"Reproductive Rights" is Democrat Doublespeak.

Women are not screaming about losing their right to reproduce. So stop with the obnoxious and deceitful term "Reproductive Rights". I suggest calling it what is: "Fetal Termination Rights". The Left always tries to hide behind noble phrases. Try being honest and drop "Reproductive Rights". Seriously give us a break, if you want to reproduce, there is no one or no law that is stopping you.


That is what i always say! It really is deceptive, and imo it was purposely designed to be.

They have to use euphemisms or deceptive phrases because actually stating the reality wouldn't be very good marketing ha ha.
Since you morons don’t even know what a woman is, actively replace women with actual MEN, and support mentally ill freaks beating women, you may want to shut your ignorant pie hole before embarrassing yourself even more. Oops, too late.
My. That was emotional, and delusional.

But then, you needed to deflect from the topic somehow. And you needed a good cry.
Lefties are probably coached by mainstream media experts to use benign terms to describe horrific agendas. It works when Americans are victims of the federal education system. LBJ's abject failure "Great Society" and Obama's criminal arming of Mexican drug cartels with "Operation Fast/Furious" come to mind.
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That is what i always say! It really is deceptive, and imo it was purposely designed to be.

They have to use euphemisms or deceptive phrases because actually stating the reality wouldn't be very good marketing ha ha.
They either hide behind euphemisms like "reproductive rights" or they twist words into weapons like turning MAGA and Nationalist into White Supremacist slurs.
My. That was emotional, and delusional.

But then, you needed to deflect from the topic somehow. And you needed a good cry.
No moron. You just got owned. As usual. Of course you’re nothing more than a whiny little bitch. What is a woman moron? You deny that mentally ill people like YOU are intruding into women’s sports? But of course you need to run away when confronted with how big an idiot you truly are. And YOU are the one crying as usual retard.
hey either hide behind euphemisms like "reproductive rights" or they twist words into weapons like turning MAGA and Nationalist into White Supremacist slurs.

Um, because they are white supremacist language... that's why we can weaponize them.

How is Abortion NOT a reproductive right? If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she should have a right to end her pregnancy.
Reproductive rights is just terminology used to soften or change the context of something someone shouldn't be doing. It is misleading in it's wording to make people pay less attention to it and diminish what it really means. Kind of like how they also use minor attracted persons instead of pedophiles or BLM rioting, stealing and burning down buildings as mostly peaceful protests
Reproductive rights is just terminology used to soften or change the context of something someone shouldn't be doing. It is misleading in it's wording to make people pay less attention to it and diminish what it really means. Kind of like how they also use minor attracted persons instead of pedophiles or BLM rioting, stealing and burning down buildings as mostly peaceful protests
Just like J6
How is Abortion NOT a reproductive right? If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she should have a right to end her pregnancy.

Because once you're pregnant, you have already reproduced. So abortion has nothing to do with "reproductive rights" - no one is stopping you from reproducing as much as you want, or not reproducing. Abortion is about "killing rights." If you're being honest, that is.

And just in case this needs to be said, there is no right to kill an innocent human being. But there IS a right to not be unjustly killed, that's the most basic human right of all.
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Because once you're pregnant, you have already reproduced. So abortion has nothing to do with "reproductive rights" - no one is stopping you from reproducing as much as you want, or not reproducing. Abortion is about "killing rights." If you're being honest, that is.

And just in case this needs to be said, there is no right to kill an innocent human being. But there IS a right to not be unjustly killed, that's the most basic human right of all.

That's why people fight back when we invade their countries but we call them "terrorists" for exercising their basic human rights.
Because once you're pregnant, you have already reproduced. So abortion has nothing to do with "reproductive rights" - no one is stopping you from reproducing as much as you want, or not reproducing. Abortion is about "killing rights." If you're being honest, that is.

And just in case this needs to be said, there is no right to kill an innocent human being. But there IS a right to not be unjustly killed, that's the most basic human right of all.

Fetuses aren't people.

we don't let people take fetuses as tax deductions, we don't count fetuses in the census.
Not people.
Women are not screaming about losing their right to reproduce. So stop with the obnoxious and deceitful term "Reproductive Rights". I suggest calling it what is: "Fetal Termination Rights". The Left always tries to hide behind noble phrases.

The proper term would be "Non-Mother's Right to Butcher."

If the father butchers the unborn baby, he goes to prison for murder, as did Scott Peterson and many other men.

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