

So instead, we can make the most of every opportunity to gain useful intelligence from them.

I bet you got bruises on your ass from falling off the turnip truck....what I want to know is what makes chumps like you get your mental wiring all fucked up??
Should not have been allowed in country.
And it's just awful because, well.... liberals in their quest for muhammadism diversity and their desire for open borders, and anti-vetting radical muslim hugging liberal judges attract this and usually happen to live where these horrific things happen.

So sad.

Truly tragic and about half the nation goes along with these nut jobs...due mainly to mainstream media propaganda....theirs is not to inform but to deceive.
Sounds like he's still alive, which is (comparatively) good. We need to get inside the heads of people like this.
------------------------ respectfully asked , WHY Mac ??

Exactly....we already know what is in the heads of islamic jihadists....the only remedy is to kill them...aka keep it simple stupid.

They go on and on about how NYPD is the most trained, the most vigilant anti-terrorist police dept. in America and it is probably true.....but they could not stop this attack............why? Because as even the main stream aka lame stream media admits....very, very difficult to stop an attack like this...actually impossible even if your police dept is the best in the world

The next question should be...........well...what is our best way to fight these sorts of attacks....what is our best defense? The first thing that needs to be done....keep them from coming here....this perp in N.Y. came here in 2010....guess who was president....guess how he got here...guess who allowed and promoted such stupidity? look at how the courts have fought Trump's actions to keep the islamic jihadists from coming to America..........when will America get back to using some common sense?

when we start banning people from America that look like this.........................

We're not going to be banning people who look like that. And, he can shave and look like a software developer from Pittsburgh.

So instead, we can make the most of every opportunity to gain useful intelligence from them.

I bet you got bruises on your ass from falling off the turnip truck....what I want to know is what makes chumps like you get your mental wiring all fucked up??
Should not have been allowed in country.

Exactly....I suppose that just makes too much sense for the intellgentsia?
Usbek National.

But hey, we should continue to allow unfettered traverse across our borders. Let's let everybody in from muslim countries. They're all cool. Just ask coyote.

Muslims are not the leaders in American killings in America.
We kill ourselves more. Hell, even in the year of the 911 attack!
Muslims got some 3000 plus that year. Thier high, and have not ever come close again.
Americans on American for that year got over 28,000 that year!
As I recall? And does that # and more, and more each year.
Just heard the Mayor call this guy a 'lone wolf'.....Just how mentally ill does one have to be to believe that? Even a lone wolf runs with a pack. Fucking idiot.

That's what never makes any sense about these incidents and investigations. This attack happened less than 4 hours ago and they are already calling it a "lone wolf" attack? With not even 4 hours worth of investigation? No wonder there's so many conspiracy theorists out there. SMH.
I bet you got bruises on your ass from falling off the turnip truck....what I want to know is what makes chumps like you get your mental wiring all fucked up??
You aren't fooling anyone. You don't hate Muslims because they hate gays.
And for the zillionth time, ol' Mac takes incoming from both silly ends.

In the same thread.

How simple life must be for you.
think its a losing proposition for Americans , especially for those that have to live with muslims and especially for big city folk . Next there will be some kinda martial type law , starting and who knows how tight that will get . And its ALL so that muslims can be imported into the USA and for WHAT reason except to mess up Americans lives .

Martial law would be a good thing if we have the right president. It would have been a disaster under obama. But now we have the right might be the only way to save America....when about half the population hates america and would not mind seeing it destroyed.....either out of ignorance or evil ways....then it is time to take some radical action...Trump is the guy to do it. Heil Trump!!!
You are insane
Liberals need to understand we are at war. Need to look back to World War 2
Usbek National.

But hey, we should continue to allow unfettered traverse across our borders. Let's let everybody in from muslim countries. They're all cool. Just ask coyote.

Muslims are not the leaders in American killings in America.
We kill ourselves more. Hell, even in the year of the 911 attack!
Muslims got some 3000 plus that year. Thier high, and have not ever come close again.
Americans on American for that year got over 28,000 that year!
As I recall? And does that # and more, and more each year.
Your an idiot.
As I and probably others demanded way back when, Muslims should not be allowed to rent vehicles.
Or walk in groups of three or more. Or wear burkas and nightshirts -- or those goddam beards.
Usbek National.

But hey, we should continue to allow unfettered traverse across our borders. Let's let everybody in from muslim countries. They're all cool. Just ask coyote.

Muslims are not the leaders in American killings in America.
We kill ourselves more. Hell, even in the year of the 911 attack!
Muslims got some 3000 plus that year. Thier high, and have not ever come close again.
Americans on American for that year got over 28,000 that year!
As I recall? And does that # and more, and more each year.
Your an idiot.

Can't deal with FACTS can you!
(sigh).....lets all say it together.....a angry white person, who supports Obama, Bernie and Hillary, was a nice guy until he turned liberal...yada yada yada yada....Next?

Now if the back of the truck is full of stolen loot we know ....
They're showing footage of the guy, he looks goofy, stupid and sorta white......just sayiiin...listen, com'on, yaw do shit like dis...own it!!

that brothas robbed the wrecked cars and took valuables off of victims
Usbek National.

But hey, we should continue to allow unfettered traverse across our borders. Let's let everybody in from muslim countries. They're all cool. Just ask coyote.

Muslims are not the leaders in American killings in America.
We kill ourselves more. Hell, even in the year of the 911 attack!
Muslims got some 3000 plus that year. Thier high, and have not ever come close again.
Americans on American for that year got over 28,000 that year!
As I recall? And does that # and more, and more each year.
Your an idiot.

Can't deal with FACTS can you!
McCain is a fuck head. I voted independent in 2008.
Usbek National.

But hey, we should continue to allow unfettered traverse across our borders. Let's let everybody in from muslim countries. They're all cool. Just ask coyote.

Muslims are not the leaders in American killings in America.
We kill ourselves more. Hell, even in the year of the 911 attack!
Muslims got some 3000 plus that year. Thier high, and have not ever come close again.
Americans on American for that year got over 28,000 that year!
As I recall? And does that # and more, and more each year.
Your an idiot.

Can't deal with FACTS can you!

You know he's a Republican and Christian right? You know, the same folks you call racist, ignorant, fools, sheep, etc etc, around here everyday.

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