Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

So which is worse:

We are going to impeach that motherfuker


Some Mexicans don’t rape and a Mexican can’t be a good judge


I like soldiers who weren’t captured


You can only talk that way if you’re orange.

No further comments from me on this thread because I’ve been blocked. That’s how Republicans do things, they block you. They’re firm believers in voter suppression and blocking free speech.
It’s the only way their echo chamber actually works.
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You mean she is not Politically Correct?

I thought we ended that when we elected Trump?

We did in fact the trumpster signed an EO that said just that. There will be no more politically correctness period you call me mf I call you mf.
Ever notice how Democrats always want everyone else to act “respectable”...except for themselves. Funny how that works :)
is going to impeach the mother fucker!

Go dems go!

Rashida Tlaib calls Trump an expletive during pitch to impeach

Speaking to a crowd of supporters Thursday night, the Michigan Democrat and one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress said of Trump: "People love you and you win. And when your son looks at you and says, 'Momma, look you won. Bullies don't win.' And I said, 'Baby, they don't, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the mother***er.'”

Way to make an impression!!

The democrat Party desperately needs adult supervision
They are all ***** as are their supporters!
Please continue with impeachment attempts, Dimtards.

Thank you for a 2020 landslide
Rashida Tlaib calls Trump an expletive during pitch to impeach

Freshman U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib wasted no time in calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump just hours after being sworn in.

"People love you and you win. And when your son looks at you and says, 'Momma, look you won. Bullies don't win.' And I said, 'Baby, they don't, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the mother***er.'”


For all the complaints about President Trump's behavior not being professional, which I agree with many, Tlaib's behavior, at the very least, is conduct unbecoming of an elected Federal Congresswoman and she should be admonished by the House - which will never happen since the Democrats have taken over and most of them have suffered with ETH (Extreme Trump Hatred) / TDS going on 2 years now, not to mention they introduced a bill to Impeach the President on Day 1.

At the most, some could argue that what she stated equates to 'Sedition'.

"Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch / ruler / President."

"Overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often (NOT ALWAYS) includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent towards, or resistance against established authority."

Immediately after it was announced that Donald Trump won the Presidency D-Schumer openly declared the Democratic Party / Democrats were 100% committed to obstruction / opposing / resisting anything the President and GOP ('established authority') would attempt to accomplish for the good of the country.

It can be easily argued that the Democrats' SPEECH - violent intolerance - most certainly DID 'incite people to rebel against the authority', as a result of their violent rhetoric was the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the successful shooting of one of those politicians.

It can be argued that Waters' call for citizens to publicly harass members of the current administration and Conservative politicians which have led to physical attacks (a GOP candidate beaten up outside of her campaign HQ, water being thrown in the faces of elected Conservative politicians, etc...) could be technically considered 'Sedition'.

It can also be argued that bitter, hate-driven '2-time loser' Hillary's public call for American citizens to suspend all civility and an increase in violent intolerance against Conservatives and this current administration could be technically considered 'Sedition'.

Tlaib's vulgar expletive-laden rant against the President, however, was, again, extremely un-professional and gives the impression to some that she (like many other Democrats) are just out to undo the 2016 election / overthrow / oust the Current President, in essence a 'coup'. Democrats yesterday even openly declared they neither needed no evidence of criminal activity against the President nor needed to wait for Special Counsel Mueller's report to begin Impeachment proceedings against the current President. The fact that they hate him and that he beat Hillary is enough reason / justification for their attempted political 'coup.

In justifying her comment, Tlaib stated:

"President Donald Trump is a direct and serious threat to our country. On an almost daily basis, he attacks our Constitution, our democracy, the rule of law and the people who are in this country, Each passing day brings more pain for the people most directly hurt by this president, and these are days we simply cannot get back. The time for impeachment proceedings is now."

Tlaib spews forth the same old Democrat talking points and accusations against the President without offering any evidence or specifics to support her Democrats have done for 2 years and like Democrats declared yesterday they do not need to do to begin Impeachment proceedings.

This could not be further from the truth, but far be it from me to point out the ignorance of hate-driven Democrats. I will let others do that instead:

"To remove a sitting president, the constitution requires conviction of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

After 2 years of witch hunt investigations, that have resulted in evidence of crimes committed by Democrats / the witch hunters, no evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation or a Special Counsel, and no evidence has been found to prove the false allegations of non-existent illegal collusion between the President and the Russians to alter the 2016 election.


The impeachment process would further require the consent of both the House and two-thirds of the Senate, which is still a Republican majority."

The hijacking of the Democratic Party and the country as a whole by sour-grapes, butt-hurt, Trump-Hating Far Left Wing Socialist Democrat Extremists in pursuit of a political coup against the President has resulted in massive division of this country, distraction from getting business done for the good of the country, and has wasted millions of tax dollars. The continued pursuit of Impeachment of the President - even for no other reason than they want to do so - is more of a complete waste of time. Impeachment is DEAD before Pelosi, should she do so, ever decide to bring it up before the House. Even if passed the Senate will kill the Extremists' attempt, further proving that the entire attempt knowing it would fail to begin with was Political Theatrics to emotionally manipulate / appease their base to begin with.

"...we’re gonna impeach the mother***er.'”

NO, no you are not, you ignorant, radical, Leftist extremist...

...and, IMHO, for such openly disrespectful / unprofessional, vulgar behavior / conduct un-becoming of a US Congressperson you should be admonished.

(*** I think any elected politician, no matter what party they belong to, should be admonished for making such an open, vulgar comment / threat to a sitting US President. Pelosi needs to pull this freshman aside and school her on how to represent herself and the party more professionally in public.)
An example of real sedition was back when armed militia took over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. A GOP congressmen calling it civil disobedience.

"Gasp, she said a no-no word! That's far worse than groping a child, sexually assaulting women, committing adultery, or committing treason!"
-Fox and Friends
Hilarious to hear a tRumpkin unironically accuse anyone else of sedition.

And just who's behavior do you think has normalized this kinda talk in politics anyway?
More evidence that Democrats condemn in others what they do and accept among their own. Hypocrite.
You mean she is not Politically Correct?

I thought we ended that when we elected Trump?

We did in fact the trumpster signed an EO that said just that. There will be no more politically correctness period you call me mf I call you mf.

Calling people a mf is part of making America Great

Trump says political correctness is a danger to our country
Democrats here will never criticize the ignorant Muslim whore. She's a female, black, Muslim and democrat. Untouchable.
Hilarious to hear a tRumpkin unironically accuse anyone else of sedition.

And just who's behavior do you think has normalized this kinda talk in politics anyway?
More evidence that Democrats condemn in others what they do and accept among their own. Hypocrite.
There doesn't really seem to be any "leader" in either party suggesting our shared beliefs from both political spectrums outweigh partisan differences.
Democrats here will never criticize the ignorant Muslim whore. She's a female, black, Muslim and democrat. Untouchable.
Calling women whores when you don't like their politics or even religion (bigotry btw) does not uplift the debate, and you actually make her point for her.
Don’t forget, muslims hate and kill homos.
Republicans only hate homosexuals so you want an attaboy for not killing them?
Who said anything about repubs? I was talking about the religion of the kunt in the thread.
So besides hating homosexuals you`re not too crazy about women either. Is there a mosque in your town you can join?

Apparently you hate EVERYONE WHO IS NOT A HOMO!

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